Ble dbus python: advertise ServiceUUIDs information - linux

Background: I want to use ble for server/client software. But in this case, the server should be the peripheral with multiple connections. For that i start multiple services, up to 10. I think that's the limit for peripheral connections on my chip. The different services are the same in functionality but should connect to only one client. I see no other possibility to differentiate the clients in the notification function.
Problem: For that i restart the advertising after each connection. In the advertisement, I set the uuid information field “ServiceUUIDs” for the next free service to connect. This is working after restarting my pc. In my flutter app, I’m able to read this field perfectly in the advertisment. But when I restart the python script, the uuid is no longer advertised and the field “ServiceUUIDs” is empty although {'Type': 'peripheral', 'ServiceUUIDs': dbus.Array(['0000ac01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'], signature=dbus.Signature('s')), 'LocalName': dbus.String('Hello'), 'Discoverable': dbus.Boolean(True)} is set in the bluetooth_constants.ADVERTISING_MANAGER_INTERFACE. Also restarting the bluetooth module is not working. Therefore I must restart my pc everytime I want to restart my server... After connecting to the server, the client can scan all services and does not know, which one of the 10 services is free to connect.
My python code is the same as in the dbus tutorial:
class Advertisement(dbus.service.Object):
PATH_BASE = '/org/bluez/ldsg/advertisement'
def __init__(self, bus, index, advertising_type):
self.path = self.PATH_BASE + str(index)
self.bus = bus
self.ad_type = advertising_type
self.service_uuids = ['0000ac01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb']
self.manufacturer_data = None
self.solicit_uuids = None
self.service_data = None
self.local_name = 'Hello'
self.include_tx_power = False = None #{0x26: dbus.Array([0x01, 0x01, 0x01], signature='y')}
self.discoverable = True
dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus, self.path)
def get_properties(self):
properties = dict()
properties['Type'] = self.ad_type
if self.service_uuids is not None:
properties['ServiceUUIDs'] = dbus.Array(self.service_uuids,
if self.solicit_uuids is not None:
properties['SolicitUUIDs'] = dbus.Array(self.solicit_uuids,
if self.manufacturer_data is not None:
properties['ManufacturerData'] = dbus.Dictionary(
self.manufacturer_data, signature='qv')
if self.service_data is not None:
properties['ServiceData'] = dbus.Dictionary(self.service_data,
if self.local_name is not None:
properties['LocalName'] = dbus.String(self.local_name)
if self.discoverable is not None and self.discoverable == True:
properties['Discoverable'] = dbus.Boolean(self.discoverable)
if self.include_tx_power:
properties['Includes'] = dbus.Array(["tx-power"], signature='s')
if is not None:
properties['Data'] = dbus.Dictionary(, signature='yv')
return {bluetooth_constants.ADVERTISING_MANAGER_INTERFACE: properties}
def start_advertising():
global adv
global adv_mgr_interface
# we're only registering one advertisement object so index (arg2) is hard coded as 0
print("Registering advertisement",adv.get_path())
adv_mgr_interface.RegisterAdvertisement(adv.get_path(), {},
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
adv_mgr_interface = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(bluetooth_constants.BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME,adapter_path), bluetooth_constants.ADVERTISING_MANAGER_INTERFACE)
adv = Advertisement(bus, 0, 'peripheral')
Maybe there is an other way to send additional information in the advertisment? I also tried "Data" and "ServiceData" but then the advertisement throws an error. I haven't found a good tutorial for this. I'm only looking for a stable way to give the additional information for the next free service in the advertisment.
Thank You!


How to specify AdressType in bluez device-api?

