How do anti-cheats protect against input emulation? - sendinput

There is one game on the Unreal Engine 2 (pirate MMORPG with anti-cheat). I'm using reshade library to hook some functions including dinput/window input handling.
With the SendInput function i can send input but only in the active input field. F1-F12 or 1-9 keys are bind to the panel of skills. I tried to send these keys but nothing happens.
int SendKey(const wchar_t *text)
INPUT *keystroke;
UINT i, character_count, keystrokes_to_send, keystrokes_sent;
assert(text != NULL);
//Fill in the array of keystrokes to send.
character_count = wcslen(text);
keystrokes_to_send = character_count * 2;
keystroke = new INPUT[keystrokes_to_send];
for (i = 0; i < character_count; ++i)
keystroke[i * 2].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keystroke[i * 2].ki.wVk = 0;
keystroke[i * 2].ki.wScan = text[i];
keystroke[i * 2].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_UNICODE;
keystroke[i * 2].ki.time = 0;
keystroke[i * 2].ki.dwExtraInfo = GetMessageExtraInfo();
keystroke[i * 2 + 1].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keystroke[i * 2 + 1].ki.wVk = 0;
keystroke[i * 2 + 1].ki.wScan = text[i];
keystroke[i * 2 + 1].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_UNICODE | KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
keystroke[i * 2 + 1].ki.time = 0;
keystroke[i * 2 + 1].ki.dwExtraInfo = GetMessageExtraInfo();
//Send the keystrokes.
keystrokes_sent = SendInput((UINT)keystrokes_to_send, keystroke, sizeof(*keystroke));
delete[] keystroke;
return 0;
Or I can somehow use dinput to send keys?
I know that anti-cheat uses kbdHook (From Kernel-Mode) but how can he keep track of where the keys were sent in the game? (if the active input field works for me)?
PS: If I'm missing something please correct me, thanks!


gryo scope and accelerometer output

I am currently working on project using and arduino, a gyro, an accelerometer, and a Bluetooth chip to try to model some data. I am currently trying to gather data, package it up and send it to a phone via Bluetooth. The issue is the Bluetooth chip I am using is a low energy one and so it can only send messages of 20 bytes at a time. I am trying to get past this issue by storing the data collected for a certain amount of time then send it all in 20 byte bursts. I am currently testing this method without sending the data and just printing the data to the serial monitor. This is where my issue is arising, when printing the data in real time everything works but when I try to store it in an array I get this:
As you can see it seems to just break. If anyone could help me out it would be great!
Here is the relevant code chunk
for(int i = 0; i < loopVal; i++)
yawGyroValDouble = 0;
pitchGyroValDouble = 0;
rollGyroValDouble = 0;
totalClicksY = 0;
angleY = 0;
totalClicksP = 0;
angleP = 0;
totalClicksR = 0;
angleR = 0;
xRe = 0;
yRe = 0;
zRe = 0;
s = "";
int starttime = millis(); // get start time
int endtime = starttime; // init end time
while ((endtime - starttime) < time)
getGyroValues(); // This will update rollGyroVal, pitchGyroVal, and yawGyroVal with new values
yawGyroValDouble =yawGyroVal;
if(abs(yawGyroValDouble) > abs(gyroNoiseThresh)){ // ignore noise
totalClicksY+=yawGyroValDouble; // update runsum
pitchGyroValDouble =pitchGyroVal;
if(abs(yawGyroValDouble) > abs(gyroNoiseThresh)){ // ignore noise
totalClicksP+=pitchGyroValDouble; // update runsum
rollGyroValDouble =rollGyroVal;
if(abs(yawGyroValDouble) > abs(gyroNoiseThresh)){ // ignore noise
totalClicksR+=rollGyroValDouble; // update runsum
xRe = analogRead(pinX);
yRe = analogRead(pinY);
zRe = analogRead(pinZ);
delay (gyroDelayTime);
endtime = millis();
angleY = totalClicksY / clicksPerDegCCW;
angleP = totalClicksP / clicksPerDegCCW;
angleR = totalClicksR / clicksPerDegCCW;
String yawSend = String(angleY);
String pitchSend = String(angleP);
String rollSend = String(angleR);
String xSend = String(xRe);
String ySend = String(yRe);
String zSend = String(zRe);
//s = "Accel - X: " + xSend + " Y: " + ySend + " Z: " + zSend + "\n" + "Gyro - Yaw: " + yawSend + " Pitch: " + pitchSend + " Roll: " + rollSend;
s = "" + xSend + "," + ySend + "," + zSend + "," + yawSend + "," + pitchSend + "," + rollSend;
res[i] = s;
You didn't show where totalClicksY, totalClicksP, totalClicksR, and clicksPerDegCCW are declared, but I'm betting they are declared as integer types (int or long). If so, the result of your maths:
angleY = totalClicksY / clicksPerDegCCW;
angleP = totalClicksP / clicksPerDegCCW;
angleR = totalClicksR / clicksPerDegCCW;
will be integers. And if the results of those divisions are less than 1, they will be truncated to 0.
Try declaring totalClicksY, totalClicksP, totalClicksR and clicksPerDegCCW as double. That, or cast them when you do the math, like this:
angleY = (double)totalClicksY / (double)clicksPerDegCCW;
angleP = (double)totalClicksP / (double)clicksPerDegCCW;
angleR = (double)totalClicksR / (double)clicksPerDegCCW;
(I'm also assuming that angleY, angleP, and angleR are also declared as doubles - if not they definitely should be).

