I would like to highlight certain function-like macros for C in Vim, and I'm having trouble with what type of highlighting category I should give it. The goal of this is to add highlighting support for some C libraries.
At a first glance, looking at c.vim the most suitable keyword groups seems to be cConstant, cPreProc, cDefine and cOperator. Here cPreProc and cDefine are made to go along with #, which leaves me to cOperator and cConstant. I'm not very proficient in computer science, but macros does not seem to (in general) fit very well into operators, and so this leaves me to cConstant. I could interpret this as a constant expression modulo inputs, which then makes sense.
Is cConstant the best fit for this, should I define a new highlighting group, or should I not highlight them at all?
Typing :help group says that the group Macro is the same as Define, which is what cDefine is linked as. Thus, one should use cDefine or perhaps define a new group called cMacro which is linked to Macro. Don't really know why Bram made it like this.
I want to leave my system's Python syntax highlighting mostly intact, but I have a specific pattern I'd like to highlight for an idiom I use a lot. How can I add additional highlighting instructions on top of the existing highlighting done by vim?
(Apologies if this has already been asked. All the vim syntax highlighting questions I found seemed to involve writing a new syntax highlighting from scratch.)
Put your additional :syntax commands into ~/.vim/after/syntax/python.vim, and they will be automatically executed after the original syntax script.
It's easy to highlight stuff that so far isn't parsed at all.
For elements already parsed / hightlighted, you need to find out by which syntax group (e.g. pythonFunction), and add a containedin=pythonFunction clause to your :syntax commands. Without that, the original matching will obscure yours. To find out which syntax group causes the highlighting. :syn list shows all active groups, but it's easier when you install the SyntaxAttr.vim - Show syntax highlighting attributes of character under cursor plugin.
Introducing highlighting across (larger) elements that have multiple existing syntax groups is difficult, as your match will obscure the original ones, and that may break the entire parsing. You need to carefully examine the existing nested element structure, and try to fit in yours, again via contains= and containedin= clauses. Depending on the actual situation, that can be difficult.
For the actual syntax definitions, see the help starting at :h :syn-keyword. Basically, there are simple keyword definitions, regular expression matches, and regions defined by start and end patterns.
Inspired by several posts, like Your syntax highlighter is wrong, Coding in color and A case against syntax highlighting and some others, I decided making a Vim theme that applied some of these concepts would be a good idea.
The thing is I'm not exactly sure how.
From what I can tell, in order to make a Vim theme you need to basically link a color with a syntax identifier or name. And repeat this hundreds or dozens of time in order to have in your lap a theme.
Like for example linking the color #ff0000 (red) and the syntax identifier, or key, Error. As an example. Not sure if that's actually the syntax key.
This would work fine, except that, every syntax that I don't consider important I have to define as just a default foreground value.
And let's say I wanted to add a new syntax keyword, I'd have to do it with ftsyntax and stuff (I believe) and that would be filetype specific etc.
So the first question is:
What would be the best way to give everything a default foreground color and only pick the exceptions to have some colors?
And the second, perhaps more important question is:
How do I syntax highlight a specific piece of text without having to add a syntax rule? For example have a regex that finds any = and highlights them green, without having to add a syntax rule specific for that.
Any help is appreciated. Of course if the approach I'm taking to this is not ideal or sucks I am open to suggestions to alternatives. Thank you. :)
See the example syntax file below:
syn keyword myKeywords We Are Important Keywords
syn match myEquals '='
hi link myKeywords Special
hi link myEquals Operator
This will put We, Are, Important and Keywords into the myKeywords syntax group and = into the myEquals syntax group.
Then we specify how we want to highlight them, by linking it to the Special and Operator highlight groups.
See: :help group-name for a list of the highlight groups and what the colors look like with your color-scheme.
In my color-scheme, Special is Red and Operator is green.
By default, everything else is set to the default foreground color.
I saved this to ~/.vim/syntax/greduan.vim and tested with :set syntax=greduan
Your question touches two domains:
syntax definition
syntax highlighting
Syntax definition, as in Caek's answer, is simple for the first 10 minutes but grows very quickly into a major PITA because it is a core aspect of Vim's architecture with ramifications far beyond syntax highlighting.
Syntax highlighting has its pitfalls but it is a lot simpler than syntax definition.
I think that you can tackle the problem described in those blog posts with syntax highlighting first and, if needed, graduate to syntax definition.
Grab a simple colorscheme like Busybee.
Link all the highlight groups you don't need to Normal while leaving the ones you want to keep:
hi link Foo Normal
What would be the best way to give everything a default foreground
color and only pick the exceptions to have some colors?
What is best depends ... for me the best, because quickest way was clearing unwanted highlighting in ~/.vimrc:
sy on
hi c Constant|hi c Error|hi c PreProc|hi c Special|hi c Statement|hi c Type
hi c Identifier
How do I syntax highlight a specific piece of text without having to
add a syntax rule?
If by syntax rule you mean syntax item, I'd say you cannot have syntax highlighting without defining syntax items.
