Photoshop use Preserve Details 2 in win32com - pywin32

I tried to enlarge an image with win32com and i wanted to use Preserve Details 2. I figured out how to use the normal Preserve Details (enlargement) but i dont know how to use the other one.
method = 9
#methods 2 = Nearest Neighbor (hard edges), 3 = Bilinear, 4 = Bicubic, 5 = Bicubic sharper, 6 = Bicubic smoother, 7 = Bicubic, 8 = auto, 9 = Preserve Details (enlargement)
doc.ResizeImage(new_width, new_height, ppi, method, 100)


Getting wrong results with implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm using PriorityQueue

I have implemented Dijkstra's algorithm using the PriorityQueue class of the queue module in Python.
But I am not always getting the correct result according to the online judge. Something must be missing in the below-given code, but I have no idea what.
What is wrong with my code?
from queue import PriorityQueue
class Solution:
#Function to find the shortest distance of all the vertices
#from the source vertex S.
def dijkstra(self, V, adj, S):
#code here
for i in adj[S]:
while not q.empty():
for i in adj[s]:
if distance[i[0]]==-1:
elif distance[i[0]]>d:
if i[0] not in visited:
return distance
# Driver Code Starts
#Initial Template for Python 3
import atexit
import io
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_cases = int(input())
for cases in range(test_cases):
V,E = map(int,input().strip().split())
adj = [[] for i in range(V)]
for i in range(E):
u,v,w = map(int,input().strip().split())
ob = Solution()
res = ob.dijkstra(V,adj,S)
for i in res:
print(i,end=" ")
# } Driver Code Ends
Sample Input for one test case:
9 14
0 1 4
0 7 8
1 7 11
1 2 8
7 6 1
7 8 7
2 8 2
8 6 6
2 5 4
2 3 7
6 5 2
3 5 14
3 4 9
5 4 10
Expected Output:
0 4 12 19 21 11 9 8 14
My code returns this instead:
0 4 12 19 26 16 18 8 14
The problem is that you are giving priority to the edges with the least weight, but you should give priority to paths with the least weight.
So near the end of your code change:
This will solve it.
However, some comments:
If you use a priority queue it should not be necessary to compare a previously stored distance for a node with a new distance, as the priority queue's role is to make sure you visit a node via the shortest path upon its first visit. With a bit of code reorganisation, you can get rid of that minimal-distance test.
Once you have that in place, you also do not need to have visited, as it is enough to check that the node's distance is still at -1 (assuming weights are never negative). When that is the case, it means you haven't visited it yet.
It is also a bit more efficient if you store tuples on the queue instead of lists.
And you can reorganise the code so that you only need to push the initial cell to the queue before starting the traversal loop.
Finally, instead of one letter variables, it is more readable if you use descriptive names, like node and weight:
class Solution:
def dijkstra(self, V, adj, S):
queue = PriorityQueue()
distances = [-1] * V
queue.put((0, S))
while not queue.empty():
dist, node = queue.get()
if distances[node] == -1:
distances[node] = dist
for neighbor, weight in adj[node]:
queue.put((dist + weight, neighbor))
return distances

What is the mapping between PIL resize filters and their integer representations?

I am trying to resize an image using the Python package Pillow. The docs says that one of the parameters is resample and that it can be one of PIL.Image.NEAREST, PIL.Image.BOX, PIL.Image.BILINEAR, PIL.Image.HAMMING, PIL.Image.BICUBIC or PIL.Image.LANCZOS. Also the default filter is PIL.Image.BICUBIC.
The function declaration is Image.resize(size, resample=3, box=None, reducing_gap=None). Notice how resample is an integer and not one of the above listed filters. Also, 3 does not correspond to the order that they give the filters in as it is supposed to be equivalent to PIL.Image.BICUBIC.
My question is, what are the integer representations of the filters? (Specifically looking for PIL.Image.LANCZOS)
You can just look at the source:
BOX = 4
That said, you shouldn't ever need to use the integer directly, it'd be better to just refer to it as Image.LANCZOS anywhere you need to. i.e. the following two calls are equivalent, but the first one is much more readable:
Image.resize(size, resample=Image.LANCZOS)
Image.resize(size, resample=1)