Not able to set processor affinity

I'm trying to implement this code on a 8 core cluster. It has 2 sockets each with 4 cores. I am trying to create 8 threads and set affinity using pthread_attr_setaffinity_np function. But when I look at my performance in VTunes , it shows me that 3969 odd threads are being created. I don't understand why and how! Above all, my performance is exactly the same as it was when no affinity was set (OS thread scheduling). Can someone please help me debug this problem? My code is running perfectly fine but I have no control over the threads! Thanks in advance.
const int num_thrd=8;
bool RCTAlgorithmBackprojection(RabbitCtGlobalData* r)
float O_L = r->O_L;
float R_L = r->R_L;
double* A_n = r->A_n;
float* I_n = r->I_n;
float* f_L = r->f_L;*/
cpu_set_t cpu[num_thrd];
pthread_t thread[num_thrd];
pthread_attr_t attr[num_thrd];
for(int i =0; i< num_thrd; i++)
threadCopy[i].L = r->L;
threadCopy[i].O_L = r->O_L;
threadCopy[i].R_L = r->R_L;
threadCopy[i].A_n = r->A_n;
threadCopy[i].I_n = r->I_n;
threadCopy[i].f_L = r->f_L;
threadCopy[i].slice= i;
threadCopy[i].S_x = r->S_x;
threadCopy[i].S_y = r->S_y;
CPU_SET(i, &cpu[i]);
pthread_attr_setaffinity_np(&attr[i], CPU_SETSIZE, &cpu[i]);
int rc=pthread_create(&thread[i], &attr[i], backProject, (void*)&threadCopy[i]);
if (rc!=0)
cout<<"Can't create thread\n"<<endl;
return -1;
// sleep(1);
for (int i = 0; i < num_thrd; i++) {
pthread_join(thread[i], NULL);
//s_rcgd = r;
return true;
void* backProject (void* parm)
copyStruct* s = (copyStruct*)parm; // retrive the slice info
unsigned int L = s->L;
float O_L = s->O_L;
float R_L = s->R_L;
double* A_n = s->A_n;
float* I_n = s->I_n;
float* f_L = s->f_L;
int slice1 = s->slice;
//cout<<"The size of volume is L= "<<L<<endl;
int from = (slice1 * L) / num_thrd; // note that this 'slicing' works fine
int to = ((slice1+1) * L) / num_thrd; // even if SIZE is not divisible by num_thrd
//cout<<"computing slice " << slice1<< " from row " << from<< " to " << to-1<<endl;
for (unsigned int k=from; k<to; k++)
double z = O_L + (double)k * R_L;
for (unsigned int j=0; j<L; j++)
double y = O_L + (double)j * R_L;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<L; i++)
double x = O_L + (double)i * R_L;
double w_n = A_n[2] * x + A_n[5] * y + A_n[8] * z + A_n[11];
double u_n = (A_n[0] * x + A_n[3] * y + A_n[6] * z + A_n[9] ) / w_n;
double v_n = (A_n[1] * x + A_n[4] * y + A_n[7] * z + A_n[10]) / w_n;
f_L[k * L * L + j * L + i] += (float)(1.0 / (w_n * w_n) * p_hat_n(u_n, v_n));
//cout<<" finished slice "<<slice1<<endl;
return NULL;
Alright, so I found out the reason was because of CPU_SETSIZE that I was using as an argument in pthread_attr_setaffinity_np. I replaced it with num_thrd . Apparently CPU_SETSIZE which will be declared inside #define __USE_GNU was not included in my file.!! Sorry if I bothered any of y'all who were trying to debug this thanks again!

