Publish Typescript Interfaces with NPM - node.js

I'm working in a project that has multiple typescript projects. I'm trying to have a common package for all the interfaces, types, enums, etc.
I thought I could make it work creating a NPM package with Typescript and have an index.ts with this content:
When I'm working in the projects that depend on this package, everything seems fine, but when I want to start the development environment I'm getting this error:
I've got the suggestion of running ts-node with --skipIgnore flag, but I'm getting the same error:
Maybe I needed to compile the code and import the .js (doesn't make ANY sense, but at this point 🤷🏽‍♂️)... no luck.
Let me share both tsconfig.json:
The one from the "common" package:
The one from the project that depends on the common package:
Things suggested and tried:
Because your target is ES6, commonjs modules cannot use your package. The dependent project should change its module type to ES6 as well - #kellys
Changing project's module to ES6, brings me this error:
All right, let's add moduleResolution: "node" ... and I'm getting:
So I'm adding "type":"module" in package.json:


Problems exporting a functional component in a ReactJS Module

I'm having problems importing my functional component BusinessCard (declared here
into a different project (here
I used npm link react-business-card-hfbp, and I can see the symlinked folder, but I must be doing the export incorrectly or don't understand package.json.
I have also tried installing from but that does not seem to work either.
The error (below) from webpack is Module '"react-business-card-hfbp"' has no exported member 'BusinessCard'.. I tried so many different combinations, edited package.json quite a lot, but I am stuck on this.
I'm sure the answer is simple, I just don't have enough experience with Node Modules to understand what is going on.
Thanks so much <3
I fixed it! With the help of a kind person on "Reactiflux" Discord server.
TL;DR: I was not compiling it into a module correctly. I should have used parcel to compile it into a module. I thought that TypeScript could be included in modules - this is apparently not correct, you must somehow turn it all into JavaScript first.
Working code:
npm run build
npm publish
Working package.json:

More issues with TypeScript modules

... yep. It's that time of year again. TypeScript is wonderful, except for the mess that is the module system. Presently, I'm struggling with a scenario where I'm dealing with two separate repositories / projects (what ever you wanna call it). I've got a library and a program using said library. I'm using Node's subpath exports feature in the package.json to indicate multiple submodules within the library. From the NodeJS (and the bundler's perspective) this is fine, but not in TypeScript's world. TypeScript is adamant that none of the modules exist.
Here's a quick summary of the library
build automatically generated build directory
lib autogenerated declarations files
src source files
lib manually written definitions files
It's package.json has an exports field which defines a list of exports and their respective declaration file.
"exports": {
"./iter": "build/iter.js",
"./iterSync": "build/iterSync.js",
I've tried various alterations of the above, such as
Node16 module resolution strategy
Adding a types property to each export
Using the main and typings fields in library/package.json
Adding "lib" to the includes of library/tsconfig.json
Upgrading to TypeScript 4.6.4
Restarting the TS Language Server through the VSCode command menu
Basically all permutations of the above
How I use the library
I don't think it makes a difference, but I'm referencing the module through a pnpm link dependency statement for development, and a git://... url for production:
"dependencies": {
"jcake-utils": "link:../library", // dev
"jcake-utils": "github:J-Cake/jcake-utils", // prod
Regardless of what I do, TypeScript refuses to locate my submodules in the program
import Iter, * as iter from 'jcake-utils/iter';
import IterSync, * as iterSync from 'jcake-utils/iterSync';
$ pnpm exec tsc -v
Version 4.6.4
$ pnpm exec tsc -p program/tsconfig.json
src/build.ts:2:29 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'jcake-utils/iter' or its corresponding type declarations.
... (A bajillion errors saying exactly the same thing, just across different files)
I alluded to this being a common issue (because from my experience it is) but I would greatly appreciate some very specific feedback as to how I can correct this issue and/or if I should potentially restructure either program or library, and how best to do so. I've been unable to find documentation that is helpful in my situation, as many of the suggestions given by the TypeScript community have not worked.
Thanks kindly

"Cannot find module" when running unit tests on node.js with react as peer dependency in common package

