how to use pinch to zoom exoplayer - android-studio

I am using exoplayer for my streaming app. i would like to implement touch to zoom video player as we do in youtube. if user pinch the screen it will go to zoom mode we will use
else we will use
I have tried different method from youtube alas none of them worked for me. so i would be happy if some one explain and give me the answer on how to use swipe or pinch to zoom
added with , i have found a medium page explaining this but i have good knowlege only in JAVA and not in kotlin
if some one is wellverse in kotlin can help me to decode kotlin code to java


Touchpad Pinch to zoom not working in Electron (MacOS)

I am showing web content in a BrowserView in Electron, and looking to allow pinch to zoom. I've tried the following that didn't work:
view.webContents.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 3)
view.webContents.setLayoutZoomLevelLimits(1, 3)
Manually setting the zoom factor does seem to work:
But nothing that I've tried can enable the user to zoom.
One thing confusing me is that in trying to search for the answer, everybody seems to have the opposite problem:
Disable zooming (both pinch zoom and smart zoom [mac]) in electron
So I'm wondering did something change?
I am on electron 4.0.6, Node v11.12.0.
Ok, I've found where they changed it:
And others have this problem:
Still trying to determine the exact fix.
You should call the setVisualZoomLevelLimits method on the webFrame object instead of on the webcontent. As is described here:
In your renderer you should add:
webFrame.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 4);

Android UI: What is a good tutorial or resource for image/icon transition animation

I have seen fancy icon transition animations for loading or waiting for process to finish. The icons transitions have splash animations or something similar to animated gifs and then some actual explode like effect on finish loading for a resource in the Android App.
I would like to find tutorial or resources to help me develop these button, icon, small image, transition animations. I really need some help on this, please help.
Please help me with your knowledge on learning or sample code or resources on learning to implement these things for Android UI. thanks in advance.
You should use TransitonDrawable, apply it to your ImageView, and you've got a nice transition. There is a tutorial for that here.
If you want more advanced stuff like movement or rotation, look at the AndroidViewAnimations sample app on GitHub. There is also a tutorial here.
You can also use GifImageView if you want to display a GIF animation.

Monotouch / iPhone 5 and developing

I am trying to write an app that I want to be compatible with the iPhone 5 and 4. I have read the excellent article Get your MonoTouch apps ready for iPhone 5 / iOS 6 today! but this implies you have to add a UIImage to each UIViewController to force it into displaying at the new resolution. It also implies I then have to do this for every UIViewController I add.
My obvious question is what happens if I don't want a background image? What if I want just a standard UITableVIew that uses the whole screen? What would happen if I want to support both resolutions I can't just put an image into the directory. How do you handle that? Is this really how Apple have designed it - you need to load a blank image?
Have I missed something really obvious? Hope so.
To get the tall screen working on your application (for the iPhone 5 or in the iOS6 simulator) you only need to have a single Default-568h#2x.png file, of the right size, in your application.
The article you link to talks in more details about how to deal with backgrounds - but that's optional, i.e. you only need this if you have (or want) a background for your views.

Teechart on Monotouch: where is the documentation?

Downloaded eval for Teechart for Monotouch iOS. Looks very promising. Could not find documentation though except windows help chm. Are there any docs available on the web?
Also running an example on iPad discovered that pan and zoom are extremely slow unless set to Auto.
chart3.Chart.Aspect.ZoomScrollStyle = Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Aspect.ZoomScrollStyles.Auto;
Downloaded eval for Teechart for Monotouch iOS. Looks very promising. Could not find documentation though except windows help chm. Are there any docs available on the web?
Yes, you can download on our web site throught this link.
Also running an example on iPad discovered that pan and zoom are extremely slow unless set to Auto.
This was the reason we introduced the ZoomScrollStyles property, setting it to Auto, the chart will use the standard zoom and scroll gestures used for iOS (for most common 2D chart styles), meanwhile setting it to Manual, the chart will make use of the default zoom and scroll functionality based on the TeeChart for NET product.

Draw over camera using JAVA ME

I'm wondering if there is anyway for drawing somethin over the videoControl.
I tried using LWUIT but I can't achieve any result, have anybody done somethin similar? Any help will be appreciate
Nope very few devices will support this. JSR135 camera viewfinder images seem to get drawn by the hardware external to Java, and it gets drawn over whatever you already have on the screen. Nothing you can do about it :(
If you're application user don't argue slow refresh rate I think you can use snapshot feature of VideoControl.
Do not show preview of VideoControl (Hide, Make it's size as zero ...)
Take snapshot from VideoControl
Draw captured image on Canvas
Draw something on it
Do it repeatedly
LWUIT do not help for this issue. It's just graphical widget library on the MIDP Canvas.
