How do I autopopulate a tkinter table using a loop - python-3.x

I'm trying to auto-populate a tkinter table with the names of folders in a directory and details about their properties
grpdata_name = listdir(r"PATH")
grpdata_path = r"PATH\{}".format(grpdata_name[0])
grpdata_groupcount = -1
for x in grpdata_name :
grpdata_groupcount = grpdata_groupcount +1
grpdata_groupcurrent = 'grpdata_name{}{}{}'.format('[',grpdata_groupcount,']')
values=('ID',grpdata_groupcurrent,'TIME CREATED','TIME MODIFIED','DEVICES'))
My current method is to change the selected element in a string. This creates a working cycle through each part of the string ( grpdata_name[0] , grpdata_name[1] etc)
I can't figure out how to use the contents of grpdata_groupcurrent as a variable, rather than a string.
This method isn't very efficient overall, so please let me know if there is a better way to do this.


Filter leading to different results when typed manually and via defined as a variable

I'm trying to create a calculated column indicating if a team has a prize or not from the table below:
To do that I need to count within the group if there's a player whose "Prize" field is not empty. Here's the 1st attempt:
Dax Formula:
Var Player_Same_Team = filter(Table4,Table4[Team]=earlier(Table4[Team]))
Var Has_Prize = len(Table4[Prize])>0
Looks like it's going what I intend it to do. However, when I swap the filter content to a pre-defined variable, it gave me results that don't make sense:
Dax Formula:
Var Player_Same_Team = filter(Table4,Table4[Team]=earlier(Table4[Team]))
Var Has_Prize = len(Table4[Prize])>0
The typed content len(Table4[Prize])>0 is the same as that in the variable, so what may be causing the difference? Thanks for your help.
As soon as you assign it to a variable, the value of the variable remains constant. Therefore the Len is evaluated to a value, that you are then passing as a filter.
The first example works because the CALCULATE accepts a table as a parameter, and player_same_team is evaluated to a table, by using the FILTER expression.
In order for what you are trying to do to work it would have to be something like this:
= Var Player_Same_Team = filter(Table4,Table4[Team]=earlier(Table4[Team]))
Var Has_Prize = filter(Table4,len(Table4[Prize])>0)
Return calculate(countrows(Has_Prize),Player_Same_Team)>0
You can also write the measure in a slightly different way:
= CALCULATE ( COUNT(Table4[Team]),
LEN(Table4[Prize])>0) > 0

Assigning Variable String Value to a table name

I am creating a table in a function, so the function outputs a table to the assigned variable name as shown below
[name] = tablefunc(input1, input2)
The thing is I want to be able to have the name be an input that was assigned earlier for example
name = 'dogs'
[something] = tablefunc(input1,input2)
I want to be able to put some code where it says something so that the outputted table for tablefunc is assigned the variable name dogs
It might be confusing why I am doing this but it is because I am extracting tables from a txt file in a for loop so I am getting lots of tables generated and I want to be able to give the tables their appropriate names as opposed to just table1, table2 etc.
That's not a good idea. As an alternative, you should create a structure:
function t = tablefunc(input1,input2)
t = table(input1,input2);
name = 'dogs';
s = struct();
s.(name) = tablefunc(rand(2),rand(2));
You can have one field per txt file.

Web2py: Incorrect row when representing a referenced field

It's rare that I find an issue that hasn't already be answered but I've been searching for this for 3 days and haven't found anything yet.
I'm aiming to create a page for inputing records in a 'spreadsheet' like format. I've used inline editing in SQLFORM.grid from this slice.
The problem I'm having is that when one of the fields is a reference to another table, the row being use in the lambda function is taking the row of the reference table rather than the row in the grid.
Here is an example:
Field('name', 'string'),
format = '%(name)s',
Field('name', 'string'),
Field('pet_owner', 'reference people'),
format = '%(name)s',
def index():
#process submitted form
if len(request.post_vars) > 0:
print request.post_vars
for key, value in request.post_vars.iteritems():
(field_name,sep,row_id) = key.partition('_row_')
if row_id:
db( == row_id).update(**{field_name:value}) = lambda value,row: SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget(db.animals.pet_owner,value, **{'_name':'name_row_%s' %})
db.animals.pet_owner.represent = lambda value,row: SQLFORM.widgets.options.widget(db.animals.pet_owner,value, **{'_name':'pet_owner_row_%s' %})
grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.animals,
selectable= lambda ids : redirect(URL('animals',vars=request._get_vars)),
grid.elements(_type='checkbox',_name='records',replace=None) #remove selectable's checkboxes
return dict(grid=grid)
At first it appears that the grid is working correctly. However, when inspecting the drop-downs for the reference fields, if two consecutive rows have the same value (e.g. two animals with the same owner) the same row is used in the name (pet_owner_row_1) which means that the value being passed to process the submitted form is not an integer (e.g. 3) but as the integers separated by pipes (e.g. '|3|3|').
I've confirmed that this is where the issue is by changing the represent to
db.animals.pet_owner.represent = lambda value,row: row
which shows the exact same row data for different animals.
Here is an image showing the inspector on the form items:
How can I get the row id of the grid's row rather than the id of the reference?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
This is a bug that has recently been fixed in the master branch but not released yet. In the meantime, a workaround is to temporarily change the field to an integer type:
db.animals.pet_owner.type = 'integer'
db.animals.pet_owner.represent = lambda value,row: SQLFORM.widgets.options.widget(
db.animals.pet_owner,value, **{'_name':'pet_owner_row_%s' %})

