Building structs dynamically with lifetime parameters - rust

Trying to build a tree structure from another tree structure in Rust - where the the built tree structure are dependent on lifetimes parameters.
The traits below represents a simplified version of my search tree structure (the one I wish for to be build dynamically):
trait SPart {
fn search<'b>(&'b self, queue: &mut Vec<Box<dyn SPart + 'b>>);
trait SubSPart<PP: SPart> {
fn promote_search<'b>(&'b self, parent: &'b PP, queue: &mut Vec<Box<dyn SPart + 'b>>);
struct SP<'a>(pub Vec<Box<dyn SubSPart<Self> + 'a>>);
struct SSP(pub i32);
impl<'a> SPart for SP<'a> {
fn search<'b>(&'b self, queue: &mut Vec<Box<dyn SPart + 'b>>) {
for c in &self.0 {
c.promote_search(self, queue);
impl<'a> SubSPart<SP<'a>> for SSP {
fn promote_search<'b>(&'b self, parent: &'b SP, queue: &mut Vec<Box<dyn SPart + 'b>>) {
The parts and subparts can contain references to data, hence I think the lifetime-parameter is necessary.
These parts are usually also short-lived in a recursive function, and can be created dynamically referring back to data from earlier frames in the recursive call.
This all works with flying colors, so now I'm interested in building this initial tree structure dynamically from a separate tree structure:
trait BPart {
fn build<'b>(&'b self, v: &mut Vec<Box<dyn SPart + 'b>>);
trait SubBPart<P, PP: SPart> {
fn build<'b>(&'b self, parent: &'b P, v: &mut Vec<Box<dyn SubSPart<PP> + 'b>>);
struct BP<'a>(pub Vec<Box<dyn SubBPart<Self, SP<'a>>>>, pub i32);
struct SBP(pub i32);
impl<'a> BPart for BP<'a> {
fn build<'b>(&'b self, v: &mut Vec<Box<dyn SPart + 'b>>) {
let mut sv = vec![];
for sp in &self.0 {, &mut sv);
let sp = SP(sv);
impl<'a> SubBPart<BP<'a>, SP<'a>> for SBP {
fn build<'b>(&'b self, parent: &'b BP<'a>, v: &mut Vec<Box<dyn SubSPart<SP> + 'b>>) {
v.push(Box::new(SSP(self.0 + parent.1)));
fn main() {
let bp = BP(vec![Box::new(SBP(42))], 21);
let mut v = vec![]; v);
However, this fails with:
error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for borrow expression due to conflicting requirements
It seems like the lifetime is tied to the BPart ('a) where I wish for the lifetime to be valid for any lifetime ('b) at the time of creation of the SPart and SubSPart, but I'm unaware of how to express this in Rust.
Link to rust playground
Added trait methods and examples, and main method.

This is quite the spaghetti of lifetime constraints so I'll try to break down the limitations:
The lifetime 'b is invariant due to its use in &mut Vec<Box<dyn SPart + 'b>>. Most lifetime annotations are covariant, meaning it can be shortened as necessary to align with other constraints. But the compiler cannot do so here because, if shortened, the value could be mutated or assigned to a value that lives shorter than it needs to.
The lifetime 'a is invariant due to its use in Vec<Box<dyn SubBPart<Self, SP<'a>>>>. An implementor of Trait<'a> can use inner mutability and thus, for the same reasons above, cannot be covariant.
'a: 'b - The use of &'b self implies BP<'a>: 'b and thus implies 'a: 'b meaning that the lifetime of 'b cannot outlive the life of 'a.
'b: 'a - The use of dyn SubSPart<PP> + 'b normally means that the trait object is allowed to borrow from 'b but because PP is SP<'a> it is also allowed to borrow from 'a. This means that in order for 'b from SubBPart::build to line up with BPart::build, then 'a cannot outlive 'b.
To satisfy the above constraints, it must be that 'a == 'b. But 'b is part of a trait's function signature as a generic parameter, so it must be allowed to be anything.
I don't have a good recommendation for you for how to fix it since your code is very obfuscated as to what these lifetimes and trait abstractions are for.

