Why does make use a back quote and single quote around the target name? - linux

I found in all make warning / error messages, it uses a single back quote but then a single quote to highlight the user input.
For example, the error message of the undefined makefile name is like
Makefile `xxx' was not found.
At first I thought it was a typo, but it seems to me it is intended for all messages.
It is distinct from the modern development to use both single / double quote around the highlight text, e.g. Makefile 'xxx' was not found.
Does anyone know the reason behind it?

I would guess it is a holdover from when fonts were displayed differently. For computer text that was intended to be read by humans, it used to be that (on many systems) using backquote/quote would produce output that resembles the way that English was normally typeset.
Consider for example: https://data.historicaltexts.jisc.ac.uk/view?pubId=bl-001973110&pageId=bl-001973110-660536-22 :
For other information, see for example:
discussion of "backtick-apostrophe" notation
Markus Kuhn's explanation of how the X Window System displayed fonts


How to create linux tui like this one on the picture

Could someone share how can i create tui like this one with input boxex and search ?
What do i need?
Normally programmers use a ready to use library like ncurses.
You can also do it by hand if you really have to much time. To get for example the border lines of a dialog window you have to take a look at the current code page your terminal is emulating, for example: Code Page 850. As you can see, you will find single and double line boarders and also crossings and so on. Now you have to move your cursor to a given position, print that char from the code page and ... lots of work. Moving cursors itself can also be done by simple chars from your emulated terminal by using escape codes.
As said: Instead of doing it all by hand, simply use a lib like ncurses.
You can use some python libraries like pyTermTk or textual, there is wide selection of
libraries to choose from.

Sublime 3 - Highlight variable in Perl/PHP string

I am turning to use Sublime3 instead of Notepad++. I have some concern when working with Perl/PHP or any kind of languages that use dollar sign for declare variable.
Here is an example, in Notepad ++:
As can be seen, "HELO $name" was displayed with different colors.
By that way, we can easily recognize there is a variable in the string.
In Sublime 3 , it looked like this:
So you can see there are no different between text and variable. It would caused confusion in some case.
May I know is there are any solution for this ?
Thank you and best regards.
This is self-promoting, but it will actually solve the problem
You may want to check out my Neon Color Scheme, available via Package Control. Its goal is to make as many languages as possible look as good as possible, and has hundreds of selectors that are specific for many different syntaxes, including Perl and PHP. Specifically, both languages support highlighting for string interpolation. Here is your code using Sublime's Perl syntax from dev build 3118, which should be very similar to the latest public build, which you should be using if you're not registered yet:
And here is the equivalent code in PHP:
Please note that these images were taken using a work-in-progress version of Neon, which I'm planning on releasing in the next day or so. The current version should look the same, as I don't think I've edited any of these scopes, but if not just let me know and I'll point you to the dev version.

how to perform automated Unix input?

How can you set a string to be used instead of standard input? For example, when running the latex command in Unix it will always find some trivial errors, to skip through all errors you have to enter "r" into the command line (I now know that with latex specifically you can use -interactionmode nonstopmode, but is there a more general solution to do this?)
Is there anyway to specify that this should be done automatically? I tried redirecting standard input to read from a file containing "r\n", but this didn't work.
How can I achieve this?
Not all applications that need input can be satisfied with their stdin redirected.
This is because the app can call the isatty C function (if written in C, or some equivalent call for other languages) to determine if the input come from a tty or not.
In such situation, there is a valuable tool to use, and this is expect.
latex --interaction=MODE
where MODE is one of:
errorstopmode: stop at every error and ask for input
scrollmode: scroll over non-fatal errors, but stop at fatal errors (such as "file not found")
nonstopmode: scroll over non-fatal errors, abort at fatal errors
batchmode: like nonstopmode, but don't show messaes at the terminal
For interactive use, errorstopmode (the default) is fine, for non-interactive use, nonstopmode and batchmode are better.
But beware, there are no trivial errors: all errors must be fixed, and all warnings should be fixed if possible.
Redirecting stdin works without problems here:
/tmp $ tex '\undefined\end' <<< r
This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2010)
! Undefined control sequence.
<*> \undefined
? OK, entering \nonstopmode...
(see the transcript file for additional information)
No pages of output.
Transcript written on texput.log.
You've got two plausible answers detailing the way to handle Latex specifically. One comment indicates that you need a more general answer.
Most usually, the tool recommended for the general solution is 'expect'. It arranges for the command to have a pseudo-tty connected for input and output, and the command interacts with the pseudo-tty just as it would your real terminal. You tell 'expect' to send certain strings and expect certain other strings, with conditional code and regular expressions to help you do so.
Expect is built using Tcl/Tk. There are alternative implementations for other languages; Perl has an Expect module, for example.
From the man page:
-interaction mode
Sets the interaction mode. The mode can be either batchmode, nonstopmode, scrollmode, and errorstopmode. The meaning of these modes is the same as that of the corresponding \commands.
Looks like -interaction nonstopmode might help you.

