Group Attributes adding and deletion in Jfrog 7.25.6 - attributes

We are trying to integrate SSO with OKTA and Jfrog and got succeeded.
We tried group attributes from OKTA to Jfrog and its working, as we setup same group name in both OKTA and Jfrog and how ever we add in OKTA can be logged in to Jfrog.
Reverse process is working, i.e when we delete an user in OKTA or change a specific user from a group in OKTA, permissions are reflecting in Jfrog, but the users are not visible in that specific group?
Can you help me to resolve it?

The JFrog Platform supports SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) exactly for this purpose.
Please refer to the SCIM documentation in JFrog's wiki for instructions on how to set it up.


Spring security support multiple authentication types

I need to support 3 way of authentication at the same time in the application: LDAP, Azure AD, Basic.
After few hours of googling i found that the best way to do it would be to implement 3 authentication providers and then register them with AuthenticationManagerBuilder. But the issue i stumbled into is, that i dont know how the make the Azure Ad provider. For LDAP i found an online example i can use, and based on the LDAP i could probably also make the Basic username and password provider, but havent found anything similar on Azure AD. All i have found is that, i need to add 2-3 dependencies to the project for the Azure AD and then it automagically works.
I dont understand spring security that much, so im stumped atm. Can i just trust the automagic to do everything correctly, or are there some resouces on how to create AzureADAuthenticationProvider i could use with AuthenticationManagerBuilder?
An authentication provider is an abstraction for accessing user information from LDAP, custom third-party source, database etc. it validates the user credentials.
Spring security with azure ad:
Firstly, azure ad is integrated with Spring security for secure your application.
User login through their credential and get validate by azure AD.
From azure graph API you have to access token and membership information.
Membership for role based authorization.
LDAP Authentication:
Unique LDAP or DN ,you can perform search in directory unless you know username to DNS is known in advance.
You can authenticate the user by binding that user.
Load the Number of authorities for the user.
Custom Authentication Provider:
Create own authentication (custom) with the help of authentication provider interface in which you can use
authenticate method and implementing it and make authentication object with username and password of user
Then after you can configure these authentication in spring security configuration.
Here is the Reference Link regarding Spring Security

How do I configure Azure SSO between two Azure AD Instances?

I am very new to SSO and am having trouble enabling cross company SSO. I work on a React SPA and used the MSAL React Library to implement SSO for our application. I created a non-gallery Enterprise Application in Azure, and used that subscription information to validate users on the application during login. This is all working as expected.
After providing our SAML SSO configuration to companyB, the user at companyB cannot sign on and is getting the following error...
"Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'XYZ' and cannot access the application '123-456-789' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Please use a different account."
To me, that means I need to manually add the user who is attempting to log in, but that would negate the usefulness of integrating the two Azure ADs. I've provided all of my SAML configuration to companyB, and still no luck. What could I be missing?
In order to create the link between the two Azure ADs, the user just needs to create a non gallery application with SAML SSO enabled and the SAML config, right? Any insight into this issue would be greatly appreciated!
I realized my code was configured to only work for one tenant, pointing to the common login endpoint solved this issue.

Enable Seemless SSO when currently Federated

Testing out staged roll out of could auth with PSH & SSO
Current setup:
I have a 3rd party Federated domain (Onelogin), Password Hash enabled & SSO disabled
Onelogin is only used as an Identity provider not used for anthing else, woud like to migrate from that to an Azure Password Hash / Passthrough currely weighing up the two: Would like to have MFA, self serving password reset and contional access setup via Azure P1, reading up this might be better with Pass Through, unless i have read wrong?
As part of staged rollout would like to enable Seemliess SSO,
was wondering if I enable Seamless SSO on my domain via powershell ( Enable-AzureADSSOForest -OnPremCredentials $creds) would this cause any disruption / issues with the current federation method?
there is no current SSO with OneLogin
I understand you were in the process of staged rollout. staged rollout doesn't switch domains from federated to managed. You still need to make the final cutover from federated to cloud authentication by using Azure AD Connect or PowerShell.
You can enable seamless SSO and it is triggered only for users who are selected for staged rollout and it won't affect your existing federation setup. Kindly go through the below documents to get a detailed information.
link1 and link2. If you have any further quires kindly let me know.

Configured Sharepoint 2013 on-prem to use Okta SSO but get 'Sorry this site has not been shared with you' error

We have configured Okta as a trusted authentication provider to out SharePoint 2013 On-Premises environment. The user can log into Okta and access the SharePoint 'app' but when it connects them to the homepage, they are met with 'Sorry this site has not been shared with you'. It's like their account does not have access to SP, or is not being recognised. I can see in the logs that a valid SAML token is coming in, but I think we might be missing a step where that is converted to a valid Active Directory account.
In the deployment guide they talk about 'recommending' that we install the Okta People Picker plugin. I don't want to do this if we don't have to, I was under the impression we didn't need to add 'Okta' users into SharePoint as it would map the SAML claim to their Active Directory account and grant them the same access they would have if they were inside the network...
Any help would be appreciated.
First off, in order for users to be able to be looked up you'll need to definitely add the people picker plugin in. The biggest snag that the documentation doesn't accurately describe is that you'll need to import the okta cert chain to the server and establish trust in central admin for 2013 (not just 2010 only). Following all steps in the guide (including certs) got that going.
Okta-SharePoint on-prem guide:
As for access to the site: once you get the people picker configured then you need to ensure you have migrated your user profile users from AD as the new type of claim for your identity provider. For the most part you can follow the guide below and just update the appropriate spots for Okta:
For extended troubleshooting I would recommend leveraging a ULS log viewing tool and to filter the results by the name of your claim identity provider.

Securing REST WebApi2 service with Azure Active Directory

I am currently developing a WebApi 2 service which is hosted in Azure. I now need to add Authentication and ideally Authorization to this service. I was expecting to be able to do this with Azure Active Directory but have a number of questions
Will my users have to login via the standard Azure sign in portal?
Will my users be forced to use specific email domains (ie microsoft) when creating an account?
Will I be able to programatically add a user into the directory along with Authorization info (aka rights management)?
Will I programatically be able to modify a users details such as forgotton password etc
Sorry for the general question, but I am stuck trying to find out if I am looking at the right technology to be able to meet these requirements. If not, would really appreciate any suggestions on what to use instead.
Will my users have to login via the standard Azure sign in portal?
Yes, but the branding of the portal can be changed in the basic and premium editions of Azure AD.
Will my users be forced to use specific email domains (ie microsoft) when creating an account?
No, you can register your own domain and associate it with a directory. Or you can sync on-premise accounts to an Azure AD directory and use those email addresses.
Will I be able to programatically add a user into the directory along with Authorization info (aka rights management)?
Yes, using the Graph API you can create and manage users. You can also assign them roles or make them part of a security group.
Will I programatically be able to modify a users details such as forgotton password etc
Yes, using the Graph API.