Am I doing this while loop correctly? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I plot this logarithm without a "while True" loop?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am trying to plot the logarithm of twelve tone equal temperament on a scale of hertz.
Is this while loop that breaks in the middle the best way to iterate all of the audible notes in the scale? Could I do the same thing more accurately, or with less code?
I do not want to use a for loop because then the range would be defined arbitrarily, not by the audible range.
When I try to use "note > highest or note < lowest" as the condition for the while loop, it doesn't work. I'm assuming that's because of the scope of where "note" is defined.
highest = 20000
lowest = 20
key = 440
TET = 12
equal_temper = [key]
i = 1
while True:
note = key * (2**(1/TET))**i
if note > highest or note < lowest:
i += 1
i = 1
while True:
note = key * (2**(1/TET))**-i
if note > highest or note < lowest:
i += 1
equal_tempered = sorted(equal_temper)
for i in range(len(equal_temper)):
The code returns a list of pitches (in hertz) that are very close to other tables I have looked at, but the higher numbers are further off. Setting a while loop to loop indefinitely seems to work, but I suspect there may be a more elegant way to write the loop.
As it turns out, you actually know the number of iterations! At least you can calculate it by doing some simple math. Then you can use a list comprehension to build your list:
import math
min_I = math.ceil(TET*math.log2(lowest/key))
max_I = math.floor(TET*math.log2(highest/key))
equal_tempered = [key * 2 ** (i / TET) for i in range(min_I, max_I + 1)]
You can use the piano key formula:
freq_n = freq_ref * sqrt(2, 12) ** (n − a)
The reference note is A4, 440 Hz and 49th key on the piano:
def piano_freq(key_no: int) -> float:
ref_tone = 440
ref_no = 49
freq_ratio = 2 ** (1/12)
return ref_tone * freq_ratio ** (key_no - ref_no)
Then you can do things like:
print(piano_freq(40)) # C4 = 261.6255653005985
print([piano_freq(no) for no in range(49, 49+12)]) # A4 .. G#5
Based on:

Change-making: Dynamic Programming

In a lecture earlier, we were told that using a greedy approach to solve a change making problem would not always work.
An example of this was given as follows:
We want to reach n = 14, and we have three coins of different values: d1 = 1,d2 = 7,d3 = 10.
Using the greedy approach this would lead us to do 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 (5 coins).
It was said the a dynamic problem approach would solve this accurately. I tried working it out but it came back to 5.
Assume F holds the number of coins needed to make an amount
F[14] = min {F[14 – 1] , F[14 – 7], F[14 – 10]} + 1
= F[14 – 10] + 1 = 4 + 1 = 5
This shows again that we need 5 coins, when this can clearly be done by using 2 coins (7 + 7).
What gives? Thanks.
You assumed that min {F[14 – 1] , F[14 – 7], F[14 – 10]}=F[14-10] when it is not the case. The minimum is actually F[14-7]=1 and hence the optimum is 2

Can gnuplot compute and plot the delta between consecutive data points

For instance, given the following data file (x^2 for this example):
Can gnuplot plot the points along with the differences between the points as if it were:
0 0
1 1 # ( 1 - 0 = 1)
4 3 # ( 4 - 1 = 3)
9 5 # ( 9 - 4 = 5)
16 7 # (16 - 9 = 7)
25 9 # (25 -16 = 9)
The actual file has more than just the column I'm interested in and I would like to avoid pre-processing in order to add the deltas, if possible.
dtop's solution didn't work for me, but this works and is purely gnuplot (not calling awk):
delta_v(x) = ( vD = x - old_v, old_v = x, vD)
old_v = NaN
set title "Compute Deltas"
set style data lines
plot 'data.dat' using 0:($1), '' using 0:(delta_v($1)) title 'Delta'
Sample data file named 'data.dat':
Here's how to do this without pre-processing:
Script for gnuplot:
# runtime_delta.dem script
# run with
# gnuplot> load 'runtime_delta.dem'
delta_v(x) = ( vD = x - old_v, old_v = x, vD)
old_v = NaN
set title "Compute Deltas"
set style data lines
plot 'runtime_delta.dat' using 0:(column('Data')), '' using 0:(delta_v(column('Data'))) title 'Delta'
Sample data file 'runtime_delta.dat':
How about using awk?
plot "< awk '{print $1,$1-prev; prev=$1}' <datafilename>"
Below is a version that uses arrays from Gnuplot 5.1. Using arrays allows multiple diffs to be calculated in single Gnuplot instance.
array Z[128]
do for [i=1:128] { Z[i] = NaN }
diff(i, x) = (y = x - Z[i], Z[i] = x, y)
i is the instance index that needs to be incremented for each use. For example
plot "file1.csv" using 1:(diff(1,$2)) using line, \
"file2.csv" using 1:(diff(2,$2)) using line
