Does NodeJS spin up a new process for new reqest? - node.js

I have a backend NodeJS API and I am trying to setting trace id. What I have been thinking is that I would generate a UUID through a Singleton module and then use it across for logging. But since NodeJS is single-threaded, would that mean that UUID will always remain the same for all clients?
For eg: If the API gets a request from and, would it spin a new process and thereby generate separate UUIDs? or it's just one process that would be running with a single thread? If it's just one process with one thread then I think both the client apps will get the same UUID assigned.
Is this understanding correct?

Nodejs uses only one single thread to run all your Javascript (unless you specifically create a WorkerThread or child_process). Nodejs uses some threads internally for use in some of the library functions, but those aren't used for running your Javascript and are transparent to you.
So, unlike some other environments, each new request runs in the same thread. There is no new process or thread created for an incoming request.
If you use some singleton, it will have the same value for every request.
But since NodeJS is single threaded, would that mean that UUID will always remains the same for all clients?
Yes, the UUID would be the same for all requests.
For eg: If the API gets a request from and, would it spin a new process and thereby generate separate UUIDs?
No, it would not spin a new process and would not generate a new UUID.
or it's just one process that would be running with a single thread? If it's just one process with one thread then I think both the client apps will get the same UUID assigned.
One process. One thread. Same UUID from a singleton.
If you're trying to put some request-specific UUID in every log statement, then there aren't many options. The usual option is to coin a new UUID for each new request in some middleware and attach it to the req object as a property such as req.uuid and then pass the req object or the uuid itself as a function argument to all code that might want to have access to it.
There is also a technology that has been called "async local storage" that could serve you here. Here's the doc. It can be used kind of like "thread local storage" works in other environments that do use a thread for each new request. It provides some local storage that is tied to an execution context which each incoming request that is still being processed will have, even as it goes through various asynchronous operations and even when it returns control temporarily back to the event loop.
As best I know, the async local storage interface has undergone several different implementations and is still considered experimental.

See this diagram to understand ,how node js server handles requests as compared to other language servers
So in your case there won't be a separate thread
And unless you are creating a separate process by using pm2 to run your app or explicitly creating the process using internal modules ,it won't be a separate process

Node.js is a single thread run-time environment provided that internally it does assign threads for requests that block the event loop.
What I have been thinking is that I would generate a UUID through a
Singleton module
Yes, it will generate UUID only once and every time you have new request it will reuse the same UUID, this is the main aim of using the Singleton design pattern.
would it spin a new process and thereby generate separate UUIDs? or
it's just one process that would be running with a single thread?
The process is the instance of any computer program that can have one or multiple threads in this case it is Node.js(the process), the event loop and execution context or stack are two threads part of this process. Every time the request is received, it will go to the event loop and then be passed to the stack for its execution.
You can create a separate process in Node.js using child modules.
Is this understanding correct?
Yes, your understanding is correct about the UUID Singleton pattern. I would recommend you to see how Node.js processes the request. This video helps you understand how the event loop works.


Delphi/Indy multithreading Server

I am trying to turn my app multithreading. What I want to achieve is:
- Receive command via TidHTTPServer
- Execute local action (might involve using tidHTTP to send/receive data to other services)
- return execution result to the original caller
since I am pretty new to multi-threading I would like to know if my design-idea is correct
in TidHTTPServer.OnCommandGet I create a new instance of TMsgHandler and pass ARequestInfo and AResponseInfo
TMsgHandler.Excecute interprest the data
Can TMsgHandler.Execeute use Objects (descendants of TidHTTP) in my Main to communicate with other services?
TMsgHandler sends answer through AResponseInfo and terminates.
will this work?
This is not the correct design.
THTTPServer is a multi-threaded component. Its OnCommand... events are fired in the context of worker threads that Indy creates for you.
As such, you do not need to derive your TMsgHandler from TThread. Do your TIdHTTP directly in the context of the OnCommand... thread instead. A response will not be sent back to the client until your event handler exits (unless you send one manually). However, you should not share a single TIdHTTP from the main thread (unless you absolute need to, in which case you would need to synchronize access to it). You should create a new TIdHTTP dynamically directly in your OnCommand.../TMsgHandler code as needed.

