Triggering and operating the barcode reader with the help of a button - barcode-scanner

Dear members of the forum.
I have 1 button and 1 textbox in my c# windows forms application.
I have a Honeywell Voyager 1450g barcode reader. How can I activate the trigger of the barcode reader with the help of a button? When I bring any QR barcode in front of the device and click the button in my application, I want the barcode reader (by beeping) to read the QR barcode I have shown. I want to bind the trigger to the button.
When I click the button, the device will read the QR barcode that I have brought into focus and write it into the textbox.
Any help will be appreciated. Respects.


How to open a text box in android studio?

Essentially, I want to open an input text box when the app is first opened that prompts the user to input their userid. I don't need to verify the id, I simply need to store it as a string for a later task. How do I make a pop up window that disappears once the user has entered their id?
These were helpful in learning how to make a popup window:
PopupWindow documentation
How To Create Pop Up Window In Android (YouTube video)
Android Popup Window Example

Tizen's virtual IME keyboard disappears

I import an EnyoJS project for WebOS platform into Tizen Studio, then I ran it in a Samsung TV and there is this little problem:
When I click on a text field the virtual keyboard shows up in the TV screen, then if I click on a letter the keyboard goes down.. The letter does appear in the text field but I have to press on it again to make the keyboard shows up and press on the next letter. So I have to repeat this over and over just to write a whole word
How to fix this?
It seems like it only happens with the Input kind component. I have some other panels with TextArea component and the keyboard works fine.

how to write data to a ble device by a button which lies on a dialog box?

I can write data to a ble device using the button present in my main activity. But I cannot do the same using a button which lies on a dialog box. How can I write data using the button in dialog box?

how can i add mouse down event on picture control in vc++

i want indentify all mouse click event like WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP, on picture control in vc++,
but i am not able to do this
please tell me how can i identifies all events separately.
thanks in advance.
You should enable property "Notify" of PictureControl to get the event.
You can add an event handler to the picture control using Visual Studio IDE and modify the code for handler function. That should be easy.
I'm guessing you're using MFC. In that case you have to add an activex control to your dialog.
i. Adding the control: To add such a control to your dialog box right click your dialog box and click the option called "Insert ActiveX Control". A modal dialog box appears. You have to select "Microsoft Forms 2.0 Image". Click OK. Control is added.
ii. Select an image: Right click your newly added control and select "Properties". Select your desired image clicking the picture attribute. Also there are other properties to customize the picture i.e, stretching, clipping image etc. You'll see your image is loaded into the control.
iii. Adding the handler function: Right click the control and select "Add Event handler". From the new modal dialog box select "MouseDown" or "MouseUp" as message type and click "add and edit". Add your code to achieve desired behavior.
N.B: MFC is not available with Visual C Express. You need a professional version of VS to compile MFC code.

Resign first responder hides keyboard but does not generate keyboard will hide / keyboard did hide events

I am trying to automate some text field for testing purposes. I programmatically do this
[textField becomeFirstResponder]; // Keyboard pops up
[textField setText:#"sometext"]; // Some text is automatically entered into text field
[textField resignFirstResponder]; // Keyboard goes away
The keyboard will show, keyboard did show events are fired up. But when the keyboard goes away it doesn't fire keyboard will hide / keyboard did hide events.
How can I automate these events? Any ideas will be helpful.
I solved it by adding a custom button to the keyboard. Since I have pointer to that button I just did
[button sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]
This actually generates keyboard will hide event first.
Then the textfield does an EndEdit event.
Then the keyboard did hide event gets fired.
