first two case working in switch statement why last case is not worked? - switch-statement

I am making dictionary website, for the proper word search within the API, I used there one switch statement (3rd case) which is not working , remaining cases running properly but 3rd case only given loader not output please give me proper solution.
// get element
const input = document.querySelector('#input');
const searchBtn = document.getElementById('button-addon2');
const loader = document.getElementById('loader');
const iword = document.querySelector('.iword');
const word = document.querySelector('.word');
const mean = document.querySelector('.meaning');
const audio = document.querySelector('audio');
// Event listner for search button
searchBtn.addEventListener('click', getData);
function getData(e) {
iword.textContent = '';
word.textContent = '';
mean.textContent = '';
// get input data
let inputWord = input.value;
// call api get data
if (inputWord === '') {
alert ('Word is Required')
// get data from api
async function getApiData(inputWord) { = 'block';
const apiKey = `${inputWord}?key=a6d01f54-9cfd-4941-957b-55935e9f4c5d`;
try {
let response = await fetch(apiKey);
let data = await response.json();
switch (true) {
case (!data.length) : = 'none';
iword.textContent = inputWord;
word.textContent = 'No Result Found';
case (typeof data[0] === 'string') : = 'none';
iword.textContent = inputWord;
let sHeading = document.createElement('h3');
sHeading.textContent = 'Did You Mean ?'
data.forEach(element => {
let suggetion = document.createElement('span');
suggetion.textContent = element;
break ;
case data[0].shortdef[0] : = 'none';
iword.textContent = inputWord;
word.textContent = meaning;
break ;
catch (error) {
// catch error here


connection.queryRaw is not a function error in NodeJs WebAPI call

I am new to Nodejs. I am developing WebAPI by using NodeJs and MSSQl as database.My api is giving proper response in case of POST endpoint If it is called while server is listening through Dev environment command [npm run start]. But, If I Deploy my API on Windows IIS , it is giving the mentioned error. My reference API endpoint code is as below :'/',async (req,res,next)=>{
// console.log('Enter products creation')
const Product = Array.from(req.body) // req.body
// console.log('New Product details passed on',Product)
const createProd = require('../CreateProduct')
const response = await createProd(Product)
message : response.retStatus
CreateProduct function called in above code is as below :
const sql = require("mssql/msnodesqlv8");
const dataAccess = require("../DataAccess");
const fn_CreateProd = async function (product) {
let errmsg = "";
let objBlankTableStru = {};
let connPool = null;
// console.log('Going to connect with Connstr:',global.config)
await sql
.then((pool) => {
global.connPool = pool;
productsStru = pool.request().query("DECLARE #tblProds tvp_products select * from #tblProds");
return productsStru;
objBlankTableStru.products = productsStru
productsOhStru = global.connPool.request().query("DECLARE #tblprodsOh tvp_product_oh select * from #tblprodsOh");
return productsOhStru
.then((productsOhStru) => {
objBlankTableStru.products_oh = productsOhStru
let objTvpArr = [
uploadTableStru: objBlankTableStru,
tableName : "products",
tvpName: "tvp_products",
tvpPara: "tblProds"
tableName : "products_oh",
tvpName: "tvp_product_oh",
tvpPara: "tblProdsOh",
newResult = dataAccess.getPostResult(
console.log("New Result of Execute Final procedure", newResult);
return newResult;
.then((result) => {
// console.log("Result of proc", result);
if (!result.recordset[0].errmsg)
errmsg = "New Products Inserted successfully";
else errmsg = result.recordset[0].errmsg;
.catch((err) => {
console.log("Enter catch of Posting prod", err.message);
errmsg = err.message;
if (errmsg == "") {
errmsg = "Unknown error from Server... ";
.finally((resp) => {
return { retStatus: errmsg };
module.exports = fn_CreateProd;
GetPost() function is as below :
const getPostResult = (
) => {
let arrtvpNamesPara = [];
let prdTable = null;
let newSrcData = [];
// console.log("Source Data :", sourceData);
let uploadTable = tvpNamesArr[0];
for (i = 1; i <= tvpNamesArr.length - 1; i++) {
let tvpName = tvpNamesArr[i].tvpName;
let tvpNamePara = tvpNamesArr[i].tvpPara;
let TableName = tvpNamesArr[i].tableName;
let srcTable = uploadTable.uploadTableStru[TableName];
srcTable = srcTable.recordset.toTable(tvpName);
let newsrcTable = Array.from(srcTable.columns);
newsrcTable = => { =;
return i;
if (!singleTableData) {
switch (sourceDataFormat) {
case 1:
newSrcData = sourceData.filter((obj) => {
return obj.tablename.toUpperCase() === TableName.toUpperCase();
case 2:
newSrcData = getObjectDatabyKey(sourceData, TableName);
newSrcData = getTableDatabyKey(sourceData, TableName);
} else {
newSrcData = sourceData;
// console.log(`Filtered Source data for Table:${TableName}`, newSrcData);
prdTable = generateTable(
arrtvpNamesPara.push({ name: tvpNamePara, value: prdTable });
const newResult = execute(procName, arrtvpNamesPara);
return newResult;
Finally, I have found the solution to this.. it is very strange and shocking and surprising that If I using Morgan Middleware in app.js and have used it by syntax : app.use(morgan('dev')) , then it is the culprit command..I just removed dev from this command after which problem got resolved..But I found no help regarding this issue over Google anywhere..I really fear that what type of challenges I am going to face in future development if these kind of silly error come without giving any hint..I would be highly obliged If anyone could make me understand this kind of silly errors..

