Using flex to identify variable name without repeating characters - flexbox

I'm not fully sure how to word my question, so sorry for the rough title.
I am trying to create a pattern that can identify variable names with the following restraints:
Must begin with a letter
First letter may be followed by any combination of letters, numbers, and hyphens
First letter may be followed with nothing
The variable name must not be entirely X's ([xX]+ is a seperate identifier in this grammar)
So for example, these would all be valid:
But the following would not be valid:
I am able to meet the first three requirements with my current identifier, but I am really struggling to change it so that it doesn't pick up variables that are entirely the letter X.
Here is what I have so far: [a-z][a-z0-9\-]* {return (NAME);}
Can anyone suggest a way of editing this to avoid variables that are made up of just the letter X?

The easiest way to handle that sort of requirement is to have one pattern which matches the exceptional string and another pattern, which comes afterwards in the file, which matches all the strings:
[xX]+ { /* matches all-x tokens */ }
[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]-]* { /* handle identifiers */ }
This works because lex (and almost all lex derivatives) select the first match if two patterns match the same longest token.
Of course, you need to know what you want to do with the exceptional symbol. If you just want to accept it as some token type, there's no problem; you just do that. If, on the other hand, the intention was to break it into subtokens, perhaps individual letters, then you'll have to use yyless(), and you might want to switch to a new lexing state in order to avoid repeatedly matching the same long sequence of Xs. But maybe that doesn't matter in your case.
See the flex manual for more details and examples.


Way to find a number at the end of a string in Smalltalk

I have different commands my program is reading in (i.e., print, count, min, max, etc.). These words can also include a number at the end of them (i.e., print3, count1, min2, max6, etc.). I'm trying to figure out a way to extract the command and the number so that I can use both in my code.
I'm struggling to figure out a way to find the last element in the string in order to extract it, in Smalltalk.
You didn't told which incarnation of Smalltalk you use, so I will explain what I would do in Pharo, that is the one I'm familiar with.
As someone that is playing with Pharo a few months at most, I can tell you the sheer amount of classes and methods available can feel overpowering at first, but the environment actually makes easy to find things. For example, when you know the exact input and output you want, but doesn't know if a method already exists somewhere, or its name, the Finder actually allow you to search by giving a example. You can open it in the world menu, as shown bellow:
By default it seeks selectors (method names) matching your input terms:
But this default is not what we need right now, so you must change the option in the upper right box to "Examples", and type in the search field a example of the input, followed by the output you want, both separated by a ".". The input example I used was the string 'max6', followed by the desired result, the number 6. Pharo then gives me a list of methods that match that:
To get what would return us the text part, you can make a new search, changing the example output from number 6 to the string 'max':
Fortunately there is several built-in methods matching the description of your problem.
There are more elegant ways, I suppose, but you can make use of the fact that String>>#asNumber only parses the part it can recognize. So you can do
'print31' reversed asNumber asString reversed asNumber
to give you 31. That only works if there actually is a number at the end.
This is one of those cases where we can presume the input data has a specific form, ie, the only numbers appear at the end of the string, and you want all those numbers. In that case it's not too hard to do, really, just:
numText := 'Kalahari78' select: [ :each | each isDigit ].
num := numText asInteger. "78"
To get the rest of the string without the digits, you can just use this:
'Kalahari78' withoutTrailingDigits. "Kalahari"6
As some of the Pharo "OGs" pointed out, you can take a look at the String class (just type CMD-Return, type in String, hit Return) and you will find an amazing number of methods for all kinds of things. Usually you can get some ideas from those. But then there are times when you really just need an answer!

LUA -- gsub problems -- passing a variable to the match string isn't working [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to match a sentence in Lua
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
Been stuck on this for over a day.
I'm trying to use gsub to extract a portion of an input string. The exact pattern of the input varies in different cases, so I'm trying to use a variable to represent that pattern, so that the same routine - which is otherwise identical - can be used in all cases, rather than separately coding each.
So, I have something along the lines of:
newstring , n = oldstring:gsub(matchstring[i],"%1");
where matchstring[] is an indexed table of the different possible pattern matches, set up so that "%1" will match the target sequence in each matchstring[].
For instance, matchstring[1] might be
"\[User\] <code:%w*>([^<]*)<\\code>.*" -- extract user name from within the <code>...<\code>
while matchstring[2] could be
"\[World\] (%w)* .*" -- extract user name as first word after prefix '[World] '
and matchstring[3] could be
"<code:%w*>([^<]*)<\\code>.*" -- extract username from within <code>...<\code> at start
This does not work.
Yet when, debugging one of the cases, I replace matchstring[i] with the exact same string -- only now passed as a string literal rather than saved in a variable -- it works.
So.. I'm guessing there must be some 'processing' of the string - stripping out special characters or something - when it's sent as a variable rather than a string literal ... but for the life of me I can't figure out how to adjust the matchstring[] entries to compensate!
Help much appreciated...
Thankyou, Piglet, you got me on the right track.
Given how this particular platform processes & passes strings, anything within <...> needed the escape character \ for downstream use, but of course - duh - for the lua gsub's processing itself it needed the standard %
much obliged

How to perform Lexer Actions that send an Exception?

