Is it possible to generate the yaml content by code - yamldotnet

I want to use a foreach loop when constructing the yaml content as I want to empty a list of items onto the yaml. That list is not always the same length and it has 4 different content types (due to interface) that need to be scribed in different ways.
Is there a right way to do this? I currently have an approach that seems to give errors. (and I am aware this is extremely ugly)
var stream = new YamlStream(
new YamlDocument(
new YamlMappingNode(
foreach (IAlteration alteration in alterations)
if (alteration is DataMaskingAlteration)
DataMaskingAlteration makeYML = (DataMaskingAlteration)alteration;
new YamlMappingNode(
new YamlScalarNode("Data Masking"), new YamlScalarNode(makeYML.TableName), new YamlScalarNode(makeYML.ColumnName),
new YamlScalarNode(makeYML.Details.ToString()), new YamlScalarNode(makeYML.CharIndex.ToString()),
new YamlScalarNode(ExceptionString(makeYML.Exceptions))
else if (alteration is NoiseAlteration)
NoiseAlteration makeYML = (NoiseAlteration)alteration;
new YamlMappingNode(
new YamlScalarNode("Noise"), new YamlScalarNode(makeYML.TableName), new YamlScalarNode(makeYML.ColumnName),
new YamlScalarNode(makeYML.Details.ToString()),
new YamlScalarNode(ExceptionString(makeYML.Exceptions))
else if (alteration is SubstitutionAlteration)
SubstitutionAlteration makeYML = (SubstitutionAlteration)alteration;
new YamlMappingNode(
new YamlScalarNode("Substitution"), new YamlScalarNode(makeYML.TableName), new YamlScalarNode(makeYML.ColumnName),
new YamlScalarNode(makeYML.Details.ToString()), new YamlScalarNode(makeYML.CharIndex.ToString()),
new YamlScalarNode(ExceptionString(makeYML.Exceptions))
else if (alteration is PermutationAlteration)
PermutationAlteration makeYML = (PermutationAlteration)alteration;
new YamlMappingNode(
new YamlScalarNode("Permutation"), new YamlScalarNode(makeYML.TableName), new YamlScalarNode(makeYML.ColumnName),
new YamlScalarNode(ExceptionString(makeYML.Exceptions))
stream.Save(Console.Out, assignAnchors: false);



How can I generate several text files at the same time locally?
I am using the method:
throw new PXRedirectToFileException (file, true);
![enter image description here][1]
However, this method only generates 1 text file. I need more than 1 text file to be generated at a time.
List<object> data1099Misc = new List<object> { };
ARInvoice ari = Base.Document.Current;
foreach (xvrFSCab diot in PXSelect<xvrFSCab,
In<Required<xvrFSCab.invoiceNbr>>>>.Select(Base, ari.InvoiceNbr))
FixedLengthFile flatFile = new FixedLengthFile();
flatFile.WriteToFile(data1099Misc, sw);
int cont = 0;
while ( cont<3)
cont = cont + 1;
string path = "DIOTJOSE" + ".txt";
PX.SM.FileInfo file = new PX.SM.FileInfo(path, null, stream.ToArray());
throw new PXRedirectToFileException(file, true);
Acumatica had the same issue when they had to open multiple reports at one click (with RedirectException).
For this reason Acumatica supports multiple RequiredException only for Reports.
They have a method called "CombineReport" that works with multiple PXReportRequiredException (PXReportsRedirectList)
Sad part is that they did not make something for other RequiredException or RedirectException
I tried to make my own "Combine" method but I was not able to create it just because the RedirectHelper.TryRedirect method use hardcoded types of the RedirectException inside body instead to use an generic or base object :(

Can I delete a file in Acumatica via the API?

