Docker security scan detects vulnerability in gradle 7.4.1 - security

Creating a docker image with gradle 7.4.1 triggers the security scan which shows vulnerability CVE-2020-36518. How can this particular jar file within the gradle package be updated?

I would just reject the security issue, explaining that it is not possible to exploit the vulnerability as the Gradle build runs isolated on controlled input, and is not accessible by any potential attackers.
(Assuming this is the case, of cause, and you don't have a custom Gradle plugin that reads untrusted JSON documents using Jackson from the Gradle classpath. But even then, all you are risking is a denial-of-service on the build.)
Fiddling around with jar files in external tools could easily lead to problems hard to debug later. But if you like, you could create an issue for them, asking if they could bump the Jackson version to avoid unnecessary noise from security scans like this. There is an example of that here.


What are the risks of an out of sync package-lock.json? Can it be fixed?

At work we're using a very old template (generated around April 2021, so node v14.19) which has an out of sync package-lock.json. This means that if you do:
rm package-lock.json && npm install
The install will fail due to conflicting dependencies.
For a couple of weeks me and my teammates tried to fix this, but we haven't succeed yet: when you fix the dependencies you break eslint, when you fix eslint you break deployment, when you fix deployment then the logger will stop working and so on. We have thousands of dependencies that are turning out to be an hell to maintain.
The pov of our CTO is that we simply shouldn't delete the package-lock.json, but this means we can't update node and we are stick with what I think is a huge technical risk.
Do you think it's fixable? Have you ever been in a similar situation?
Is not deleting the package-lock.json enough to avoid the problem?
If not, how could I produce an example where I can break the flow? maybe by installing a modern package that is incompatible with the old resolution?
This is one of the reasons why both modular code and teams are important. Chunking the code up to one big file or just a few files will cause this kind of mess.
Do you think it's fixable? Have you ever been in a similar situation?
Is not deleting the package-lock.json enough to avoid the problem?
No. As said in the comments, it is a big security risk not to keep your dependencies up to date. That's why you have package managers like npm. Plus, new vulnerabilities are openly discussed in different forums, so not only are scrupulous elements aware of them, good intentioned programmers are aware of them and will definitely judge your software to be of low quality. Also, you put your clients at a big risk of running into trouble with your software and put your company at risk of facing litigations.
If not, how could I produce an example where I can break the flow? maybe by installing a modern package that is incompatible with the old resolution?
My Suggested Solution:
Leave the code as is (Good thing it is still working even with new input data).
Modularize the code. Put chunks of related functionalities into separate files and import them into the main code (make sure everything is still working).
Assign teams to the seperate files (modules) to build new versions of the code (there also have to be modular testing implemented here so you can test each module independent of the main file).
For each test unit, make sure they have their own up-to-date package.json file.
Integrate everything into a new project software.
One advantage of doing things this way is that the main file code rarely changes. Also, each module can be updated independent of the main program and other modules. Only downside to this approach is that you have to manage the package.json file intentionally so that dependecies do not conflict or are not recursive during integration, thereby (sometimes) requiring a seperate team to manage integration.

How do I fix the log4j vulnerability (Windows)?

I work in a lab and use a number of Windows VMs to run analysis software. I manage these VMs and am being asked to fix the log4j vulnerability. However, while I have some experience in research computing, I'm really lost as to exactly what I need to do.
I know I need to update to log4j 2.16.0. For next steps, I received instructions from our IT to "make sure that both of the patched API and Core jars are listed in your application’s classpath, which can be done from the command line or by using a manifest file." Unfortunately I don't know what that means.
What are the exact steps I should take to fix the log4j vulnerability on a Windows machine (Windows Server 2019 Datacentre)?
Java applications typically use JAR files that ar zip files with classes. The Log4J.jar file has to be updated. Java applications load these classes at startup, by loading all jar files and classfiles that are specified in the classpath. From the command line that may look like this
Java -cp log4j.jar;myapp.jar
Its enough to replace the jar file with a new version and restart the application. How the startup looks like for you and where the jar files are located can wildly vary and is impossible to guess without more information
R Greg Stacey
Apex One indicates a ramsomware