Node/Express: running specific CPU-instensive tasks in the background

I have a site that makes the standard data-bound calls, but then also have a few CPU-intensive tasks which are ran a few times per day, mainly by the admin.
These tasks include grabbing data from the db, running a few time-consuming different algorithms, then reuploading the data. What would be the best method for making these calls and having them run without blocking the event loop?
I definitely want to keep the calculations on the server so web workers wouldn't work here. Would a child process be enough here? Or should I have a separate thread running in the background handling all /api/admin calls?
The basic answer to this scenario in Node.js land is to use the core cluster module -
It is an acceptable API to :
easily launch worker node.js instances on the same machine (each instance will have its own event loop)
keep a live communication channel for short messages between instances
this way, any work done in the child instance will not block your master event loop.

WCF - spawn a new worker thread and return to caller without waiting for it to finnish

I have a WCF web service hosted in IIS- This service has a method - lets call it DoSomething(). DoSomething() is called from a client-side application.
DoSomething performs some work and returns the answer to the user. Now I need to log how often DoSomething is being called. I can add it to the DoSomething function so that it will for every call write to an sql database and update a counter, but this will slow down the DoSomething method as the user needs to wait for this extra database call.
Is it a good option to let the DoSomething method spawn a new thread which will update the counter in the database, and then just return the answer from the DoSomething method to the user without waiting for the thread to finnish? Then I will not know if the database update fails, but that is not critical.
Any problems with spawning a new background thread and not wait for it to finnish in WCF? Or is there a better way to solve this?
Update: To ask the question in a little different way. Is it a bad idea to spawn new threads insde a wcf web service method?
The main issue is one of reliability. Is this a call you care about? If the IIS process crashes after you returned the response, but before your thread completes, does it matter? If no, then you can use client side C# tools. If it does matter, then you must use a reliable queuing technology.
If you use the client side then spawning a new thread just to block on a DB call is never the correct answer. What you want is to make the call async, and for that you use SqlCommand.BeginExecute after you ensure that AsyncronousProcessing is enabled on the connection.
If you need reliable processing then you can use a pattern like Asynchronous procedure execution which relies on persisted queues.
As a side note things like logging, or hit counts, and the like are a huge performance bottleneck if done in the naive approach of writing to the database on every single HTTP request. You must batch and flush.
If you want to only track a single method like DoSomething() in service then you can create an custom operation behavior and apply it over the method.
The operation behavior will contain the code that logs the info to database. In that operation behavior you can use the .NET 4.0's new TPL library to create a task that will take care of database logging. If you use TPL you don't need to worry about directly creating threads.
The advantage of using operation behvaior tomorrow you need to track another method then at that time instead of duplicating the code there you are just going to mark the method with the custom operation behavior. If you want to track all the methods then you should go for service behavior.
To know more about operation behaviors check
To know more about TPL(Task Parallel Library) check

How node.js works?