This is indeed a case where a higher kinded lifetime is needed. Instead of locking in on a specific lifetime, giving 'a as a generic parameter in the struct BP, the use of a higher kinded lifetime can be specified as follows:
struct BP(pub Vec<Box<dyn for<'a> SubBPart<Self, SP<'a>>>>, pub i32);
To complete the answer: In my case, a SPart or SubSPart can contain references to data from its builder BPart or SubBPart. This required changes to the traits:
trait BPart<'a> {
fn build(&'a self, v: &mut Vec<Box<dyn SPart + 'a>>);
trait SubBPart<'a, P, PP: SPart> {
fn build(&'a self, parent: &'a P, v: &mut Vec<Box<dyn SubSPart<PP> + 'a>>);
and then adjusting the impls accordingly.


Rust lifetimes for implementing a trait on nested slices

I want to create a wrapper around (nested) slices for easy operations on multidimensional data, owned by a different struct.
The most basic version of the mutable version of my slice wrapper might look like this:
struct MySliceMut<'a> {
data: Vec<&'a mut [f32]>,
impl<'a, 'b> MySliceMut<'a> {
fn get(&'b mut self) -> &'a mut [&'b mut [f32]] {
Now if I want to implement a trait, for instance AddAssign, Rust does not seem to infer the lifetime of &mut self from the implementing type. The compiler complains that &mut self might outlive 'a:
impl<'a> AddAssign<MySlice<'a>> for MySliceMut<'a> { // lifetime 'a
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: MySlice<'a>) { // lifetime '1
let a = self.get(); // lifetime may not live long enough, '1 must outlive 'a
let b = rhs.get();
// do inplace addition here
Full Code - Rust Playground
I tried to figure out the issue with the lifetimes, but can't find it. Would the trait impl require any additional annotations?
struct MySlice<'a> {
data: Vec<&'a [f32]>,
impl<'a, 'b> MySlice<'a> {
fn get(&'b self) -> &'a [&'b [f32]] {
Problem with your code is that fn get(&'b self) returns variable with wrong lifetime. Associated lifetime 'a of MySlice<'a> is lifetime of inner slice. Associated lifetime 'b of fn get(...) is lifetime of the self. So I guess the function probably should return &'b [&'a [f32]] instead.
-- Edited --
Make sure to change fn get(...) of MySliceMut either.

Generic parameter with reference used as function pointer argument

I am having trouble figuring out what lifetime parameter will work for this, so my current workarounds include transmutes or raw pointers. I have a structure holding a function pointer with a generic as a parameter:
struct CB<Data> {
cb: fn(Data) -> usize
I would like to store an instance of that, parameterized by some type containing a reference, in some other structure that implements a trait with one method, and use that trait method to call the function pointer in CB.
struct Holder<'a> {
c: CB<Option<&'a usize>>
trait Exec {
fn exec(&self, v: &usize) -> usize;
impl<'a> Holder<'a> {
fn exec_aux(&self, v: &'a usize) -> usize {
impl<'a> Exec for Holder<'a> {
fn exec(&self, v: &usize) -> usize
This gives me a lifetime error for the 'Exec' impl of Holder:
error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter `'a` due to conflicting requirements
Simply calling exec_aux works fine as long as I don't define that Exec impl:
fn main() {
let h = Holder { c: CB{cb:cbf}};
let v = 12;
println!("{}", h.exec_aux(&v));
Also, making CB not generic also makes this work:
struct CB {
cb: fn(Option<&usize>) -> usize
The parameter in my actual code is not a usize but something big that I would rather not copy.
The lifetimes in your Exec trait are implicitly this:
trait Exec {
fn exec<'s, 'a>(&'s self, v: &'a usize) -> usize;
In other words, types that implement Exec need to accept any lifetimes 's and 'a. However, your Holder::exec_aux method expects a specific lifetime 'a that's tied to the lifetime parameter of the Holder type.
To make this work, you need to add 'a as a lifetime parameter to the Exec trait instead, so that you can implement the trait specifically for that lifetime:
trait Exec<'a> {
// ^^^^ vv
fn exec(&self, v: &'a usize) -> usize;
impl<'a> Exec<'a> for Holder<'a> {
// ^^^^ vv
fn exec(&self, v: &'a usize) -> usize
The problem here is that the Exec trait is too generic to be used in this way by Holder. First, consider the definition:
trait Exec {
fn exec(&self, v: &usize) -> usize;
This definition will cause the compiler to automatically assign two anonymous lifetimes for &self and &v in exec. It's basically the same as
fn exec<'a, 'b>(&'a self, v: &'b usize) -> usize;
Note that there is no restriction on who needs to outlive whom, the references just need to be alive for the duration of the method call.
Now consider the definition
impl<'a> Holder<'a> {
fn exec_aux(&self, v: &'a usize) -> usize {
// ... doesn't matter
Since we know that &self is a &Holder<'a> (this is what the impl refers to), we need to have at least a &'a Holder<'a> here, because &'_ self can't have a lifetime shorter than 'a in Holder<'a>. So this is saying that the two parameters have the same lifetime: &'a self, &'a usize.
Where it all goes wrong is when you try to combine the two. The trait forces you into the following signature, which (again) has two distinct implicit lifetimes. But the actual Holder which you then try to call a method on forces you to have the same lifetimes for &self and &v.
fn exec(&self, v: &usize) -> usize {
// Holder<'a> needs `v` to be `'a` when calling exec_aux
// But the trait doesn't say so.
One solution is to redefine the trait as
trait Exec<'a> {
fn exec(&'a self, v: &'a usize) -> usize;
and then implement it as
impl<'a> Exec<'a> for Holder<'a> {
fn exec(&'a self, v: &'a usize) -> usize {

`cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for autoref due to conflicting requirements` but can't change anything due to trait definition constraints

I was implementing linked lists by following along too many linked lists. When trying to implement iter_mut(), I did it myself and made the following code:
type Link<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;
pub struct List<T> {
head: Link<T>,
struct Node<T> {
elem: T,
next: Link<T>,
impl<T> List<T> {
pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> IterMut<T> {
IterMut::<T>(&mut self.head)
pub struct IterMut<'a, T>(&'a mut Link<T>);
impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T> {
type Item = &'a mut T;
fn next<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Option<&'a mut T> {
self.0.as_mut().map(|node| {
self.0 = &mut (**node).next;
&mut (**node).elem
I am to avoiding coersions and elisions because being explicit lets me understand more.
error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for autoref due to conflicting requirements
--> src/
24 | self.0.as_mut().map(|node| {
| ^^^^^^
note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the lifetime `'b` as defined on the method body at 23:13...
--> src/
23 | fn next<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Option<&'a mut T> {
| ^^
note: that reference does not outlive borrowed content
--> src/
24 | self.0.as_mut().map(|node| {
| ^^^^^^
note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the lifetime `'a` as defined on the impl at 20:6...
--> src/
20 | impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T> {
| ^^
note: that reference does not outlive borrowed content
--> src/
25 | self.0 = &mut (**node).next;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0495`.
I have looked at Cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for autoref due to conflicting requirements.
I understand a bit but not much. The problem that I am facing here is that if I try to change anything, an error pops saying that can't match the trait definition.
My thought was that basically I need to state somehow that lifetime 'b outlives 'a i.e <'b : 'a> but I can't figure out how to do it. Also, I have similar functions to implement iter() which works fine. It confuses me why iter_mut() produces such errors.
type Link<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;
pub struct Iter<'a, T>(&'a Link<T>);
impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T> {
type Item = &'a T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
self.0.as_ref().map(|node| {
self.0 = &((**node).next);
impl<T> List<T> {
pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<T> {
☝️This works.
The key thing is that you need to be able to somehow extract an Option<&'a mut T> from a &'b mut IterMut<'a, T>.
To understand why IterMut<'a, T> := &'a mut Link<T> can't work, you need to understand what exactly you can do with a mutable reference. The answer, of course, is almost everything. You can copy data out of it, change its value, and lots of other things. The one thing you can't do is invalidate it. If you want to move the data under the mutable reference out, it has to be replaced with something of the same type (including lifetimes).
Inside the body of next, self is (essentially) &'b mut &'a mut Link<T>. Unless we know something about T (and we can't in this context), there's simply no way to produce something of type &'a mut Link<T> from this. For example, if this were possible in general, we'd be able to do