I'm creating a file in Acumatica by calling an action from the API, so that I can retrieve the file in my application.
Is it possible to delete the file via API after I'm done with it? I'd rather not have it cluttering up my Acumatica database.
Failing this, is there a recommended cleanup approach for these files?
Found examples of how to delete a file from within Acumatica, as well as how to save a new version of an existing file! The below implementation saves a new version but has the deletion method commented out. Because I built this into my report generation process, I'm not later deleting the report via API, but it would be easy to translate a deletion into an action callable by the API.
private IEnumerable ExportReport(PXAdapter adapter, string reportID, Dictionary<String, String> parameters)
//Press save if the SO is not completed
if (Base.Document.Current.Completed == false)
PX.SM.FileInfo file = null;
using (Report report = PXReportTools.LoadReport(reportID, null))
if (report == null)
throw new Exception("Unable to access Acumatica report writer for specified report : " + reportID);
PXReportTools.InitReportParameters(report, parameters, PXSettingProvider.Instance.Default);
ReportNode reportNode = ReportProcessor.ProcessReport(report);
IRenderFilter renderFilter = ReportProcessor.GetRenderer(ReportProcessor.FilterPdf);
//Generate the PDF
byte[] data = PX.Reports.Mail.Message.GenerateReport(reportNode, ReportProcessor.FilterPdf).First();
file = new PX.SM.FileInfo(reportNode.ExportFileName + ".pdf", null, data);
//Save the PDF to the SO
UploadFileMaintenance graph = new UploadFileMaintenance();
//Check to see if a file with this name already exists
Guid[] files = PXNoteAttribute.GetFileNotes(Base.Document.Cache, Base.Document.Current);
foreach (Guid fileID in files)
FileInfo existingFile = graph.GetFileWithNoData(fileID);
if (existingFile.Name == reportNode.ExportFileName + ".pdf")
//If we later decide we want to delete previous versions instead of saving them, this can be changed to
//But in the meantime, for history purposes, set the UID of the new file to that of the existing file so we can save it as a new version.
file.UID = existingFile.UID;
//Save the file with the setting to create a new version if one already exists based on the UID
graph.SaveFile(file, FileExistsAction.CreateVersion);
//Save the note attribute so we can find it again.
PXNoteAttribute.AttachFile(Base.Document.Cache, Base.Document.Current, file);
//Return the info on the file
return adapter.Get();
The response from Acumatica:
S-b (Screen-base) API allows clean way of downloading report generated as file. C-b (Contract-base) simply does not have this feature added. I suggest you provided feedback here: (EDIT: Done!
I think couple of workaround are:
1) use s-b using login from c-b to generate report and get as file (see example below), or
2) create another method to delete the file once required report file is downloaded. For that, you will need to pass back FileID or something to identify for deletion.
example of #1
using (DefaultSoapClient sc = new DefaultSoapClient("DefaultSoap1"))
string sharedCookie;
using (new OperationContextScope(sc.InnerChannel))
sc.Login("admin", "123", "Company", null, null);
var responseMessageProperty = (HttpResponseMessageProperty)
sharedCookie = responseMessageProperty.Headers.Get("Set-Cookie");
Screen scr = new Screen(); // add reference to report e.g. http://localhost/Demo2018R2/Soap/SO641010.asmx
scr.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
scr.CookieContainer.SetCookies(new Uri(scr.Url), sharedCookie);
var schema = scr.GetSchema();
var commands = new Command[]
new Value { LinkedCommand = schema.Parameters.OrderType, Value = "SO" },
new Value { LinkedCommand = schema.Parameters.OrderNumber, Value = "SO004425" },
var data = scr.Submit(commands);
if(data != null && data.Length > 0)
Hope this helps. Also, it would be great if you update the stackover post based on these suggestions.
Nayan Mansinha
Lead - Developer Support | Acumatica

