How to calculate change in coins in python - python-3.x

I was given a prompt that asks to input any amount of money and print how many of each coin is needed for that amount of money. For example, 2.05 would be 8 quarters and 1 nickel. I thought I had it right, but when I input 2.05, it prints 8 quarters and 4 pennies. Here is what I have so far:
cents=float(input("How much change is owed?"))
print(quarters, "quarters")
print(dimes, "dimes")
print(nickels, "nickels")
print(pennies, "pennies")
How do I fix it? Also, how would I write a function so that the amount of each coin is written as an integer and not as a float?


Working out number of years in compound interest using python function

School Question:
Build a function retirement_age(PMT, i, FV, start_age) that calculates the (whole) age at which your customer can retire, if they:
Invest an amount, PMT at the END of every YEAR (with the first
payment made exactly one year from now),
at an interest rate of i% per year, compounded annually.
They require an amount of AT LEAST FV in order to be able to afford
They just turned start_age years old.
I am struggling to solve the number of years PMT would take to reach FV
This is my code:
def retirement_age(PMT, i, FV, start_age):
count = 0
while PMT <= FV: #PMT set to loop till it reaches FV
PMT = PMT * (1+i)
count = count + 1 #adds 1 to count value until while loop satisfied
age = count + start_age #adds count value to start_age to determine retirement age
return int(age) #returns age
print (retirement_age(20000, 0.1, 635339.63, 20))
my answer with this code:
The answer is supposed to be:
I can't tell what I'm doing wrong. And the task specifically mentions that we are not allowed to import external functions like math for example, which means I can't use math.log() which would probably solve all my problems.
First, I'll note that broad debugging questions like this aren't very appropriate for SO.
Having said that, I played around with it and after reading the specs again, I found the issue(s). I figured I might as well post it.
You only need to keep calculating while the principal is less than the future value. You can stop once they're equal.
The main issues however were that you aren't adding any money each year. You're just accumulating interest on the initial principal. And...
You invested PMT immediately. The investment doesn't happen until the end of the year, as the instructions emphasize. That means at the start of the looping, he has 0 invested. That means he doesn't start accumulating interest until the start of the second loop/year.
def retirement_age(PMT, i, FV, start_age):
age = start_age
p = 0
while p < FV:
p = PMT + p * (1+i)
age += 1
return int(age)
print(retirement_age(20000, 0.1, 635339.63, 20))
# 35
I introduced p to keep track of the running balance since it's separate from what's being added each year. Your logic for keeping track of age was also a little convoluted, so I simplified it down a bit.

Coin Change: what are the overlapping sub-problems?

This is the source of the problem at
The problem basically says:
Given N amount of money which has to be given!! we need to find out how much minimum coins we can give and the total value of those coins such that the extra amount given is minimal using n given denominations!
For example:
1400 -> N
3 -> no of denominations
Output: 1500 2
My question is:
What are the overlapping subproblems here?
I mean:
Are there any overlapping subproblems?
Because I couldn't find any...
The overlapping sub-problems are the minimum number of coins/bills to sum to a particular number of cents.
for coin_value in coins(sorted)
for sum where num[sum] is valid
num[ sum + coin_value ] = Min( num[sum + coin_value], num[sum] + 1 )
See: Dynamic Programming Coin Change Limited Coins
The constraints to the problem are low enough you can use the accepted answer to that question. The only difference is that you calculate the minimum number of coins/bills to sum up to the target price, and then you continue going past the target price. When you are done filling in the array, start at the target price and go up until you find a valid answer.
Sort the coins/bills and start with the largest denomination and go down.
(My solution was accepted on UVa.)

Taking an input and rounding it up to the highest week.

new to Python or any programming languages, started learning a few weeks ago. Basically I need to figure out a code that will take a user input of number of days and translate it into weeks. Sounds easy enough, but say the user inputs 8 days, that would be considered two weeks. Any input must be rounded up to the nearest week.
So far I have
days = int(input("Please enter the number of days you will have the car: "))
weeks = (days/7)
but after that I am not sure how to make the code round the input up to the highest week.
Thanks for any help in advance!
You should also use the modulus operator
weeks = (days // 7 ) + (1 if days % 7 != 0 else 0)

Dynamic Programming : Why the 1?

