How to change TinyMCE `styleselect` dropdown to use just icon to open the menu? - menu

I know that I can add option to TinyMCE toolbar to change selection styles using toolbar setting with keyword styleselect. I also know I can adjust the contents of the menu that opens with that button using setting style_formats combined with formats. (Above is correct for version 5.10.2.)
Is there some way to configure the rendering of the styleselect option in the toolbar? I would want to swap the text label to single icon on smaller displays. For big viewports the feature to show the current style at the caret location is a nice feature but for narrow viewports it would be better to have custom icon instead of partial style name in the toolbar.


Resizing the actual Tabs in a (Godot) TabContainer, is it possible?

Given some Tabs in a Godot TabContainer, I'd like to resize the actual Tab-elements (not the container they're a part of.
Given that so many things are customizable, it seems like these would be too, but so far I haven't found how. The question How to resize a Tab, sounded promising, but the "Custom Style" that it referred to, doesn't seem to exist - or at least didn't appear in a help-search.
Update: The given answer got me closer. There's a lot of variables, it's definitely not production-ready, but it does at least, appear possible to modify the size of Tabs. And just realized that one of the variables is Content-Margin, I had edited just Margin, to create this picture.
You have to learn about themes in Godot to resize your elements.
In the editor select the TabContainer, in the Inspector search the Theme property, and in the Theme variable below you can load a theme or create a new one for your project.
If you create a new theme there will be a file with a extension ".tres". Double click on that file to edit the aspect of different elements for your project.
I will try to add more detail. If you edit your theme file ( .tres), with the Type: TabContainer, you can override the multiple StyleBox of the Tab. I tried with the tab_fg, click on the plus sign, later in [Empty], New StyleBoxFlat, click on the new StyleBox Flat created in the field, and edit it in the Inspector. Edit the Expand Margin values, and also the Content Margin values.
You can also increase the font size, overriding the font with a New Dynamic Font, selecting it and editting it in the Inspector, in settings-> Size.
You can find further info in the UI tutorials section on GUI skinning

What is QT-Creator's equivalent to WinForms Dock-Fill?

I have a QTreeView widget placed inside a QDockWidget:
I want to set the properties of the QTreeView, that it automatically fills the whole available client drawing area (similar as WinForms DockFill property).
How can this be achieved with the QT-Designer?
Note: I've been playing around with the QTreeViews sizePolicy properties. If these are set to Expanding (as is the default) the accepted answer works out out of the box.
In Qt Designer, right-click the dock-widget, and then select Lay out -> Lay Out Vertically from the menu. Or you can just click on the dock-widget to select it, and then use the equivalent layout toolbar buttons.
If you want to maximise the space taken up by the tree-view, select the first child widget of the dock widget (it will probably be shown as dockWidgetContents in the Object Inspector pane). Then scroll down to the bottom of the Property Editor, and reset all the margins to zero.

Change command menu background in LWUIT

Can we change Command's background color of the menu in LWUIT ?
and how can I set an icon to the "Menu" generated Command ?
I will try to explain better than the other post. You can change the style of the Menu using and UIID.
There are two ways to do that.
Easy way. Use the LWUIT Resource editor and create in the Unselected tab, and UIID called Menu. In this UIID you should configure the background color as you wish. You can change more things (like text color, size of the font, etc)
Hard way, by code. Create a Style object and set it to the Menu.

Using my own button icons instead of default icons

My application has a ADD button and a DELETE button. I'm using the default icons
(1) android:icon="#android:drawable/ic_menu_add"
(2) android:icon="#android:drawable/ic_menu_delete"
These buttons pop up when I press the Menu button on the emulator.
However I would like to use my own buttons instead of the default icons in the relative layout.
Is it possible to use to a png file of my choice(both for button selected and button not selected) as a add button and delete button?
Could any of you please share some information on this?
Yes, you can use your own buttons: just replace the icon attribute in the menu xml file. See for the details to set your own icon: you can copy your own PNGs into the res/drawable folder and then point to it in the menu xml file.

Custom Backstage View Tab like standard tab FileNew

I want to design own custom backstage view tab that has desing like standard tab FileNew.
How can I (and can I at all) use such tab elements like scrollable button set or large borderless button with text at bottom of one.
There are elements in the BackStage Tabs which are built-in and not available form the programming side. For example, all the individual controls on the Print Backstage Tab cannot be re-used by a developer. I'm afraid that we have the same problem with the File New Backstage. The previews are built-in. You can verify this if you look into the WordControls.xlsx file delivered with the Office 2010 Control-IDs download: There are no controls for the TabNew except for "GroupNewFormTemplates", "GroupNew2003Dialog" and "GroupNewFormPreview".
You can only re-use controls which are defined in the Ribbon Scheme, as Combobox, Edit Control, Button, and so on.
So to display your templates, you must use these default controls, or built something completely different.
