Terrafom import on windows - terraform

i was following this tutorial https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/state-cli?in=terraform/cli and i came across a problem.
I'm using cmd.exe
i copied&pasted command terraform import aws_security_group.sg_8080 $(terraform output -raw security_group) from article Remove resource from the state, and i got error visible below, What should i do?
The import command expects two arguments.
Usage: terraform [global options] import [options] ADDR ID
Import existing infrastructure into your Terraform state.
This will find and import the specified resource into your Terraform
state, allowing existing infrastructure to come under Terraform
management without having to be initially created by Terraform.
The ADDR specified is the address to import the resource to. Please
see the documentation online for resource addresses. The ID is a
resource-specific ID to identify that resource being imported. Please
reference the documentation for the resource type you're importing to
determine the ID syntax to use. It typically matches directly to the ID

The tutorial you referred to is giving an example command line which relies on some expansion capabilities of typical Unix shells.
One way to achieve a similar result in the Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) is to manually run the nested command and then copy-paste its result into the argument of the second command.
For example, first run the command inside the $( ... ) sequence:
C:\example> terraform output -raw security_group
Here I've assumed that the output would be the same as the ID shown in the example in the tutorial, but of course in your case you will have a different ID with an sg- prefix reflecting the actual security object in your AWS account.
You can then place that security group ID into the outer command line instead of the $( ... ) sequence:
C:\example> terraform import aws_security_group.sg_8080 sg-0096a764b1e76f7fd
This two-step process should reproduce the same effect that a Unix-style shell would've achieved with the command line shown in the tutorial.
I'm not familiar enough with cmd.exe to suggest a direct single-step command similar to the one in the tutorial, and I don't have a Windows system to test on, but there is a question on the SuperUser StackExchange which is asking the same thing you asked in more general terms, agnostic of Terraform; perhaps the answers there will be helpful.


XSCT executes command in interactive shell but not within script

First, take note that I am using the Xilinx SDK 2018.2 on Kubuntu 22.04 because of my companies policy. I know from research, that the command I'm using is deprecated in newer versions, but in the version I am using, it works flawlessly - kind of... But read for yourself:
My task is to automate all steps in the FPGA build to create a pipeline which automatically builds and tests the FPGAs. To achieve this, I need to build the code - this works flawlessly in XSDK. For automation, this also has to work in the command line, so what I did is following the manual to find out how this is achieved. Everything works as expected if I write it in the interactive prompt like shown here:
user#ubuntuvm:~$ xsct
****** Xilinx Software Commandline Tool (XSCT) v2018.2
**** Build date : Jun 14 2018-20:18:43
** Copyright 1986-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Then I can enter the commands I need to import all needed files and projects (hw, bsp, main project). With this toolset, everything works as expected.
Because I want to automate it via a pipeline, I decided to pack this into a script for easier access. The script contains exactly the commands I entered in the interactive shell and therefore looks like this:
user#ubuntuvm:~/gitrepos/repository$ cat ../autoBuildScript.tcl
setws /home/user/gitrepos/repository
openhw ./hps_packages/system.hdf
openbsp ./bsp_packages/system.mss
importprojects ./sources/mainApp
importprojects ./bsp_packages
importprojects ./hps_packages
regenbsp -bsp ./bsp_packages/system.mss
projects –clean
projects -build
The commands are identical to the ones entered via the interactive CLI tool, the only difference is that this is now packed into a script. The difference is, that this now does not build completely anymore. I get the following error:
user#ubuntuvm:~/gitrepos/repository$ xsct ../autoBuildScript.tcl
INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 1 seconds
Starting xsdk. This could take few seconds... done
'mainApp' will not be imported... [ALREADY EXIST]
'bsp_packages' will not be imported... [ALREADY EXIST]
'hps_packages' will not be imported... [ALREADY EXIST]
unexpected arguments: –clean
while executing
"error "unexpected arguments: $arglist""
(procedure "::xsdb::get_options" line 69)
invoked from within
"::xsdb::get_options args $options"
(procedure "projects" line 12)
invoked from within
"projects –clean"
(file "../autoBuildScript.tcl" line 8)
I've inserted projects -clean only, because I got the error before with projects -build and wanted to check, if this also happens with another argument.
In the internet I didn't really find anything according to my specific problem. Also I strictly held on to the official manual, in which the command is also used just as I use it - but with the result of it being working.
Also, I've checked the line endings (set to UNIX) because I suspected xsct to read maybe a newline character or something similar, with no result. This error also occurs, when I create the bsp and hardware from sketch. Also, to me the error looks like an internal one from Xilinx, but let me know what you think.
So, it appears that I just fixed the problem on my own. Thanks on everyone reading for being my rubber ducky.
Apparently, the version 2018.2 of XSDK has a few bugs, including inconsistency with their command interpretation. For some reason the command works in the interactive shell, but not in the script - because the command is in its short form. I just learned from a Xilinx tutorial, that projects -build is - even though it works - apparently not the full command. You usually need to clarify, that this command should come from the SDK like this: sdk projects -build. The interactive shell seems to ignore this fact for a reason - and so does the script for any command except projects. Therefore, I added the "sdk" prefix to all commands which I used from the SDK, just to be safe.
I cannot believe, that I just debugged 2 days for an error whose fix only contains 3 (+1 whitespace) letters.
Thanks everybody for reading and have a nice day