The following pseudocode finds the smallest number of coins needed to sum upto S using DP. Vj is the value of coin and min represents m as described in the following line.
For each coin j, Vj≤i, look at the minimum number of coins found for the i-Vjsum (we have already found it previously). Let this number be m. If m+1 is less than the minimum number of coins already found for current sum i, then we write the new result for it.
1 Set Min[i] equal to Infinity for all of i
2 Min[0]=0
4 For i = 1 to S
5 For j = 0 to N - 1
6 If (Vj<=i AND Min[i-Vj]+1<Min[i])
7 Then Min[i]=Min[i-Vj]+1
9 Output Min[S]
Can someone explain the significance of the "+1 " in line 6? Thanks
The +1 is because you need one extra coin. So for example, if you have:
Vj = 5
Min[17] = 4
And you want to know the number of coins it will take to get 22, then the answer isn't 4, but 5. It takes 4 coins to get to 17 (according to the previously calculated result Min[17]=4), and an additional one coin (of value Vj = 5) to get to 22.
As requested, an overview explanation of the algorithm.
To start, imagine that somebody told you you had access to coins of value 5, 7 and 17, and needed to find the size of the smallest combination of coins which added to 1000. You could probably work out an approach to doing this, but it's certainly not trivial.
So now let's say in addition to the above, you're also given a list of all the values below 1000, and the smallest number of coins it takes to get those values. What would your approach be now?
Well, you only have coins of value 5, 7, and 23. So go back one step- the only options you have are a combination which adds to 995 + an extra 5-value coin, a combination which adds to 993 + an extra 7-value, or a combination up to 977 + an extra 23-value.
So let's say the list has this:
977: 53 coins
993: 50 coins
995: 54 coins
(Those examples were off the top of my head, I'm sure they're not right, and probably don't make sense, but assume they're correct for now).
So from there, you can see pretty easily that the lowest number of coins it will take to get 1000 is 51 coins, which you do by taking the same combination as the one in the list which got 993, then adding a single extra 7-coin.
This is, more or less, what your algorithm does- except instead of aiming just to calculate the number for 1000, it's aim would be to calculate every number up to 1000. And instead of being passed the list for lower numbers in from somewhere external, it would keep track of the values it had already calculated.

How to calculate growth with a positive and negative number?