fn bad<'a, 'b, T>(_x: &'b mut &'a mut T) -> &'a mut T {
fn do_stuff<'a>(x: &'a mut i32, y: &'a mut i32) {
// lots of stuff that only works if x and y don't alias
*x = 13;
*y = 42;
fn main() {
let mut x: &mut i32 = &mut 0;
let y: &mut i32 = {
let z: &mut &mut i32 = &mut x;
// `x` and `y` are aliasing mutable references
// and we can use both at once!
do_stuff(x, y);
(playground link)
The point is that if we were able to borrow something for a short (generic) lifetime 'b and return something that allowed modification during the longer lifetime 'a, we'd be able to use multiple short lifetimes (shorter than 'a and non-overlapping) to get multiple mutable references with the same lifetime 'a.
This also explains why the immutable version works. With immutable references, it's trivial to go from &'b &'a T to &'a T: just deference and copy the immutable reference. By contrast, mutable references don't implement Copy.
So if we can't produce a &'a mut Link<T> from a &'b mut &'a mut Link<T>, we certainly can't get an Option<&'a mut T out of it either (other than None). (Note that we can produce a &'b mut Link<T> and hence an Option<'b mut T>. That's what your code does right now.)
So what does work? Remember our goal is to be able to produce an Option<&'a mut T> from a &'b mut IterMut<'a, T>.
If we were able to produce a IterMut<'a, T> unconditionally, we'd be able to (temporarily) replace self with it and hence be able to directly access the IterMut<'a, T> associated to our list.
// This actually type-checks!
fn next<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Option<&'a mut T> {
let mut temp: IterMut<'a, T> = todo!(); // obviously this won't work
std::mem::swap(&mut self.0, &mut temp.0);
temp.0.as_mut().map(|node| {
self.0 = &mut;
&mut node.elem
(playground link)
The easiest way to set things up so that this all works is by transposing IterMut<'a, T> a bit. Rather than having the mutable reference outside the option, make it inside! Now you'll always be able to produce an IterMut<'a, T> with None!
struct IterMut<'a, T>(Option<&mut Box<Node<T>>>);
Translating next, we get
fn next<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Option<&'a mut T> {
let mut temp: IterMut<'a, T> = IterMut(None);
std::mem::swap(&mut self.0, &mut temp.0);|node| {
self.0 =;
&mut node.elem
More idiomatically, we can use Option::take rather than std::mem::swap (This is mentioned earlier in Too Many Linked Lists).
fn next<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Option<&'a mut T> {
self.0.take().map(|node| {
self.0 =;
&mut node.elem
(playground link)
This actually ends up being slightly different than the implementation in Too Many Linked Lists. That implementation removes the double indirection of &mut Box<Node<T>> and replaces it with simply &mut Node<T>. However, I'm not sure how much you gain since that implementation still has a double deref in List::iter_mut and Iterator::next.
Rust is trying to say that you have a dangling reference.
self.0.as_mut() // value borrowed
self.0 = <> // underlying value changed here.
The problem is the following definition:
pub struct IterMut<'a, T>(&'a mut Link<T>)
This can't encapsulate that you will have a "empty" node meaning reached the end of the node.
Use the structure as mentioned in the book like:
pub struct IterMut<'a, T>(Option<&'a mut Node<T>>);
This ensures that you can leave None in its place when you run end of list and use take to modify the IterMut content behind the scenes.

Is there a CloneMut trait?