How would you use VIM to delete a word group, which includes white space characters, but is a standard grouping you would want to access when scripting? Specifically, when you have your cursor over some part of the following text, how would delete help="initialize, lines, h2, derivs, tt, history", from below. Maybe one would need to create specific mappings. But on the other hand, it seems pretty natural to want to access text like this if you are using VIM to edit scripting programs.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("task", help="initialize, lines, h2, derivs, tt, history", default='yes')
Vim has a variety of text objects built-in, e.g. da" deletes quoted text (including the quotes; di" keeps the quotes). See :help text-objects for more information.
There are some plugins, e.g. textobj-user - Support for user-defined text objects and my own CountJump plugin that make it easy to define your own, "special" text objects. Also, you'll find many such text objects on vim.org. Based on your example, argtextobj.vim - Text-object like motion for arguments may be exactly what you need here.
If you are inside the " you want to delete, I would use:
If you were above help=, I would use something like:
to remove everything until you encounter default, followed by a few x, and left-wise motion, to remove the remaining characters.
I don't really think a new mapping is needed, but your experience may vary.
What makes sense from Vim's perspective and according to its design goals is to provide small and generic elements and a few rules to combine them in order to achieve higher level tasks. It does quite a good job, I'd say, with its numerous text-objects and motions but we always have to repeat domain-specific tasks and that's exactly where Vim's extensibility comes into play. It is where users and plugin authors fill the gap with custom mappings/object/functions and… plugins.
It is fairly easy, for example, to record a macro and map it for later reuse. Or create a quick and dirty custom text-object…
The following snippet should work with your sample.
xnoremap aa /\v["'][,)]/e<CR>o?\v\s+\w+\=<CR>
onoremap aa :normal vaa<CR>
With it, you can do daa, caa, yaa and vaa from anywhere within that argument.
Obviously, this solution is extremely specific and making it more generic would most certainly involve a bit more thought but there are already relatively smart solutions floating around, as in Ingo's answer.
I'm wondering if there's a way to select variables intelligently in the same way that one can select blocks using commands like va}. There's some language-specific parsing going on to differentiate php and ruby, for example. For future reference, It'd be nice to tap into that - ideally selecting around various syntactic elements.
For example. I'd like to select around $array['testing'] in the following line of php:
$array['testing'] = 'whatever'
Or, lets say I want to select the block parameter list |item, index| here:
hash.each_with_index { |item, index| print item }
Specific regexps might address the various questions individually, but I have a sense that there ought to be a way to leverage syntactic analysis to get something far more robust here.
Though your given examples are quick to select with built-in Vim text objects (the first is just viW, for the second I would use F|v,), I acknowledge that Vim's syntax highlighting could be a good source for motions and text objects.
I've seen the first implementation of this idea in the SyntaxMotion plugin, and I've recently implemented a similar plugin: SameSyntaxMotion. The first defines motions for normal and visual mode, but no operator-pending and text objects. It does not skip over contained sub-syntax items and uses same color as the distinguishing property, whereas mine uses syntax (which can be more precise, but also more difficult to grasp), and has text objects (ay and iy), too.
You can define your own arbitrary text objects in Vim.
The simplest way to do custom text objects is defining a :vmap (or :xmap) for the Visual mode part and an :omap for the Operator-pending mode part. For example, the following mappings
xnoremap aC F:o,
onoremap aC :normal! F:v,<CR>
let you select a colon-enclosed bit of text. Try doing vaP or daP on the word "colon" below:
Some text :in-colon-text: more of the same.
See :h omap-info for another short example of :omap.
If you don't mind depending on a plugin, however, there is textobj-user. This is a general purpose framework for custom text objects written by Kana Natsuno. There are already some excellent text objects written for that framework like textobj-indent which I find indispensable.
Using this you can easily implement filetype-dependent text objects for variables. And make it available for everybody!
How can I can specific word wrapping for specific tags. For example, in LaTex I want word wrapping for my paragraphs but not for my figure commands (they are always very long and run off the screen).
Or with Javascript, I want the right margin for code to be at, for example 50 columns, but for the comments to be at only 40 columns
This is not builtin
You could probably script something yourself using a devious combination of `formatexpr` and synID(). I suggest you look at the help of the latter first, because it contains inspirational samples:
for id in synstack(line("."), col("."))
echo synIDattr(id, "name")
taken from :he synstack
The formatexpr is usually set to something like
:set formatexpr=mylang#Format()
thus delegating to a filetype plugin. You could implement the function to use different margins for different syntax contexts.
Bear in mind
the default formatexpr (if absent, formatprg) are probably no good for a source file (in my experience it has the tendency to string together lines as if they were text paragraphs). But then again, you can implement it any which way you want
that syntax highlighting may become out of sync. I'm not sure what happens when the cursor is at, say, 70% of a large document and you issue ggVGgq. It might not update the syntax highlighting all the way (meaning that your formatexpr function would get the 'wrong' synID() values. You get around this by saying something like
:syntax sync fromstart
this again might impact the highlighting performance depending on the size/complexity of the source and highlighting scripts