I am trying to calculate percentage growth in excel with a positive and negative number.
This Year's value: 2434
Last Year's value: -2
formula I'm using is:
(This_Year - Last_Year) / Last_Year
=(2434 - -2) / -2
The problem is I get a negative result. Can an approximate growth number be calculated and if so how?
You could try shifting the number space upward so they both become positive.
To calculate a gain between any two positive or negative numbers, you're going to have to keep one foot in the magnitude-growth world and the other foot in the volume-growth world. You can lean to one side or the other depending on how you want the result gains to appear, and there are consequences to each choice.
Create a shift equation that generates a positive number relative to the old and new numbers.
Add the custom shift to the old and new numbers to get new_shifted and old_shifted.
Take the (new_shifted - old_shifted) / old_shifted) calculation to get the gain.
For example:
old -> new
-50 -> 30 //Calculate a shift like (2*(50 + 30)) = 160
shifted_old -> shifted_new
110 -> 190
= (new-old)/old
= (190-110)/110 = 72.73%
How to choose a shift function
If your shift function shifts the numbers too far upward, like for example adding 10000 to each number, you always get a tiny growth/decline. But if the shift is just big enough to get both numbers into positive territory, you'll get wild swings in the growth/decline on edge cases. You'll need to dial in the shift function so it makes sense for your particular application. There is no totally correct solution to this problem, you must take the bitter with the sweet.
Add this to your excel to see how the numbers and gains move about:
shift function
old new abs_old abs_new 2*abs(old)+abs(new) shiftedold shiftednew gain
-50 30 50 30 160 110 190 72.73%
-50 40 50 40 180 130 220 69.23%
10 20 10 20 60 70 80 14.29%
10 30 10 30 80 90 110 22.22%
1 10 1 10 22 23 32 39.13%
1 20 1 20 42 43 62 44.19%
-10 10 10 10 40 30 50 66.67%
-10 20 10 20 60 50 80 60.00%
1 100 1 100 202 203 302 48.77%
1 1000 1 1000 2002 2003 3002 49.88%
The gain percentage is affected by the magnitude of the numbers. The numbers above are a bad example and result from a primitive shift function.
You have to ask yourself which critter has the most productive gain:
Evaluate the growth of critters A, B, C, and D:
A used to consume 0.01 units of energy and now consumes 10 units.
B used to consume 500 units and now consumes 700 units.
C used to consume -50 units (Producing units!) and now consumes 30 units.
D used to consume -0.01 units (Producing) and now consumes -30 units (producing).
In some ways arguments can be made that each critter is the biggest grower in their own way. Some people say B is best grower, others will say D is a bigger gain. You have to decide for yourself which is better.
The question becomes, can we map this intuitive feel of what we label as growth into a continuous function that tells us what humans tend to regard as "awesome growth" vs "mediocre growth".
Growth a mysterious thing
You then have to take into account that Critter B may have had a far more difficult time than critter D. Critter D may have far more prospects for it in the future than the others. It had an advantage! How do you measure the opportunity, difficulty, velocity and acceleration of growth? To be able to predict the future, you need to have an intuitive feel for what constitutes a "major home run" and a "lame advance in productivity".
The first and second derivatives of a function will give you the "velocity of growth" and "acceleration of growth". Learn about those in calculus, they are super important.
Which is growing more? A critter that is accelerating its growth minute by minute, or a critter that is decelerating its growth? What about high and low velocity and high/low rate of change? What about the notion of exhausting opportunities for growth. Cost benefit analysis and ability/inability to capitalize on opportunity. What about adversarial systems (where your success comes from another person's failure) and zero sum games?
There is exponential growth, liner growth. And unsustainable growth. Cost benefit analysis and fitting a curve to the data. The world is far queerer than we can suppose. Plotting a perfect line to the data does not tell you which data point comes next because of the black swan effect. I suggest all humans listen to this lecture on growth, the University of Colorado At Boulder gave a fantastic talk on growth, what it is, what it isn't, and how humans completely misunderstand it.
Fit a line to the temperature of heated water, once you think you've fit a curve, a black swan happens, and the water boils. This effect happens all throughout our universe, and your primitive function (new-old)/old is not going to help you.
Here is Java code that accomplishes most of the above notions in a neat package that suits my needs:
Critter growth - (a critter can be "radio waves", "beetles", "oil temprature", "stock options", anything).
public double evaluate_critter_growth_return_a_gain_percentage(
double old_value, double new_value) throws Exception{
double abs_old = Math.abs(old_value);
double abs_new = Math.abs(new_value);
//This is your shift function, fool around with it and see how
//It changes. Have a full battery of unit tests though before you fiddle.
double biggest_absolute_value = (Math.max(abs_old, abs_new)+1)*2;
if (new_value <= 0 || old_value <= 0){
new_value = new_value + (biggest_absolute_value+1);
old_value = old_value + (biggest_absolute_value+1);
if (old_value == 0 || new_value == 0){
if (old_value <= 0)
throw new Exception("This should never happen.");
if (new_value <= 0)
throw new Exception("This should never happen.");
return (new_value - old_value) / old_value;
It behaves kind-of sort-of like humans have an instinctual feel for critter growth. When our bank account goes from -9000 to -3000, we say that is better growth than when the account goes from 1000 to 2000.
1->2 (1.0) should be bigger than 1->1 (0.0)
1->2 (1.0) should be smaller than 1->4 (3.0)
0->1 (0.2) should be smaller than 1->3 (2.0)
-5-> -3 (0.25) should be smaller than -5->-1 (0.5)
-5->1 (0.75) should be smaller than -5->5 (1.25)
100->200 (1.0) should be the same as 10->20 (1.0)
-10->1 (0.84) should be smaller than -20->1 (0.91)
-10->10 (1.53) should be smaller than -20->20 (1.73)
-200->200 should not be in outer space (say more than 500%):(1.97)
handle edge case 1-> -4: (-0.41)
1-> -4: (-0.42) should be bigger than 1-> -9:(-0.45)
Simplest solution is the following:
The SIGN() function will result in -1 if the value is negative and 1 if the value is positive. So multiplying by that will conditionally invert the result if the previous value is negative.