dependency-check for application code

I am looking for a solution to implement security-scanning of the application code-base at the time of a build. The idea is to capture a list of security vulnerabilities early in the software development life cycle.
I have a simple java project which uses a maven build. The java project specifies a number of .jar dependencies and comes up with a .war file as a build output.
I came across (and was able to configure) the dependency-check maven plugin ( However, though it scans the dependency jars and comes up with a vulnerability report, it doesn't seem to scan the final artifact - which in my case is the .war file.
How do I ensure that the .war is scanned as well? Is the dependency-check plugin the right tool for this?
dependency-check isn't the right tool for checking your own code. It uses a list of known vulnerability reports to determine if any of your dependancies have known flaws. It does not do an active scan of the code. see Plugin wiki
For checking your own code, HP's Fortify is a decent commercial solution, but if you are working in more of a DIY software setting, I would recommend Sonar. There are certainly many static code analysis tools out there. All have advantages and disadvantages.

Downloading Dependences From Private Amazon S3 Repository with Gradle

I am looking to add Groovy support to an existing java project so that I can seemlessly compile mixed Java and Groovy code using invokedynamic so that I can get Java-like execution speed without needing to waste excessive amounts of time with verbose Java syntax
After reading that the gmaven plugin no longer supports compilation -and that the groovy eclipse compiler plugin doesn't yet support invokedynamic, I asked myself, why would I want to continue using Maven if it compiles Groovy code that is needlessly slow?
Consequently, I decided I would try scrapping maven for Gradle so that I could obtain faster code while also porting some python deployment scripts to Gradle tasks so as to only need one codebase.
I have some libraries stored on a simple password protected s3 maven repository (in order to avoid needing enterprise overkill like artifactory). After doing some basic research, I have found that Gradle has no built in support for adding in custom dependency management as determined by this stack overlow question and this support forums post.
I did manage to find a s3 plugin for gradle -but it doesn't deal with management of dependencies.
If the whole point of Gradle is to be more flexible than Maven and if the core purpose of a dependency management/ build system is to effectively manage dependencies from a variety of sources-then lack of support for custom repositories appears to be a fairly significant significant design flaw which makes any issues I have encounted with Maven thus far pale in comparison.
However, it is quite possible that I am missing something, and I have already invested several hours learning Gradle -so I figured I would see if there is some reasonable way to emulate dependency management for these s3 dependencies until Gradle developers fix this critical issue. Otherwise I will have to conclude that I am better off just using Maven and tolerating slower Groovy code until the compiler plugin supports invokedynamic.
Basically I need a solution that does the following:
Downloads dependencies and transitive dependencies to the gradle cache
Doesn't require me to hardcode the path to the gradle cache -so that my build script is platform independent.
Doesn't download the dependencies again if they are already in the cache.
Works with a multi-module project.
However, I cannot find anything in the documentation that would even give me a clue as to where to begin:
Gradle 2.4 has native support for S3 repositories. Both downloading dependencies and publishing artifacts.
To download with IAM credentials (paraphrased from the link above):
repositories {
maven {
url "s3://someS3Bucket/path/to/repo/root"
credentials(AwsCredentials) {
accessKey 'access key'
secretKey 'secret key'
Then specify your dependencies as usual.
You don't need any custom repository support to make this work. Just declare a maven repository with the correct URL. If the repository works when used from Maven, it will also work with Gradle. (Uploading may be a different matter.)
You can use S3 and http
repositories {
ivy {
url ""
layout "pattern", {
artifact "[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"
m2compatible = true
Name the jar in S3 to name-rev.jar (joda-time-3.2.jar) in my-bucket.
Also upload a pom file.
And in S3 give all permission to Download the jar and pom.

Maven Security Concerns

Are there security concerns with using Maven? I use Ant today for my main project, but I do use Maven for my "samples" project where I write program spikes. I do like some parts of Maven, but have a concern with downloading my jars through the tool. Is this an unfounded concern? How secure is ""? Is there a more secure way of using the tool?
It's pretty secure and standard. If ever the security of is compromised, there will have big repercussion in Java devs. I never heard that this site is hacked.
That said, you are not bounded by default repository. You can configure your own repository using Nexus, Artifactory and install safe artifacts manually to them. You may also block remote repositories using Nexus/Artifactory setting. Although, I never needed to do this. But look here, perhaps it's possible.
Please note that you will have to block your local repository to use "repo1", else the local repository will download artifacts from there by default.
Edit 1: added missing link