Brute-force transposition decryption - word segmentation

I'm a 2nd year B. Comp. Sci. student and have a cryptography assignment that's really giving me grief. We've been given a text file of transposition-encrypted English phrases and an English dictionary file, then asked to write a program that deciphers the phrases automatically without any user input.
My first idea was to simply brute-force all possible permutations of the ciphertext, which should be trivial. However, I then have to decide which one is the most-likely to be the actual plaintext, and this is what I'm struggling with.
There's heaps of information on word segmentation here on SO, including this and this amongst other posts. Using this information and what I've already learned at uni, here's what I have so far:
string DecryptTransposition(const string& cipher, const string& dict)
vector<string> plain;
int sz = cipher.size();
int maxCols = ceil(sz / 2.0f);
int maxVotes = 0, key = 0;
// Iterate through all possible no.'s of cols.
for (int c = 2; c <= maxCols; c++)
int r = sz / c; // No. of complete rows if c is no. of cols.
int e = sz % c; // No. of extra letters if c is no. of cols.
string cipherCpy(cipher);
vector<string> table;
table.assign(r, string(c, ' '));
if (e > 0) table.push_back(string(e, ' '));
for (int y = 0; y < c; y++)
for (int x = 0; x <= r; x++)
if (x == r && e-- < 1) break;
table[x][y] = cipherCpy[0];
cipherCpy.erase(0, 1);
table.end(), string("")));
// plain.back() now points to the plaintext
// generated from cipher with key = c
int votes = 0;
for (int i = 0, j = 2; (i + j) <= sz; )
string word = plain.back().substr(i, j);
if (dict.find('\n' + word + '\n') == string::npos) j++;
i += j;
j = 2;
if (votes > maxVotes)
maxVotes = votes;
key = c;
return plain[key - 2]; // Minus 2 since we started from 2
There are two main problems with this algorithm:
It is incredibly slow, taking ~30 sec. to decrypt a 80-char. message.
It isn't completely accurate (I'd elaborate on this if I hadn't already taken up a whole page, but you can try it for yourself with the full VC++ 2012 project).
Any suggestions on how I could improve this algorithm would be greatly appreciated. MTIA :-)