How to set blank space after a table in a docx document (working with apache poi)

I've been trying to create tables and make them to leave some space between its bottom border and whatever comes after the table (usually text).
As far as I have crawl through ooxml specification I understand that I need to add to the table this chain of elements tblPr (table properties) -> tblpPr (table position properties), and set the attribute bottomFromText to the specific amount space I want between the table and the next element, also the vertAnchor attribute (right now I'm configuring this with the "text" value) and finally the tblpY attribute.
A q&d snippet of what I'm doing is this (java and apache poi):
XWPFTable table = document.createTable();
CTTblPr _cttblpr = table.getCTTbl().addNewTblPr();
My main reference has been this. Also I have been creating (with LibreOffice writer and Microsoft Office 2007) simple documents with just a table and the space I want and extracting the files inside it (word/document.xml specifically) to see in place this. All my efforts to achieve this have been unsuccessful by now.
Do you know what is wrong here? I strongly believe I have missconcepts...
Thank you in advance.
You're right, you need w:bottomFromText, for example:
<w:tblpPr w:leftFromText="187" w:rightFromText="187" w:bottomFromText="4320" w:vertAnchor="text" w:tblpY="1"/>
<w:tblOverlap w:val="never"/>
Based on the above, your code looks plausible.
For comparison, if you were doing it with docx4j, you'd create that in one of 2 ways.
The first way is to explicitly use the JAXB object factory:
org.docx4j.wml.ObjectFactory wmlObjectFactory = new org.docx4j.wml.ObjectFactory();
Tbl tbl = wmlObjectFactory.createTbl();
JAXBElement<org.docx4j.wml.Tbl> tblWrapped = wmlObjectFactory.createBodyTbl(tbl);
// Create object for tblPr
TblPr tblpr = wmlObjectFactory.createTblPr();
// Create object for tblpPr
CTTblPPr tblppr = wmlObjectFactory.createCTTblPPr();
tblppr.setLeftFromText( BigInteger.valueOf( 187) );
tblppr.setRightFromText( BigInteger.valueOf( 187) );
tblppr.setBottomFromText( BigInteger.valueOf( 4320) );
tblppr.setTblpY( BigInteger.valueOf( 1) );
// Create object for tblOverlap
CTTblOverlap tbloverlap = wmlObjectFactory.createCTTblOverlap();
The second is to unmarshall a string:
String openXML = "<w:tbl xmlns:w=\"\">
+ "<w:tblPr>
+ "<w:tblpPr w:bottomFromText=\"4320\" w:leftFromText=\"187\" w:rightFromText=\"187\" w:tblpY=\"1\" w:vertAnchor=\"text\"/>"
+ "<w:tblOverlap w:val=\"never\"/>"
Tbl tbl = (Tbl)XmlUtils.unmarshalString(openXML);

subsonic collection

I've written this code to generate a collection. I've tried to filter the collection using subsonic.where but its not working. Actually the where clause will change on user input so i cannot add the where clause to the sqlquery and also the datatable will be filled with different data from the collection based on the user input. How can I acheive this. Also i want the collection to be unchanged so that i use it further to filter with another where clause. Alo the I've selected only two columns but all columns are showing up. Please help.
Dim sq As SB.SqlQuery = New SB.Select("product.prodcode as 'Product Code'").From(DB.Product.Schema)
Dim wh As SB.Where = New SB.Where()
Dim prod As DB.ProductCollection = sq.ExecuteAsCollection(Of DB.ProductCollection)()
wh.ColumnName = DB.Product.ServiceColumn.PropertyName
wh.Comparison = SubSonic.Comparison.NotEquals
wh.ParameterValue = System.Decimal.One
Dim tab As DataTable = prod.Where(wh).Filter().ToDataTable()
Me.GridControl1.DataSource = tab
What you're doing doesn't make much sense - the where needs to go onto the query, then hit the DB - that's the way it should work. If you want to filter after the fact you can use Linq's Where(), which will filter the list for you.