I have following app structure:
Application A
Application B
Common package
Now Application A and B have in package.json the common package added:
dependencies: {
"commonPackage": "file:../../../commonPackage"
both apps use React, as well as the common package, all had React added with npm, and it worked, before we started to use react hooks.
Because when we started, we got an Invalid Hook Call Warning due to having "more than one copy of React", so to avoid that, in the common package, the react dependency was moved to peerDependencies so that the react instance from the app is used and not from the package.
It works great in the browser when we run both apps A and B, but when I run my mocha tests in the console, I get:
ERROR in ../commonPackage/~/#uifabric/utilities/lib/customizations/Customizer.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'react' in 'D:\myProject\commonPackage\node_modules\#uifabric\utilities\lib\customizations'
this is from the office-ui-fabric-react package we use, but it seems like a more general issue with dependency resolution.
Project is in TypeScript, we use webpack for the compilation of the app for the browser, and tsc to compile for the unit tests.
I found some answers, suggesting to npm link react in the common package to the react package in the application node_modules, but it seems wrong, since the common package is used by two applications, it would solve the issue only for one.
In the case above we finally came to a solution which was
adding back react as devDependency to Common package
using esm package to help our test runs understand es6 module export/import that came with fabric package. Just using mocha --require esm ...
ejecting and adding alias to webpack.config.js in Application
alias: {
'react': path.resolve('./node_modules/react')
Application A, B and hooks work now.

create-react-app importing modules as ES6 Modules when project is using CommonJS Modules

I am trying to use CommonJS module format, with create-react-app (CRA). The documentation for CRA says:
..Create React App can consume both CommonJS and ES modules. For Node.js
compatibility, it is recommended that the main entry point is CommonJS...
I am finding that when I import a module that offers ES6 module format (via is "module" property in "package.json"), then CRA uses this as the entry point for the module.
Thus - even when my project is using CJS entirely, it then tries to import ES6 modules - and fails.
So - Is this a bug? Or, am I misunderstanding the intended behaviour of create-react-app?
I have reproduced this here: This project is a basic CRA skeleton, modified to used CJS.
Additionally, I have added a "test-module", whose a package.json includes a "main" (CJS) and "module" (ES6) entry point.
If we run npm start, the project fails to build, as the file "test-module/index.esm.js" is being used. (We can edit this file to use CJS format to make the project build and make this more clear).
"test-module/index.cjs.js" is never used.
Thanks :)
I found that this actually turned out to be an issue (actually expected behaviour) with Webpack:

How to create a simple (Hello World) node.js TypeScript project with ES6 modules?

Imagine a very simple program with a main file and some functions in a separate file, using ES6 modules and intended to be run with node.js.
import * as fs from "fs";
export function readSimpleFile() {
return fs.fileReadSync("hello.txt", "utf-8");
import {readSimpleFile} from "./my-utils"
What is the minimum set of files I need to add to the project and commands I have to run to get it building, running and checking types?
If you are to run a typescript project with node you need to have at least node, npm and typescript installed on your plateform.
Using an IDE to setup the project
Using intelliJ IDEA or Webstorm (they are the ones I know the best), the compilation of typescript into javascript is done automatically; you only need to do some settings.
Let us assume you have a file called project.ts containing your hello world code; IDEA or Webstorm will compile your code to project.js. Then you will only need to do node project.js to run your project.
Doing everything from scratch
First you need to know where exactly your npm packages are installed globally. This command can help you identify the path: npm config get prefix. In this folder, you should have a nodes_modules subfolder that contains the typescript module. If there is no typescript module, that is because you did not install typescript globally (npm install -g typescript).
Then you have to add the path of the bin of typescript subfolder in your environment variable.
Now you can compile the project with typescipt: tsc project.ts and you can run it node project.js.
Since you are using node function like fs you will need to install node typings npm install #types/node --save-dev before compiling with tsc.
Compilation option
To enable or disable all strict type checking options, you might need to use compilation option. You have to create the file in which you will specify the compilation option: tsc --init will create a tsconfig.json in which you can specify what behaviour you would like to have during the compilation of your app. All options are listed here.