Calculating collisions with Radians incrementing

While programming a game with the Tululoo Game Maker API, I am having problems with calculating collisions accurately as the x and y are being calculated from the radians.
The calculations for x and y below are producing a large number number of decimal points which I am finding difficult to check for collisions.
image_angle is the final angle of the pistol in degrees that the bullet uses initially.
In Setup:
x = instance_list(pistol)[0].x;
y = instance_list(pistol)[0].y;
startAng = instance_list(pistol)[0].image_angle;
this.travelX = cos(degtorad(instance_list(pistol)[0].image_angle)) * 5;
this.travelY = sin(degtorad(instance_list(pistol)[0].image_angle)) * 5;
In Update Frame:
Calculating the Angle that the ball will bounce off a wall at, messy I know:
for(var i = 0; i < instance_number(bounce_barrier);i++){
if(Math.round(x*10)/10 > instance_list(bounce_barrier)[i].x ){
newAng = 180 - startAng;
this.travelX = +cos(degtorad(newAng)) * 15;
this.travelY = +sin(degtorad(newAng)) * 15;
startAng = newAng;
else if(y > instance_list(bounce_barrier)[i].y - 5 && y <= instance_list(bounce_barrier)[i].y + 10){
newAng = 180 - startAng;
this.travelX = -cos(degtorad(newAng)) * 15;
this.travelY = -sin(degtorad(newAng)) * 15;
startAng = newAng;
else if(y <= instance_list(bounce_barrier)[i].y - 5 + bounce_spr.height && y >= instance_list(bounce_barrier)[i].y + bounce_spr.height - 10){
newAng = 180 - startAng;
this.travelX = -cos(degtorad(newAng)) * 15;
this.travelY = -sin(degtorad(newAng)) * 15;
startAng = newAng;
else if(x < instance_list(bounce_barrier)[i].x){
newAng = 180 - startAng;
this.travelX = +cos(degtorad(newAng)) * 15;
this.travelY = +sin(degtorad(newAng)) * 15;
startAng = newAng;
place_meeting is Part of the Tululoo Game API:
function __place_meeting__(nx, ny, what, many) {
this.other = null;
var i, l,
// sprite, scale:
ts = this.sprite_index,
tsx, tsy, tfx, tfy, tst,
// circle:
tcx, tcy, tcr,
// bbox:
tbl, tbr, tbt, tbb,
// instances, multiple, output, types:
tz, tm, ct, ch, ra,
// other:
o, ox, oy, os, ost, osx, osy, ofx, ofy, ofr;
if (ts == null) return false;
tfx = ts.xoffset;
tfy = ts.yoffset;
tsx = this.image_xscale;
tsy = this.image_yscale;
tst = ts.collision_shape;
// bbox:
if (tst == 2) {
tbl = nx + tsx * (ts.collision_left - tfx);
tbr = nx + tsx * (ts.collision_right - tfx);
tbt = ny + tsy * (ts.collision_top - tfy);
tbb = ny + tsy * (ts.collision_bottom - tfy);
// circle:
if (tst == 3) {
tcr = ts.collision_radius * (tsx > tsy ? tsx : tsy);
tcx = nx + tsx * (ts.width / 2 - tfx);
tcy = ny + tsy * (ts.height / 2 - tfy);
tz = (what.__instance ? [what] : instance_list(what));
tm = many ? true : false;
if (tm) ra = [];
l = tz.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
o = tz[i];
if (!o.collision_checking) continue;
os = o.sprite_index;
if (os == null) continue;
ox = o.x; osx = o.image_xscale;
oy = o.y; osy = o.image_yscale;
ost = os.collision_shape;
ct = (tst << 4) | ost;
ch = false;
switch(ct) {
case 0x22:
if (osx == 1 && osy == 1) {
ofx = os.xoffset; ofy = os.yoffset;
if (!collide_bbox_bbox(tbl, tbt, tbr, tbb,
ox + os.collision_left - ofx, oy + os.collision_top - ofy,
ox + os.collision_right - ofx, oy + os.collision_bottom - ofy)) break;
} else if (!collide_bbox_sbox(tbl, tbt, tbr, tbb, ox, oy, osx, osy, os)) break;
ch = true;
case 0x23:
ofr = os.collision_radius * (osx > osy ? osx : osy);
ofx = ox + osx * (os.width / 2 - os.xoffset);
ofy = oy + osy * (os.height / 2 - os.yoffset);
if (!collide_bbox_circle(tbl, tbt, tbr, tbb, ofx, ofy, ofr)) break;
ch = true;
case 0x32:
if (osx == 1 && osy == 1) {
ofx = os.xoffset; ofy = os.yoffset;
if (!collide_bbox_circle(
ox + os.collision_left - ofx, oy + os.collision_top - ofy,
ox + os.collision_right - ofx, oy + os.collision_bottom - ofy,
tcx, tcy, tcr)) break;
} else if (!collide_sbox_circle(ox, oy, osx, osy, os, tcx, tcy, tcr)) break;
ch = true;
case 0x33:
ofr = os.collision_radius * (osx > osy ? osx : osy);
ofx = ox + osx * (os.width / 2 - os.xoffset);
ofy = oy + osy * (os.height / 2 - os.yoffset);
if (!collide_circle_circle(tcx, tcy, tcr, ofx, ofy, ofr)) break;
ch = true;
} if (!ch) continue;
this.other = o;
o.other = this;
if (!tm) return (o);
} return ra;
I have managed to make a bullet bounce off a wall at an angle proportional to where it has been shot from, but the collision detection is very bad as it bounces some bullets but not all, some just go straight through the wall.
Just added the Line Collision Detection, ive made the bullets lines so I can see the
this.oldTravelX,this.oldTravelY to this.travelX,this.travelY. It has definitely improved but some of the bullets are still going through.
Some bullets seem to stick inside the bouncing block or slide down the left side of the bouncing block then decide whether to go left or right.
Updated Code:
pntdis = point_distance(this.oldTravelX, this.oldTravelY, this.travelX, this.travelY);
noPoints = pntdis/0.01;
for(var i=0; i < pntdis; i+=noPoints)
pointsArrX[i] = this.travelX - (this.oldTravelX * i);
pointsArrY[i] = this.travelY - (this.oldTravelY * i);
for(var i=0;i<pointsArrX.length;i++){
if(place_meeting(Math.round(pointsArrX[i]),Math.round(pointsArrY[i]),bounce_barrier) || place_meeting(x,y,bounce_barrier))
newAng = 180 - startAng;
this.travelX = +cos(degtorad(newAng)) * 15;
this.travelY = +sin(degtorad(newAng)) * 15;
startAng = newAng;
Thanks in advance.
It looks like the place_meeting function is supposed to determine whether there's a collision between the bullet and the barrier. However, this function only takes the new position of the bullet. Given the bullet moves 5 units per update, it's possible that the bullet could move from one side of the barrier to the other in a single frame. e.g.:
. |
\| barrier
place_meeting should take both the old and new positions of the bullet so that it can determine whether any intermediate position collided with the barrier (e.g. by doing line-line intersection testing with the path of the bullet and the edges of the barrier; it should probably also return the collision point).
Your updated code looks like it's intended to check for collision of a number of points along the path of the bullet. There are faster ways to do this, but your method may be fast enough, and is easy to understand. There appears to be a bug in how you calculate the points to check though.
Stepping through the code manually on paper:
pntdis = 5 // assume point_distance returns 5
noPoints = 5 / 0.01 = 500
i = 0
pointsArrX[0] = this.travelX
pointsArrY[0] = this.travelY
i = i + noPoints = 500
500 < 5: false, for loop ends
Other things to consider:
You might want a break statement after you've detected a collision so you don't keep testing further points.
You could combine the two for loops into one because you're not reusing the values in the array. Just calculate your test point and then test it immediately.
Try using console.log to output debugging information as your program runs so you can get a better idea of what's happening.
Use var before your variables (such as pntdis and noPoints) to avoid accidentally creating global variables.