.push is not a function in web crawler

I am writing a node JS web crawler class, and I have encountered the following error, this.textInvertedIndex[word].push is not a function. Upon further inspection I realised that for some reason this.textInvertedIndex[word] was written as a native object, function Object({ [native code] }). For the first few iterations, by console logging this.textInvertedIndex everything seemed fine as it was an object of arrays. But then suddenly this error occurred. Is there any part of the code where I am implicitly rewriting textInvertedIndex?
Here is the relevant class:
function Crawler(queue, maxIndexSize) {
this.queue = queue;
this.maxIndexSize = maxIndexSize;
this.findChunks = () => {
let currentChunk;
let minimumDistance = Infinity;
for (i = 1; i <= this.maxIndexSize; i++) {
if (this.maxIndexSize % i === 0) {
const newDistance = Math.abs(i - 30);
if (newDistance < minimumDistance) {
minimumDistance = newDistance;
currentChunk = i;
} else {
return currentChunk
this.chunks = this.findChunks();
this.chunkSize = this.maxIndexSize / this.chunks;
this.totalWordOccurances = {};
this.imageInvertedIndex = {};
this.textInvertedIndex = {};
this.images = [];
this.sites = [];
this.seen = {};
this.write = (url, html) => {
const documentId = this.sites.length;
const website = new Website(url, html);
const title = website.title();
const content = website.content(title);
const words = content.filter(item => typeof item !== "object");
const wordsLength = words.length;
const query = new Query(words);
const individualWords = query.individualize(words);
this.seen[url] = true;
description: website.description()
for (word of individualWords) {
const normalizedTf = query.count(word) / wordsLength;
const textInvertedIndexEntry = {
if (this.textInvertedIndex[word]) {
} else {
this.textInvertedIndex[word] = [textInvertedIndexEntry];
if (this.totalWordOccurances[word]) {
this.totalWordOccurances[word] += 1;
} else {
this.totalWordOccurances[word] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
const item = content[i];
if (typeof item === "object") {
const imageId = this.images.length;
for (word of individualWords) {
const imageScore = getImageScore(i, word, content);
const imageInvertedIndexEntry = {
if (this.imageInvertedIndex[word]) {
} else {
this.imageInvertedIndex[word] = [imageInvertedIndexEntry];
this.crawl = async () => {
while (this.sites.length !== this.maxIndexSize) {
let nextQueue = [];
const websitesUnfiltered = await Promise.all( => {
const website = new Website(url);
return website.request();
const websitesToAdd = this.maxIndexSize - this.sites.length;
let websites = websitesUnfiltered.filter(message => message !== "Failure")
.slice(0, websitesToAdd);
for (site of websites) {
const url = site.url;
const htmlCode = site.htmlCode;
const website = new Website(url, htmlCode);
this.write(url, htmlCode);
nextQueue = nextQueue.concat(website.urls());
nextQueue = new Query(nextQueue.filter(url => !this.seen[url]))
this.queue = nextQueue;
Called like this
const crawler = new Crawler([""], 25000000);
this.textInvertedIndex = {}; is defining an Object of which push is not a valid function. you can change it to an array by defining it as this.textInvertedIndex = []; otherwise you can add key/value entries to the object as it is defined like this: this.textInvertedIndex[key] = value;
Turns out, my key was accessing this.textInvertedIndex[word]. And word was constructor. constructor is already a built in object property so it can never be rewritten as an array with .push defined. To solve this problem, make all object keys capital, so constructor will become CONSTRUCTOR, thus making sure that already existing object properties are never called.

