spark.readStream vs Kafkautils.createDirectStream - apache-spark

I was wondering if anyone knew what the difference between the two syntax is? I know both are used to read data from Kafka but what differentiates them?

They are part of different dependencies, for one.
The first is for Structured Streaming, and returns Dataframes, and is considered the preferred API for Spark
The second is for RDD Spark Streaming operations where the data might not have any consistency to it (a structure), or if you did want more direct access to the lower level ConsumerRecord object of Spark


Different Ways of Using Spark Cassandra Connector

I am trying to use Spark Cassandra Connector for analytics on top of data in Cassandra and found two types of implementations. Can anyone throw some light on the difference between two and advantages/disadvantage? I am trying to see which one to use for querying large datasets. Thanks
Option 1 - Using Spark Session SQL
.options(Map( "table" -> table, "keyspace" -> keyspace))
Option 2 - Using SCC API
.cassandraTable("my_keyspace", "my_table", .mapColumnTo(Integer.class))
The difference is that first uses Dataframe API, while second is RDD API. I wouldn’t expect much performance differences between them. From practical point of view, I would recommend to use Dataframe API as much as possible, as it could be more optimized when performing operations on data. Although there are still operations that are available only in RDD API, such as deletion of data, but that’s also easy to achieve on top of Dataframes…
If you worry about performance, then I recommend to use at least connector 2.5.0 that has a lot of optimizations that before we’re available only in commercial version, like, direct join, etc. (more in this blog post)

When should we go for Spark-sql and when should we go for Spark RDD

On which scenario we should prefer spark RDD to write a solution and on which scenario we should choose to go for spark-sql. I know spark-sql gives better performance and it works best with structure and semistructure data. But what else factors are there that we need to take into consideration while choosing betweeen spark Rdd and spark-sql.
I don't see much reasons to still use RDDs.
Assuming you are using JVM based language, you can use DataSet that is the mix of SparkSQL+RDD (DataFrame == DataSet[Row]), according to spark documentation:
Dataset is a new interface added in Spark 1.6 that provides the benefits of RDDs (strong typing, ability to use powerful lambda functions) with the benefits of Spark SQL’s optimized execution engine.
The problem is python is not support DataSet so, you will use RDD and lose spark-sql optimization when you work with non-structed data.
I found using DFs easier to use than DSs - the latter are still subject to development imho. The comment on pyspark indeed still relevant.
RDDs still handy for zipWithIndex to put asc, contiguous sequence numbers on items.
DFs / DSs have a columnar store and have a better Catalyst (Optimizer) support.
Also, may things with RDDs are painful, like a JOIN requiring a key, value and multi-step join if needing to JOIN more than 2 tables. They are legacy. Problem is the internet is full of legacy and thus RDD jazz.
RDD is a collection of data across the clusters and it handles both unstructured and structured data. It's typically a function part of handling data.
Data frames are basically two dimensional array of objects defining the data in a rows and columns. It's similar to relations tables in the database. Data frame handles only the structured data.

How to convert streaming Dataset to DStream?

Is it possible to convert a streaming o.a.s.sql.Dataset to DStream? If so, how?
I know how to convert it to RDD, but it is in a streaming context.
It is not possible. Structured Streaming and legacy Spark Streaming (DStreams) use completely different semantics and are not compatible with each other so:
DStream cannot be converted to Streaming Dataset.
Streaming Dataset cannot be converted to DStream.
It could be possible (in some use cases).
That question really begs another:
Why would anyone want to do that conversion? What's the problem to be solved?
I can only imagine that such type conversion would only be required when mixing two different APIs in a single streaming application. I'd then say it does not make much sense as you'd rather not do this and make the conversion at Spark module level, i.e. migrate the streaming application from Spark Streaming to Spark Structured Streaming.
A streaming Dataset is an "abstraction" of a series of Datasets (I use quotes since the difference between streaming and batch Datasets is the isStreaming property of a Dataset).
It is possible to convert a DStream to a streaming Dataset so the latter behaves as the former (to keep the behaviour of the DStream and pretend to be a streaming Dataset).
Under the covers, the execution engines of Spark Streaming (DStream) and Spark Structured Streaming (streaming Dataset) are fairly similar. They both "generate" micro-batches of RDDs and Datasets, respectively. And RDDs are convertible to Datasets but this implicit conversion toDF or toDS.
So converting a DStream to a streaming Dataset would logically look as follows:
dstream.foreachRDD { rdd =>
val df = rdd.toDF
// this df is not streaming, but you don't really need that

