I have two datasets of images - indoors and outdoors, they don't have the same number of examples.
Each dataset has images that contain a certain number of classes (minimum 1 maximum 4), these classes can appear in both datasets, and each class has 4 categories - red, blue, green, white.
Indoor - cats, dogs, horses
Outdoor - dogs, humans
I am trying to train a model, where I tell it, "here is an image that contains a cat, tell me it's color" regardless of where it was taken (Indoors, outdoors, In a car, on the moon)
To do that,
I need to present my model examples so that every batch has only one category (cat, dog, horse or human), but I want to sample from all datasets (two in this case) that contains these objects and mix them. How can I do this?
It has to take into account that the number of examples in each dataset is different, and that some categories appear in one dataset where others can appear in more than one.
and each batch must contain only one category.
I would appreciate any help, I have been trying to solve this for a few days now.
Assuming the question is:
Combine 2+ data sets with potentially overlapping categories of objects (distinguishable by label)
Each object has 4 "subcategories" for each color (distinguishable by label)
Each batch should only contain a single object category
The first step will be to ensure consistency of the object labels from both data sets, if not already consistent. For example, if the dog class is label 0 in the first data set but label 2 in the second data set, then we need to make sure the two dog categories are correctly merged. We can do this "translation" with a simple data set wrapper:
class TranslatedDataset(Dataset):
dataset: The original dataset.
translate_label: A lambda (function) that maps the original
dataset label to the label it should have in the combined data set
def __init__(self, dataset, translate_label):
self._dataset = dataset
self._translate_label = translate_label
def __len__(self):
return len(self._dataset)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
inputs, target = self._dataset[idx]
return inputs, self._translate_label(target)
The next step is combining the translated data sets together, which can be done easily with a ConcatDataset:
first_original_dataset = ...
second_original_dataset = ...
first_translated = TranslateDataset(
lambda y: 0 if y is 2 else 2 if y is 0 else y, # or similar
second_translated = TranslateDataset(
lambda y: y, # or similar
combined = ConcatDataset([first_translated, second_translated])
Finally, we need to restrict batch sampling to the same class, which is possible with a custom Sampler when creating the data loader.
class SingleClassSampler(torch.utils.data.Sampler):
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size):
# We need to create sequential groups
# with batch_size elements from the same class
indices_for_target = {} # dict to store a list of indices for each target
for i, (_, target) in enumerate(dataset):
# converting to string since Tensors hash by reference, not value
str_targ = str(target)
if str_targ not in indices_for_target:
indices_for_target[str_targ] = []
indices_for_target[str_targ] += [i]
# make sure we have a whole number of batches for each class
trimmed = {
k: v[:-(len(v) % batch_size)]
for k, v in indices_for_target.items()
# concatenate the lists of indices for each class
self._indices = sum(list(trimmed.values()))
def __len__(self):
return len(self._indices)
def __iter__(self):
yield from self._indices
Then to use the sampler:
loader = DataLoader(
sampler=SingleClassSampler(combined, 64),
I haven't run this code, so it might not be exactly right, but hopefully it will put you on the right track.
torch.utils.data Docs
I created a Custom Classifier(Dummy Classifier). Below is definition. I also added some print statements & global variables to capture values
class FeaturePassThroughClassifier(ClassifierMixin):
def __init__(self):
def fit(self, X, y):
global test_arr1
self.classes_ = np.unique(y)
test_arr1 = X
print("1:", X.shape)
return self
def predict(self, X):
global test_arr2
test_arr2 = X
print("2:", X.shape)
return X
def predict_proba(self, X):
global test_arr3
test_arr3 = X
print("3:", X.shape)
return X
Below is Stacking Classifier definition where the above defined CustomClassifier is one of base classifier. There are 3 more base classifiers (these are fitted estimators). Goal is to get input training set variables as is (which will come out from CustomClassifier) + prediction from base_classifier2, base_classifier3, base_classifier4. These features will act as input to meta classifier.
model = StackingClassifier(estimators=[
('select_features', Pipeline(steps = [("model_feature_selector", ColumnTransformer([('feature_list', 'passthrough', X_train.columns)])),
('base(dummy)_classifier1', FeaturePassThroughClassifier())])),
('base_classifier2', base_classifier2),
('base_classifier3', base_classifier3),
('base_classifier4', base_classifier4)
final_estimator = Pipeline(memory=None,
('save_base_estimator_output_data', FunctionTransformer(save_base_estimator_output_data, validate=False)), ('final_model', RandomForestClassifier())
], verbose=True), passthrough = False, **stack_method = 'predict_proba'**)
Below is o/p on fitting the model. There are 230 variables:
Here is the problem: There are 230 variables but CustomClassifier o/p is showing only 229 which is strange. We can clearly see from print statements above that 230 variables get passed through CustomClassifier.
