How to drop original columns in a spark ML transformer - apache-spark

When I run a spark ml transformer, we provide input and output columns. The transformed data set contains both types of columns, i.e. old columns and transformed columns
from import Imputer
df = spark.createDataFrame([
(1.0, float("nan")),
(2.0, float("nan")),
(float("nan"), 3.0),
(4.0, 4.0),
(5.0, 5.0)
], ["a", "b"])
imputer = Imputer(inputCols=["a", "b"], outputCols=["out_a", "out_b"])
model =
This will print out
Is it possible to ask the transformer to spit out the transformed column only?
I want this to happen inside the transformer, and do not want to remove the columns using the drop method in spark dataframe


PySpark not null and not nan values function for all type of columns

I need to build a method that receives a pyspark.sql.Column 'c' and returns a new pyspark.sql.Column that contains the information to build a list with True/False depending if the values on the column are nulls/nan
PySpark has the column method c.isNotNull() which will work in the case of not null values. It also has pyspark.sql.functions.isnan, which receives a pyspark.sql.Column, which works with nans (but does not work with datetime/bool cols)
I'm trying to build a function that looks like this:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
def notnull(c):
return c.isNotNull() & ~F.isnan(c)
And then I want to use that functions with any column type in my DataFrame to obtain if there are not null/not nan values within that column. But this fails when the provided column type is bool or datetime:
import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pyspark import SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# Building SparkSession 'spark'
conf = (SparkConf().setAppName("example")
.set("spark.sql.execution.arrow.enabled", "true"))
spark = SparkSession.builder.config(conf=conf).enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
# Data input and initialazing pd_df
data = {
'string_col': ['1', '1', '1', None],
'bool_col': [True, True, True, False],
'datetime_col': [
datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 9),
datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 9),
datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 9),
'float_col': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, np.nan]
pd_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Creating spark_df from pd_df
spark_df = spark.createDataFrame(pd_df)
# This should return a new dataframe with the column 'notnulls' added
# Note: This works fine with 'float_col' and 'string_col' but does not
# work with 'bool_col' or 'datetime_col'
spark_df.withColumn('notnulls', notnull(spark_df['datetime_col'])).collect()
Running this snippet (using 'datetime_col') will throw the following exception:
pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: "cannot resolve 'isnan(`datetime_col`)'
due to data type mismatch: argument 1 requires (double or float) type, however,
'`datetime_col`' is of timestamp type.;;\n'Project [category#217,
float_col#218, string_col#219, bool_col#220, CASE WHEN isnan(datetime_col#221)
THEN NOT isnan(datetime_col#221) ELSE isnotnull(datetime_col#221) END AS
datetime_col#231]\n+- LogicalRDD [category#217, float_col#218, string_col#219,
bool_col#220, datetime_col#221], false\n"
I understand this is because the isnan function cannot be applied to 'datetime_col', since it's not float/double type. Since 'c' is a pyspark.sql.Column Object, I can't access it's dtype to behave differently based on the column type. I want to avoid using a pandas_udf to solve this issue, but I'm not being able to find any different way to do it.
I'm using the following dependencies:

How to pass SparseVectors to `mllib` in pyspark

I am using pyspark 1.6.3 through Zeppelin with python 3.5.
I am trying to implement Latent Dirichlet Allocation using the pyspark CountVectorizer and LDA functions. First, the problem: here is the code I am using. Let df be a spark dataframe with tokenized text in a column 'tokenized'
vectors = 'vectors'
cv = CountVectorizer(inputCol = 'tokenized', outputCol = vectors)
model =
df = model.transform(df)
corpus = x: [x[1], x[0]]).cache()
ldaModel = LDA.train(corpus, k=25)
This code is taken more or less from the pyspark api docs.
On the call to LDA I get the following error:
net.razorvine.pickle.PickleException: expected zero arguments for construction of ClassDict (for pyspark.sql.types._create_row)
The internet tells me that this is due to a type mismatch.
So lets look at the types for LDA and from CountVectorizer. From spark docs here is another example of a sparse vector going into LDA:
>>> from pyspark.mllib.linalg import Vectors, SparseVector
>>> data = [
... [1, Vectors.dense([0.0, 1.0])],
... [2, SparseVector(2, {0: 1.0})],
... ]
>>> rdd = sc.parallelize(data)
>>> model = LDA.train(rdd, k=2, seed=1)
I implement this myself and this is what rdd looks like:
>> testrdd.take(2)
[[1, DenseVector([0.0, 1.0])], [2, SparseVector(2, {0: 1.0})]]
On the other hand, if I go to my original code and look at corpus the rdd with the output of CountVectorizer, I see (edited to remove extraneous bits):
>> corpus.take(3)
[[0, Row(vectors=SparseVector(130593, {0: 30.0, 1: 13.0, ...
[1, Row(vectors=SparseVector(130593, {0: 52.0, 1: 44.0, ...
[2, Row(vectors=SparseVector(130593, {0: 14.0, 1: 6.0, ...
So the example I used (from the docs!) doesn't produce a tuple of (index, SparseVector), but a (index, Row(SparseVector))... or something?
Is the Row wrapper around the SparseVector what is causing this error?
If so, how do I get rid of the Row object? Row is a property of a df, but I used df.rdd to convert to an rdd; what else would I need to do?
It maybe the problem. Just extract vectors from the Row object.
corpus = x: [x[1], x[0]['vectors']]).cache()

