How to safely convert float to int in Rust - rust

How can I safely convert a floating point type (e.g. f64) to and integer type (e.g. u64)? In other words I want to convert the number but only if it actually can be represented by the target type.
I found a couple of questions that don't cover this and are not duplicates:
Convert float to integer in Rust
How do I convert between numeric types safely and idiomatically?
The solution is not to use as - that performs a saturating cast. Also u64::try_from(f64) is not implemented.
The closest seems to be f64::to_int_unchecked() but unfortunately it's unsafe. You can easily check the first two safety requirements (not NaN or infinity), but the third is a bit tedious: Be representable in the return type Int, after truncating off its fractional part.
The best I can come up with is to use as to convert it back to f64 and check equality, i.e.
fn convert(x: f64) -> Option<u64> {
let y = x as u64;
if y as f64 == x {
} else {
Is that the best option? Is it implemented anywhere?

For fun, I made an implementation based on the raw f64 bits:
const F64_BITS: u64 = 64;
const F64_EXPONENT_BITS: u64 = 11;
const F64_EXPONENT_MAX: u64 = (1 << F64_EXPONENT_BITS) - 1;
const F64_EXPONENT_BIAS: u64 = 1023;
const F64_FRACTION_BITS: u64 = 52;
pub fn f64_to_u64(f: f64) -> Option<u64> {
let bits = f.to_bits();
let sign = bits & (1 << (F64_EXPONENT_BITS + F64_FRACTION_BITS)) != 0;
let exponent = (bits >> F64_FRACTION_BITS) & ((1 << F64_EXPONENT_BITS) - 1);
let fraction = bits & ((1 << F64_FRACTION_BITS) - 1);
eprintln!("Input: {f}, bits: {bits:b}, sign: {sign}, exponent: {exponent}, fraction: {fraction}");
match (sign, exponent, fraction) {
(_, 0, 0) => {
debug_assert!(f == 0.0);
(true, _, _) => {
debug_assert!(f < 0.0);
(_, F64_EXPONENT_MAX, 0) => {
(_, F64_EXPONENT_MAX, _) => {
(_, 0, _) => {
_ => {
if exponent < F64_EXPONENT_BIAS {
debug_assert!(f < 1.0);
} else {
let mantissa = fraction | (1 << F64_FRACTION_BITS);
let left_shift = exponent as i64 - (F64_EXPONENT_BIAS + F64_FRACTION_BITS) as i64;
if left_shift < 0 {
let right_shift = (-left_shift) as u64;
if mantissa & (1 << right_shift - 1) != 0 {
debug_assert!(f.fract() != 0.0);
} else {
Some(mantissa >> right_shift)
} else {
if left_shift > (F64_BITS - F64_FRACTION_BITS - 1) as i64 {
debug_assert!(f > 2.0f64.powi(63));
} else {
Some(mantissa << left_shift)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn zero() {
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(0.0), Some(0));
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(-0.0), Some(0));
fn positive() {
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(1.0), Some(1));
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(2.0), Some(2));
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(3.0), Some(3));
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(2.0f64.powi(52)), Some(1 << 52));
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(2.0f64.powi(53)), Some(1 << 53));
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(2.0f64.powi(63)), Some(1 << 63));
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(1.5 * 2.0f64.powi(63)), Some(11 << 62));
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(1.75 * 2.0f64.powi(63)), Some(111 << 61));
fn too_big() {
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(2.0f64.powi(64)), None);
fn fractional() {
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(0.5), None);
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(1.5), None);
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(2.5), None);
fn negative() {
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(-1.0), None);
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(-2.0), None);
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(-3.0), None);
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(-(2.0f64.powi(f64::MANTISSA_DIGITS as i32))), None);
fn infinity() {
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(f64::INFINITY), None);
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(-f64::INFINITY), None);
fn nan() {
assert_eq!(f64_to_u64(f64::NAN), None);
Not sure whether this is useful. It's, ahem, slightly more complex than the solutions proposed so far. It may be faster on some hardware, but I doubt it, and haven't bothered to write a benchmark.