Multiline error in terraform imported file -> terraform init

while running terraform init after doing terraform import for existing GCP infrastructure i am getting
error:-Invalid multi-line string
│ Quoted strings may not be split over multiple lines. To produce a
│ multi-line string, either use the \n escape to represent a newline
│ character or use the "heredoc" multi-line template syntax.
even though if i check the file for which this error is thrown i can see terraform import had "\n" post each line in .tf file yet error comes .
We can edit .tf file if created by us but since its generated by terraform import not sure if its good to update even when there is already \n used .
Terraform v1.3.6
on linux_amd64
i can try heredoc but since there are so many \n i am sure it would mess up
We can edit .tf file if created by us but since its generated by terraform import not sure if its good to update even when there is already \n used .
I am not sure what you mean by this. Even while doing import one has to write the terraform config manually beforehand and then run terraform import .... command on the respective resource.
However, as you stated the issue is most likely in the user_data attribute of the resource. I would recommend using templatefile function for user_data which should avoid your new lines issue out of the box.
You can refer to an example for this at https://github.com/ishuar/terraform-eks/blob/main/examples/private_cluster/eks-ec2-private-jump-host.tf#L262 from me.

Azure Devops logging commands in release pipeline

I am trying to customize the output of my pipeline release through setting some env variables into a task.
I found the following link:
which however does not seem to work.
What I am doing is simply to create a pipeline with a single task (either bash or PS), and there declaring the commands specified in the link through the inline version of the task.
Has anyone already successfully managed to make these commands work?
Do I do something wrong and/or incomplete?
Does anyone have a better way to customise the pipeline with relevant information from a task? E.g. through the release name, or the description and/or tag of the specific release?
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=sauce;]crushed tomatoes"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=secretSauce;issecret=true]crushed tomatoes with garlic"
Write-Host "Non-secrets automatically mapped in, sauce is $env:SAUCE"
Write-Host "Secrets are not automatically mapped in, secretSauce is $env:SECRETSAUCE"
Write-Host "You can use macro replacement to get secrets, and they'll be masked in the log: $(secretSauce)"
this is the code, copy and pasted. Now I tried also with the script, and it does not work either.
I use an hosted windows agent.
When you set a new variable with the logging command the variable is available only in the next tasks and not in the same task.
So, split your script to 2 tasks, in the second task put the last 3 lines and you will see that the first task works:
this also puzzled me for a while, in the end i found out that if you want to modify the $env:path you can call the special task called task.prependpath by using the special logging command syntax like "##vso[task.prependpath]local directory path". you can find more of this kind of special commands from their source :

