How to create lines from LINESTRING data in attribute table - attributes

I have a shapefile with about 500 polygons. In the attribute table of the polygons is data about the lines that I have to create within the polygons, for example: LINESTRING(99923 452314, 99921 452973, 99910 452368). How can I create lines from this data?


Is there away to display a title for a Tabulator table?

I have multiple Tabulator tables stacked vertically on a form, each providing a unique purpose. I would like to be able to assign a title to each Tabulator without the use of a leading div element. Manipulating column titles is straight-forward but I am unable to find anything within the Tabulator documentation which suggests a means of creating a table header to span the width of all columns. Is this possible?
You could abuse the column group feature:
"By creating groups in the column definition array, you can create multi line headers with groups of columns."

Excel sector charts group row

I have a bunch of values that are part of categories. Now I want to show the sum of each category in my chart. How can I group rows values of the same category in my chart only?
Basically, you can't achieve aggregate result without some data manipulation.
There are two ways to go on that issue.
First ,create a distinct categories, then sum-up the values by category using SUMIF Excel function, create your chart. The draw back of this method that if more categories added you'll have to add them manually.
Second option, is to create a Pivot-table of your original data and only afterwards create pie chart.This option is more convenient, hence it is a scalable solution
Have a great day

Order grid columns in code

I've created a custom screen which formats grid fields based on setup data in another table. One thing I'm trying to do is find out if there is a way to order the field columns in a grid in code, i.e., order the columns based on a column order information I obtain from that setup table.
Is this possible?

Using gvNIX to create Map Based Application

I am interested in creating a gvNIX/Roo application which shows the location of health facilities in Tanzania on a map. I am trying the tutorial available here. However my data is in the format shown below where my location data is in two columns (southings and eastings). The tutorial shows how to create three data types:
field geo --fieldName location --type POINT --class ~.domain.Owner
field geo --fieldName distance --type LINESTRING --class ~.domain.Owner
field geo --fieldName area --type POLYGON --class ~.domain.Owner
Am assuming I need the POINT data type to hold data on a health facility location but am not sure how to get the below 2 columns (southings and eastings) into a single POINT variable. Am pretty new to GIS as well. The data is as below (csv format):
outlet_name,Status ,southings,eastings,streetward,name_of_outlet
TULI MEDICS,02,2.48737,32.89686,KITANGIRI,TULI
MECO PHARMACY,02,2.52923,32.94730,MECCO,DORCAS
UPENDO MEDICS,02,2.52923,32.94786,MECCO,UPENDO
You need to transform your coordinates to WKT format (Well Known Text) in order to insert them in a column in your database (a postgresql database with postgis support). In order to achieve this you need to follow these steps:
Find the SRID of your coordinates reference system (CRS). That is, the identificator which define your coordinates system. Otherwise, your points won't match the real coordinates. You'll need the SRID in the last step.
Transform your data to WKT. The data needed for inserting the points is in the southings and eastings columns (I suppose they are equal to latitude and longitude, that are the most common used), so you'll need to transform these columns in one single column with WKT format. e.g. for your first row of data: Point(32.89512 2.49993). Note the space between them and the switch between the numbers.
Proceed with the inserts with SQL syntax, but using postgis functions. An example for your first row would be: INSERT into health_facilities (outlet_name, Status, streetward, location) VALUES ('REHEMA MEDICS', 02, 'K/POLISI', ST_GeomFromText('Point(32.89512 2.49993)', 4326));. Where "4326" are the numbers of the SRID you have to find (supossing it is the most common -> EPSG:4326).
You can find more info here and here. Also there are several pages where you can check coordinates and transform them between diferent CRS, like this and this.

Show graph for data over 10 billions lines

I have a 40G data file containing over 10 billions line.
Each line contains 2 columns, separate by comma, both columns are of the type 'float' and the first columns increases each row.
I want to show this data in a file, and I've tried Excel, but it said too many lines and can't display all.
Is there any other tools that can handle large data and show a line graph of the data?
Excel is not the right tool for files of that size. There is no prefect rule, but I usually move the data into a relational database if it is over 200,000 rows. In SQL you can perform the logic to create a smaller dataset that aggregates the data into a more manageable size.
If you cannot achieve an excel-worthy size, then you'll need to look into options like Tableau that can graph data in a relational database.