I need to use stack_method = "predict_proba". I am not sure what's going wrong here. The code works fine when stack_method = "predict".
Since this is a binary classifier, the classifier class expects you to add two probability columns in the output matrix - one for probability for class label "1" and another for "0".
In the output, it has dropped one of these since both are not required, hence, 230 columns get reduced to 229. Add a dummy column to solve your problem.
In the Notes section of the documentation:
When predict_proba is used by each estimator (i.e. most of the time for stack_method='auto' or specifically for stack_method='predict_proba'), The first column predicted by each estimator will be dropped in the case of a binary classification problem.
Here's the code that eliminates the first column.
You could add a sacrificial first column in your custom estimator's predict_proba, or switch to decision_function (which will cause differences depending on your real base estimators), or use the passthrough option instead of the custom estimator (doing feature selection in the final_estimator object instead).
Both the above solutions are on point. This is how I implemented the workaround with dummy column:
Declare a custom transformer whose output is the column that gets dropped due reasons explained above:
class add_dummy_column(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
def fit(self, X, y=None):
return self
def transform(self, X):
return X[[self.key]]
Do a feature union where above customer transformer + column transformer are called to create final dataframe. This will duplicate the column that gets dropped. Below is altered definition for defining Stacking classifier with FeatureUnion:
model = StackingClassifier(estimators=[
('select_features', Pipeline(steps = [('featureunion', FeatureUnion([('add_dummy_column_to_input_dataframe', add_dummy_column(key='FEATURE_THAT_GETS_DROPPED')),
("model_feature_selector", ColumnTransformer([('feature_list', 'passthrough', X_train.columns)]))])),
('base(dummy)_classifier1', FeaturePassThroughClassifier())])),
('base_classifier2', base_classifier2),
('base_classifier3', base_classifier3),
('base_classifier4', base_classifier4)
final_estimator = Pipeline(memory=None,
('save_base_estimator_output_data', FunctionTransformer(save_base_estimator_output_data, validate=False)), ('final_model', RandomForestClassifier())
], verbose=True), passthrough = False, **stack_method = 'predict_proba'**)
First of all i am quite new regarding how AI and Tensorflow work.
My problem is the following : I need to train my neural network on 2 paired images. One that is unchanged and the same one that is transformed. This implies at the end a joint loss calculation of the paired images in order to calculate the mutual information for an unsupervised image analysis problem.
Also, since my dataset are 256*256 RGB images * 4 000 i need to use a data generator.
Here is an example of what i already did about my data generator:
class dataset(object):
def __init__(self, data_list, batch_size):
self.dataset = None
self.batch_size = BATCH_SIZE
self.current_batch = 0
self.data_list = data_list
self.normal_image = None
self.transformed_image = None
self.label = None
def generator(self):
index = self.current_batch * self.batch_size
self.current_batch = self.current_batch + 1
for image, label in self.data_list[index:]:
self.label = label
image = image / 255.0
self.normal_image = image
self.transformed_image = utils.get_random_crop(image, height = 200, width = 200)
yield ({'normal_image' : self.normal_image,
'transformed_image' : self.transformed_image},
{'label' : self.label})
def data_loader(self):
self.dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(self.generator,
{'normal_image' : tf.float32,
'transformed_image' : tf.float32},
{'label' : tf.int32})).batch(self.batch_size)
return self.dataset
train_dataset = dataset(train_list, BATCH_SIZE)
test_dataset = dataset(test_list, BATCH_SIZE)
Note that train_list & test_list are just raw numpy arrays that i have retrieved from my images collection.
Here are my 2 questions :
How can i retrieve specifically the loss from my normal & transformed images so that i can do a joint loss calculation at the end of each epoch ?
I got my data generator(seems to work fine) each next() retrieve the next batch of my collection. However as you can see i have a (kind of ?) tuple inside of my dataset {normal_image, transformed_image}.
I am having a hard time to find how to access specifically one of those data inside of this (kind of ?) tuple in order to feed my CNN with the normal_imageand the transformed_image one at the time ect...
dataset.transformed_image would have been too good Haha !
Also, in my dataset class i have a self.normal_image & self.transformed_image but i use them only for plotting. They are not tensors... like in my dataset :(
Thanks for your time !
I am working with multiple files, and multiple training samples in each file. I will use ConcatDataset as described here:
I need to have negative samples in addition to my true samples, and I need my negative samples to be randomly selected from all the training data files. So, I am wondering, would the returned batch samples just be a random consecutive chuck from a single file, or would be batch span across multiple random indexes across all the datafiles?