Save CVS from the web to Apify Dataset

I am trying to get some CVS data from google sheet and store it into an Apify dataset.
const Apify = require('apify');
const request = require('request-promise');
Apify.main(async () => {
var URL = "";
const html = await request(URL);
console.log('My output:');
await Apify.setValue('OUTPUT', html);
const namedDataset = await Apify.openDataset();
await namedDataset.pushData(html);
Here is error message:
2020-01-01T16:43:21.501Z My output:
2020-01-01T16:43:21.510Z "city","country"
2020-01-01T16:43:21.512Z "Berlin ","Germany"
2020-01-01T16:43:21.513Z "Los Angeles","United States"
2020-01-01T16:43:21.514Z "Melbourne","Australia"
2020-01-01T16:43:21.516Z "Sydney","Australia"
2020-01-01T16:43:21.517Z "London","United Kingdom"
2020-01-01T16:43:21.519Z "New York City","United States"
2020-01-01T16:43:21.614Z ERROR: The function passed to Apify.main() threw an exception: (error details: type=invalid-parameter)
2020-01-01T16:43:21.616Z ApifyClientError: Parameter "data" of type Array | Object must be provided
2020-01-01T16:43:21.617Z at exports.checkParamOrThrow (/usr/src/app/node_modules/apify-client/build/utils.js:222:15)
2020-01-01T16:43:21.619Z at Dataset.pushData (/usr/src/app/node_modules/apify/build/dataset.js:222:34)
2020-01-01T16:43:21.620Z at Apify.main (/usr/src/app/main.js:16:22)
2020-01-01T16:43:21.621Z at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
A more elegant solution would be using our Google Sheets actor.
const Apify = require('apify');
Apify.main(async () => {
const spreadsheetId = '1-auXklWqHQ-jj6AXymMPa7FLtP1eYGJGF3rprxuWitk';
const sheetsActorInput = {
mode: 'read',
const data = await'lukaskrivka/google-sheets', sheetsActorInput);
const namedDataset = await Apify.openDataset('my-dataset');
await namedDataset.pushData(data);
The only disadvantage (also an advantage is some sense) is that you need to authorize in your first run but that is really simple.
I was able to use this somewhat hacky approach. I am sure their is a more modern elgagent approach:
const Apify = require('apify');
const request = require('request-promise');
function csvJSON(csv) { //
var lines = csv.split("\n");
var result = [];
// NOTE: If your columns contain commas in their values, you'll need
// to deal with those before doing the next step
// (you might convert them to &&& or something, then covert them back later)
// jsfiddle showing the issue
var headers = lines[0].split(",");
for (var i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
var obj = {};
var currentline = lines[i].split(",");
for (var j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
obj[headers[j]] = currentline[j];
return JSON.stringify(result); //JSON
Apify.main(async () => {
var URL = ""; //test
const html = await request(URL);
const urls = csvJSON(html.replace(/\"/g, "")); // remove quotes from csv data
console.log('My output:');
const namedDataset = await Apify.openDataset();
await namedDataset.pushData(JSON.parse(urls));