I'm trying to connect a LE device to my Linux laptop through a python script. Nevertheless, the device address must be specified as "random" for the connection to happen, and the examples that I have (mainly doesn't show any way of doing it.
The device-api from BlueZ ( list it as one of its properties, but my knowledge is still incomplete, and I couldn't manage to find a way of setting this property.
Any idea, indication or example will be immensely helpful.
Following is my script
PATH_DA_BSN = "/org/bluez/hci0/dev_CA_DB_17_8A_02_97"
BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME = "org.bluez"
BLUEZ_NAMESPACE = "/org/bluez/"
def connect():
global bus
global device_interface
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to connect")
if ("UnknownObject" in e.get_dbus_name()):
print("Try scanning first to resolve this problem")
return bluetooth_constants.RESULT_EXCEPTION
print("Connected OK")
return bluetooth_constants.RESULT_OK
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
bsn_proxy = bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, PATH_DA_BSN)
device_interface = dbus.Interface(bsn_proxy, DEVICE_INTERFACE)
# acquire the adapter interface so we can call its methods
adapter_object = bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, adapter_path)
adapter_interface = dbus.Interface(adapter_object, ADAPTER_INTERFACE)
print("Connecting to " + PATH_DA_BSN)
The AddressType is already set from when the device was discovered.
You can iterate through the already discovered devices using D-Bus's GetManagedObjects functionality to find what the address type is set to for each device.
An example using the pydbus bindings:
>>> import pydbus
>>> bus = pydbus.SystemBus()
>>> mngr = bus.get('org.bluez', '/')
>>> mngd_objs = mngr.GetManagedObjects()
>>> for path, iface in mngd_objs.items():
... if 'org.bluez.Device1' in iface.keys():
... print(iface.get('org.bluez.Device1', {}).get('AddressType'))
you have 2 options:
Do a discovery and connect when the device is found. In this case Bluez will already know the addresstype.
Call the method ConnectDevice which is available on an adapter. In this method you can pass the ‘random’ parameter. Keep in mind this method is marked as experimental.
I recommend option 1

Can't Send Command to BLE Device Philips Hue Bulb (Connection Drops)

I am trying to turn my bluetooth Hue bulb on/off and change brightness using my Raspberry Pi 4B. The bulb is on, and I have successfully connected to it using bluez. When I try to run 'char-write-req 0x0027 01' to turn it on, I get this message:
GLib-WARNING **: 22:53:34.807: Invalid file descriptor
I can see that the connection is successful, but whenever I try to write a value to it, I just get this message and it disconnects. Running bluetoothctl 5.50. I have seen the patch conversation here: But I am not sure it applies and I also wouldn't even know how to apply it. Can someone please help me!
EDIT I ditched the gatttool and am using bluetoothctl to connect to the bulb and menu gatt to send commands to it.
I figured out that the characteristic for toggling the light on and off is 932c32bd-0002-47a2-835a-a8d455b859dd (For my Philips Hue A19). After connecting to the bulb, I was able to select this attribute and use 'write 01' to turn it on and 'write 00' to turn it off.
The brightness characteristic is 932c32bd-0002-47a2-835a-a8d455b859dd. When I read, it outputs 'fe', which is HEX for 254. This is the highest brightness setting, which it was already set to. I can use 'write ' where value ranges from 1-254 to change the brightness.
Using acquire-write in bluetoothctl is typically not the correct command. read and write are what you want.
After starting starting bluetoothctl I would expect the series of commands to be:
connect <Address of bulb>
menu gatt
select-attribute 932c32bd-0002-47a2-835a-a8d455b859dd
write 1
write 0
If you wanted to script this, then below is a Python3 script that I would expect to turn the bulb on then off.
from time import sleep
from pydbus import SystemBus
BLUEZ_SERVICE = 'org.bluez'
BLUEZ_DEV_IFACE = 'org.bluez.Device1'
BLUEZ_CHR_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1'
class Central:
def __init__(self, address):
self.bus = SystemBus()
self.mngr = self.bus.get(BLUEZ_SERVICE, '/')
self.dev_path = self._from_device_address(address)
self.device = self.bus.get(BLUEZ_SERVICE, self.dev_path)
self.chars = {}
def _from_device_address(self, addr):
"""Look up D-Bus object path from device address"""
mng_objs = self.mngr.GetManagedObjects()
for path in mng_objs:
dev_addr = mng_objs[path].get(BLUEZ_DEV_IFACE, {}).get('Address', '')
if addr.casefold() == dev_addr.casefold():
return path
def _get_device_chars(self):
mng_objs = self.mngr.GetManagedObjects()
for path in mng_objs:
chr_uuid = mng_objs[path].get(BLUEZ_CHR_IFACE, {}).get('UUID')
if path.startswith(self.dev_path) and chr_uuid:
self.chars[chr_uuid] = self.bus.get(BLUEZ_SERVICE, path)
def connect(self):
Connect to device.
Wait for GATT services to be resolved before returning
while not self.device.ServicesResolved:
def disconnect(self):
"""Disconnect from device"""
def char_write(self, uuid, value):
"""Write value to given GATT characteristic UUID"""
if uuid.casefold() in self.chars:
self.chars[uuid.casefold()].WriteValue(value, {})
raise KeyError(f'UUID {uuid} not found')
def char_read(self, uuid):
"""Read value of given GATT characteristic UUID"""
if uuid.casefold() in self.chars:
return self.chars[uuid.casefold()].ReadValue({})
raise KeyError(f'UUID {uuid} not found')
device_address = '11:22:33:44:55:66'
light_state = '932c32bd-0002-47a2-835a-a8d455b859dd'
dev = Central(device_address )
dev.char_write(light_state , [1])
dev.char_write(light_state , [0])
print(dev.char_read(light_state ))
As I don't have a bulb the above is untested. But should be a good outline of what is required.
It worked for me after I reset the Bulb with the bluetooth app to factory settings.
The bulb appears to be able to be paired/bonded to a single device only. If other devices try to communicate with the bulb, the connection is lost, as #ukBaz mentioned in his comment.