Generally, I would defer what is best practice to the relevant lints used by Clippy. Clippy does a good job outlining the possible pitfalls of using x as y and offers possible solutions. These are all of the relevant lints I could find on the subject:
However if all you want is to find an answer of mapping f64 onto u64 without any precision loss, there are two conditions you will want to check:
x is an integer
x is within the bounds of the target type
pub fn strict_f64_to_u64(x: f64) -> Option<u64> {
// Check if fractional component is 0 and that it can map to an integer in the f64
// Using fract() is equivalent to using `as u64 as f64` and checking it matches
if x.fract() == 0.0 && x >= u64::MIN as f64 && x <= u64::MAX as f64 {
return Some(x.trunc())


How to format to other number bases besides decimal, hexadecimal? [duplicate]

Currently I'm using the following code to return a number as a binary (base 2), octal (base 8), or hexadecimal (base 16) string.
fn convert(inp: u32, out: u32, numb: &String) -> Result<String, String> {
match isize::from_str_radix(numb, inp) {
Ok(a) => match out {
2 => Ok(format!("{:b}", a)),
8 => Ok(format!("{:o}", a)),
16 => Ok(format!("{:x}", a)),
10 => Ok(format!("{}", a)),
0 | 1 => Err(format!("No base lower than 2!")),
_ => Err(format!("printing in this base is not supported")),
Err(e) => Err(format!(
"Could not convert {} to a number in base {}.\n{:?}\n",
numb, inp, e
Now I want to replace the inner match statement so I can return the number as an arbitrarily based string (e.g. base 3.) Are there any built-in functions to convert a number into any given radix, similar to JavaScript's Number.toString() method?
For now, you cannot do it using the standard library, but you can:
use my crate radix_fmt
or roll your own implementation:
fn format_radix(mut x: u32, radix: u32) -> String {
let mut result = vec![];
loop {
let m = x % radix;
x = x / radix;
// will panic if you use a bad radix (< 2 or > 36).
result.push(std::char::from_digit(m, radix).unwrap());
if x == 0 {
fn main() {
assert_eq!(format_radix(1234, 10), "1234");
assert_eq!(format_radix(1000, 10), "1000");
assert_eq!(format_radix(0, 10), "0");
If you wanted to eke out a little more performance, you can create a struct and implement Display or Debug for it. This avoids allocating a String. For maximum over-engineering, you can also have a stack-allocated array instead of the Vec.
Here is Boiethios' answer with these changes applied:
struct Radix {
x: i32,
radix: u32,
impl Radix {
fn new(x: i32, radix: u32) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
if radix < 2 || radix > 36 {
Err("Unnsupported radix")
} else {
Ok(Self { x, radix })
use std::fmt;
impl fmt::Display for Radix {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut x = self.x;
// Good for binary formatting of `u128`s
let mut result = ['\0'; 128];
let mut used = 0;
let negative = x < 0;
if negative {
let mut x = x as u32;
loop {
let m = x % self.radix;
x /= self.radix;
result[used] = std::char::from_digit(m, self.radix).unwrap();
used += 1;
if x == 0 {
if negative {
write!(f, "-")?;
for c in result[..used].iter().rev() {
write!(f, "{}", c)?;
fn main() {
assert_eq!(Radix::new(1234, 10).to_string(), "1234");
assert_eq!(Radix::new(1000, 10).to_string(), "1000");
assert_eq!(Radix::new(0, 10).to_string(), "0");
This could still be optimized by:
creating an ASCII array instead of a char array
not zero-initializing the array
Since these avenues require unsafe or an external crate like arraybuf, I have not included them. You can see sample code in internal implementation details of the standard library.
Here is an extended solution based on the first comment which does not bind the parameter x to be a u32:
fn format_radix(mut x: u128, radix: u32) -> String {
let mut result = vec![];
loop {
let m = x % radix as u128;
x = x / radix as u128;
// will panic if you use a bad radix (< 2 or > 36).
result.push(std::char::from_digit(m as u32, radix).unwrap());
if x == 0 {
This is faster than the other answer:
use std::char::from_digit;
fn encode(mut n: u32, r: u32) -> Option<String> {
let mut s = String::new();
loop {
if let Some(c) = from_digit(n % r, r) {
s.insert(0, c)
} else {
return None
n /= r;
if n == 0 {
Note I also tried these, but they were slower:

Rust equivalent of C++ union with anonymous structs

Is there a Rust equivalent of the following C++ sample (that I've written for this question):
union example {
uint32_t fullValue;
struct {
unsigned sixteen1: 16;
unsigned sixteen2: 16;
struct {
unsigned three: 3;
unsigned twentynine: 29;
example e;
e.fullValue = 12345678;
std::cout << e.sixteen1 << ' ' << e.sixteen2 << ' ' << e.three << ' ' << e.twentynine;
For reference, I'm writing a CPU emulator & easily being able to split out binary parts of a variable like this & reference them by different names, makes the code much simpler. I know how to do this in C++ (as above), but am struggling to work out how to do the equivalent in Rust.
You could do this by creating a newtype struct and extracting the relevant bits using masking and/or shifts.
This code to do this is slightly longer (but not much so) and importantly avoids the undefined behavior you are triggering in C++.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Example(pub u32);
impl Example {
pub fn sixteen1(self) -> u32 {
self.0 & 0xffff
pub fn sixteen2(self) -> u32 {
self.0 >> 16
pub fn three(self) -> u32 {
self.0 & 7
pub fn twentynine(self) -> u32 {
self.0 >> 3
pub fn main() {
let e = Example(12345678);
println!("{} {} {} {}", e.sixteen1(), e.sixteen2(), e.three(), e.twentynine());
You can make some macros for extracting certain bits:
// Create a u32 mask that's all 0 except for one patch of 1's that
// begins at index `start` and continues for `len` digits.
macro_rules! mask {
($start:expr, $len:expr) => {
assert!($start >= 0);
assert!($len > 0);
assert!($start + $len <= 32);
if $len == 32 {
assert!($start == 0);
} else {
((1u32 << $len) - 1) << $start
const _: () = assert!(mask!(3, 7) == 0b1111111000);
const _: () = assert!(mask!(0, 32) == 0xffffffff);
// Select `num_bits` bits from `value` starting at `start`.
// For example, select_bits!(0xabcd1234, 8, 12) == 0xd12
// because the created mask is 0x000fff00.
macro_rules! select_bits {
($value:expr, $start:expr, $num_bits:expr) => {
let mask = mask!($start, $num_bits);
($value & mask) >> mask.trailing_zeros()
const _: () = assert!(select_bits!(0xabcd1234, 8, 12) == 0xd12);
Then either use these directly on a u32 or make a struct to implement taking certain bits:
struct Example {
v: u32,
impl Example {
pub fn first_16(&self) -> u32 {
select_bits!(self.v, 0, 16)
pub fn last_16(&self) -> u32 {
select_bits!(self.v, 16, 16)
pub fn first_3(&self) -> u32 {
select_bits!(self.v, 0, 3)
pub fn last_29(&self) -> u32 {
select_bits!(self.v, 3, 29)
fn main() {
// Use hex for more easily checking the expected values.
let e = Example { v: 0x12345678 };
println!("{:x} {:x} {:x} {:x}", e.first_16(), e.last_16(), e.first_3(), e.last_29());
// Or use decimal for checking with the provided C code.
let e = Example { v: 12345678 };
println!("{} {} {} {}", e.first_16(), e.last_16(), e.first_3(), e.last_29());
Original Answer
While Rust does have unions, it may be better to use a struct for your use case and just get bits from the struct's single value.
// Create a u32 mask that's all 0 except for one patch of 1's that
// begins at index `start` and continues for `len` digits.
macro_rules! mask {
($start:expr, $len:expr) => {
assert!($start >= 0);
assert!($len > 0);
assert!($start + $len <= 32);
let mut mask = 0u32;
for i in 0..$len {
mask |= 1u32 << (i + $start);
struct Example {
v: u32,
impl Example {
pub fn first_16(&self) -> u32 {
self.get_bits(mask!(0, 16))
pub fn last_16(&self) -> u32 {
self.get_bits(mask!(16, 16))
pub fn first_3(&self) -> u32 {
self.get_bits(mask!(0, 3))
