Creating worker process in Netflix conductor in c# - netflix-conductor

I am trying to create Worker in Netflix conductor. I am not able to find any code in C# except .
Please provide link where i can refer for C#

The Conductor community recently launched a SDK repository that has a user submitted C# SDK. Perhaps that will help?


Unable to create a Orchestrating Function in Azure Function

I have started to get my hands dirty on azure function. I am trying to implement this example in .net 7.0. In the azure function list, I was unable to find "Durable Functions Orchestration" option, but I went ahead and started copy-pasting from the link. Right now, I am stuck on the last piece of the code. Please help me out, what shall be done here. Screenshot attached
.NET 7 is not yet released and for .NET 7 Isolated, below are the available Function Triggers and Durable Functions did not come yet, still in beta:
Can you provide any link for your claim ?
I have found 3 references. One is the PlaygokidsTech's article given by Silent user where the article explains key changes in .NET 7 Isolated worker project in the context of Durable Functions.
And the second one is Azure Functions Tech Community Update Doc and the other is .NET 7 Azure Durable Functions Conference Link

Does Python Pulsar-Client SDK supports pulsar admin based classes?

Hi I was looking to fetch metadata of pulsar topics using python-client sdk provided by pulsar.
But i got stuck as , i was not able to find any classes regarding pulsar-admin actions like getting topics , there schema , stats etc.
Though the same things are available in java admin sdk.
In java :-
String namespace = "my-tenant/my-namespace";
link to doc :-
i need to get same set of functionally but in python sdk.
is there any way to do this or yet not supported.
Solutions Tried :-
i have tried the pulsar admin rest api's and they work.. but i prefer to go via sdk path.
The Python SDK does not have that yet.
You potentially could build a Python SDK using OpenAPI/Swagger which is available here
You could also make REST calls from Python.
You can make a request for this functionality:
The full current documentation is here:

IBM Natural Language Processing Projects (Beginner getting started question)

I've been digging into the IBM Cloud Services, Watson and NLP. Just installed the CLI and tried with Node SDKs, and a starterkit, unfortunately I did not succeed by trying to get a sample code by default to understand how it works.
After that, I did some research get a better open minded approach to how actually I could use some of their free services to get started, but there's actually to vague information, even though the IBM Docs are pretty extensive and well written, it can get very confusing.
I would appreciate any open source repo, or working/live project that you are willing to share to make a better image in my mind about it IBM cloud services.
A few days ago I wrote a sample application using the Natural Language Understanding service. Check the source code here:
The README has instructions on how to get the apikey which is the way you will use to authenticate your API calls.
Since you are using Node.js you can start with the sample above and also look at this page: which includes examples for all the features in Node.js using the node-sdk:

How to recover source code of Nodejs GAE project

I've an application which is deployed. I'd created simple get fetch services on cloud in a project and have deployed it. Unfortunately in confusion b/w the projects, I deleted the project. I can access the web service by fetching through urls but couldn't get the source code. Any help?
At the moment it's only possible to download Java, Python, PHP and Go application's source code.
What I can recommend you is to submit a Feature Request through this link asking for this feature also for Node.js. Also you may consider using Cloud Source Repositories, which is free and can help you mitigate this kind of issues in the future.

using system.thread.threadpool in powershell

I am after a example of some code in powershell using the threadpool. my friends at google can not help me. Any example would be great.
From my experience, using the threadpool in V1 crashes the session.
There is a blog post here about creating threads and includes some code.
V2 has support for background jobs and other runspaces, but that is still in CTP... Hopefully there will be more updates from PDC about the status of V2 (other than that it will be installed by default in Server 2008 R2).
