Flutter HTTPS web frontend call JSON API with XMLHttpRequest via HTTP (mixed content) - flutter-web

I created a webpage with flutter and deployed. I open in a browser using https and got a error message:
Do you have any idea what would be the best approach to solve this issue in general? I mean I have public frontend which communicate with insecure http backend api services. Should I use SSL connection for backend communications? Or should choose different flutter component?
My flutter code:
final response =
await http.get(Uri.parse(''));


Connection working from React to NodeJS, but request-url is incorrect in Chrome Network

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here
Assalamu ‘Alaykum
my React app is running on localhost:3000
NodeJS server is running on localhost:1000
I'm sending request to server 'localhost:1000' and everything is fine, correct response is coming from server, there is no error in Console, but in Chrome Network request-url is to localhost:3000/.../...
if I sent wrong data to server, it's coming correct error and bad request error in Console
can someone help me,
It sounds like your React app is making requests to the wrong URL. Based on the information you provided, it appears that your React app is running on localhost:3000 and your Node.js server is running on localhost:1000, but your requests are being sent to localhost:3000.
To fix this issue, you will need to update your React app to send requests to the correct URL, which should be http://localhost:1000/auth/sign/in. This can typically be done by updating the base URL or endpoint for your API requests in your React app.
For example, if you are using the fetch API to make requests in your React app, you can update the base URL for your requests by setting the baseURL property in your fetch options:
fetch('/auth/sign/in', {
baseURL: 'http://localhost:1000',
// Other fetch options
Or, if you are using a library such as Axios to make requests in your React app, you can update the base URL for your requests by setting the baseURL property in the Axios configuration:
import axios from 'axios';
axios.defaults.baseURL = 'http://localhost:1000';
After updating the base URL for your API requests, your React app should send requests to the correct URL, http://localhost:1000/auth/sign/in, and you should no longer see requests being sent to localhost:3000 in the Chrome Network tab.
It's worth noting that the exact solution for updating the base URL for your API requests will depend on the specific details of your React app and how you are making requests to your server. If you are having trouble updating the base URL, you may want to consult the documentation for the specific library or API you are using.

Angular with node.js http failure response for unknown url ): 0 unknown error

So let's start with little info in the beginning.
I have nodejs server side app and client app on angular. I send only get requsts to server app just to read data from database. When i started my apps on local machine they were working pretty well. But when i deployed them to server i got such error : (below in screen)
screen with error from angular
So, i added cors support in server app and add Allow Headers. code in nodejs
But it doesn`t help. When i post "GET" request i get my allow headers in response header and my data that i need in body.
screen with response headers in postman
screen with response body in postman
Server - apache. One interesting thing that server app works good with http protocol and when i am using htttps get this errror error with https
But angular works on https.

ReactJS sent GET request, responded with 302 redirect, received CORS error

This is my stack:
Frontend server: Node + ReactJS (f.com)
Backend server (API): Golang (b.com)
I'm doing this in development environment where I use create-react-app to run my frontend server via npm start command. I want to perform authentication using SSO served at sso.example.com/login. Ideally whenever there's a request to the Backend server without proper authorization, it will be responded with HTTP 302 Redirect to the SSO page. So the sequence is:
ReactJS sends GET request to b.com/users
Golang responded with http.Redirect("sso.example.com/login")
ReactJS app gets CORS error from sso.example.com of which I don't have control of adding Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* respond header
How can I redirect my GET request successfully?
In your case, it would be easier to do the redirection in browser on the client side, so you won't have CORS issues (because you are accessing it from the SSO website url directly).
You can either do it with react, which is complicated: Programmatically navigate using react router V4
Or do it with window with plain JavaScript, which is easy but might cause problems with browsing history:
window.location.href = "https://www.example.com";

request to nodejs proxy: Provisional headers are shown

In my web app project, I came across a cross domain issue. The back-end API was deployed to the server, which providing the IP and port(We can assume the back-end API works well). And I am working on the front-end side, and still in the local development stage. So there is cross domain issue.
so I used a nodejs proxy and try to overcome the cross domain issue. For the nodejs proxy part, I am not the expert on that. Just get it from my teammates, who meet the same issue before.
So in my client side js code, I use axios library to send http request to the nodejs proxy as following:
axios.get('').then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {
And the nodejs proxy will replace the part with the real API's IP and port, and send the request. That's my understanding about it.
so I run the nodejs proxy, which is listening on port 8888, and run my frond-end code in another console. But when I send the above mentioned request. I got the error as following:
Error: Network Error
at createError (createError.js?f777:16)
at XMLHttpRequest.handleError (xhr.js?14ed:87)
and I debug the error deeper in the chrome devtool, and find the Provisional headers are shown in the header as following
I searched some previous article about this issue.It's said that the potential reason is the request is blocked.
But I can send other HTTP request successfully to other third party APIs. For example my mock data service Mockarro as following:
const key = 'mykeyxxx';
const url = `http://www.mockaroo.com/api/generate.json?schema=firstapis&key=${key}`;
axios.get(url).then((response) => {
So my the previous request is blocked. I am very confused. My guess is the issue is from the nodejs proxy part? Right?

After getting post request to node server from payment gateway, then how to direct to my ionic app

I am using node as backend with ionic and integrated payment gateway.
Steps i followed : -
Sent post request to payment gateway with desired parameters.
Received post request to my server after successful transaction.
Now redirected flow from server to ionic app with localhost:8100
Here is something, i have been stuck up. How to redirect the flow from server to ionic app after publishing because here i don't know what URL i need to use to open the desired page of my app in mobile device.
In your node server you can redirect to specified URI like this:
response.writeHead(303, {
'Location': 'path.html'
After looking a lot of resources, I found a plugin named 'custom-Url-scheme' that helped me to resolve this issue.
Here is the git repository - https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/Custom-URL-scheme