Reading data from a Bluetooth device low energy rfcomm python3

Faced a problem. There is a bluetooth device with low power consumption. BLE. The goal is to send a command to the device and get the data back.
For example: command - 0x** 0x** 0x**, where first 0x** - code command, second 0x - data lenght. Response mast be - 0x** 0x** 0x**. I can not send a command to the device. The device works by RFCOMM. Actually the code that is available, but it does not give a result - it says that the device is off.
from bluetooth import *
import socket
class Work:
def __init__(self):
self.rfcon = BluetoothSocket(RFCOMM)
# self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.server = '**:**:**:**:**:**'
self.port = 1 = '0x01 0x00 0x00'
def scan_device(self):
connection = self.rfcon.connect((self.server, self.port))
print('con ===>>> ', connection)
senddata = self.rfcon.send(
print('senddata ====>>>> ', senddata)
data = self.rfcon.recv(256)
if not data:
print("no data!!!")
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = Work()
I made it through another library - the code:
from bluepy.btle import *
class Work:
def __init__(self):
self.initialize = Peripheral()
def scan_devices(self):
scanner = Scanner()
devices = scanner.scan(10.0)
for dev in devices:
print("Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi))
for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData():
print(" %s = %s" % (desc, value))
def connect_to_device(self):
print('start con')
connection = self.initialize.connect('**:**:**:**:**:**', 'public')
print('initialize complite')
return connection
def check_device_status(self):
print('test ====>>> ', self.initialize.getCharacteristics())
cmd = '0x01 0x00 0x00 0x20 0x00'.encode('UTF-8')
status_device = self.initialize.readCharacteristic(cmd)
print('Device status => ', status_device)
def diconnect(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = Work()
It gives a connection but does not send a command and does not return a value since this library does not know what RFCOMM is. Perhaps someone faced this problem in the python and knows how to solve it?
RFCOMM is a protocol of Bluetooth Classic, BLE does not support it. It is impossible to use RFCOMM for communicating with a BLE device.
You should read an introduction to BLE, it will give you a basic understanding of BLE.
Anything further will be guessing, it depends on how the BLE device is configured.
If you are using your own device that you can configure, one possibility is to create a characteristic that supports Write and Indicate. You can indicate (to be notified when the characteristic value changes and what is the new value) and write the command. The response will be received via an indication.
For most practical purposes the answer that RFCOMM is only available in Bluetooth "Classic" is true: most Bluetooth LE devices don't support RFCOMM. However, in principle the Bluetooth Core Spec describes how a channel for RFCOMM can be opened between two LE devices using LE credit-based control flow with an L2CAP_LE_CREDIT_BASED_CONNECTION_REQ command (introduced in Core Spec v4.1 Vol 3 Part A Chapter 4.22 and the Assigned Numbers document).