Create a vector of features by droping specific columns Spark ML

I use VectorAssembler to create a vector of features from >2000 columns so that I can run a PCA on it. I would normally explicitly state which columns need to be included in the feature vector:
val dataset = (spark.createDataFrame(
Seq((0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.7, 1.9), (1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.7, 2.9), (2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7))
).toDF("id", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4"))
val assembler = (new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("f2", "f3"))
But in case of more than 2000 columns how can I specify that all columns except for "id" and "f1" should be included?
Any help appreciated!
One of the easiest way is to get all the column names, convert to a set and subtract the columns you don't need and again use it as an array as
val datasetColumnsToBeUsed = dataset.columns.toSet - "id" - "f1" toArray
val assembler = (new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array(datasetColumnsToBeUsed: _*))
And another easiest way is to use filter on column names as
val columnNames = dataset.columns
val datasetColumnsToBeUsed = columnNames.filterNot(x => Array("id", "f1").contains(x))
And use it as above

Using VectorAssembler in Spark

I got the following dataframe (it is assumed that it is already a dataframe):
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq((1, 2, 10), (3, 4, 11), (5, 6, 12)))
.toDF("a", "b", "c")
and I want to combine the columns(not all) to one column and make it an rdd of Array[Double]. I am doing the following:
val colSelected = List("a","b")
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
val output = assembler.transform(df).select("features").rdd
Till here it is ok. Now the output is a dataframe of the format RDD[spark.sql.Row]. I am unable to transform this to a format of RDD[Array[Double]]. Any way?
I have tried something like the following but with no success: { case Row(a: Vector[Double]) => a.getAs[Array[Double]]("features")}
The correct solution (this assumes Spark 2.0+, in 1.x use o.a.s.mllib.linalg.Vector):
ml / mllib Vector created by VectorAssembler is not the same as scala.collection.Vector.
Row.getAs should be used with expected type. It doesn't perform any type conversions and is not an Array[Double].

How to access element of a VectorUDT column in a Spark DataFrame?

I have a dataframe df with a VectorUDT column named features. How do I get an element of the column, say first element?
I've tried doing the following
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
first_elem_udf = udf(lambda row: row.values[0])
but I get a net.razorvine.pickle.PickleException: expected zero arguments for construction of ClassDict(for numpy.dtype) error. Same error if I do first_elem_udf = first_elem_udf(lambda row: row.toArray()[0]) instead.
I also tried explode() but I get an error because it requires an array or map type.
This should be a common operation, I think.
Convert output to float:
from pyspark.sql.types import DoubleType
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, udf
def ith_(v, i):
return float(v[i])
except ValueError:
return None
ith = udf(ith_, DoubleType())
Example usage:
from import Vectors
df = sc.parallelize([
(1, Vectors.dense([1, 2, 3])),
(2, Vectors.sparse(3, [1], [9]))
]).toDF(["id", "features"])"features", lit(1))).show()
## +-----------------+
## |ith_(features, 1)|
## +-----------------+
## | 2.0|
## | 9.0|
## +-----------------+
Output values have to be reserialized to equivalent Java objects. If you want to access values (beware of SparseVectors) you should use item method:
which return standard Python scalars. Similarly if you want to access all values as a dense structure:
If you prefer using spark.sql, you can use the follow custom function 'to_array' to convert the vector to array. Then you can manipulate it as an array.
from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, DoubleType
def to_array_(v):
return v.toArray().tolist()
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
sqlContext=SQLContext(spark.sparkContext, sparkSession=spark, jsqlContext=None)
sqlContext.udf.register("to_array",to_array_, ArrayType(DoubleType()))
from import Vectors
df = sc.parallelize([
(1, Vectors.dense([1, 2, 3])),
(2, Vectors.sparse(3, [1], [9]))
]).toDF(["id", "features"])
spark.sql("""select * , to_array(features)[1] Second from tb """).toPandas()
id features Second
0 1 [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] 2.0
1 2 (0.0, 9.0, 0.0) 9.0
I ran into the same problem with not being able to use explode(). One thing you can do is use VectorSlice from the library. Like so:
from import VectorSlicer
from import Vectors
from pyspark.sql.types import Row
slicer = VectorSlicer(inputCol="features", outputCol="features_one", indices=[0])
output = slicer.transform(df)"features", "features_one").show()
For anyone trying to split the probability columns generated after training a PySpark ML model into usable columns. This does not use UDF or numpy. And this will only work for binary classification. Here lr_pred is the dataframe which has the predictions from the Logistic Regression Model.
prob_df =prob_df1.withColumn('probabilityre',split(regexp_replace("probability", "^\[|\]", ""), ",")[1].cast(DoubleType()))
Since Spark 3.0.0 this can be done without using UDF.
from import vector_to_array
Why is Vector[Double] is used in the results? That's not a very nice data type.