I don't understand several things about nodejs. Every information source says that node.js is more scalable than standard threaded web servers due to the lack of threads locking and context switching, but I wonder, if node.js doesn't use threads how does it handle concurrent requests in parallel? What does event I/O model means?
Your help is much appreciated.
Node is completely event-driven. Basically the server consists of one thread processing one event after another.
A new request coming in is one kind of event. The server starts processing it and when there is a blocking IO operation, it does not wait until it completes and instead registers a callback function. The server then immediately starts to process another event (maybe another request). When the IO operation is finished, that is another kind of event, and the server will process it (i.e. continue working on the request) by executing the callback as soon as it has time.
So the server never needs to create additional threads or switch between threads, which means it has very little overhead. If you want to make full use of multiple hardware cores, you just start multiple instances of node.js
At the lowest level (C++ code, not Javascript), there actually are multiple threads in node.js: there is a pool of IO workers whose job it is to receive the IO interrupts and put the corresponding events into the queue to be processed by the main thread. This prevents the main thread from being interrupted.
Although Question is already explained before a long time, I'm putting my thoughts on the same.
Node.js is single threaded JavaScript runtime environment. Basically it's creator Ryan Dahl concern was that parallel processing using multiple threads is not the right way or too complicated.
if Node.js doesn't use threads how does it handle concurrent requests in parallel
Ans: It's completely wrong sentence when you say it doesn't use threads, Node.js use threads but in a smart way. It uses single thread to serve all the HTTP requests & multiple threads in thread pool(in libuv) for handling any blocking operation
Libuv: A library to handle asynchronous I/O.
What does event I/O model means?
Ans: The right term is non-blocking I/O. It almost never blocks as Node.js official site says. When any request goes to node server it never queues the request. It take request and start executing if it's blocking operation then it's been sent to working threads area and registered a callback for the same as soon as code execution get finished, it trigger the same callback and goes to event queue and processed by event loop again after that create response and send to the respective client.
Useful link:
click here
Node JS is a JavaScript runtime environment. Both browser and Node JS run on V8 JavaScript engine. Node JS uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node JS applications uses single threaded event loop architecture to handle concurrent clients. Actually its' main event loop is single threaded but most of the I/O works on separate threads, because the I/O APIs in Node JS are asynchronous/non-blocking by design, in order to accommodate the main event loop. Consider a scenario where we request a backend database for the details of user1 and user2 and then print them on the screen/console. The response to this request takes time, but both of the user data requests can be carried out independently and at the same time. When 100 people connect at once, rather than having different threads, Node will loop over those connections and fire off any events your code should know about. If a connection is new it will tell you .If a connection has sent you data, it will tell you .If the connection isn’t doing anything ,it will skip over it rather than taking up precision CPU time on it. Everything in Node is based on responding to these events. So we can see the result, the CPU stay focused on that one process and doesn’t have a bunch of threads for attention.There is no buffering in Node.JS application it simply output the data in chunks.
Though its been answered , i would like to just share my understandings in simple terms
Nodejs uses a library called Libuv , so this Libuv is written in C
language which uses the concept of threads . These threads are called
as workers and these workers take care of the multiple requests from client.
Parallel processing in nodejs is achieved with the help of 2 concepts
Non blocking IO

Named pipes: Many clients. How to be prudent with thread creation? Thread Pool?

I'm am using named pipes on Windows for IPC, using C++.
The server creates a named pipe instance via CreateNamedPipe, and waits for clients to connect via ConnectNamedPipe.
Everytime a client calls CreateFile to access the named pipe, the server creates a thread using CreateThread to service that client. After that, the server reiterates the loop, creating a pipe instance via CreateNamedPipe and listening for the next client via ConnectNamedPipe, etc ...
Every client request triggers a CreateThread on the server. If clients come fast and furious, there would be many calls to CreateThread.
Q1: Is it possible to reuse already created threads to service future client requests?
If this is possible, how should I do this?
Q2: Would Thread Pool help in this situation?
I wrote a named pipe server today using IOCompletion ports just to see how.
The basic logic flow was:
I created the first named pipe via CreateNamedPipe
I created the main Io Completion Port object using that handle: CreateIoCompletionPort
I create a pool of worker threads - as a thumb suck, CPUs x2. Each worker thread calls GetQueuedCompletionStatus in a loop.
Then called ConnectNamedPipe passing in an overlapped structure. When this pipe connects, one of the GetQueuedCompletionStatus calls will return.
My main thread then joins the pool of workers by also calling GetQueuedCompletionStatus.
Thats about it really.
Each time a thread returns from GetQueuedCompletionStatus its because the associated pipe has been connected, has read data, or has been closed.
Each time a pipe is connected, I immediately create a unconnected pipe to accept the next client (should probably have more than one waiting at a time) and call ReadFile on the current pipe, passing an overlapped structure - ensuring that as data arrives GetQueuedCompletionStatus will tell me about it.
There are a couple of irritating edge cases where functions return a fail code, but GetLastError() is a success. Because the function "failed" you have to handle the success immediately as no queued completion status was posted. Conversely, (and I belive Vista adds an API to "fix" this) if data is available immediately, the overlapped functions can return success, but a queued completion status is ALSO posted so be careful not to double handle data in that case.
On Windows, the most efficient way to build a concurrent server is to use an asynch model with completion ports. But yes you can use a thread pool and use blocking i/o too, as that is a simpler programming abstraction.
Vista/Windows 2008 provide a thread pool abstraction.
