Azure Public IP Global vs Regional Tier - azure

When creating a Public IP Adress in Azure i can choose the Tier between Regional and Global.
We are using the IP Adress for Azure Application Gateway Standard_V2. When i want to use a Global Public IP for it's Frontend i get an error that only Regional IPs are supported. I get that Azure Application Gateway is a regional Load Balancer that can't balance load between regions and routes only to Backends in a single region.
I don't understand the consequences of choosing the Tier for the Public IP tough.
Here i read that
Public IP addresses are associated with a single region. The Global
tier spans an IP address across multiple regions. Global tier is
required for the frontends of cross-region load balancers.
But does that mean, that the IP Address is only reachable from clients within a certain region? We will create a DNS Entry pointing to this IP Address which will be available globally. Or is this region just refering to where the Azure Resource is created?

Markus Strobl: I did couple of testing and identified below things.
Irrespective of type of tier selected for the Public IP address while creating, you can associate it to Azure Resources which are located in same Location as that of the Public IP
Irrespective of type of tier selected for the Public IP address while creating, these IPs can be reached from any location (post allocating them to Azure Resources)
If you want enable Cross-region load balancing, then the Public IP has to be created under Global Tier.


How can I use Public IP address and VM in different locations in azure?

I would like to have USA location Public IP for my VM which is located in Europe, is it possible for Azure? If yes, how could I do it?
The public IP must reside in the same location as the resource it is attached to. So it is not easily possible to create a VM in one region, and have the public IP in another.
The public IP addresses that appear are those that exist in the same region as the VM.
You can however host a service in one region, e.g. an Azure Load Balancer, and have that service redirect all traffic to your VM in another region. You will need a couple of resources to achieve that.
Standard load balancer in the US region (basic will not work)
Public IP assigned to load balancer
VNet in the US region
VNet in the Europe region
VM in the Europe region (no public IP required in Europe)
VNet Peering between the two VNets

Azure Load balancer static IPs

Are Azure public IPs truly static or can they change?
I have 2 load balancers each have 2 VMs behind them.
I offer a multi-tenant SAAS solution to my end users and ask that they map a CNAME record in their DNS to our domain name.
There are some scenarios where i would allow the end user to map an A record to our IPs. How risky is this with Azure IPs?
In fact, whatever basic or standard load balancer you are using, both are supporting to assign the public-facing load balancing solution with the static allocation method.
For basic SKU LB, you can change the basic public IP from the dynamic allocation method to static, for standard SKU LB, Azure always uses static allocation method for your standard public IP.
So there is no risk unless you are assigning the public IP to other resources or release these public IPs. For more details, you can look at this.
Static addresses are only released if a network interface is deleted.
If you change the allocation method to dynamic, Azure dynamically
assigns the previously assigned static IP address as the dynamic
address, even if the address isn't the next available address in the
subnet's address range. The address also changes if the network
interface is assigned to a different subnet within the same virtual
network, but to assign the network interface to a different subnet,
you must first change the allocation method from static to dynamic.
Once you've assigned the network interface to a different subnet, you
can change the allocation method back to static, and assign an IP
address from the new subnet's address range.
If you change the setting to static ip in the load balancer , it should remain static until you change it again.

Is there any equivalent to aws eip in azure? Apart from load balancer

we have an active-passive server setup.So we want to allocate a public ip to active server. We are able to do this in AWS using eip .Is there any feature which we can use in azure just like eip in aws?
You could use static Public IPs in Azure. You could associate a Public IP to a VM's NIC then change the IP address assignment to static. Also, Azure DNS allows you to reach this IP via a Public custom DNS name.
We do support Static Public IPs in Azure today that is equivalent to
Elastic IP in AWS. Static Public IPs can be mapped to a VM’s NIC
(elastic IP equivalent) or to a load balancer’s Front end IP.
More details from the Azure feedback.
Apart for the Azure Load balancer, you may have interested in Azure traffic manager which is a DNS-based traffic load balancer that enables you to distribute traffic optimally to services across global Azure regions, while providing high availability and responsiveness.

Several azure virtual machines with the same public ip address

What are the resources I need to have several azure virtual machines (with their correspondant private ips) behind the same public ip? Load balancer, public ip address resource (but associated with what)...?
Do I need to associate a public ip address to the same network interface (seems not to be possible) or virtual network, having those network interface or virtual network associated to several virtual machines?
For Azure load balancer, there are two SKUs: basic and standard. Each of SKU has internal or public type. You can use public load balancer of any SKU, then add the azure virtual machines, scale sets or availability sets as the backend pool. The public IP address of load balancer is an independent resource which is not associated with any other network interfaces. Every VM behind the load balancer have its private IP address or you can add its individual public IP address.
You can get more details about Azure load balancer.

How Do I Resolve A Public DNS Name To An Internal IP On Azure?

I have an azure network set up with the default Azure DNS.
All the VMs are ubuntu.
When I try to access another VM on the network via the public DNS name it resolves to the public IP.
How do I make it resolve to the internal IP when I request it from the virtual network (and obviously still resolve to the public IP when requested externally).
I'm interested in cli answers as well as configurations through the portal.
Azure DNS for IaaS and PaaS solutions
Please see this article for more information on Azure's own DNS service associated with virtual networks. In short
When role instances and VMs hosted in Azure need to resolve domain
names to internal IP addresses, they can use one of two methods:
Azure-provided name resolution
Name resolution that uses your own DNS server (which might forward queries to the Azure-provided DNS servers)
The type of name resolution you use depends on how your VMs and role
instances need to communicate with each other.
Azure DNS Private Zones (in preview)
There's also a relatively new service called, Azure DNS Private Zones that allow you to set up a private DNS service to be used with, for example virtual networks.
This service allows you to set up a private domain and private IPs for your machines. See this page for more information and some common usage scenarios.
Also, see this this feature suggestion:
Enable split DNS for providing both public and internal name resolution to VMs in the VNET
