Azure API management services analytics in consumption pricing - azure

I am using API management services to expose my APIs, i am using consumption based instance for API management.
I have published 4-5 APIs and products in that. I want to analytics the behavior of my APIs exposed by viewing the http responses and if possible request and response.
What is the best way to do this as in consumption based, i cannot see api analytics in left nav of api management services

There are number of options one can perdue with Consumption tier:
Use diagnostic settings to store gateway logs in Log Analytics and use it's capabilities to analyze the data:
Use APIMs Application Insights integration
Build custom pipeline sending data from policy using log-to-eventhub or even send-request policies

As per this Microsoft Document, Built-in API Analytics are not supported for the consumption tier if you want to use analytics you need to increase your plan.


Connect Azure IoTHub to application insights

I am building an application in Azure, and I really like the application Insights "Application Map". I would like to integrate IoTHub to the map, so I can check the entire stack from device to webinterface in one central place.
What I have tried:
I tried creating a diagnostic setting directly in the IoTHub.
For destination I used the same Log Analytics workspace as my application insights is using.
I can see logs using the "Logs" tab under the IoTHub, but nothing in the application insights.
The actual question:
How do I connect the IoTHub to the application insights? If this is not possible, what do you normally do to check if everything is as it should be inside the IoTHub?
Application Insights is a feature of Azure Monitor that provides extensible application performance management (APM) and monitoring for live web apps.
What metrics do you plan to track through Application Insights?
When you have critical applications and business processes relying on Azure resources, you want to monitor those resources for their availability, performance, and operation. You can use the features of Azure Monitor to analyze, monitor data generated by Azure IoT Hub and setup alerts.
Azure IoT Hub creates monitoring data using Azure Monitor, which is a full stack monitoring service in Azure that provides a complete set of features to monitor your Azure resources in addition to resources in other clouds and on-premises.
Start with the article Monitoring Azure resources with Azure Monitor, which describes the following concepts:
What is Azure Monitor?
Costs associated with monitoring
Monitoring data collected in Azure
Configuring data collection
Standard tools in Azure for analyzing and alerting on monitoring data
Please see Monitoring Azure IoT Hub and Set up and use metrics and logs with an IoT hub for more details.

Azure API Management vs Logic Apps

New to Azure and would like to know what the difference between Azure API Management and Logic Apps is.
Some pros and cons would be nice. Also what the costing for each of these is like.
Seems you want to know about Azure API Management and Azure Logic Apps
Well let me help you what that actually are...
Azure API Management
Azure API Management allows organizations to publish APIs more securely, reliably, and at scale. Use API Management to drive API consumption among internal teams, partners, and developers while benefiting from business and log analytics available in the admin portal
Pros are
Consistent and modern API gateways for existing back-end services
Verifies API keys, JWT tokens, certificates, and other credentials
Help you to publish APIs to external, partner, and internal
developers to unlock the potential of their data and services
High availability Responds to requests to perform operations at
least 99.9% of the time.
Analytics, metrics and many more
For further details you could have a look on official docs
There are different categories of pricing available based on type and uses. See the below screen shot:
You even can read more details about pricing here
Logic Apps:
Azure Logic Apps is a cloud service that helps you schedule, automate, and orchestrate tasks, business processes, and workflows when you need to integrate apps, data, systems, and services across enterprises or organizations. Logic Apps simplifies how you design and build scalable solutions for app integration, data integration, system integration
Pros are
Maximum automation with hassle free service
Process and route orders across on-premises systems and cloud
Can move uploaded files from an SFTP or FTP server to Azure Storage
Help you connect legacy, modern, and cutting-edge systems more
easily and quickly by providing prebuilt APIs as Microsoft-managed
Usually two categories of pricing you may have Consumption pricing model which depends on how much you consume and have to pay as per your consumption.
another one Fixed pricing model. See the screen shot:
You can have a look more details on official docs
Hope this would help you.