pub fn last_29(&self) -> u32 {
self.get_bits(mask!(3, 29))
// Get the bits of `self.v` specified by `mask`.
// Example:
// self.v == 0xa9bf01f3
// mask == 0x00fff000
// The result is 0xbf0
fn get_bits(&self, mask: u32) -> u32 {
// Find how many trailing zeros `mask` (in binary) has.
// For example, the mask 0xa0 == 0b10100000 has 5.
let mut trailing_zeros_count_of_mask = 0;
while mask & (1u32 << trailing_zeros_count_of_mask) == 0 {
trailing_zeros_count_of_mask += 1;
(self.v & mask) >> trailing_zeros_count_of_mask
fn main() {
// Use hex for more easily checking the expected values.
let e = Example { v: 0x12345678 };
println!("{:x} {:x} {:x} {:x}", e.first_16(), e.last_16(), e.first_3(), e.last_29());
// Or use decimal for checking with the provided C code.
let e = Example { v: 12345678 };
println!("{} {} {} {}", e.first_16(), e.last_16(), e.first_3(), e.last_29());
This setup makes it easy to select any range of bits you want. For example, if you want to get the middle 16 bits of the u32, you just define:
pub fn middle_16(&self) -> u32 {
self.get_bits(mask!(8, 16))
And you don't even really need the struct. Instead of having get_bits() be a method, you could define it to take a u32 value and mask, and then define functions like
pub fn first_3(v: u32) -> u32 {
get_bits(v, mask!(0, 3))
I think this Rust code works the same regardless of your machine's endianness, but I've only run it on my little-endian machine. You should double check it if it could be a problem for you.
You could use the bitfield crate.
This appears to approximate what you are looking for at least on a syntactic level.
For reference, your original C++ code prints:
24910 188 6 1543209
Now there is no built-in functionality in Rust for bitfields, but there is the bitfield crate.
It allows specifying a newtype struct and then generates setters/getters for parts of the wrapped value.
For example pub twentynine, set_twentynine: 31, 3; means that it should generate the setter set_twentynine() and getter twentynine() that sets/gets the bits 3 through 31, both included.
So transferring your C++ union into a Rust bitfield, this is how it could look like:
use bitfield::bitfield;
bitfield! {
pub struct Example (u32);
pub full_value, set_full_value: 31, 0;
pub sixteen1, set_sixteen1: 15, 0;
pub sixteen2, set_sixteen2: 31, 16;
pub three, set_three: 2, 0;
pub twentynine, set_twentynine: 31, 3;
fn main() {
let mut e = Example(0);
"{} {} {} {}",
24910 188 6 1543209
Note that those generated setters/getters are small enough to have a very high chance to be inlined by the compiler, giving you zero overhead.
Of course if you want to avoid adding an additional dependency and instead want to implement the getters/setters by hand, look at #apilat's answer instead.
Alternative: the c2rust-bitfields crate:
use c2rust_bitfields::BitfieldStruct;
#[repr(C, align(1))]
struct Example {
#[bitfield(name = "full_value", ty = "u32", bits = "0..=31")]
#[bitfield(name = "sixteen1", ty = "u16", bits = "0..=15")]
#[bitfield(name = "sixteen2", ty = "u16", bits = "16..=31")]
#[bitfield(name = "three", ty = "u8", bits = "0..=2")]
#[bitfield(name = "twentynine", ty = "u32", bits = "3..=31")]
data: [u8; 4],
fn main() {
let mut e = Example { data: [0; 4] };
"{} {} {} {}",
24910 188 6 1543209
Advantage of this one is that you can specify the type of the union parts yourself; the first one was u32 for all of them.
I'm unsure, however, how endianess plays into this one. It might yield different results on a system with different endianess. Might require further research to be sure.

