Heroku postgres timeout and SSL issues on API calls with Node - node.js

I'm trying to put my REST API built in Node and with PostgresSQL to Heroku. So, I created my application to Heroku, and created his own database. At this point, I tryied to commit, and the build worked corretly. This until I tryied to make some calls to the API. If the api calls I do has the uncorrect method, or doesn't exists, it gives me the correct error, but when the call is correct, there is a 503 error, with code H12, and description that is timeout error. Here is the code of one of the calls to the database that I'm testing:
router.get('/allpoints', async (req,res) =>{
try {
const points = await pool.query(
`SELECT nome, latitudine,longitudine
FROM luogo`);
Here there are the information about how I connect to the database.
const pool = new Pool({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL || 'postgresql://postgres:psw#localhost:5432/campione',
ssl: process.env.DATABASE_URL ? true : false
module.exports = pool;
The build on Heroku seems to work properly.
I read this question: Heroku h12 Timeout Error with PG / Node.js
It says that you have to put res.end() where there is not res.json(), but here there is the res.json(). So, I thought that the issue could be that there is an error that the route manage, and can't give back anything. So, I changed from console.log(err) to res.json(err), and the API response with `ssl self signed, as an error. At this point, in the second file, I put ssl as false by default, but it gaves me error because there is no SSL. I searched for a really long time for a solution, but I have not been able yet to fix the issue.
Someone thinks he knows what should I change? Thank you in advice

this option in databse config maybe useful
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized : false,


local Postgres connection not returning anything

I’m trying to perform a simple query on a local database. I expect this query to return the schema names of the database.
I am running Postgres version 13.1 and I installed it by following the steps shown here: https://postgresapp.com/
As per guidelines on Postgres Wiki, I'm including config file changes, I only manually edited settings to enable logging.
This computer is running MacOS Big Sur Version 11.0.1.
I'm using Node.js and Postgres is running on port 5432 and I can access it with psql.
The relevant changes I've made are the following:
Endpoint in server.js:
router.post('/mock_call', async (ctx) => {
try {
await sql.mockCall()
ctx.body = {
status: "It's good",
data: 'good'
} catch (e) {
ctx.body = {
status: "Failed",
data: e
ctx.res.statusCode = 422;
SQL File:
const { Pool, Client } = require('pg');
const client = new Client({
user: 'user1',
host: 'localhost',
database: 'postgres',
password: 'mypass',
port: 5432,
module.exports = {
mockCall: function () {
console.log('mockCall begin')
client.connect(err => {
if (err) {
console.error('connection error', err.stack)
} else {
console.log('before query')
client.query("SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata", (err, res) => {
if (err) {
console.log('theres an error:')
console.log('theres a response:')
for (let row of res.rows) {
Logs that actually get printed out when I hit the endpoint on localhost:
mockCall begin
before query
Postgresql Logs (not helpful it's as if the server never gets hit):
This exact project and code is working on my personal local computer and the query goes through as expected. It used to be working on a Heroku server I had set up. The only difference with the Heroku server is that the connection is made like so:
const client = new Client({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
This connection had been working on a server I had for over a year. My database was running out of space so I upgraded from a hobby database to a standard plan on Heroku, the app continued to work. A couple weeks after this upgrade I pushed a new commit which included a couple new features on the app and this broke the postgresql connection. After this push I immediately checked out my last commit which was working and pushed that one, the issue however was still there.
I currently have the program running on my personal local computer but I need to move it back to Heroku as quickly as possible. The pictures and logs I've included above are the result of running my app locally on my friends computer, which seems to be having the same issue I'm having on Heroku so I'm hoping if I figure out the issue on his local computer I'll be able to solve what's going on in Heroku.
These are the logs that are printed out from my personal local computer which is working:
Running psql -d postgres -U user1 -h localhost -p 5432 successfully connects me to the database on the command line.
The new features I added was a new endpoint for my apps customers. This commit works fine on my personal local computer, so I don't think it's an issue with the new features that I added. Additionally, since then I've reverted to my previous commit which used to be working so none of that new code is present anymore.
I'm running the entire app locally on my friends computer. I set up Postgres from scratch just as I did a year ago on my computer. However now, only my personal local computer is working.
I haven't changed anything on pg_hba.conf on either setup. This is what they both look like:
At first I thought the problem would be with Heroku since my local app was working fine. However after reaching out and talking for a couple days with support they said:
Hi there,
It looks like your application is able to successfully connect to the database, but something else in the application or framework is preventing the data from being retrieved. Unfortunately, as this is an application issue it falls outside the nature of the Heroku Support policy. I recommend searching our Knowledge Base or asking the community on Stack Overflow for more answers.
Turns out I was using an old version of pg, 7.8. I upgraded to 8.5 and now it works.

