Loop Through a list in python to query DynamoDB for each item - python-3.x

I have a list of items and would like to use each item as the pk (Primary Key) to query Dynamo DB, using Python.
I have tried using a for loop but I dont get any results, If I try the same query with the actual value from the group_id list it does work which means my query statement is correct.
group_name_query = []
for i in group_id:
group_name_query = config_table.query(
KeyConditionExpression=Key('pk').eq(i) & Key('sk').eq('GROUP')
Here is a sample group_ip = ['GROUP#6501e5ac-59b2-4d05-810a-ee63d2f4f826', 'GROUP#6501e5ac-59b2-4d05-810a-ee63d2sfdgd']

not answering your issue but got a suggestion, if you're querying base table with pk and sk instead of query gsi, i would suggest you Batch Get Item API to get multiple items in one shot


Best way to retrieve an item from dynamoDB using attribute which is not partition key

I am new to dynamoDB and need some suggestion from experienced people here . There is a table created with below model
orderId - PartitionKey
and there is a new requirement to fetch all the orderIds which includes particular stockId. The item in the table looks like
provided the scenario that stockId can be an array of id it cant be made as GSI .Performing scan would be heavy as the table has large number of records and keeps growing . what would be the best option here , How the existing table can be modified to achieve this in efficient way
You definitely want to avoid scanning the table. One option is to modify your schema to a Single Table Design where you have order items and order/stock items.
For example:
{createdDate:xxx, dateOfDel:yyy}
You can then issue the following queries, as needed:
get the order details with a query on pk=order#ord_12234, sk=order#ord_12234
get the stocks for a given order with a query on pk=order#ord_12234, sk=stock#
get everything associated with the order with a query on pk=order#ord_12234

Python boto3 get item with specific non-parition-key attribute value

My AWS dynamoDB has id as Partition key and there is no Sort key. The following does not return the existing record from the table:
response = producttable.scan(FilterExpression=Attr('title').eq("My Product"))
response['ScannedCount'] is less than the total count of the table.
You need to pagĂ­nate.
For example code look at https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-dynamodb-examples/blob/master/DynamoDB-SDK-Examples/python/WorkingWithScans/scan_paginate.py

Count distinct doesn't work when using OrderBy & join

I have the following query trying to get count of a query:
var testQuery = Db
.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false)
.OrderBy(x => x.ConvertedPrice);
var testCount = Db.Scalar<int>(testQuery.Select<Blog>(x => Sql.CountDistinct(x.Id)));
var results = Db.LoadSelect(testQuery.SelectDistinct());
It gives error:
42803: column "blog.converted_price" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Issue seems to be the orderby statement. If I remove it then the error goes away. Why does this stop count distinct working?
I am having to clear orderby on all queries I do like this. Is it supposed to work this way?
Also I just realised count is wrong. Results is 501 unique records and testCount is 538.
What am I doing wrong?
Whenever in doubt with what an OrmLite query is generating, you can use the BeforeExecFilter to inspect the DB command before its executed or to just output the query to the Console you can use:
You shouldn't be using OrderBy with aggregate scalar functions like COUNT which is meaningless and will fail in your case because it needs to included the GROUP BY clause for joined table queries.
Your specifically querying for COUNT(DISTINCT Id) if you wanted the row count for the query you can instead use:
var testCount = Db.RowCount(testQuery);
If you wanted to use COUNT(*) instead, you can use:
var testCount = Db.Count(testQuery);

Script returning limited amount of records as compare to Query

I tried to convert an SQL query into Gosu Script ( Guidewire). My script is working only for limited number of records
This is the SQL query
select PolicyNumber,* from pc_policyperiod
where ID in ( Select ownerID from pc_PRActiveWorkflow
where ForeignEntityID in (Select id from pc_workflow where State=3))
This is my script
var workFlowIDQuery = Query.make(Workflow).compare(Workflow#State,Relop.Equals,WorkflowState.TC_COMPLETED).select({QuerySelectColumns.path(Paths.make(entity.Workflow#ID))}).transformQueryRow(\row ->row.getColumn(0)).toTypedArray()
var prActiveWorkFlowQuery = Query.make(PRActiveWorkflow).compareIn(PRActiveWorkflow#ForeignEntity, workFlowIDQuery).select({QuerySelectColumns.path(Paths.make(entity.PRActiveWorkflow#Owner))}).transformQueryRow(\row -> row.getColumn(0)).toTypedArray()
var periodQuery = Query.make(PolicyPeriod).compareIn(PolicyPeriod#ID,prActiveWorkFlowQuery).select()
for(period in periodQuery){
Can anyone find a cause; why the script results in limited records or suggest improvements?
I would suggest you to write a single Gosu Query to select policyPeriod and join 3 entities with a foreign key to other entity.
I am note sure if the PolicyPeriod ID is same as the PRActiveWorkflow ID. Can you elaborate the relation between PolicyPeriod and PRActiveWorkflow entity ?

How to search a cassandra collection map using QueryBuilder

In my cassandra table i have a collection of Map also i have indexed the map keys.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.collection_test(
name text,
year text,
attributeMap map<text,text>,
PRIMARY KEY ((name, year))
CREATE INDEX ON collection_test (attributeMap);
The QueryBuilder syntax is as below:
select().all().from("test", "collection_test")
.where(eq("name", name)).and(eq("year", year));
How should i put where condition on attributeMap?
First of all, you will need to create an index on the keys in your map. By default, an index created on a map indexes the values of the map, not the keys. There is special syntax to index the keys:
CREATE INDEX attributeKeyIndex ON collection_test (KEYS(attributeMap));
Next, to SELECT from a map with indexed keys, you'll need the CONTAINS KEY keyword. But currently, there is not a definition for this functionality in the query builder API. However, there is an open ticket to support it: JAVA-677
Currently, to accomplish this with the Java Driver, you'll need to build your own query or use a prepared statement:
PreparedStatement statement = _session.prepare("SELECT * " +
"FROM test.collection_test " +
"WHERE attributeMap CONTAINS KEY ?");
BoundStatement boundStatement = statement.bind(yourKeyValue);
ResultSet results = _session.execute(boundStatement);
Finally, you should read through the DataStax doc on When To Use An Index. Secondary indexes are known to not perform well. I can't imagine that a secondary index on a collection would be any different.
