mplcursors or mpldatacursors API is not working - python-3.x

I am trying to install mplcursors or mpldatacursors in python 3.10.0, and it keeps showing packages not found. I have it installed in a Pycharm virtual environment, and it works over there (Python 3.9).
Does anyone have an idea for the support of these APIs?
Can I copy an installed API into another environment?


Getting Error in Django Application on Azure App Service

I am getting since yesterday on appliction from yesterday it's working fine early some upgradtion on cloud breaks the application
This is the error
Error : module 'typing' has no attribute '_ClassVar'
My python env is 3.7 and Django version 2.1.3
Please check the below steps if that helps to fix the issue:
Try downgrading the Python version to 3.6 and check.
Also, run this command pip uninstall dataclasses when using the Python Version 3.7
As Charlie V Said,
Check the version of the Python in your App Service versus the version you use to develop. Check the requirements file and compare that with your development.
I had a similar problem in the past. The first thing is determine if your application is actually using this module. If yes, make sure you have it at your requirements.txt. If no, refer to the logs to understand which python file is referencing it and remove the reference for it.

Jupyter Notebook and pandas installation?

currently i am doing course on Data Science on coursera but i dont know how to install jupyter notebook environment as well as pandas library can anyone show me how it is done?
For fulfilling above requirement please install Anaconda(data science toolkit) in you system which comes with all the packages/modules which includes Pandas,Numpy and Jupyter notebook.
Anaconda comes with follow packages check out the link
Anaconda Download Link
How to install Video Guide link
I recommend you download & install Anaconda Navigator
Once you install & launch it, you can then download Jupyter notebook from the dashboard of anaconda navigator
If you want to create a new environment, say new_env, then there is an option for creating a new environment aswell. Just select if you want to use Python or R, and which version you want and a new environment is created
Assuming you are using windows, search for Anaconda Prompt from the windows start and activate the new_env by doing: activate new_env
When the new_env is activated, just follow the instructions here for installing pandas
You can also check this like out: Installing Jupyter Notebook

Error While installing packages in pycharm i.e pandas and all

I have just installed pycharm 2019 edition. I have already installed python 3.7 in my system. My normal python program in pycharm is running fine i.e. printing hello world but I am not able to install packages like pandas and all. its showing error. 2nd thing i am not able to see latest version of pip that is been shown in pycharm.
I have tried to do this with some changes in manage repositories but It didn't wokred
While clicking on pip its showing "Error loading package" this error message.
I want to install packages but cant able to do it.
Please download Anaconda Distribution, which is basically made for pandas and all. You can use Spyder which is one of the best tools for Data Science. There you can easily install pandas.

Anaconda environment creation

I am new to python and machine learning. I am trying to create separate anaconda environments for tensorflow, keras, etc. in my Windows machine. I have successfully installed anaconda with automatic environment path setup. Created a test environment but when I try to create another one I get the following error. I have python 3.6.2 and 3.7.2 installed in conda. When I write the command
conda create -n t_tensor
it gives the following error. Not sure where the problem is. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
Error Image

Mac OS (Mojave) - Pycharm backend : TkAgg not working, graphs are blank

I am fairly new to python (and Stackflow) so apologies if this is a repost. I am currently run Pycharm on my iMac (with Mac OS Mojave), python install from Anaconda.
I am having some issues with Matplotlib as everytime I plot a graph I don't see anything. The backend currently uses TkAgg. I googled the issue and came across many links and tried to change the backend in matplotlibrc, but that just gave me errors.
It is Mojave specific problem? I have another Mac with High Sierra (which uses MacOSX in the backend) and Matplotlib runs fine on it. I tried changing the backend on my iMac to MacOSX but that doesn't work. Any help will be really appreciated as I have already spend more than 3-4 hours (in vain!) to fix the problem
If I need to change the backend in matplotlibrc, could you advise what should I be using?
if you use virtualenv in Mojave, you have to install matplotliv (v1.3.1) at virtualenv. ** NOT VERSION 2.2.3 **. so, try the below command (btw, in your code, 'TkAgg' is needless):
$pip install --no-cache-dir matplotlib==1.3.1
everything will be fine.
