Change default text color in Bash/Zsh - linux

What I want to do is to set the default color (like if output \e[0m) for EVERY output. For some reasons I can’t change it in terminal settings and only hope that Bash can
One way I think it might be possible is to redirect output to temporary file (or file descriptor, or function if possible) and print everything char-by-char or something and removing the reset sequence, but I’m not sure it’s the best way
So can Bash or Zsh do it quickly?


Is there any way I can change only a specific directory color in linux?

I only need to set a color that will only effect a particular directory not globally.
If you are using Bash in a terminal that supports colors and would like to change the default color for text output to the terminal (not specifically the output of ls) while inside this directory, there is one thing you could do.
The PROMPT_COMMAND variable can be set to execute a command just before printing the prompt. You could use that to check for the current directory and change the terminal color (for instance by assigning the PS1 variable with a prompt that contains non-displayable special codes for selecting a color or echoing said special codes).
PROMPT_COMMAND is documented in the Bash manual:
As for how to assign colors, you should look that up if interested.
This solution may not be what you are looking for, will probably have side effects, and generally speaking, I am not sure it will be that useful changing terminal colors depending on the current directory. The usual solution is to have a prompt that shows the current directory path (or at least the last portion of the path).
I use something similar to the above to change text color depending on which machine I am executing Bash on, as I use ssh a lot from one machine to another over several terminal windows, and color (on a black background) is a good way to remember what machine any given window is connected to.

filetype and corresponding program that will honor control characters

I am using Node.js to write to log files, using the colors module which I believe inserts control characters into strings, for coloring/text formatting which will display in a terminal application.
When I write to the terminal directly, it shows colors, but when I write to a .log file and then tail the log file with either or iterm2, it does not show colors/text formatting. Does anybody know why this is? My guess is that when you write to the log file the control characters don't get saved? In that way, when tailing they won't display at all?
Perhaps if I write to .txt file or some other type of file, the control characters will remain?
How does this work exactly? At some point the control characters are getting stripped or ignored and I am not sure how or when.
See this code.
It checks if the output is going to a terminal (by checking process.stdout.isTTY) or to somewhere else, like a file. If the latter, no color codes are outputted.

trick console prog to make it think it writes to terminal

Many terminal programs will behave differently depending on the STDOUT destination, either terminal or pipe or file. Usually they will remove colors. There are usually command line options for some of them to keep colors or formatting or anything else that is intended only for direct terminal output. But those options are not always present and it takes time to find them thus I need a generic way to trick the program so that it thinks that STDOUT is terminal, not a pipe. How to achieve this?
There are several tools for this, they basically create a pty for your command.
The best known is probably expect:
Alternatively, empty:
There are several examples in that page, have a look.
For simple cases, script -c 'mycommand' may be a viable alternative.
And tmux, which is powerful and pretty easy to script.

Go to beginning of output command created - shortcut

I can scroll trough bash output using shift+pgup/pgdown.
But lets say, some command outputted lot of text, I have to pageup few times to go to beginning of output of this command.
Can I just simply do this by some shortcut? Something that simply allows me to scroll between previous commands (not history!), seeing their output.
You could try piping the output into less:
someCommand | less
less will allow you to search and scroll through the output text pretty easily.
once in less you can just type % to jump back to the top of the page. Essentially that means jump to 0% of the page. There are also a bunch of extra commands on the page I linked to above.
Another option is to use screen and use backward search (beware: read the Overview first, especially the part about the C-a prefix) to e.g. search for some specific characters in your prompt (like your username).
The scroll back history in Unix shells is a shell specific functionality, meaning that it is up to the specific shell (xterm, rxvt, text console, etc) to handle it. The functionality you request would require the shell to identify the individual program runs, to know where to scroll to. Scanning text is not technically hard per se, but as prompts and command display can differ due to user settings it can be hard to make it work generally good. Some communication between the shell and the terminal could make it better.
There sure are some nice fancy terminal programs doing things like this, to for example show syntax help when writing commands, but for your case I agree with previous answer, that piping commands to less is a good way to isolate the output. It might be a bit cumbersome first, as it requires you to think about it first, and not just go back in history, but if you learn the shell better and learn to use the command history it will probably work fine. I recommend you to, if you haven't already. What I mean is ctrl-r etc. More described for example here:

modifying font size using shell script

Is there any way to change the font size of terminal window(GNOME or KDE) from inside a shell script
Actually I want to display a file in a particular format on screens of all sizes.
Can i do it using scripts??
For KDE, you can use dcop to set your font size.
For example:
dcop konsole-8540 session-6 setFont Monospace,20,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0
(the 20 in the example above is the font size)
I for one would surely not want a shell script (or any other program for that matter) to change my terminal settings! If it were to find a way to do so, I would use it exactly once and them remove it from my machine.
Seriously: This is something you should not do, because the user will probably have set his or her screen size to the way it is for a reason that is probably better than yours for changing it. Consider handicapped people who might need a specific font or very large letters to be able to read the screen at all.
Better try and make your application suitable for any terminal layout - there are variables for telling you how many characters wide and how many lines high your current environment is.
