Unable to run program using MS visual studio when using library built with DPC++ compiler - dpc++

I have C++ library built using DPC++ compiler. I used this library in a test project file. I then built the test project file using Microsoft visual studio compiler(Please note that the test project contains only C++ libraries). But when I tried to run the program, it throws the error sycl.dll not found.
I appreciate your assistance on this regard.
It works perfectly when the test project is built using DPC++ compiler.
Thank you.


CMake to create a Visual Studio Code project

Does any know if there are any efforts for cmake to generate a Visual Studio Code project (not to be confused with Visual Studio)? IE
cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"
not for eclipse, but for Visual Studio Code? This would be awesome for linux projects.
As already mentioned, VS Code has the vscode-cmake-tools extension to integrate with CMake projects.
See here for documentation on what features it has to offer. You will see that building and debugging within the IDE are supported.
The design of VS Code is very much centered around being simple and extensible, whereas Visual Studio is more of a monolith and includes its own build system for C++. VS Code is not monolithic like that.

Makefiles for Microsoft Visual C++

I have few queries regarding makefiles for MSVC. I want to create makefiles which will compile my project on Visual C++ compiler. One thing I found in the web named "nmake" which is said to be the makefiles for MSVC(correct me if I am wrong).
So, I introduced myself with nmake and compiled a single source file successfully with this. But the issue is, I need to run this nmake file using command prompt of visual studio. I haven't found a way to use the file in normal command prompt. Is it really possible?
Suppose, I don't have a visual studio installed. I have only the visual C++ compiler. Then how I will be able to compile my projects using nmake?
One Additional question, if I have only visual C++ compiler installed(like the old compilers eg. microsoft visual C++ 2005), then is it certain that I will get nmake command on this?
Thanks in advance.
Solved! Answering myself, so that if anyone intend to compile makefiles using nmake for Visual C++ compiler.
Yes, it is compiles in older version of visual C++ also. I have tested and it works fine. But it may cause problems when some properties are use of latest visual C++ compiler. Because you will not find those properties in older version of C++ compiler. Otherwise it is quite OK.

How do I make Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express executable files independent of c++

Whenever I try to build a windows executable file in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express and use the created program, Microsoft Visual C++ always boots up, I want to create an executable file, just like any other windows program without having to go through Microsoft Visual C++. Any information on this would be GREATLY appreciated, Thank You
When you have build you program you have to copy the executable to the destination PC. When your C++ program is in the file hello.cpp compiled in the project moin.vcproj yoi have to copy the moin.exe to the target. There you start the moin.exe. The executable can be placed in any folder.
The C++ compiled program requires that the C++ run-time library is installed. Very often it's already there. But you have problems to run the executable you need to install the correct redistributable package.
Depending on the target CPU you used you need the x86 or the x64 distributable:
Edit: If you don't want to deploy your program you just use the Windows Explorer, browse to the folder where Visual Studio has created the moin.exe, and double start it with a double click. The right mouse key can offer you more possibilities like creating a shorcut.
The search function of the Explorer might help here. If you didn't change the output directory you will find the .exe somehwere below the place where your .vcproj is located.

mfc110ud.dll required for Release version of MFC app

I have a very simple MFC application built in VS12. When I’m trying to install it on a Surface tablet (Win 8.1) I’m getting an error about mfc110ud.dll being missing. I looked up this dll and it says “MFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version”. The problem is I’m building my app in Release mode. Why do I still depend on VS?
Use the linker /verbose Option to find the module or library that requires the DLL Version of the MFC.
See this particular post:
mfc110ud.dll is missing for vc++ project on visual Studio 2012
Potentially a duplicate (recompile with "Use of MFC" as "Use MFC in a static Library" when you compile)

How to get code coverage in Visual Studio 2012 for mixed managed and native C++ code

We are trying to get Code Coverage results in Visual Studio 2012 for a test run that includes C#, managed and native C++. Our tests are defined in NUnit and we are using the NUnit adapter to be able to run the NUnit tests with coverage in VS2012. Everything is running and coverage is generated except for the native C++. According to the info I found the coverage should be generated for both the managed and the native code as long as the pdb files are available (and they are). We are running in debug mode with no optimization enabled. Any ideas on how to qlso get the coverage results for the native C++?
Thanks for the help.