kafka streaming or spark streaming

Am using now kafka in Python.
Was wondering if Spark Kafka is needed or can we use just use kafka
through pyKafka.
My concern was Spark creates overhead (pyspark) in the process,
and if we don't use any spark functions, just Kafka streaming is required.
What are the inconvenients of using Pyspark and kafka spark ?
It totally depends on the use case at hand, as all mentioned in the comments, however I passed with the same situation a couple of months ago, I will try to transfer my knowledge and how I decided to move to kafka-streams instead of spark-streaming.
In my use case, we only used spark to do a realtime streaming from kafka, and don't do any sort of map-reduce, windowing, filtering, aggregation.
Given the above case, I did the comparison based on 3 dimentions:
Below image show the table of comparison I did to convince my team to migrate to use kafka-streams and suppress spark, Cost is not added in the image as it totally depends on your cluster size (HeadNode-WorkerNodes).
Again, this is based on your case, I just tried to give you a pointer how to do the comparison, but spark itself has lots of benefits, which is irrelevant to describe it in this question.

Spark Structured Streaming - compare two streams

I am using Kafka and Spark 2.1 Structured Streaming. I have two topics with data in json format eg:
topic 1:
topic 2:
I need to compare those two streams in Spark base on tag:name and when value is equal execute some additional definition/function.
How to use Spark Structured Streaming to do this ?
Following the current documentation (Spark 2.1.1)
Any kind of joins between two streaming Datasets are not yet
At this moment, I think you need to rely on Spark Streaming as proposed by #igodfried's answer.
I hope you got your solution. In case not, then you can try creating two KStreams from two topics and then join those KStreams and put joined data back to one topic. Now you can read the joined data as one DataFrame using Spark Structured Streaming. Now you'll be able to apply any transformations you want on the joined data. Since Structured streaming doesn't support join of two streaming DataFrames you can follow this approach to get the task done.
I faced a similar requirement some time ago: I had 2 streams which had to be "joined" together based on some criteria. What I used was a function called mapGroupsWithState.
What this functions does (in few words, more details on the reference below) is to take stream in the form of (K,V) and accumulate together its elements on a common state, based on the key of each pair. Then you have ways to tell Spark when the state is complete (according to your application), or even have a timeout for incomplete states.
Example based on your question:
Read Kafka topics into a Spark Stream:
val rawDataStream: DataFrame = spark.readStream
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", bootstrapServers)
.option("subscribe", "topic1,topic2") // Both topics on same stream!
.option("startingOffsets", "latest")
.option("failOnDataLoss", "true")
.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING) as jsonData") // Kafka sends bytes
Do some operations on your data (I prefer SQL, but you can use the DataFrame API) to transform each element into a key-value pair:
spark.sqlContext.udf.register("getKey", getKey) // You define this function; I'm assuming you will be using the name as key in your example.
val keyPairsStream = rawDataStream
.sql("getKey(jsonData) as ID, jsonData from rawData")
Use the mapGroupsWithState function (I will show you the basic idea; you will have to define the myGrpFunct according to your needs):
Thats it! If you implement myGrpFunct correctly, you will have one stream of merged data, which you can further transform, like the following:
Hope this helps!
An excellent explanation with some code snippets:
One method would be to transform both streams into (K,V) format. In your case this would probably take the form of (name, otherJSONData) See the Spark documentation for more information on joining streams and an example located here. Then do a join on both streams and then perform whatever function on the newly joined stream. If needed you can use map to return (K,(W,V)) to (K,V).