Delete and Update Database in PXDatabase

I'm trying to delete the rows in the DB on the processing page, but during PXDatabase.Delete<> and PXDatabase.Update<>, does not react in any way what is the problem?
using (IEnumerator<PXResult<MyTable>> enumerator = PXSelect<MyTable, Where<MyTable.inventoryID, Equal<Current<INItemSiteSummary.inventoryID>>, And<MyTable.siteID, Equal<Current<INItemSiteSummary.siteID>>>>>.SelectMultiBound(this, new object[] { itemsite }).GetEnumerator())
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
PXDatabase.Delete<MyTable>(new PXDataFieldRestrict[]
new PXDataFieldRestrict("InventoryID",itemsite.InventoryID),
new PXDataFieldRestrict("SiteID",itemsite.SiteID)

Display of "is not a valid internal id" in Netsuite Suitescript 1.0 when creating a Search on a particular record

I have created a search in Netsuite using Suitescript 1.0 for searching a particular "Account" using its account number. When I save the following script file, an error is being displayed in "filters[0]" line in the code below, where it says "acctnumber is not a valid internal id.". I am new to Netsuite and would want to know why the error is being displayed, and the solution for the same. Below is the following piece of code written in which the error is being occured.
function COGSAcnt() {
var cOGSAcntNumber = '50001';
var acntNo;
var filters = new Array();
filters[0] = new nlobjSearchFilter('acctnumber', null, 'startswith', cOGSAcntNumber);
var columns = new Array();
columns[0] = new nlobjSearchColumn('internalid');
var acntSearch = nlapiSearchRecord('account', null, filters, columns);
if (acntSearch != null) {
for (x=0; x<acntSearch.length; x++) {
acntNo = ITMSearch[x].getValue('internalid');
nlapiLogExecution('debug', 'acntNo', acntNo);
return acntNo;
NOTE: I want the filter to be acctnumber (Account Number), and using that would want to retrieve the internalid of the account in Netsuite.
This is where NS can be a little confusing. If you look at the NS Record browser ( look under the Filters section. Account Number (acctnumber) isn't there. However Number (number) is the filter.
Try rewriting the code to use number instead
function COGSAcnt() {
var cOGSAcntNumber = '50001';
var acntNo = [];
var filters = new nlobjSearchFilter('number', null, 'startswith', cOGSAcntNumber);
var acntSearch = nlapiSearchRecord('account', null, filters, columns);
if (acntSearch != null) {
for (x=0; x<acntSearch.length; x++) {
return acntNo;

Empty PHPExcel file using liuggio/ExcelBundle in Symfony

I have some code that iterates over the rows and columns of an Excel sheet and replaces text with other text. This is done with a service that has the excel file and a dictionary as parameters like this.
$mappedTemplate = $this->get('app.entity.translate')->translate($phpExcelObject, $dictionary);
The service itself looks like this.
public function translate($template, $dictionary)
foreach ($template->getWorksheetIterator() as $worksheet) {
foreach ($worksheet->getRowIterator() as $row) {
$cellIterator = $row->getCellIterator();
$cellIterator->setIterateOnlyExistingCells(false); // Loop all cells, even if it is not set
foreach ($cellIterator as $cell) {
if (!is_null($cell)) {
if (!is_null($cell->getCalculatedValue())) {
if (array_key_exists((string)$cell->getCalculatedValue(), $dictionary)) {
return $template;
After some debugging I found out that the text actually is replaced and that the service works like it should. The problem is that when I return the new PHPExcel file as a response to download, the excel is empty.
This is the code I use to return the file.
// create the writer
$writer = $this->get('phpexcel')->createWriter($mappedTemplate, 'Excel5');
// create the response
$response = $this->get('phpexcel')->createStreamedResponse($writer);
// adding headers
$dispositionHeader = $response->headers->makeDisposition(
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');
$response->headers->set('Pragma', 'public');
$response->headers->set('Cache-Control', 'maxage=1');
$response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', $dispositionHeader);
return $response;
What am I missing?
Your code is missing the calls to the writer.
You only create the writer, but never use it, at least not in your shared code examples:
$objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007($objPHPExcel);
$response = $this->get('phpexcel')->createStreamedResponse($objWriter)
Another thing is the content type: Do you have the apache content types setup correctly?
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/; charset=utf-8');