LaTeX: How to find package(s) that a command belongs to?

It is a simple question to which I am not able to find the answer:
Given a LaTeX command, how do I find out what package(s) it belongs to or comes from?
For example, given the \qquad horizontal spacing command, what package does it come from? Especially troublesome since it works without including any package!
Given a LaTeX command, how do I find out what package(s) it belongs to or comes from?
Consult your references:
If it's in the index to the TeXbook, it's inherited from TeX, the engine that drives LaTeX.
Otherwise, if it's in the index to the LaTeX manual, it's probably defined in latex.ltx or in one of the standard class files, not in a package.
Otherwise, if it's in the index to The LaTeX Companion, the page number probably tells you what package it's from.
Otherwise, you could do some fancy grepping on the results of find /usr/share/texmf -name '*.sty', but be prepared for a painful exercise.
Or, you could ask on http://stackoverflow.com. But then some idiot will respond by asking why you want to know...
You can search http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/symbols/comprehensive/ for that information and more.
Remember that LaTeX is a macro language on top of TeX, and all the macros are made up of TeX which doesn't need to be imported. \qquad is in that category.
As far as I know, there is no really good general answer to this. But there are a number of techniques you might try for any given command. In the case of \qquad, it's part of basic TeX. Remember that you can always use TeX in interactive mode:
$ tex '\show\qquad'
This is TeX, Version 3.141592 (Web2C 7.5.6)
> \qquad=macro:
->\hskip 2em\relax .
? x
No pages of output.
Some macros are added by LaTeX on top of TeX, such as \begin:
$ tex '\show\begin'
This is TeX, Version 3.141592 (Web2C 7.5.6)
> \begin=undefined.
? x
No pages of output.
$ latex '\show\begin'
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6)
%&-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode
Babel and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax, dumylang, noh
yphenation, greek, monogreek, ancientgreek, ibycus, pinyin, loaded.
> \begin=macro:
#1->\#ifundefined {#1}{\def \reserved#a {\#latex#error {Environment #1 undefine
d}\#eha }}{\def \reserved#a {\def \#currenvir {#1}\edef \#currenvline {\on#line
}\csname #1\endcsname }}\#ignorefalse \begingroup \#endpefalse \reserved#a .
? x
No pages of output.
Everything else comes from packages. If you really wanna know which package a macro comes from (other than by google or grepping your texmf tree), you can check after each package you load whether it's defined. Try defining this before any \usepackage commands:
\ifcsname includegraphics\endcsname
\message{^^Jincludegraphics is defined in #1^^J}
Then when you run latex on your .tex file, look for a line in the output that says includegraphics is defined in graphicx. It's not likely, but some devious packages might do bad things with \usepackage so there's a chance this might not work. Another alternative would be to simply define the command you're interested in before loading any packages:
Then you might get an error message when the package that defines the command is loading. This is actually less reliable than the former approach, since many packages use \def and \let to define their macros rather than \newcommand, bypassing the "already-defined" check. You could also just insert a check by hand in between each load: \ifcsname includegraphics\endcsname\message{^^Jdefined after graphicx^^J}\fi
Due to lack of reputation I cannot comment on Steve's answer, which was very helpful to me, but I would like to extend it a bit.
First, in his second approach (fiddling with usepackage) the case where usepackage has optional arguments is not dealt with. Secondly, packages are often loaded by other packages via RequirePackage which makes it hard to find the actual place of definition of a command. So my refinement of Steve's answer is:
\ifcsname includegraphics\endcsname
\message{^^Jincludegraphics is defined in #2^^J}
\ifcsname includegraphics\endcsname
\message{^^Jincludegraphics is defined in #2^^J}
The xargs package is used here to get the unusual options of usepackage right (first and third parameter are optional).
Putting this directly after documentclass should tell where includegraphics is defined.