If there are more details needed about what I am trying to do exactly, it's because I am trying to train over a TPU with Pytorch XLA.
Normally for negative samples, I would just use a 2nd DataSet and DataLoader, however, I am trying to train over TPUs with Pytorch XLA (alpha was just released a few days ago https://github.com/pytorch/xla ), and to do that I need to send my DataLoader to a torch_xla.distributed.data_parallel.DataParallel object, like model_parallel(train_loop_fn, train_loader) which can be seen in these example notebooks
So, I am now limited to a single DataLoader, which will need to handle both the true samples, and negative samples that need to be randomly selected from all my files.
ConcatDataset is a custom class that is subclassed from torch.utils.data.Dataset. Let's take a look at one example.
class ConcatDataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, *datasets):
self.datasets = datasets
def __getitem__(self, i):
return tuple(d[i] for d in self.datasets)
def __len__(self):
return min(len(d) for d in self.datasets)
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
for i, (input, target) in enumerate(train_loader):
Here, two datasets namely dataset1 (a list of examples) and dataset2 are combined to form a single training dataset. The __getitem__ function returns one example from the dataset and will be used by the BatchSampler to form the training mini-batches.
Would the returned batch samples just be a random consecutive chuck from a single file, or would be batch span across multiple random indexes across all the datafiles?
Since you have combined all your data files to form one dataset, now it depends on what BatchSampler do you use to sample mini-batches. There are several samplers implemented in PyTorch, for example, RandomSampler, SequentialSampler, SubsetRandomSampler, WeightedRandomSampler. See their usage in the documentation.
You can have your custom BatchSampler too as follows.
class MyBatchSampler(Sampler):
def __init__(self, *params):
# write your code here
def __iter__(self):
# write your code here
# return an iterable
def __len__(self):
# return the size of the dataset
The __iter__ function should return an iterable of mini-batches. You can implement your logic of forming mini-batches in this function.
To randomly sample negative examples for training, one alternative could be to pick negative examples for each positive example in the __init__ function of the ConcatDataset class.
I'm trying to load multi-modal data (e.g. text and image) in pytorch for image classification. I do not know how to load them simultaneously, like the following code.
def __init__(self, img_path, txt_path, transform=None, loader=default_loader):
def __len__(self):
return len(self.img_name)
def __getitem__(self, item):
Can anyone help me?
In __getitem__, you can use a dictionary or a tuple to represent one sample of your data. Later during training when you create a dataloader using the dataset, pytorch will automatically create batches of dictonary or tuples.
If you want to create samples in a much more different way, check out collate_fn in pytorch.
The method getitem(self, item) would help you do this.
For example:
def __getitem__(self, item): # item can be thought as an index
text = textList[item] # textList would be a list containing the text you want to input into the model for element 'item'
img = imgList[item] # imgList would be a list containing the images you want to input into the model for element 'item'
input = [text, img]
y = labels[item] # labels would be a list containing the label for the input of the text and img. This is your target.
return input, y
I am currently working on patch based super-resolution. Most of the papers divide an image into smaller patches and then use the patches as input to the models.I was able to create patches using custom dataloader. The code is given below:
import torch.utils.data as data
from torchvision.transforms import CenterCrop, ToTensor, Compose, ToPILImage, Resize, RandomHorizontalFlip, RandomVerticalFlip
from os import listdir
from os.path import join
from PIL import Image
import random
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
def is_image_file(filename):
return any(filename.endswith(extension) for extension in [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp"])
class TrainDatasetFromFolder(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset_dir, patch_size, is_gray, stride):
super(TrainDatasetFromFolder, self).__init__()
self.imageHrfilenames = []
self.imageHrfilenames.extend(join(dataset_dir, x)
for x in sorted(listdir(dataset_dir)) if is_image_file(x))
self.is_gray = is_gray
self.patchSize = patch_size
self.stride = stride
def _load_file(self, index):
filename = self.imageHrfilenames[index]
hr = Image.open(self.imageHrfilenames[index])
downsizes = (1, 0.7, 0.45)
downsize = 2
w_ = int(hr.width * downsizes[downsize])
h_ = int(hr.height * downsizes[downsize])
aug = Compose([Resize([h_, w_], interpolation=Image.BICUBIC),
hr = aug(hr)
rv = random.randint(0, 4)
hr = hr.rotate(90*rv, expand=1)
filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filename)[-1])[0]
return hr, filename
def _patching(self, img):
img = ToTensor()(img)
LR_ = Compose([ToPILImage(), Resize(self.patchSize//2, interpolation=Image.BICUBIC), ToTensor()])
HR_p, LR_p = [], []
for i in range(0, img.shape[1] - self.patchSize, self.stride):
for j in range(0, img.shape[2] - self.patchSize, self.stride):
temp = img[:, i:i + self.patchSize, j:j + self.patchSize]
HR_p += [temp]
LR_p += [LR_(temp)]
return torch.stack(LR_p),torch.stack(HR_p)
def __getitem__(self, index):
HR_, filename = self._load_file(index)
LR_p, HR_p = self._patching(HR_)
return LR_p, HR_p
def __len__(self):
return len(self.imageHrfilenames)
Suppose the batch size is 1, it takes an image and gives an output of size [x,3,patchsize,patchsize]. When batch size is 2, I will have two different outputs of size [x,3,patchsize,patchsize] (for example image 1 may give[50,3,patchsize,patchsize], image 2 may give[75,3,patchsize,patchsize] ). To handle this a custom collate function was required that stacks these two outputs along dimension 0. The collate function is given below:
def my_collate(batch):
data = torch.cat([item[0] for item in batch],dim = 0)
target = torch.cat([item[1] for item in batch],dim = 0)
return [data, target]
This collate function concatenates along x (From the above example, I finally get [125,3,patchsize,pathsize]. For training purposes, I need to train the model using a minibatch size of say 25. Is there any method or any functions which I can use to directly get an output of size [25 , 3, patchsize, pathsize] directly from the dataloader using the necessary number of images as input to the Dataloader?
