How to synchronize background tasks across multiple FastAPI processes? - python-3.x

I have a FastAPI application which sends emails when the users register on the website.
The app is implemented in such a way that there is a cron task (scheduled every minute) which checks the database and if a flag is set, it will try to send an email.
Deployment: Two instances of the FastAPI application are running connected to a locally hosted MYSQL database
Problem: Since, there are two instances of the Application running, each one will trigger a cron job every minute and this results in sending an email twice.
How to synchronise between multiple processes? Please help me with this issue. Thanks


Google Cloud Run - One container handling multiple similar requests with queue for each user

I have a SERVICE that gets a request from a Webhook and this is currently deployed across seperate Cloud Run containers. These seperate containers are the exact same (image), however, each instance processes data seperately for each particular account.
This is due to a ~ 3-5 min processing of the request and if the user sends in more requests, it needs to wait for the existing process to be completed for that particular user before processing the next one to avoid racing conditions. The container can still receive webhooks though, however, the actual processing of the data itself needs to be done one by one for each account.
Is there no way to reduce the container count, as such for example, to use one container to process all the requests, while still ensuring it processes one task for each user at a time and waits for that to complete for that user, before processing the next request from the same user.
To explain it better, i.e.
Multiple tasks can be run across all the users
However, per user 1 task at a time processed; Once that is completed, the next task for that user can be processed
I was thinking of monitoring the tasks through a Redis Cache, however, with Cloud Run being stateless, I am not sure that is the right way to go.
Or seperating the requests and the actual work - Master / Worker - And having the worker report back to the master once a task is completed for the user across 2 images (Using the concurrency to process multiple tasks across the users), however that might mean that I would have to increase the timeout time for Cloud Run.
Good to hear any other suggestions.
Apologies if this doesn't seem clear, feel free to ask for more information.

Cron job on NodeJS server runs multiple times simultaneously due to load balancers

I have cron job services on my nodeJS server (part of a React app) that I deploy using Convox to AWS, which has 4 load balancer servers. This means my cron job runs 4 times simultaneously on each server, when I only want it to run once. How can I stop this from happening and have my cron jobs run only once? As far as I know, there is no reliable way to lock my cron to a specific instance, since instances are volatile and may be deleted/recreated as needed.
The cron job services conduct tasks such as querying and updating our database, sending out emails and texts to users, and conducting external API calls. The services are run using the cron npm package, upon the server starting (after server.listen).
Can you expose these tasks via url? That way you can have an external cron service that requests each job via url against the ELB.
Another advantage of this approach is you get error reports if a url does not return a 200 status. This could simplify error tracking across all jobs.
Also this provides better redudency and load balancing, as opposed to having a single instance where you run all jobs.
I had the same issue. Se my solution here. Two emails was sent because of two instances on AWS. I lock each sending by unique random number.
My example based on MongoDB.

No Mongo Query gets result when cron is running in background

I have been NodeJS as server side and MongoDB as our database. It really works great together.
Now I have added node-schedule library into our system , to call a function like a cron-job.
The process takes around hours to complete.
My issue is whenever cron is running , all users to my site gets No response fro server i.e database gets locked.
Stuck on the issue from a week , needs good solution to run cron , without affecting users using the site.
Typically you will want to write a worker and run the worker in a different entry point that is not part of your server. There are multiple ways you could achieve this.
1) Write a worker on another server to interact with your database
2) Write a service worker on another server that interacts with your api
3) Use the same server but setup a cronjob to execute the file that does the work at a specified time.
But you should not do this from the same entry point that your server is running on. You need a different execution file.
There is one thing you can do to run this where it will not bog down your server and that would be for your trigger for node-schedule to run a child process.

Which all libraries for NodeJS provide persistent scheduling and cron jobs

From what I have read, only Agenda,Node-crontab and schedule-drone provide this feature. It would be grateful if you provide a small description of the mechanism which these library use for persistent storage of jobs.
I need to send emails by reading the mail options from MongoDB and want my nodeJS application to somehow schedule and be in sych with these even if nodeJS is stopped temporarily.
For MySQL you can try with nodejs-persistable-scheduler
In other cases you need to build your own solution. For example, I created a collection/table to store the schedule state and rules. Then, if the service's crashes or restarted, I can get all the schedules form the database and restart them again from the app.listen event.

Architecture for "Sending Batch Email every midnight on AWS"

We have a Nodejs server running on an AWS EC2 instance with MongoDB at the backend. We need to send email notifications to our users depending on certain time-specific criteria.
The simplest way is to setup another instance and run a cron job on it every midnight. Go through all users one by one and dispatch emails if they fit the criteria.
This seems to be a pretty non-optimal solution as we have thousands of users. Is there any other way of doing this?