How to make the function wait till I get the response in node.js

Async and Await are not working as expected. Please correct me where I am doing wrong in code.
I am reading data (url, pagelimit, company)from excel and by using switch(), I am navigating to the service.
I have to wait till I get the response from this function cnbservice.GetcnbOpenings(url, pageLimit,company), store the response to global array and call this function mdsservice.GetMdsOpenings(url, pageLimit,company), append the results to the global array.
const readexcel = async (request, response) => {
const workbook = XLSX.readFile('file.xlsx');
const sheetnamelist = workbook.SheetNames;
var xldata = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workbook.Sheets[sheetnamelist[0]]);
dataarray =[];
for (i = 0; i < xldata.length; i++) {
company = xldata[i].company;
url = xldata[i].careers_link_url;
pageLimit = xldata[i].pagelimit;
case process.env.cnb_company_name:
const arr = await cnbservice.GetcnbOpenings(url, pageLimit,company)
if(arr !== undefined){
case process.env.mds_company_name:
const arr1 = await mdsservice.GetMdsOpenings(url, pageLimit,company)
if(arr1 !== undefined){
case "default":
console.log("Company Name not matching with any of the services")
You are running await code inside standard for loop which will not work synchronously. to run async/await inside a for loop you should use for...of loop.
for(let element of array){
//await call
after making following changes your code will work as expected.
const readexcel = async (request, response) => {
const workbook = XLSX.readFile('file.xlsx');
const sheetnamelist = workbook.SheetNames;
var xldata = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workbook.Sheets[sheetnamelist[0]]);
dataarray = [];
for (let element of xldata) {
company =;
url = element.careers_link_url;
pageLimit = element.pagelimit;
switch (company) {
case process.env.cnb_company_name:
const arr = await cnbservice.GetcnbOpenings(url, pageLimit, company)
if (arr !== undefined) {
case process.env.mds_company_name:
const arr1 = await mdsservice.GetMdsOpenings(url, pageLimit, company)
if (arr1 !== undefined) {
case "default":
console.log("Company Name not matching with any of the services")

NodeJs + Request-promise - error catching

I'm having trouble with error handling with my function in my bot for Discord. What I've got right now is a command that scraps information from a website, I want to make it so if there is an error (404), the user will get some feedback. How would I go about doing this? Right now I currently have something, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Here is a snippet of code:
//modules used
const rp = require('request-promise-native');
const errors = require('request-promise/errors');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + 'latest')) {
//website url variables
const website_domain = "";
let website_path = args[0];
let website_url = website_domain + website_path;
//extra arguments variable
let extra_arg = args.slice(1).join(" ");
if (extra_arg.length > 0) {
message.reply('too many arguments! Please refer to `` for correct usage.');
} else {
//opening url and scrapping elements
function scrapData(website_url) {
return rp(website_url)
.then(body => {
let items = [],
$ = cheerio.load(body).catch(errors.StatusCodeError, function (reason) {
//web scrapping here
$('.post-box').each(function() {
let title = $(this).find($('.title h2 span')).first().text(),
caption = $(this).find($('.post-box-excerpt p')).first().text(),
article_url = $(this).find($('.col-hb-post-image a')).first().attr('href'),
thumbnail_long = $(this).find($('.thumbnail img')).first().attr('src');
//adding title, caption, etc to list
items.push({title, caption, article_url, thumbnail_long});
//check items in console
return items;
I have just modified your code little try this below code.
//modules used
const rp = require('request-promise-native');
const errors = require('request-promise/errors');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + 'latest')) {
//website url variables
const website_domain = "";
let website_path = args[0];
let website_url = website_domain + website_path;
//extra arguments variable
let extra_arg = args.slice(1).join(" ");
if (extra_arg.length > 0) {
message.reply('too many arguments! Please refer to `` for correct usage.');
} else {
var options = {
uri: website_url,
transform: function (body) {
return cheerio.load(body);
.then(function ($) {
// Process html like you would with jQuery...
$('.post-box').each(function() {
let title = $(this).find($('.title h2 span')).first().text(),
caption = $(this).find($('.post-box-excerpt p')).first().text(),
article_url = $(this).find($('.col-hb-post-image a')).first().attr('href'),
thumbnail_long = $(this).find($('.thumbnail img')).first().attr('src');
//adding title, caption, etc to list
items.push({title, caption, article_url, thumbnail_long});
//check items in console
.catch(function (err) {
