Missing permission to execute the native method: filesystem.readFile - neutralinojs

I'm new in NeutralinoJS, I'm trying my first app and I need to read the content of a json file. I'm trying by using Neutralino.filesystem.readFile method, but it fails with error
code: "NE_RT_NATPRME",
message: "Missing permission to execute the native method: filesystem.readFile"
I've tried also by reading the status of the file with filesystem.getStats but it fails with the same error. How can I activate the permissions to run filesystem.readFile and other filestystem method?

I was actually just coming across this same problem. Make sure in your neutralino.config.json you have filesystem.* in your nativeAllowList section like so:
"nativeAllowList": [


Electron NodeJS Ag-Grid Cannot Import

In render.js I have
import { Grid } from 'ag-grid-community';
import { tableMethods } from './table.js';
I created my own custom table methods and decided to try ag-grid since mine aren't as fast as theirs (no surprise). Unfortunately, while I could get my own methods loading from my js file by setting
<script type="module" src="render.js"></script>
I cannot get ag-grid to load, I get this error
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "ag-grid-community". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../".
I used npm i ag-grid-community -D to install it. I wasn't sure if I needed the -D, so I tried without that and it still shows same error.
*Note - of course I've tried doing what the error message says. But it didn't resolve and the documentation doesn't mention anything about this.
I was able to get this working by adding following before my render.js file
<script src="ag-grid-community.js"></script>
I also disabled type=module once I realized this is probably the intended way to split up rendering scripts, or at least that was my guess.

AddApacheModRewrite method suggesting that file doesn't exist (when it does)

Just trying to put an ApacheModRewrite call in my .NET Core 3.1 web application, and no matter what I do, it keeps telling me that the file does not exist. I've verified that the file exists at that location, I've tried creating a custom PhysicalFileProvider, and I've tried to set the file as Content/Copy Always, but no matter what I do, I cannot get past this code:
var options = new RewriteOptions()
.AddApacheModRewrite(env.ContentRootFileProvider, env.ContentRootPath + ".htaccess");
And the error:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'The file F:\Source\MyWebsite\htaccess.txt does not exist.'
Where env.ContentRootFileProvider resolves to path: "F:\Source\MyWebsite" and again I have confirmed that the .htaccess file does, indeed, exist. I've also tried a variety of different ways to access the file path in the AddApacheModRewrite, but I'm really scratching my head on this one.
What am I doing wrong?
Figured it out. I had to use a streamreader, read the file, and then was able to apply it:
using (StreamReader apacheModRewriteStreamReader
File.OpenText(env.ContentRootPath + "\\.htaccess"))
var options = new RewriteOptions()

Angular universal server error: When using the default fallback, a fallback language must be provided in the config

I have installed angular universal on my app.
Running npm run build:ssr - DONE. WORKS.
Running npm run server:ssr - DONE.WORKS.
After accessing the server URL (localhost:4000), the page is not fully loaded and the following error is raised on the Terminal:
I also faced the same problem, so I would just like to share my findings for the same.
For me, there were two plausible causes/solutions for it:
First, in my project's I18N default JSON file that was en.json, I was having a problem In the structure of the JSON file.
For example, I had the below mistake. I missed the comma after the second label 'FINISH' :
"EDIT": "Edit",
"FINISH": "Finish"
"QUIT": "Quit",
So after correcting the structure, the application ran fine without an error.
Secondly, another cause of the issue could be, at runtime transloco was not able to find the correct label in the selected language, so it looked for a fallback language and it could not even find that in the transloco-root.module.ts so after adding my fallback language, it tried to find the same in the fallback language as specified in the transloco-root.module.ts.
So it found out that label and the issue got resolved.
BUT in the second solution provided, you need to have that incorrect label in at least that fallback language's json file in correct format.
I added the fallback language like below:
useValue: translocoConfig({
availableLangs: ['fr', 'en'],
defaultLang: 'en',
reRenderOnLangChange: true,
fallbackLang: 'fr',
prodMode: environment.production,
missingHandler: {
logMissingKey: true
i18n Transloco wasn't fully configured on the module file.

How do I init XOD in WebViewer? "DisplayModes" is undefined

I'm trying to load a XOD document into a PDFTron WebViewer. As far as I can read in the documentation and samples, this should be a simple "plug and play"-operation - it should simply work when you point at a file. Ideally, in my example, the document should be fetched from a service, as so:
.then(function(data) {
$(function() {
var viewerElement = document.getElementById("viewer");
var myWebViewer = new PDFTron.WebViewer({
initialDoc: data.body
}, viewerElement);
Unfortunately I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'DisplayModes' of undefined
The reason I'm doing it in a fetch, is because I'm rendering a Handlebars template, and pass the data to instantiate in a callback. However, I've isolated the code into an otherwise "empty" HTML-document, and in the simplified example below, I'm simply pointing at the XOD provided by PDFTron on page load (no fetch this time).
$(function() {
var viewerElement = document.getElementById("viewer");
var myWebViewer = new PDFTron.WebViewer({
initialDoc: 'GettingStarted.xod' // Using the XOD provided by PDFTron
}, viewerElement);
This unfortunately returns a different error (HTTP status 416).
Uncaught Error: Error loading document: Error retrieving file: /doc/WebViewer_Developer_Guide.xod?_=-22,. Received return status 416.
The same error appears when I run the samples from PDFTron on localhost.
I'm at a complete loss of how I should debug this further - all the samples assume everything is working out of the box.
I should note that I can actually get PDFs working just fine on localhost, but not on the server. XODs are problematic both on the server and on localhost.
I'm sorry to hear you are having troubles running our samples.
Your error message says 416 which means "Requested range not satisfiable". Perhaps your development servers do not support byte range requests (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_serving).
Could you try passing an option streaming: true? When streaming is true you're just requesting the entire file up front which shouldn't be a problem for any servers but it is a problem for WebViewer if the file is large because it will need to be completely downloaded and parsed at the start which is slow.

A weird Error object is being logged to console

I am trying to post comments through the youtube API, but they are returning an error upon trying.
When I log the error object I get
{ [Error: Bad Request] code: 400 }
The first part of which looks weird (key-value inside array?)
I tried to log the keys of the object and it only returns code
Supposely the API return a much more detailed message, but it's like it's 'hidden' inside the [Error: Bad Request], which I dont know how to access
That's just how Node formats errors.
Try it yourself in a node console:
var e = new Error("Test");
e.code = 500
console.log(e); // Outputs: { [Error: Test] code: 500 }
As far as your issue with the YouTube API, I suggest creating a different question on StackOverflow about your issues, providing more information around how you are calling the API.