Intelligent file search for windows that can ignore whitespace and search in code?

Does anybody know a Windows based searching tool that is easy to use and is programmer
The functions I am looking for:
Ignore white space in search
= capable to find
myTestFunction ( $parameter, $another_parameter, $yet_another_parameter )
{ doThis();
using the query
without Regexes.
Search code "semantically" (for me, it would have to be PHP):
Search in comments only
Search in function names only
Search for parameters that are named $xyz
Search in (insert code construct here) only
If there is none around, it's high time somebody developed it! :)
I have opened a bounty for this.
See our SD Search Engine. This is a language-sensitive search engine designed to search large code bases, with special language classifiers for C, C++, Java, C#, COBOL, JavaScript, Ada, Python, Ruby and lot of other languages, including your specific target langauge PHP (PHP4 and PHP5).
I think it does everything you requested.
It indexes the language elements so search across large code bases are extremely fast (Linux Kernal ~~ 7.5 Million lines --> 2.5 seconds). (The indexing step runs
on Windows, but the display engine is in Java.)
Search hits are shown in one-line context hit window showing the file and line number, as well as the line with the hit highlighted. Clicks on hits bring up the source code, tabs expanded appropriately, and the line count right even for languages which have odd line counting rules (such as GCC WRT form characters), with the hit line and hit text highlighted. Clicking in the source window will launch your favorite editor on the file.
Because it understands language elements, it ignores language-specific whitespace. It skips over comments unless you insist they be inspected. Searches thus ignore whitespace, comments and lineboundaries (if the language thinks lineboundaries are whitespace, which is why there are langauge-specific scanners). The query language allows you to specify which language tokens you want (specific tokens in quotes, or generic tokens such as identifiers I, numbers N, strings S, operators O and punctuation P) with constraints on the token value as well as a series of tokens.
Your example search:
would be expressed to the search engine precisely as:
I=myTestFunction '(' I ',' I ',' I ')' '{' I=dothis '(' ')' ';'
but it would probably be easier (less typing) to find it as:
I=myTest* ... I=dothis
where I=myTest* means an identifier starting with myTest and ... means "near".
The Search Engine also offer regular expressions searches on the text, if you insist.
So you still have grep-like searches (a lot slower than indexed searches)
but with the hit window and source display windows too.
I use ack really successfully for this kind of thing, particularly when trying to find things in large codebases. I run it linux myself but I don't see any reason why it won't run on windows or in Cygwin at the very least. Check it out, I think you'll find it is exactly what you're looking for.
Search code "semantically" (for me, it would have to be PHP):
For this you could (and I think should) use some custom code using token_get_all()
See also the available tokens
Ignore white space in search
A simple regex should be sufficient. It depends on your regex-library, but most come with a whitespace modifier/flag.
For my Windows desktop search, I use Agent Ransack. I use this as a replacement for the windows search.
You can use regular expressions, but there is a nice entry screen if you want to avoid entering them directly.
Take a look at Google Desktop API, it has very powerful set of methods to do what you're looking for.
Of course it requires you to have the Google Desktop installed.
After reviewing it a little, it provides some functionality but not that specific as what you require.
I really like Crimson Editor and it allows RegEx searches. It has helped me a bunch over the past six years. I think it will fit your needs. Try it.
I use TextPad for searching code files in Windows. It has a very handy find-in-files function (Search / Find In Files) and you can use regex which should meet any search requirements. In the search results it will list the file location, line number and a snippet from that line.
