Is is possible to check the lot number in Netsuite Inventory Detail against a value defined at the work order level? - netsuite

We are having an issue with our team members entering completions for the wrong lot number. Does anyone know of a way to have the inventory detail sub-menu check against a lot number value assigned when creating the work order?
Lot number does not seem to be a native field when generating work orders, so I created a custom field for it, which seems to work okay and will propagate through the rest of the document chain, however, I do not have a guess at how to check inventory detail values against this field.


Events does not appear when making an Outlook query from Excel

I'm making an Excel sheet that helps me fill in my oursheet. To accomplish this I create a Power Query that takes data from my Outlook Calendar. However, I have noticed that recurring events only appears once. Also, there is nothing in the query that helps me figure out which events are recurring?
Can anybody help me get the recurring events into Excel through the query?
This is a bit of a conceptual shot in the dark from me, but if you're connecting to Exchange Online (from New Query -> Online Services -> Exchange Online) then you should see a column named Attributes, with records in it. If you look within those records, you should see each record has a field named AppointmentType--that might help you. There is also an IsRecurring field--which might be even more helpful. Further, there is a field called Recurrence, with a record in it that provides info about the recurrences, if any. Lastly, a FirstOccurence field and a LastOccurence field are also included, and might help you in some way as well.
I would think to first identify the recurring records (maybe based off the IsRecurring field, then get their attribute info related to each recurrence (most of which seems to be in the Recurrence field for each record) to construct the single entry items for the recurrences.

How to Properly Change an InventoryID of a Serial Record

Does anyone know if there is a simple/correct way to change the inventory id of an existing serial item within Acumatica? We had serial records created in the system under the wrong inventory id, and we need to re-associate these serial records to their correct inventory id. We prefer not to create new serial records to solve this need for a variety of reasons that pertain to preserving the history and other custom fields attached to this serial item/record.
The best option, in my opinion, is to perform negative inventory adjustments to get them removed from the incorrect InventoryID and then positive adjustments to get them attached to the correct InventoryID. You should be able to do 2 import scenarios to the Inventory Adjustments screen to create these pretty quickly. There are accounting reasons to do it this way. If you try to update the database tables directly on the backend - you can possibly end up with a mess on your hands.

Kentico - Adding multiple discounts

I'm using Kentico version 8.2, and am trying to allow a user to enter multiple coupons. In the ECommerceContext.CurrentShoppingCart object you have a ShoppingCartCouponCode that you can set. This then adds this coupon to the Discounts collection on that object.
If I change the ShoppingCartCouponCode to something else, then the Discount collection gets recreated with a single item of the new discount again, and loses the old discount.
If I store a copy of the discount collection, then apply the new coupon entered, and then append the copied collection to the new generated Discount collection then that works for only a couple of discounts. I am concerned that doing it this way will cause issues elsewhere.
So has anyone implemented this functionality before and how did/would you go about it?
EDIT: Although it seems like Product Coupons should allow you to do this, they don't work quite the way you would think. When a Product Coupon is applied to the cart, the ShoppingCartDiscountCouponID field for that cart's record in COM_ShoppingCart is updated to include a foreign key reference to the ID of discount coupon in COM_DiscountCoupon. So there can definitely be only one Product Coupon applied to the cart at any one time.
So instead of being a discount on a particular product, they seem to be more like flags that allow you to apply discounts to the entire cart if a particular product is in the cart and the correct coupon code is entered.
However, that doesn't mean we can't do some customization to achieve this affect ourselves. Our first step will be to change the ShoppingCartContent control in CMSModules > Ecommerce > Controls > ShoppingCart to allow multiple coupon codes to be entered. That's the easy part.
The second part is to change how discounts and carts are associated. This could require modifying Kentico's system tables, so do so at your own risk. You'll basically want to decouple foreign key reference from the COM_ShoppignCart table and create a many-to-many relationship between carts and discounts. Personally, I would leave the system tables and API alone and just create another custom table that mapped CartIDs to DiscountIDs (you will probably have to do the same with Orders, too since cart data is applied to order data when an order is created).
The last part is changing how discounts are actually calculated.
Earlier I suggested creating a custom DiscountCouponInfoProvider. Turns out, what you actually want to do is create a custom ShoppingCartInfoProvider and override one of the following methods:
I apologize if this isn't descriptive enough, but this will be a significant modification to how Kentico handles Product Coupons, so I don't have a lot of time to get into specifics. However, I would estimate that it would take a least a few weeks to accomplish.
old answer
Hmm, you could create discounts that represent combinations of two or more discounts and apply those if a user selects the right combination.
Or, what I would prefer if I had the time to build it, would be to create a custom DiscountCouponInfoProvider that changes how discounts are applied.M

