How to Secure SOAP Endpoint without Front end App Authtication - node.js

I have come across a challenge for that I need your opinion. We have a Front-end app in Vue that is publicly open and doesn't authenticate users through Login, the app doesn't have a backend. Currently, the app has a JSON data file that we manually update monthly. Based on my research and knowledge I have come to the conclusion, we can't put our SOAP web service endpoint with credentials since everyone will see the service user name and password in the browser. Even though the data is publicly displayed on the app but we want to secure the SOAP web service endpoint and credentials.
Currently, I only see two options:
We build the backend and authenticate(Login) the user in the app.
Build a backend (Node and Express server with Loopback) that consumes that SOAP service and converts that data in JSON format and consumes that data through Publicly open REST API endpoint with Read-Only option and only allow frontend app IP or Address to request data and reject the other IP request.
Both methods require the backend to secure the SOAP endpoint but the second option reduces the frontend work since it will convert the data from XML to JSON, my concern with this option is that it will be an open endpoint in REST API, can that jeopardize the SOAP credentials?
This is the Loopback diagram converting SOAP to REST.
I would like to know if anyone else has another idea or option to resolve this or do you see a problem with the above methods.


How to secure an ExpressJS RESTful API?

I was wondering if it is possible to secure an expressjs RESTful API that only a react native app and react website could access.
For exemple my server is running on port 8000, my react native app is on port 3000 and my website on port 5000. I want the server to listen only to requests coming from these ports.
Let's say I have a POST route to I don't want users to make that post request using external websites or tools like Postman.
What would be the best way to ensure my mobile app and Web site are the only ones allowed to access my RESTful routes.
First off, you are a bit mistaken about how a request to your API works. When your react app on port 3000 makes a request to your server on port 8000, it's just a random incoming request. It doesn't "come" from port 3000. In fact, the incoming port number with be some randomly generated port with 5 or 6 digits. Outbound ports are dynamically generated by the TCP system and you can't tell what "app" it came from.
Second off, your RESTful API server is just a server on the internet. Anyone can make a request to it. Using cross origin protections, you can provide some limits about what can be done from browser Javascript (only allowing requests from your particular domain's web pages), but other requests (not from a browser) cannot be blocked this way.
So, any code jockey using any tool other than a browser can write code to your API. What someone like Google does is they require you to either have an APIKey that they issued to you or they require some login credentials (often a cookie from a previous end-user login) that identifies the user making the request as a permitted user using their system. Even with these tools, this just means that a permitted user is accessing the API, it does not mean that only your app is accessing the API. And, in fact, you can't really prevent that.
So, what most people do is they require a login or APIKey credential and they track the type of use of the API. If the use of the API seems appropriate (particularly the types and frequency of requests), then that use is permitted. If the use of the API does not seem appropriate (often too many requests over some period of time), then that particular credential or user may be blocked from accessing the service either temporarily or permanently.
Let's say I have a POST route to I don't want users to make that post request using external websites or tools like Postman.
You cannot effectively do this. There are obstacles you can erect to make it more difficult like putting an expiring token in your web page and having your own use of the API include the token and then detecting if its a valid token, but a determined hacker will just scrape the token from the web page and still access your API using it from whatever programming tool they want.
What would be the best way to ensure my mobile app and Web site are the only ones allowed to access my RESTful routes.
You can't. Your API is on the web. Anyone with whatever credentials you require can access it.

Should we have same or different route for external and local request

I'm building an externalized API for developers who want to develop their own app based on our API. Here is my question; the API provides the ability to let other developers make external requests to our server, but should we handle the same request in same route for local and external request for same function?
For example:
we have a login route in API /api/v1/login this route provides the ability to make login request to this API in other site but when our local site want to let user login should we use the same path /api/v1/login or we should make another route for local request /auth
Is there any security issue if using the same route for the external request?
The main security issue would be that there wouldn't actually be a difference between your external API and your "local" API. If both are using the same paths to do the same things, and are using the same backend functionality to do so, they aren't different. This isn't really a security problem so long as you are still properly controlling API access appropriately, i.e. through API keys, though your client would have to use those same access controls.

