I am reading the documentation for Neo4j AuraDB and I cannot find if it supports Customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK). Does it support CMEK?
Short Answer: No, AuraDB currently doesn't support CMEK.
Long Answer: Aura Enterprise : How is my data encrypted at rest ?
Azure SQL Server offers Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) by default, with the flick of a virtual switch:
There is no option to select an algorithm and I am not using "Bring Your Own Key".
Which encryption algorithm is being used and what is the key length?
All articles I find such as this one and this one have circular references to one another with no clear answer.
If you run this in your SQL Azure database
select * from sys.dm_database_encryption_keys
you should see the encryption algorithm being used and the key length.
In my case I have TDE enabled in one of my databases and I can see that the key_algorithm is AES and the key_lenght is 256.
It is AES 256
See this article:
Is there a difference between the encryption mechanisms used between Couchbase & CouchDB? Further does Couchbase provide enhanced security features than the CouchDB?
Couchbase is a commercially supported Enterprise grade product.
Following documentation explains all encryption/security features in Couchbase. RBAC for applications/users is coming in our next release (you can try them in a developer build in Feb/Mar). We also have partners to complement additional security functionality.
I am trying to deploy an Akka application on Azure, that uses the journal persistence plugin.
I cannot find a working combination when it comes to the persistence plugin I should use.
So far I looked into:
akka-persistence-mongo and Azure Document Store with Mongo driver: it does not work because akka-persistence-mongo is not compatible with the latest reactive-mongo version that supports SSL
akka-persistence-jdbc and an Azure SQL server: it seems the akka-persistence-jdbc is only compatible with Slick H2, Oracle and MySQL drivers
I do not have any strong performance requirements, this is why both solutions would have worked.
My best guess for the moment is akka-persistence-redis with Microsoft Azure Redis.
I am proposing a contribution to this plugin to make it compatible with Microsoft Azure Redis (authentication, as well as a strange error when calling zrangebyscore that I do not have with a local Redis).
I'm developing BIRT reports, which are deployed as a WEBAPP on Jetty.
Currently all the passwords in my Connection Provider Stores are Base64 'encrypted', but I'm wondering if and how I can use another encryption algorithm for my encrypted-properties.
<encrypted-property name="odaPassword" encryptionID="base64" value="......."/>
I've read something about Encryption Extension Points but I'm not sure if this concept also applies to BIRT webapps and how to implement this / where to put them.
Best regards,
Base 64 is an encoding method, not an encryption method. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/4070709/2782404. What are you currently using for encryption?
Have you seen this example of encryption extension point implementation for BIRT? http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1748986&seqNum=6
If so, source code might be helpful for understanding your specific problem
I know that in iOS, if the .sqlite is updated / read by SQL statement, then SQLCipher can be used to do encryption and decryption.
Is there any suggestion if Core Data is used instead ? The requirements are:
Core Data is used instead
Backup via itune for the application data is still be encrypted
If you want the SQLite to be encrypted when the device is locked only, then the on-disk encryption feature introduced in iOS 4 is your answer.
Otherwise, you may need to encrypt stuff programmatically. Cf. Core Data SQLite encryption?.
But AFAIK, there's no built-in support of any SQLite encryption feature in Core Data.