Is there a way to feed IIS logs into App Insights from Log analytics workspace?

We've logs(W3CIISLogs) on Log analytics workspace for websites hosted on VMs. Similarly we have app insights enabled for websites hosted on App service. Now we want to access telemetry data of both type of websites thru single interface, either via app insights or via Log analytics. Just wondering if it's possible and what's the best way.
With Azure Monitor you can now query not only across multiple Log Analytics workspaces, but also data from a specific Application Insights app in the same resource group, another resource group, or another subscription. This provides you with a system-wide view of your data. You can only perform these types of queries in Log Analytics.
Querying across Log Analytics workspaces and from Application Insights - reference another workspace in your query, use the workspace identifier and for an app from Application Insights, use the app identifier.
Cross-resource query limits:
The number of Application Insights resources that you can include in
a single query is limited to 100.
Cross-resource query is not supported in View Designer. You can Author a query in Log
Analytics and pin it to Azure dashboard and visualize a log search.
Cross-resource query in log alerts is supported in the new
scheduledQueryRules API. By default, Azure Monitor uses the legacy
Log Analytics Alert API for creating new log alert rules from Azure
portal, unless you switch from legacy Log Alerts API. After the
switch, the new API becomes the default for new alert rules in Azure
portal and it lets you create cross-resource query log alerts rules.
You can create cross-resource query log alert rules without making
the switch by using the ARM template for scheduledQueryRules API –
but this alert rule is manageable though scheduledQueryRules API and
not from Azure portal.
Documentation Reference - Cross-Resource Log queries in Azure Monitor
Hope the above information helps.

How can I programmatically access performance metrics of Azure DocumentDb?

Trying to access metrics such as Requests/sec, Capacity, RUs, etc - programmatically. Have access to API tokens/etc. Not seeing a .NET management nuget package for DocumentDb
You can read metrics from the Azure Insights SDK. The .NET SDK i currently in preview
The Rest API documentation is here
To list all metrics you can call the following endpoint (you'll need to include the Bearer token in the authorization header){subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resource group of your documentDB}/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDb/databaseAccounts/{documentDB account name}/metricDefinitions?api-version=2015-04-08
This will list all available metric definitions. You can then use a query like this to read the induvidual metrics.{subecriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resource group}/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDb/databaseAccounts/{DocumentDB account}/metrics?api-version=2015-04-08&$filter=%28name.value%20eq%20%27Total%20Requests%27%29%20and%20timeGrain%20eq%20duration%27PT5M%27%20and%20startTime%20eq%202016-05-28T20%3A26%3A00.0000000Z%20and%20endTime%20eq%202016-05-29T20%3A26%3A00.0000000Z
For more info on reading metrics, see

Azure API Management Scalability

Azure API Management has promises of 1000 requests per second for an instance. (I don't know this is a correct rate but let's assume it is). My question is how can we scale web service without scaling its infrastructure just by scaling API Management instance.
For example if Azure API Management supports 1000 requests per second for an instance, then backend service also should support the same request handling threshold in its infrastructure. If this is the case what is really meant by scaling up the web service by Azure API Management.
By using Azure API management you can turn on caching easily, which can significantly reduce the traffic to your back-end. In addition, your API Management instance can be scaled up easily to have more VMs behind it. However, if the back-end cannot handle the traffic (after caching), then you might need a more scalable back-end :)
Miao is correct. However remember Azure API Management scaling will only work with GET request. Plus cache size provided by API Management is of only 1GBas of today [may increase in future]; with no monitoring as of today. So if you need monitoring of API Management cache then use external cache like Redis.
When you talk about scalability it will be at all layers. API Management consumption plan can be good option to think through for auto scaling. Then think of Azure VMSS or App service auto scale for scaling backed APIs. And if your backend APIS are talking to DB then think of something like Autoscale for DB on Azure like SQL Azure HyperScale.
So scalability is not only at API Management level but think carefully at all layers.
Sample implementation of Cache in API Management is here -