Color.HSBtoRGB missing in WinRT

I'm builing a fractal application and need to generate a smooth color scheme, and I found a nice algorithm at Smooth spectrum for Mandelbrot Set rendering.
But that required me to call Color.HSBtoRGB and that method is not available in WinRT / Windows Store apps.
Is there some other built-in method to do this conversion?
Other tips on how to convert HSB to RGB?
I ended up using the HSB to RGB conversion algorithm found at, I adopted the inital (long) version. Perhaps this can be further optimized but for my purpose this was perfect!
As the hsb2rgb method is in C and I needed C#, I'm sharing my version here:
private byte[] hsb2rgb(int index, byte sat, byte bright)
int r_temp, g_temp, b_temp;
byte index_mod;
byte inverse_sat = (byte)(sat ^ 255);
index = index % 768;
index_mod = (byte)(index % 256);
if (index < 256)
r_temp = index_mod ^ 255;
g_temp = index_mod;
b_temp = 0;
else if (index < 512)
r_temp = 0;
g_temp = index_mod ^ 255;
b_temp = index_mod;
else if ( index < 768)
r_temp = index_mod;
g_temp = 0;
b_temp = index_mod ^ 255;
r_temp = 0;
g_temp = 0;
b_temp = 0;
r_temp = ((r_temp * sat) / 255) + inverse_sat;
g_temp = ((g_temp * sat) / 255) + inverse_sat;
b_temp = ((b_temp * sat) / 255) + inverse_sat;
r_temp = (r_temp * bright) / 255;
g_temp = (g_temp * bright) / 255;
b_temp = (b_temp * bright) / 255;
byte[] color = new byte[3];
color[0] = (byte)r_temp;
color[1] = (byte)g_temp;
color[2] = (byte)b_temp;
return color;
To call it based on the code linked in the original post I needed to make some minor modifications:
private byte[] SmoothColors1(int maxIterationCount, ref Complex z, int iteration)
double smoothcolor = iteration + 1 - Math.Log(Math.Log(z.Magnitude)) / Math.Log(2);
byte[] color = hsb2rgb((int)(10 * smoothcolor), (byte)(255 * 0.6f), (byte)(255 * 1.0f));
if (iteration >= maxIterationCount)
// Make sure the core is black
color[0] = 0;
color[1] = 0;
color[2] = 0;
return color;