fetch data from ms-access to ms-word

i am looking to create an invoice in either MS-excel or MS-word. This invoice will contain several fields like invoice no., customer name, product info, quantity, Amount, Date, Address of customer, phone no. etc. The function of the invoice will be, to generate a unique invoice number, every time i open it, and then the vendor will mention the customer's info, product's info and click on submit button or save it. The info mentioned in the invoice will automatically be saved in the MS-Access database whenever submit button is clicked or the document is saved.
Thus, All the records of the customer will be saved in the MS-Access database. whenever i need to search for a particular customer, i should be able to search it from either invoice no. or any unique field for that particular invoice. I hope my query is explained clearly. please let me know the easiest way to do it. I do not have the vast knowledge about this subject, so give me suggestions that are understandable by a Novice.
I think you are starting from the wrong end. Use an Access form to get the data and then run a mailmerge, the easiest way is to output a text file from Access as the data file and use a Word template for the merge.
An autonumber may suit for invoice number as long as all you need is a unique number. If you need documented sequential numbers, you will have to create then yourself. How you do it will depend on the number of users working at the same time.
I can tell you now, generating Word files with Access is a bit of a pain in the ass. If you really want to do formatting it gets hard (is my experience).
I ended up generating HTML files in which I could control everything, and opening them as .docs. But if you are really new to this, I suggest you start with some VBA tutorials, where they explain to you how you get records from you database and loop through them to generate output. And then you can start looking at file writing functions in VBA.
Can't find any tutorials real quick (my girlfriend is getting angry as we speak), but here is a sample:
Just look around in fora, look for file generation and looping through records.
Hi just reading your post, like Remou l would strongly suggest you use Access to enter and store the data. It is possible to get a user to enter data into a spreadsheet and write the data back to Access DB. Not something l would recommend for the novice, here is a link to some code on how it could be done
Returning to your first question, of creating the invoice have you considered generating the invoices from Access using a report? They can be printed to PDF, or exported to various electronic formats. Or is there specific reason to use Word/Excel? If are going down the route of using Word to generate the invoice then use a template as Remou suggested. See this link for some samples see the section titled Access > Word. I have used the examples as a basis for Access to Word. A number of the examples though use a tecnology called DAO, which l understand will not be included in any operating system after Windows 7. Just something to be aware of.
Searching for a record in a database table this link has one possible solution . Also the author has included a example database.

Auto number column in SharePoint list

In a SharePoint list I want an auto number column that as I add to the list gets incremented. How best can I go about this?
Sharepoint Lists automatically have an column with "ID" which auto increments. You simply need to select this column from the "modify view" screen to view it.
You can't add a new unique auto-generated ID to a SharePoint list, but there already is one there! If you edit the "All Items" view you will see a list of columns that do not have the display option checked.
There are quite a few of these columns that exist but that are never displayed, like "Created By" and "Created". These fields are used within SharePoint, but they are not displayed by default so as not to clutter up the display. You can't edit these fields, but you can display them to the user. if you check the "Display" box beside the ID field you will get a unique and auto-generated ID field displayed in your list.
Check out: Unique ID in SharePoint list
If you want to control the formatting of the unique identifier you can create your own <FieldType> in SharePoint. MSDN also has a visual How-To. This basically means that you're creating a custom column.
WSS defines the Counter field type (which is what the ID column above is using). I've never had the need to re-use this or extend it, but it should be possible.
A solution might exist without creating a custom <FieldType>. For example: if you wanted unique IDs like CUST1, CUST2, ... it might be possible to create a Calculated column and use the value of the ID column in you formula (="CUST" & [ID]). I haven't tried this, but this should work :)
I had this issue with a custom list and while it's not possible to use the auto-generated ID column to create a calculated column, it is possible to use a workflow to do the heavy lifting.
I created a new workflow variable of type Number and set it to be the value of the ID column in the current item. Then it's simply a matter of calculating the custom column value and setting it - in my case I just needed the numbering to begin at 100,000.
it's in there by default. It's the id field.
If you want something beyond the ID column that's there in all lists, you're probably going to have to resort to an Event Receiver on the list that "calculates" what the value of your unique identified should be or using a custom field type that has the required logic embedded in this. Unfortunately, both of these options will require writing and deploying custom code to the server and deploying assemblies to the GAC, which can be frowned upon in environments where you don't have complete control over the servers.
If you don't need the unique identifier to show up immediately, you could probably generate it via a workflow (either with SharePoint Designer or a custom WF workflow built in Visual Studio).
Unfortunately, calculated columns, which seem like an obvious solution, won't work for this purpose because the ID is not yet assigned when the calculation is attempted. If you go in after the fact and edit the item, the calculation may achieve what you want, but on initial creation of a new item it will not be calculated correctly.
As stated, all objects in sharepoint contain some sort of unique identifier (often an integer based counter for list items, and GUIDs for lists).
That said, there is also a feature available at called "Unique Column Policy", designed to add an other column with a unique value. A complete writeup is available at!8F5DEA8AEA9E6FBB!293.entry
So I am not sure I can really think of why you would actually need a "site collection unique" id, so maybe you can comment and let us know what is actually trying to be accomplished here...
Either way, all items have a UniqueID property that is a GUID if you really need it:
Peetha has the best idea, I've done the same with a custom list in our SP site. Using a workflow to auto increment is the best way, and it is not that difficult. Check this website out:
I give much appreciation to the person who posted that solution, it is very cool!!