what is the difference between dirct multiplication and recursion in rust

I am new to rust and I am trying to solve this leetcode question, I wrote the following code snippet
fn main() {
println!("{}", Solution::my_pow(0.00001, 2147483647))
struct Solution {}
impl Solution {
pub fn my_pow(x: f64, n: i32) -> f64 {
let mut base = x;
let mut exp = n;
let mut res = 1.0;
if n < 0 {
base = 1.0 / base;
exp = -n;
let mut i = 1;
while exp != 0 {
let mut temp = base;
while i * 2 <= exp {
temp *= temp;
i *= 2;
res *= temp;
exp -= i;
i = 1;
when I run the code, it panicked and print an error message say thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to multiply with overflow', src/, but the following code snippet
impl Solution {
pub fn my_pow(x: f64, n: i32) -> f64 {
fn pow(x: f64, res: f64, n: i64) -> f64 {
match n {
0 => res,
n if n & 1 == 1 => pow(x*x, res*x, n>>1),
_ => pow(x*x, res, n>>1)
match n {
0 => 1.0,
n if n < 0 => pow(1.0/x, 1.0, (n as i64).abs()),
_ => pow(x, 1.0, n as i64)
could run just as expected. I am confused. What is the difference between the two code snippets?
What is the difference between the two code snippets?
That one of them overflows and the other not. Did you consider reading the error message and wondering how that could be relevant to your code? The panic is pointing to:
while i * 2 <= exp {
You've defined i without specifying its type, meaning it's an i32 (32b signed integer, two's complement). You keep multiplying it by 2 so aside from its initial value it can only be even, and you're doing so until it's larger than exp which is initially n and thus 2147483647.
The even number larger than 2147483647 is 2147483648, which is not a valid i32, therefore it overflows. Which is what the panic tells you.

Format/convert a number to a string in any base (including bases other than decimal or hexadecimal)

Currently I'm using the following code to return a number as a binary (base 2), octal (base 8), or hexadecimal (base 16) string.
fn convert(inp: u32, out: u32, numb: &String) -> Result<String, String> {
match isize::from_str_radix(numb, inp) {
Ok(a) => match out {
2 => Ok(format!("{:b}", a)),
8 => Ok(format!("{:o}", a)),
16 => Ok(format!("{:x}", a)),
10 => Ok(format!("{}", a)),
0 | 1 => Err(format!("No base lower than 2!")),
_ => Err(format!("printing in this base is not supported")),
Err(e) => Err(format!(
"Could not convert {} to a number in base {}.\n{:?}\n",
numb, inp, e
Now I want to replace the inner match statement so I can return the number as an arbitrarily based string (e.g. base 3.) Are there any built-in functions to convert a number into any given radix, similar to JavaScript's Number.toString() method?
For now, you cannot do it using the standard library, but you can:
use my crate radix_fmt
or roll your own implementation:
fn format_radix(mut x: u32, radix: u32) -> String {
let mut result = vec![];
loop {
let m = x % radix;
x = x / radix;
// will panic if you use a bad radix (< 2 or > 36).
result.push(std::char::from_digit(m, radix).unwrap());
if x == 0 {
fn main() {
assert_eq!(format_radix(1234, 10), "1234");
assert_eq!(format_radix(1000, 10), "1000");
assert_eq!(format_radix(0, 10), "0");
If you wanted to eke out a little more performance, you can create a struct and implement Display or Debug for it. This avoids allocating a String. For maximum over-engineering, you can also have a stack-allocated array instead of the Vec.
Here is Boiethios' answer with these changes applied:
struct Radix {
x: i32,
radix: u32,
impl Radix {
fn new(x: i32, radix: u32) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
if radix < 2 || radix > 36 {
Err("Unnsupported radix")
} else {
Ok(Self { x, radix })
use std::fmt;
impl fmt::Display for Radix {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut x = self.x;
// Good for binary formatting of `u128`s
let mut result = ['\0'; 128];
let mut used = 0;
let negative = x < 0;
if negative {
let mut x = x as u32;
loop {
let m = x % self.radix;
x /= self.radix;
result[used] = std::char::from_digit(m, self.radix).unwrap();
used += 1;
if x == 0 {
if negative {
write!(f, "-")?;
for c in result[..used].iter().rev() {
write!(f, "{}", c)?;
fn main() {
assert_eq!(Radix::new(1234, 10).to_string(), "1234");
assert_eq!(Radix::new(1000, 10).to_string(), "1000");
assert_eq!(Radix::new(0, 10).to_string(), "0");
This could still be optimized by:
creating an ASCII array instead of a char array
not zero-initializing the array
Since these avenues require unsafe or an external crate like arraybuf, I have not included them. You can see sample code in internal implementation details of the standard library.
Here is an extended solution based on the first comment which does not bind the parameter x to be a u32:
fn format_radix(mut x: u128, radix: u32) -> String {
let mut result = vec![];
loop {
let m = x % radix as u128;
x = x / radix as u128;
// will panic if you use a bad radix (< 2 or > 36).
result.push(std::char::from_digit(m as u32, radix).unwrap());
if x == 0 {
This is faster than the other answer:
use std::char::from_digit;
fn encode(mut n: u32, r: u32) -> Option<String> {
let mut s = String::new();
loop {
if let Some(c) = from_digit(n % r, r) {
s.insert(0, c)
} else {
return None
n /= r;
if n == 0 {
Note I also tried these, but they were slower:

Converting a Bitv to uint

I'm trying to convert a Bitv to uint.
use std::collections::Bitv;
use std::num::Float;
fn main() {
let mut bv = Bitv::with_capacity(3,false);
bv.set(2,true); // Set bit 3
let deci = Vec::from_fn(bv.len(),|i| if bv.get(i) {
(i as f32).exp2()
} else { 0f32 }).iter()
.fold(0u, |acc, &n| acc+n as uint);
println!["{}",deci] // 4
That works. Though I wanna know if there is any library function that I'm unaware of or is there any other better way to do.
Some transformations of your code I made.
Don't use floats
Rust 1.0
let vec: Vec<_> = (|i| {
if bv[i] {
1 << i
} else {
let deci = vec.iter().fold(0, |acc, &n| acc + n);
let vec = Vec::from_fn(bv.len(), |i| {
if bv.get(i) {
1u << i
} else {
let deci = vec.iter().fold(0u, |acc, &n| acc + n);
Don't make an array, just use a tuple
Rust 1.0
let deci = bv.iter()
.fold((0, 0), |(mut acc, nth), bit| {
if bit { acc += 1 << nth };
(acc, nth + 1)
let deci = bv.iter()
.fold((0u, 0u), |(mut acc, nth), bit| {
if bit { acc += 1 << nth };
(acc, nth + 1)
A bit more usage of iterators
Rust 1.0
let deci = bv.iter()
.filter_map(|(nth, bit)| if bit { Some(1 << nth) } else { None })
.fold(0, |acc, val| acc + val);
let deci = bv.iter()
.filter_map(|(nth, bit)| if bit { Some(1 << nth) } else { None })
.fold(0u, |acc, val| acc + val);
Ideally, you could reorganize your code to make use of to_bytes, but the order of bits is different from your example.
Bitv doesn't provide a way to return its value as a uint, because the Bitv might contain more bits than a uint does. BTW, the size of uint is architecture-dependant (32 bits on 32-bit systems, 64 bits on 64-bit systems), so you should prefer using u32 or u64 unless you really need a uint.
Bitv provides the to_bytes and to_bools methods, which return a Vec<u8> and a Vec<bool>, respectively. A Vec<u8> is more compact than a Vec<bool>, so to_bytes should be preferred when the Bitv is known to be large (but if it's known to be large, why would you try converting it to a uint?).
We can also iterate on the bits directly by using iter.
use std::collections::Bitv;
use std::mem;
fn main() {
let mut bv = Bitv::with_capacity(3, false);
bv.set(2, true); // Set bit 3
let deci = bv.iter().enumerate().fold(
|accum, (bit_pos, bit)| {
if bit {
assert!(bit_pos < mem::size_of_val(&accum) * 8);
accum + (1 << bit_pos)
} else {
println!("{}", deci); // 4