I'm new to ANTL4 and I can't seem to figure out how to get lexer actions to perform properly.
I have a code snippet that looks for input text:
SIZE10 : [a-zA-Z]* {getText().length() <= 10}?
I would expect that it does not match any combinations of letters that are over 10 letters long, however what this does is treat a 10+ letter string as two different tokens, instead of just nullifying the whole set of 10+ letters. How can I get this action to nullify the whole set of letters?
In addition, where can I go to see all the different token functions I can use (other than getText())? The documentation about lexer actions is really poor. In general, I'm having a hard time figuring out what resources can give me a definitive list of everything in the language. Even an entry point into the source code for me to read would be good at this point. The documentation is too general/basic for me.
EDIT: I've figured out how to send a RuntimeException, but I don't know where to get the elements needed for a proper RecognitionException.
The predicate in a rule directs the parsing process in a way that allows to match only partial input (like in your case) or essentially switch off a part of the grammar depending on certain conditions. In your case the SIZE10 rule is matched until the predicate returns false. Everything up to this event is then returned as a match for SIZE10. After that lexing continues at the point it ended for the previous token and if that is again a letter it will again match SIZE10 as long as the predicate says it is correct. That's a bit different than what you would expect (e.g. using the predicate as an all or nothing switch).
However, if you instead want to match the full set of letters first and then check if the length is <= 10 you can do this in a listener. You can hook into the exitSIZE10() event and reject the match by throwing a recognition exception.
For the usable functions in your actions see the API documentation for ANTLR. For instance here is the one for Token which shows you other possibilities beside getText(). In your action, consider the context you have. In a lexer rule you deal with a Token, hence getText() etc. work on the token. In a parser rule you have a ParserContext instead, which also has a getText() function but that works differently (collecting all child contexts text into a comma separated list).

XML schema restriction pattern for not allowing specific string

I need to write an XSD schema with a restriction on a field, to ensure that
the value of the field does not contain the substring FILENAME at any location.
For example, all of the following must be invalid:
None of these values should be valid.
In a regular expression language that supports negative lookahead, I could do this by writing /^((?!FILENAME).)*$ but the XSD pattern language does not support negative lookahead.
How can I implement an XSD pattern restriction with the same effect as /^((?!FILENAME).)*$ ?
I need to use pattern, because I don't have access to XSD 1.1 assertions, which are the other obvious possibility.
The question XSD restriction that negates a matching string covers a similar case, but in that case the forbidden string is forbidden only as a prefix, which makes checking the constraint easier. How can the solution there be extended to cover the case where we have to check all locations within the input string, and not just the beginning?
OK, the OP has persuaded me that while the other question mentioned has an overlapping topic, the fact that the forbidden string is forbidden at all locations, not just as a prefix, complicates things enough to require a separate answer, at least for the XSD 1.0 case. (I started to add this answer as an addendum to my answer to the other question, and it grew too large.)
There are two approaches one can use here.
First, in XSD 1.1, a simple assertion of the form
not(matches($v, 'FILENAME'))
ought to do the job.
Second, if one is forced to work with an XSD 1.0 processor, one needs a pattern that will match all and only strings that don't contain the forbidden substring (here 'FILENAME').
One way to do this is to ensure that the character 'F' never occurs in the input. That's too drastic, but it does do the job: strings not containing the first character of the forbidden string do not contain the forbidden string.
But what of strings that do contain an occurrence of 'F'? They are fine, as long as no 'F' is followed by the string 'ILENAME'.
Putting that last point more abstractly, we can say that any acceptable string (any string that doesn't contain the string 'FILENAME') can be divided into two parts:
a prefix which contains no occurrences of the character 'F'
zero or more occurrences of 'F' followed by a string that doesn't match 'ILENAME' and doesn't contain any 'F'.
The prefix is easy to match: [^F]*.
The strings that start with F but don't match 'FILENAME' are a bit more complicated; just as we don't want to outlaw all occurrences of 'F', we also don't want to outlaw 'FI', 'FIL', etc. -- but each occurrence of such a dangerous string must be followed either by the end of the string, or by a letter that doesn't match the next letter of the forbidden string, or by another 'F' which begins another region we need to test. So for each proper prefix of the forbidden string, we create a regular expression of the form
$prefix || '([^F' || next-character-in-forbidden-string || ']'
|| '[^F]*'
Then we join all of those regular expressions with or-bars.
The end result in this case is something like the following (I have inserted newlines here and there, to make it easier to read; before use, they will need to be taken back out):
Two points to bear in mind:
XSD regular expressions are implicitly anchored; testing this with a non-anchored regular expression evaluator will not produce the correct results.
It may not be obvious at first why the alternatives in the choice all end with [^F]* instead of .*. Thinking about the string 'FEEFIFILENAME' may help. We have to check every occurrence of 'F' to make sure it's not followed by 'ILENAME'.

Can I put one check on a Lexial element instead for on a number of parser rules?

I,m trying to use antlr4 with the IDL.g4 grammar, to implement some checks that our idl-files shall follow. One rule is about names. The rule are like:
ID contains only letters, digits and signle underscores,
ID begin with a letter,
ID end with a letter or digit.
ID is not a reserved Word in ADA, C, C++, Java, IDL
One way to do this check is to write a function that check a string for these properties and call it in the exit listeners for every rule that has an ID. E.g(refering to IDL.g4) in exitConst_decl(), exitInit_decl(), exitSimple_declarator() and a lot of more places. Maybe that is the correct way to do it. But I was thinking about putting that check directly on the lexical element ID. But don't know how to do that, or if it is possible at all.
Validating this type of constraint in the lexer would make it significantly more difficult to provide usable error messages for invalid identifiers. However, you can create a new parser rule identifier, and replace all references to ID in various parser rules to reference identifier instead.
: ID
You can then place your identifier validation logic inside of the single method enterIdentifier instead of all of the various rules that currently reference ID.