Read file from Jenkins workspace with System groovy script

I have a question very similar to this: Reading file from Workspace in Jenkins with Groovy script
However I need to read the file from a System Groovy script so the solution of using Text-finder or the Groovy PostBuild plugin will not work.
How can I get the workspace path from a system groovy script? I have tried the following:
If you have a file called "a.txt" in your workspace, along with a script called "sysgvy.groovy" that you want to execute as a system groovy script. Suppose your "sysgvy.groovy" script needs to read the file "a.txt".
The issue of this topic is that if your script read "a.txt" directly without providing any path, "sysgvy.groovy" executes and will throw an error saying cannot find "a.txt".
I have tested and found that the following method works good.
def build = Thread.currentThread().executable
Then use
as the full location string to replace "a.txt".
It's also important to run on the Jenkins master machine by placing "a.txt" and "sysgvy.groovy" onto Jenkins master machine's workspace. Executing on slave machine does not work.
Try it, the file should be found and get read in the script without any problem.
If there is problem with variable Thread, it is just that some modules need to be imported. So add these lines to the start of code:
import jenkins.*
import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.*
import hudson.model.*
Each build has a workspace, so you need to find the desired project first. (The terms "job" and "project" are used rather interchangeable in Jenkins - also in the API.)
After that, you can either cross your fingers and just call getWorkspace(), which is deprecated (see JavaDoc for details).
Or you can find a specific build (e.g. the last), which can give you the workspace used for that specific build via the getWorkspace() method as it is defined in the AbstractBuild class.
Example code:
Just use
The "build" variable is available keyword in System Groovy Script.

Import Failure - Role With Id Does Not Exist

I am getting an import error in a specific environment with a managed CRM 2011 solution. The solution has been imported before into many other environments, but the one in particular where it is failing is throwing the following error:
Dependency Calculation
role With Id = 9e2d2d9b-645f-409f-b31d-3a9c39fcc340 Does Not Exist
I am a bit confused about this. I searched within the solution XML and was not able to find any reference to this particular GUID of 9e2d2d9b-645f-409f-b31d-3a9c39fcc340. I cannot really find it in SQL either, just wandering through the different tables, but perhaps I do not know exactly where to look there.
I have tried importing the solution multiple times. As a desperation effort, I tried renaming all of the security roles in the destination environment prior to importing, but this did not help.
Where is this reference to a security role actually stored? Is this something that is supposed to be within my solution--which my existing CRM deployment is expecting me to import?
How do I fix the problem so that I am able to import this solution?
This is the code we used to fix the issue. We had to run two different scripts. Script A we had to run a total of four times. Run it once, attempt the import, and then consult the log to find the role that is causing the problem--if you receive another error for another role.
To run script A, you must use a valid RoleTemplateId from your database. We just picked a random one. It should not matter precisely which one you use, because you will erase that data element with script B.
After all of the roles are fixed, we got a different error (complaining something about the RoleTemplateId was already related to a role), and had to run script B. That removes the RoleTemplateId from multiple different roles and sets it to NULL.
Script A:
insert into RoleBaseIds(RoleId)
values ('WXYZ74FA-7EA3-452B-ACDD-A491E6821234')
insert into RoleBase(RoleId
values ('WXYZ74FA-7EA3-452B-ACDD-A491E6821234'
,(select organizationid from Organization)
,(select BusinessUnitID from BusinessUnit where ParentBusinessUnitId is null)
Script B:
update RoleBase
set RoleTemplateId = NULL
where RoleTemplateID='ABCD89FF-7C35-4D69-9900-999C3F605678'
Perfect solution, worked for me! My only comment would be the error in Script B: it shouldn't clear the template IDs of all roles for the given template, only the template ID of the newly created "fix" role, as follows:
update RoleBase
set RoleTemplateId = NULL
where RoleID='WXYZ74FA-7EA3-452B-ACDD-A491E6821234'
I would've gladly put this in a comment to the answer, but not enough rep as of now.