NodeJS API - Broker Service Pattern to cause internal API redirection

We are currently working on a nodejs application which hosts API's (includes both get and post HTTP methods). These server API's in nodejs server are individually accessible or allowed to be called. Like /api/login (login api) is allowed to be called directly from clients.
Next, I want to introduce a service broker API which should be entry point to all API calls from client side. So, any client calling a specific API such as /api/login should go through service broker and then service broker should re-direct to requested API based on the specific service details as sent by clients.
Thereby, all clients should only be able to call only one API (i.e. broker service API - /broker/service). So, all requests from clients should first hit service broker API and then service broker should redirect to appropriate API's based on the input parameters passed to service broker from clients. Input parameters could contain the API URL and input data.
Currently, I'm able to connect directly to individual API's from clients. But, now I would like to introduce a new layer namely service broker and that broker service should decide which API the request should be redirected along with input data (sent from clients).
Note: Both broker service API and other functionality specific API's are hosted under same domain. So, there will not be any CORS issue. We are using "express" node module for handling HTTP API requests.
My initial question is whether this requirement can be achieved?
If yes, then can we perform internal redirection of API's in node server?
Can this be achieved with express node module?
Please help me in this regard.
If you really wanted to go this route, you could do something like this:
app.get('*', function(req, res){
the_route_passed = req.originalUrl;
//handle all of the routes here in your api function call.
What this will do is for every single route passed from the front-end will go through your function, and then you can grab the route that was passed req.originalUrl will be like /api/users/230 for user 230. Then you'll need to parse the route or however you want to do it and pass it through to your service broker.
This would be the best way to deal with not having to change anything on the front-end if you are already using Routing. The other way which might be better in the long run:
Send JSON on each request and configure it however you want, and then when you receive it you can figure out all the routing from the JSON request on each go. You'd have to rewrite all routes on the front-end to do this though which might be too much work.

Securely store data on a web server

I'm planning on making an android application that sends user data to a web server and stores it temporarily in a database. Now I've never worked with databases or web servers before, but after reading a bunch of tutorials and a few days of hacking away I managed to get a node.js server with mongodb up and running on the openshift platform.
Right now anyone can interact with the database just by sending a GET request or even just pulling up the url in a browser. Is there a way to prevent that by happening or would I have to maybe encrypt the data myself before storing it?
You describe a typical web application using REST APIs. To secure it, do two things:
Deploy your REST APIs (or the entire site) using HTTPS instead of HTTP. This provides end to end encryption so your sensitive data cannot be viewed while in transit
Add an authentication and authorization mechanism, so that only authenticated endpoints can access your REST APIs.

How to implement Authentication Across MVC 5 Application and Seperate Web API Application

I am building an online application using AngularJS on the front-end, hosted in an MVC 5/Web API application (basically a single-page application). However I have a hard constraint: the application's data will be held in a private network. I have to build a second Web API application inside the private network that exposes the web application's functionality. Further, the user authentication needs to happen inside the private network API (so the private network API will act as the authentication provider), as this is where the user tables exist.
The app in the DMZ is basically going to act as a proxy to the web API in the private network. So every request received in an ApiController in the UI API will be calling the private network API, ideally passing the token on received in the initial request.
From an authentication perspective, this is what I need:
User navigates to the site, can see only certain pages (I want to use MVC filters in the view controllers to control access).
They will log in once with a username and password.
After login the user can navigate to application pages and as a result the pages will call into the DMZ API for data.
This DMZ's API controllers will be calling into the private network API.
Both APIs whould be able to identify and apply authorization on their controller methods, based on the user's credentials.
If I didn't have a need for the second tier of API I would just use the MVC Single User Authentication implementation, which provides support for both cookie (UI) and token (API) authentication.
Any help providing insight into how I can do a similar thing with the above scenario would be much appreciated. (I guess my requirement is a bit like Windows impersonation for the UI web app).
See below for a high level view of the static architecture:
You may want to look at Azure service bus relays, which are designed to bridged the corporate firewall and call on-premise APIs.
Your WebAPI service would authenticate against the service bus to be allowed to call your service through it. You can pass user credentials using a bearer token in the request.
I'm not sure, but you may need to change your backend service implementation to use WCF though. You can find an explanation of the use of relays in Microsoft Dynamics in this link.
