Python/Pycharm on a nas server - python-3.x

I recently upgraded my mac-mini with external hard drives to a proper NAS server (DS920+).
With the mac-mini I installed Pycharm and was able to code/develop a few projects on it. Now with the NAS server, I can't find a tutorial on how to install pycharm. It seems that everything has to be done in command-line. Isn't there a way to have a proper IDE? or do I need to create a virtual machine with windows for instance and there I would install pycharm (?) My goal is not to develop code on the nas but rather on my local PC (mostly scripts for data fetching/automation) and have a nice user interface on the nas (and not the command line window)
Furthermore I have developped a web server based on dash/plotly. Ideally I would like to have the webserver deployed on the nas. So I have a collection of .py files and a which lauches the web server. I would need to use "docker" in order to deploy my code onto the nas right?


Synology DS120j autostart node.js server in deamon mode on system boot

How to start node.js server in deamon mode on Synology DS120j NAS (and other synology models if it's similar) drive since it looks that there is not systemd?
You need to create an installer package (spk).
Therefore you find related developer documents provided by synology
If you have docker on your diskstation, you find a solution by KeesCBakker on github
Even it is possible to create the required files inplace on the DiskStation, I recommend to create an spk with a build environment as provided by SynoCommunity

Setting up Windows Pycharm to use Git on my linux server

So I'm trying to do something probably pretty simple but can't figure it out of course. I have a VM on my network running CentOS and I installed Git using the guide. Now I'm on my Windows PC using Pycharm trying to setup Git but the setup asks for where the git.exe file is and can't seem to navigate to my CentOS VM within pycharm to point it anywhere. I tried \IP Address but that didn't work. Is there somewhere on the Linux vm I need to do to allow the windows Pycharm to reach it? I'm new to this on both sides lol.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to access a Git-Repository in your local Linux network. In that case you need to be able to access these files with your Windows machine in order to push/fetch your changes from/to it. A simple way to do it, could be set up file sharing as explained here link and then clone and handle it as any local Git-Repository (see e.g. link - with local Repos the file path is used instead of the URL).
An even simpler way could be to create a hosted online Git-Repository (e.g. on Github) even if you are a sole contributor, maybe make it a private one, if you don't want to make the contents public.

PhpStorm: How to automatically download files that have been created on remote/mounted drive

The question:
Is there any possibility to "watch" specific folders on my workspace for new files and automatically download them to my local project folder?
I would prefer a solution using only PhpStorm, if that's possible, but I am also fine with a Linux one!
The situation:
I work with PhpStorm 2016.1.1 for Windows 8.1 on several different projects. Some of these projects are developed using Laravel, a very nice PHP framework.
All of my projects are cloned to an Open SUSE workspace server in my LAN by Git.
I import every project by using the "Create Project from existing Files" functionality and choosing the option "Files are accessable via network share or mounted drive".
I created the mounted drive using Samba.
As long as I keep developing in PhpStorm, everything works like a charm. Saved files are uploaded to my workspace automatically so I can debug my PHP projects in the browser very easily.
The problem:
Laravel offers a very nice command line tool to use called "artisan". This tool can, amongst other functionality, create specific classes for your projects like events, jobs, migrations, seeds, and so on.
This files created on the command line are, of course, not visible to me in PhpStorm because they are not in my local project folder until I manually start downloading from my workspace.
I do not know if it will help you but there is a Ticket from PhpStorm for a similiar function: WI-1284
It is about 6 Years old so i donĀ“t think that this is coming soon. Perhaps there is another solution for it.
This could help for synchronisation of a remote host: configuring-synchronization-with-a-web-server

Live development environment in windows when project is on Linux server

Maybe this question is not so proffesional, but still, maybe someone has got into this issue as well. I am using windows os. And the project i am working on is on Linux servers. I am using Netbeans IDE and WAMP. The problem i ran into is that i cannot make the development environment configured via ALIAS or something similar. I want to DEBUG and run tests but the folder structure is different and it gives me errors, like in windows it is C:/wamp and on the Linux server it is /var/www . How can i make windows machine to get to understand the different file structure ? Maybe there are some guides ? I do not want to switch to Linux. I have everything configured and the only thing i need is like redirect from c:/wamp/myProject to /var/www/myProject
I'm afraid that might not be possible.
You are trying to get one OS to read data from another OS
This is not a problem. However, your issue is that your files are located in directories of different structures, and you are trying to get Windows to read from /var/www directly.
Am I right?

Using Git with a Samba shared folder

I am new to Git, and trying to determine how to best implement it.
I have the following four machines:
Linux server running GitLabs which stores my main repository.
Linux production server running Apache, etc. I am not currently concerned about this part.
Linux development server running Apache, etc. It also runs Samba and maps /var/www to Windows. It is located in my home and is on a LAN.
Windows 7 PC running a PHP IDE (happens to be PhpED). It is located in my home and is on the same LAN as the Linux development server. It directly edits the files in the Samba
folder on the Linux development server, as well as uses this folder for debugging, and does not have code directly on it. The IDE has some basic Git functionality via TortoiseGit, however, I don't yet know how strong it is.
I am currently not concerned about sharing files, but only version control.
I've read that Git is all about being local. Giving my configuration, does that mean Git is run on the Windows PC even though my working directory is not located on it? Or is it handled just using Linux between /var/www/ and the GitLab repository? How do you envision I implement Git under this configuration?
Thank you
Git works on files. With the way you describe it, you will be running git on your windows pc - the fact the files are actually being accessed via the network rather than directly is something git probably won't even be aware of. As long as that is the only machine accessing that share, it should be fine.
But it's not really how you should use git. It has it's own mechanism for pushing/pulling changes between machines; so unless you are running an interesting driveless setup, you should probably consider storing the working directory on the machine that it is being edited on. Especially if there is a chance the files could be accessed from the linux machine as well (mixing version control accesses to the same working directory between multiple machines is always a bad idea, let alone between multiple OSes.