Issue in connecting to heroku postgres from node + express + also locally

New to Node here, trying for the last 3 days straight, no clue.
Read all similar issues and tried literally everything I could find, no luck.
Suspecting something that is not common or related to my machine or code.
Issue: trying to fetch data in node.js from postgres db - to console (at least) so to render it later as HTML
Database has table name: students on heroku, and has records
Also locally on my macOS, I have postgres installed with simple data in a table called students
I couldn't fetch any data, no error, no idea how to track it!
Tried creating connection with pool, client.. also used heroku guide here exactly
Literally everything that other users mostly encountered
DATABASE_URL environment variable is ok, if i echo $DATABASE_URL in Terminal:
When i run 'node app.js' server starts ok on port 3000, I can use postman on the root '/' OK and it works, it returns back the json info and console.log
If i try postman to '/students' then it tries forever, no results, no error, nothing
Tried also with my local installation of postgres, same thing
My modules are ok, and I run npm install several times
Thought could be my mac firewall, i turned it off completely
Also tried this, nothing prints out or no idea where to track it:
process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
Guide or steps to follow in order to track issues like this will be highly appreciated
app.js file:
const express = require('express')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const { Client } = require('pg');
const app = express()
const PORT = 3000
extended: true,
const client = new Client({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.json({ info: 'Info: This is the root directory' });
console.log('main directory')
app.get('/students', (req, res) => {
client.query('SELECT * FROM students;', (err, res) => {
if (err) throw err;
for (let row of res.rows) {
console.log('WHOOOOOO, finally!');
app.listen(PORT, function(){
console.log('Server running on port 3000');
Well, my node version was for some reason v14, not sure how that happened, but the most stable version in node site is 12, so I installed v12 and the connection to pg worked locally and remotely on heroku.
This is just to highlight what worked with me after trying 4 days straight.
However, that may trigger for you different issue like like this which I'm facing:
DeprecationWarning: Implicit disabling of certificate verification is deprecated and will be removed in pg 8. Specify `rejectUnauthorized: true` to require a valid CA or `rejectUnauthorized: false` to explicitly opt out of MITM protection.
All answers found so far point to: pg module already fixed in v7.18.1 but for some reason I can't force package.json to take that version, it jumps me to version 7.18.2
Tried that along with latest version 8.3 same issue with heroku, but locally the message doesn't show
Not big deal though, connection works for now until figuring it out.
I think the issue here is that you don't send back any response in the /students route .Notice the / route u have a res.json which sends back a response but in /students route i don't see where your response is sent and that's why you wait forever

Database stop sending data to node server after trying to deploy on heroku. I am just getting A pending promise