Creating an access point with wpa_supplicant via dbus interface

I was told that it's possible to create an access point with wpa_supplicant over its dbus interface. All I found with a google is this forum thread, which, despite having exact same title, isn't much informative to me.
Is it possible to do this via wpa_supplicant dbus interface and what exact steps does it take to create one with custom parameters (like frequency, etc.)?
After all, I've found a way to launch access point with wpa_supplicant's dbus inteface. Below is pretty self explanatory python code that's is trying to launch AP with the first interface (adapter) it have found.
import dbus
import sys
frequency = 2412
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
wpa_sup_obj = bus.get_object('fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1', '/fi/w1/wpa_supplicant1')
props_iface = dbus.Interface(wpa_sup_obj, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")
interfaces = props_iface.Get('fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1', "Interfaces")
interface = interfaces[0]
except IndexError:
sys.exit("No interfaces availible")
print "Creating ap with %s" % (interface)
interface_obj = bus.get_object('fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1', interface)
interface_interface_props = dbus.Interface(interface_obj, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")
interface_interface = dbus.Interface(interface_obj, "fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface")
adapters_name = interface_interface_props.Get("fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface", "Ifname")
print "Interface's name is %s" % adapters_name
key_mgmt = "NONE"
args = dbus.Dictionary({
'ssid': ssid,
'key_mgmt': key_mgmt,
'mode': 2,
'frequency': frequency
}, signature='sv')
netw = interface_interface.AddNetwork(args)
print "AP %s with frequency %i created with adapter %s" % ( ssid, frequency, adapters_name)
Note, that, after all, I've found wpa_supplicant not quite reliable for my needs (in my particular case, I wasn't able to launch 5GHz AP) and have switched to launching hostapd with different configuration files.

Obtain bluetooth signal strength on Raspberry Pi of BT device without pairing

I like to create a kind of indoor-tracking-system for my already existing home automation system. I thought of using BLE. I already successfully set up hcitool on my Raspberry Pi and I can connect to my iPhone without any problems. But how can I obtain the signal strength between my Raspberry Pi and my iPhone without connecting them. I already tried to use sudo hcitool cc [BTADDRESS] to connect to my iPhone without authentication, but it looks like the iPhone don't allow those connection to stay open. I think that must be a way to get the signal strength without connecting both devices. I want to use it to determine the distance from my Raspberry Pi to my iPhone. May I am able to calculate the distance from the time I need to discover my iPhone?
There are two ways to go, and by now I have been able to get both work reliably only on Android devices.
Exploiting the Bluetooth friendly name of the smartphone and set the discoverability to infinite. I have done this writing a simple app. Works in background, also after that the app has been killed, since the discoverability setting is preserved. At the best of my knowledge, this is not possible in iOS.
Advertising a UUID in a BLE packet from the phone. This can be done by both Android and iOS devices. However, while in background, iPhones switch the advertising to a shrinked mode that makes the packet unidentifiable. The problem of identifying an advertising iOS devices in background is still open.
On the raspberry, I used PyBluez to scan and looking for the presence of smartphones running (1) or (2). I report a code example:
import bluetooth
import bluetooth._bluetooth as bluez
import struct, socket, sys, select
def hci_enable_le_scan(sock):
hci_toggle_le_scan(sock, 0x01)
#Discover name and RSS of enabled BLE devices
class MyDiscoverer(bluetooth.DeviceDiscoverer):
def pre_inquiry(self):
self.done = False
def device_discovered(self, address, device_class, rssi, name):"Discovered %s" % (address, ))
#Use the RSS for your detection / localization system
def inquiry_complete(self):
self.done = True
#Performs inquiry for name request
def async_inquiry():
d = MyDiscoverer()
while True:
d.find_devices(lookup_names = True)
readfiles = [ d, ]
while True:
rfds = readfiles, [], [] )[0]
if d in rfds:
if d.done:
#Parse received advertising packets
def parse_events(sock):
# save current filter
old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
while True:
pkt = sock.recv(255)
ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
if event == LE_META_EVENT:
subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
pkt = pkt[4:]
if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
#Check if the advertisement is the one we are searching for
if getASCII(pkt[start:end]) == "YOUR-UUID"
report_pkt_offset = 0
report_data_length, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 9])
# each report is 2 (event type, bdaddr type) + 6 (the address)
# + 1 (data length field) + report_data length + 1 (rssi)
report_pkt_offset = report_pkt_offset + 10 + report_data_length + 1
rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])
#Now you have the RSS indicator, use it for monitoring / localization
sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
dev_id = 0
sock = bluez.hci_open_dev(dev_id)
print "error accessing bluetooth device..."
p = threading.Thread(group=None, target=parse_events, name='parsing', args=(sock, ))
d = threading.Thread(group=None, target=async_inquiry, name='async_inquiry', args=())
print "Error: unable to start parsing thread"
print "Error: unable to start asynchronous discovery thread"