An easily overlooked feature of clone() is that it can shorten the lifetimes of any references hidden inside the value being cloned. This is usually useless for immutable references, which are the only kind for which Clone is implemented.
It would, however, be useful to be able to shorten the lifetimes of mutable references hidden inside a value. Is there something like a CloneMut trait?
I've managed to write one. My question is whether there is a trait in the standard library that I should use instead, i.e. am I reinventing the wheel?
The rest of this question consists of details and examples.
Special case: the type is a mutable reference
As a warm-up, the following is good enough when the type you're cloning is a mutable reference, not wrapped in any way:
fn clone_mut<'a, 'b: 'a>(q: &'a mut &'b mut f32) -> &'a mut f32 {
See this question (where it is called reborrow()) for an example caller.
Special case: the reference type, though user-defined, is known
A more interesting case is a user-defined mutable-reference-like type. Here's how to write a clone_mut() function specific to a particular type:
struct Foo<'a>(&'a mut f32);
impl<'b> Foo<'b> {
fn clone_mut<'a>(self: &'a mut Foo<'b>) -> Foo<'a> {
Here's an example caller:
fn main() {
let mut x: f32 = 3.142;
let mut p = Foo(&mut x);
let q = p.clone_mut();
*q.0 = 2.718;
println!("{:?}", *p.0)
Note that this won't compile unless q gets a shorter lifetime than p. I'd like to view that as a unit test for clone_mut().
Higher-kinded type?
When trying to write a trait that admits both the above implementations, the problem at first feels like a higher-kinded-type problem. For example, I want to write this:
trait CloneMut {
fn clone_mut<'a, 'b>(self: &'a mut Self<'b>) -> Self<'a>;
impl CloneMut for Foo {
fn clone_mut<'a, 'b>(self: &'a mut Self<'b>) -> Self<'a> {
Of course that's not allowed in Rust (the Self<'a> and Self<'b> parts in particular). However, the problem can be worked around.
General case
The following code compiles (using the preceding definition of Foo<'a>) and is compatible with the caller:
trait CloneMut<'a> {
type To: 'a;
fn clone_mut(&'a mut self) -> Self::To;
impl<'a, 'b> CloneMut<'a> for Foo<'b> {
type To = Foo<'a>;
fn clone_mut(&'a mut self) -> Self::To {
It's a little ugly that there is no formal relationship between Self and Self::To. For example, you could write an implementation of clone_mut() that returns 77, completely ignoring the Self type. The following two attempts show why I think the associated type is unavoidable.
Attempt 1
This compiles:
trait CloneMut<'a> {
fn clone_mut(&'a mut self) -> Self;
impl<'a> CloneMut<'a> for Foo<'a> {
fn clone_mut(&'a mut self) -> Self {
However, it's not compatible with the caller, because it does not have two distinct lifetime variables.
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `*p.0` as immutable because `p` is also borrowed as mutable
The immutable borrow mentioned in the error message is the one in the println!() statement, and the mutable borrow is the call to clone_mut(). The trait constrains the two lifetimes to be the same.
Attempt 2
This uses the same trait definition as attempt 1, but a different implementation:
trait CloneMut<'a> {
fn clone_mut(&'a mut self) -> Self;
impl<'a, 'b: 'a> CloneMut<'a> for Foo<'b> {
fn clone_mut(&'a mut self) -> Self {
This doesn't even compile. The return type has the longer lifetime, and can't be made from the argument, which has the shorter lifetime.
Moving the lifetime parameter onto the method declaration gives the same error:
trait CloneMut {
fn clone_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Self;
impl<'b> CloneMut for Foo<'b> {
fn clone_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Self {
Relationship with Clone
Incidentally, notice that CloneMut<'a, To=Self> is strictly stronger than Clone:
impl<'a, T: 'a> CloneMut<'a> for T where T: Clone {
type To = Self;
fn clone_mut(&'a mut self) -> Self {
That's why I think "CloneMut" is a good name.
The key property of &mut references is that they are unique exclusive references.
So it's not really a clone. You can't have two exclusive references. It's a reborrow, as the source will be completely unusable as long as the "clone" is in scope.

What does it mean for a trait to have a lifetime parameter?

I understand how lifetime parameters apply to functions and structs, but what does it mean for a trait to have a lifetime parameter? Is it a shortcut to introduce a lifetime parameter to its methods, or is it something else?
If you have a trait with a lifetime bound, then implementors of the trait can participate in the same lifetime. Concretely, this allows you to store references with that lifetime. It is not a shortcut for specifying lifetimes on member methods, and difficulty and confusing error messages lie that way!
trait Keeper<'a> {
fn save(&mut self, v: &'a u8);
fn restore(&self) -> &'a u8;
struct SimpleKeeper<'a> {
val: &'a u8,
impl<'a> Keeper<'a> for SimpleKeeper<'a> {
fn save(&mut self, v: &'a u8) {
self.val = v
fn restore(&self) -> &'a u8 {
Note how both the struct and the trait are parameterized on a lifetime, and that lifetime is the same.
What would the non-trait versions of save() and restore() look like for SimpleKeeper<'a>?
Very similar, actually. The important part is that the struct stores the reference itself, so it needs to have a lifetime parameter for the values inside.
struct SimpleKeeper<'a> {
val: &'a u8,
impl<'a> SimpleKeeper<'a> {
fn save(&mut self, v: &'a u8) {
self.val = v
fn restore(&self) -> &'a u8 {
And would they mean exactly the same thing as the the trait version?