I developed a node app server that get data requested through a postgres (sequelize ORM) which send the data to my react nextjs app when requested.
A few days ago I tried to host the application on heroku, which is when all hell broke loose. the application stopped working. I was getting a socket hangup error. I followed the error stack trace until i think i pinpointed the error on when my server request data from my database. I realized there are no more data coming through. Therefore, I am left hanging with a pending promise. I rebuild my backend. I also went back to previous commit when it was working and the application is still not working. The front-end is working bc it is running on a different host but my backend is not receiving data from my db anymore. I have tried everything i can think of and read a bunch of article on stack overflow and Github but have not figure it out yet. Also, I can no longer seed my seed file for some reason (also return pending promise).
I figure out what was the problem. My configuration on the server side with my database was not working. Therefore, I was getting an unresolved promise which caused the application to just keep loading while waiting for the data. By changing my config file to this:
const Sequelize = require("sequelize");
let database = process.env.DATABASE_URL;
let sequelize = "";
? (sequelize = new Sequelize(database))
: (sequelize = new Sequelize(database, "postgres", "", {
dialect: "postgres",
logging: false,
`module.exports = sequelize;
and adding my postgres database manually on my terminal when running heroku pg:psql to see and create my data base. I was able to make the application work once deployed on Heroku.

Firebase Server NodeJS failing to connect with Service Account

I have a pretty simple NodeJS server that I'm using to monitor our Firebase Database. My code is basically identical to the sample on the Firebase documentation:
var firebase = require("firebase");
databaseURL: 'https://myurl.firebaseio.com/',
serviceAccount: 'path/to/json.json'
Now the issue I'm having is when I run this code from within our network, it doens't seem to be connection as a have a block of code right after to read some data and it never gets ran:
var nodeRef = this.db.ref("node");
nodeRef.on("child_added", function (snapshot, prevChildKey) {
// ...
}, function (error) {
If I give everyone write access to the database, I can take out the serviceAccount setting on the initializeApp call, and everything works perfectly. I've tried running Fiddler to see what it might be making a request to that is failing, but I'm not seeing any requests pop up in Fiddler at all. Any ideas what this might be calling that our proxy would need to allow?
Our IT team found what the problem was, I had asked them to open accounts.google.com in our proxy server. It got set to "allow" instead of "tunnel".
According to them, the HSTS headers were causing the SSL decryption on the proxy unless it was set to tunnel, which was causing the "self signed certificate" error I mentioned above in the comments.
For me, disabling Kaspersky got it to work. You can try that.

Mongoose Model.find() hangs when not connected to database

I'm going through a few error scenarios, trying to understand how to handle those.
In the case where there is no database connection, a Mongoose Model.find(...) call seems to hang. Below the example code. I would have assumed that the callback is invoked with an err object, but it is not.
How can I prevent the model call to hang? Do I manually have to check the readyState each time I access a model?
// app.js
// Let's use a non-existing host so connecting fails:
// (callback is invoked with err object)
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhostXXX/blog', function(err){ ... });
BlogPost = mongoose.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema);
// api.js
exports.list_posts = function(req, res) {
// Ready state is '0' = disconnected (since we used a wrong hostname)
console.log('DB ready state: ' + BlogPost.db.readyState);
// This will not invoke the callback:
BlogPost.find(function(err, threads) {
// Never called...
It is not an answer, but hope it will help you to find solution. Had very similar issue with
while using passport module, found out that it works fine with
Since you're already using an error handler in the connect call, a sensible thing would be to quit your app when the DB is not up, or activate some middleware that responds with a pretty 500 Internal Server Error.
Mongoose uses node-mongodb-native under the hood for connections to mongodb, you might find other useful connection options in there. :)
EDIT: try setting socketOptions.socketTimeoutMS. Apparently there is no default timeout set. See http://mongodb.github.com/node-mongodb-native/api-generated/server.html.
I don't have node on my work machine to try out the exact syntax for you, but you will probably have to use mongoose.Connection, which has an open() method that accepts options to pass through to node-mongodb-native. I don't think mongoose.connect() accepts these options, but I could be wrong.
In order to solve this problem you need to do 3 tasks:
Configure the bufferMaxEntries:0 in the options.db section (for more details see here)
So when disable bufferMaxEntries this causes mongoose to stop buffer commands and retrying to send them when the server is down.
Configure the autoReconnect:false in the options.db section
disable autoReconnet in the db level. (see more information here)
if you are working with mongodb replicaset then you need to disable bufferCommands in the schema level (for each schema you create)
var schema = new Schema({..}, { bufferCommands: false });