The following code snippet works for your purpose.
First, we define a ToyDataset which takes in a list of tensors (tensors) of variable length in dimension 0. This is similar to the samples returned by your dataset.
import torch
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
from torch.utils.data.sampler import RandomSampler
class ToyDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, tensors):
self.tensors = tensors
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.tensors[index]
def __len__(self):
return len(tensors)
Secondly, we define a custom data loader. The usual Pytorch dichotomy to create datasets and data loaders is roughly the following: There is an indexed dataset, to which you can pass an index and it returns the associated sample from the dataset. There is a sampler which yields an index, there are different strategies to draw indices which give rise to different samplers. The sampler is used by a batch_sampler to draw multiple indices at once (as many as specified by batch_size). There is a dataloader which combines sampler and dataset to let you iterate over a dataset, importantly the data loader also owns a function (collate_fn) which specifies how the multiple samples retrieved from the dataset using the indices from the batch_sampler should be combined. For your use case, the usual PyTorch dichotomy does not work well, because instead of drawing a fixed number of indices, we need to draw indices until the objects associated with the indices exceed the cumulative size we desire. This means we need immediate inspection of the objects and use this knowledge to decide whether to return a batch or keep drawing indices. This is what the custom data loader below does:
class CustomLoader(object):
def __init__(self, dataset, my_bsz, drop_last=True):
self.ds = dataset
self.my_bsz = my_bsz
self.drop_last = drop_last
self.sampler = RandomSampler(dataset)
def __iter__(self):
batch = torch.Tensor()
for idx in self.sampler:
batch = torch.cat([batch, self.ds[idx]])
while batch.size(0) >= self.my_bsz:
if batch.size(0) == self.my_bsz:
yield batch
batch = torch.Tensor()
return_batch, batch = batch.split([self.my_bsz,batch.size(0)-self.my_bsz])
yield return_batch
if batch.size(0) > 0 and not self.drop_last:
yield batch
Here we iterate over the dataset, after drawing an index and loading the associated object, we concatenate it to the tensors we drew before (batch). We keep doing this until we reach the desired size, such that we can cut out and yield a batch. We retain the rows in batch, which we did not yield. Because it may be the case that a single instance exceeds the desired batch_size, we use a while loop.
You could modify this minimal CustomDataloader to add more features in the style of PyTorch's dataloader. There is also no need to use a RandomSampler to draw in indices, others would work equally well. It would also be possible to avoid repeated concats, in case your data is large by using for example a list and keeping track of the cumulative length of its tensors.
Here is an example, that demonstrates it works:
patch_size = 5
channels = 3
dim0sizes = torch.LongTensor(100).random_(1, 100)
data = torch.randn(size=(dim0sizes.sum(), channels, patch_size, patch_size))
tensors = torch.split(data, list(dim0sizes))
ds = ToyDataset(tensors)
dl = CustomLoader(ds, my_bsz=250, drop_last=False)
for i in dl:
(Related, but not exactly in topic)
For batch size adaptation you can use the code as exemplified in this repo. It is implemented for a different purpose (maximize GPU memory usage), but it is not too hard to translate to your problem.
The code does batch adaptation and batch spoofing.
To improve the previous answer, I found a repo that uses DataManger to achieve different patch sizes and batch sizes. It is basically initiating different dataloaders with different settings and a set_epoch function is used to set the appropriate dataloader for a given epoch.