Percentage growth is not a meaningful measure when the base is less than 0 and the current figure is greater than 0:
Yr 1 Yr 2 % Change (abs val base)
-1 10 %1100
-10 10 %200
The above calc reveals the weakness in this measure- if the base year is negative and current is positive, result is N/A
It is true that this calculation does not make sense in a strict mathematical perspective, however if we are checking financial data it is still a useful metric. The formula could be the following:
let's verify the formula empirically with simple numbers:
thisyear=50 lastyear=25 growth=100% makes sense
thisyear=25 lastyear=50 growth=-50% makes sense
thisyear=-25 lastyear=25 growth=-200% makes sense
thisyear=50 lastyear=-25 growth=300% makes sense
thisyear=-50 lastyear=-25 growth=-100% makes sense
thisyear=-25 lastyear=-50 growth=50% makes sense
again, it might not be mathematically correct, but if you need meaningful numbers (maybe to plug them in graphs or other formulas) it's a good alternative to N/A, especially when using N/A could screw all subsequent calculations.
You should be getting a negative result - you are dividing by a negative number. If last year was negative, then you had negative growth. You can avoid this anomaly by dividing by Abs(Last Year)
Let me draw the scenario.
From: -303 To 183, what is the percentage change?
-303, -100% 0 183, 60.396% 303, 100%
|_________________ ||||||||||||||||||||||||________|
(183 - -303) / |-303| * 100 = 160.396%
Total Percent Change is approximately 160%
Note: No matter how negative the value is, it is treated as -100%.
The best way to solve this issue is using the formula to calculate a slope:
*define x1 as the first moment, so value will be "C4=1"
define x2 as the first moment, so value will be "C5=2"
In order to get the correct percentage growth we can follow this order:
Perfectly Works!
Simplest method is the one I would use.
=(ThisYear - LastYear)/(ABS(LastYear))
However it only works in certain situations. With certain values the results will be inverted.
It really does not make sense to shift both into the positive, if you want a growth value that is comparable with the normal growth as result of both positive numbers. If I want to see the growth of 2 positive numbers, I don't want the shifting.
It makes however sense to invert the growth for 2 negative numbers. -1 to -2 is mathematically a growth of 100%, but that feels as something positive, and in fact, the result is a decline.
So, I have following function, allowing to invert the growth for 2 negative numbers:
setGrowth(Quantity q1, Quantity q2, boolean fromPositiveBase) {
if (q1.getValue().equals(q2.getValue()))
else if (q1.getValue() <= 0 ^ q2.getValue() <= 0) // growth makes no sense
else if (q1.getValue() < 0 && q2.getValue() < 0) // both negative, option to invert
setValue((q2.getValue() - q1.getValue()) / ((fromPositiveBase? -1: 1) * q1.getValue()));
else // both positive
setValue((q2.getValue() - q1.getValue()) / q1.getValue());
These questions are answering the question of "how should I?" without considering the question "should I?" A change in the value of a variable that takes positive and negative values is fairly meaning less, statistically speaking. The suggestion to "shift" might work well for some variables (e.g. temperature which can be shifted to a kelvin scale or something to take care of the problem) but very poorly for others, where negativity has a precise implication for direction. For example net income or losses. Operating at a loss (negative income) has a precise meaning in this context, and moving from -50 to 30 is not in any way the same for this context as moving from 110 to 190, as a previous post suggests. These percentage changes should most likely be reported as "NA".
Just change the divider to an absolute number.i.e.
1 25,000 50,000 75,000 200%
2 (25,000) 50,000 25,000 200%
The formula in D2 is: =(C2-A2)/ABS(A2) compare with the all positive row the result is the same (when the absolute base number is the same). Without the ABS in the formula the result will be -200%.
Use this code:
=IFERROR((This Year/Last Year)-1,IF(AND(D2=0,E2=0),0,1))
The first part of this code iferror gets rid of the N/A issues when there is a negative or a 0 value. It does this by looking at the values in e2 and d2 and makes sure they are not both 0. If they are both 0 then it will place a 0%. If only one of the cells are a 0 then it will place 100% or -100% depending on where the 0 value falls. The second part of this code (e2/d2)-1 is the same code as (this year - lastyear)/Last year
Please click here for example picture
I was fumbling for answers today, and think this would work...
=IF(C5=0, B5/1, IF(C5<0, (B5+ABS(C5)/1), IF(C5>0, (B5/C5)-1)))
C5 = Last Year, B5 = This Year
We have 3 IF statements in the cell.
IF Last Year is 0, then This Year divided by 1
IF Last Year is less than 0, then This Year + ABSolute value of Last Year divided by 1
IF Last Year is greater than 0, then This Year divided by Last Year minus 1
Use this formula:
=100% + (Year 2/Year 1)
The logic is that you recover 100% of the negative in year 1 (hence the initial 100%) plus any excess will be a ratio against year 1.
Short one:
=IF(D2>C2, ABS((D2-C2)/C2), -1*ABS((D2-C2)/C2))
or confusing one (my first attempt):
=IF(D2>C2, IF(C2>0, (D2-C2)/C2, (D2-C2)/ABS(C2)), IF(OR(D2>0,C2>0), (D2-C2)/C2, IF(AND(D2<0, C2<0), (D2-C2)/ABS(C2), 0)))
D2 is this year, C2 is last year.
Formula should be this one:
The IF value if < 0 is added to your Thisyear value to generate the real difference.
If > 0, the LastYear value is 0
Seems to work in different scenarios checked
This article offers a detailed explanation for why the (b - a)/ABS(a) formula makes sense. It is counter-intuitive at first, but once you play with the underlying arithmetic, it starts to make sense. As you get used to it eventually, it changes the way you look at percentages.
Aim is to get increase rate.
Idea is following:
At first calculate value of absolute increase.
Then value of absolute increase add to both, this and last year values. And then calculate increase rate, based on the new values.
For example:
LastYear | ThisYear | AbsoluteIncrease | LastYear01 | ThisYear01 | Rate
-10 | 20 | 30 = (10+20) | 20=(-10+30)| 50=(20+30) | 2.5=50/20
-20 | 20 | 40 = (20+20) | 20=(-20+40)| 60=(20+40) | 3=60/2
=(This Year - Last Year) / (ABS(Last Year))
This only works reliably if this year and last year are always positive numbers.
For example last_year=-50 this_year = -1. You get -100% growth when in fact the numbers have improved a great deal.
