eslint no-restricted-syntax selector for private methodDefinition - eslint

I use eslint on a TypeScript project and have some rule in no-restricted-syntax config that check naming for async method, like :
"selector": "MethodDefinition[value.async=true][!=/Async$/]",
"message": "Async method name must end in 'Async'"
I'm searching for something to verify private function naming. But I can't find a selector to select all private MethodDefinition.

So, I found what I was searching for.
My answer was in this documentation inside AST Playground part.
The playground allow me to see all the node information usable in eslint.
And then I made my own rule to test private function naming (in my case, the name must start with an underscore) :
"selector": "MethodDefinition[accessibility=private][!=/^_/]",
"message": "Private function name must start with _"


Order of keys in package.json exports

I believe I understand the basic functioning of the exports key in package.json files:
// package.json
"exports": {
".": {
// used by typescript
"types": "./file_with_type_defs.d.ts",
// used by ESM resolution
"import": "./file_to_import.mjs",
// used by CJS resolution
"require": "./file_to_require.cjs",
// used by ...others?
"default": "./file_one_more.js"
Question: Does the order of the "types", "import", "require", and "default" keys matter? Normally I would think no way, since JSON object keys are unordered. From
An object is an unordered set of name/value pairs. An object begins with { ...
But Typescript documentation says that "types" must come first:
Entry-point for TypeScript resolution - must occur first!
"types": "./types/index.d.ts"
and the NodeJS documentation says "default" should come last
"default" - the generic fallback that always matches. Can be a CommonJS or ES module file. This condition should always come last.
So... Does the order of the export keys matter? If not, what do the NodeJS and Typescript documentation mean when they talk about "first" and "last"?
Having swapped the order of "types" with other keys, its order seems not to matter.
Webpack, which also uses the export key explains this field as follows:
Notes about ordering
In an object where each key is a condition, order of properties is significant. Conditions are handled in the order they are specified.
Rather than see this as a plain object, consider it being like this if-else case:
let file;
if (platform_supports('types')) {
file = "./file_with_type_defs.d.ts";
} else if (platform_supports('import')) {
file = "./file_to_import.mjs";
} else if (platform_supports('require')) {
file = "./file_to_require.cjs";
} else if (true) { // default
file = "./file_one_more.js";
If you were to swap the order, it might be like this:
let file;
if (true) { // default
file = "./file_one_more.js";
} else if (platform_supports('types')) {
file = "./file_with_type_defs.d.ts";
} else if (platform_supports('import')) {
file = "./file_to_import.mjs";
} else if (platform_supports('require')) {
file = "./file_to_require.cjs";
Even though Typescript understands .d.ts files it would use file_one_more.js since it matches first.
I have tried swapping the order of "types" with other keys. It seems not to matter.
It might be that Typescript prioritizes the types condition over others. However, I'd stick with what they advise—"must occur first" is not "ought to occur first", after all.
As a side-note, historically JavaScript object keys are unordered / the order is not guaranteed. In practice, browsers did preserve the key order and this behavior was standardized in ES2015: non-integer keys are preserved in insertion order.
The JSON standard doesn't make the same promise, as there are many implementations of JSON decoders in different languages and it the predates ES2015 standard.
JSON objects are "unordered set" as "key do not have a particular order(i.e. never have to be sorted)", not as "do not have an order"
Parsed JS object DOES have an order of keys matching the orger in JSON
Depending on if the code uses for (let k in json) or if (json.types) the behaviour may be different
So by whatever reason it's recommended to order keys in the way some parsers may expect
In your case I'd recommend you to try swapping them, seeing that nothing happens, and swapping them back

Association is in database, but can't be retrieved via DAL. Will retrieve empty array of associations

I am following the advanced developer tutorial (
Currently I'm at step 7, and according to the tutorial what I've made so far should work.
But it doesn't.
In the database it shows the association, but I can't retrieve them from the repository.
You have to add the association to the Criteria.
Without it, the associations come as null.
Okay, turns out I switched up two parameters by accident. When I set them correctly it worked as it should.
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Swag\BundleExample\Core\Content\Product;
use Shopware\Core\Content\Product\ProductDefinition;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityExtension;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\Flag\Inherited;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\ManyToManyAssociationField;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\FieldCollection;
use Swag\BundleExample\Core\Content\Bundle\Aggregate\BundleProduct\BundleProductDefinition;
use Swag\BundleExample\Core\Content\Bundle\BundleDefinition;
class ProductExtension extends EntityExtension
public function extendFields(FieldCollection $collection): void
(new ManyToManyAssociationField(
))->addFlags(new Inherited())
public function getDefinitionClass(): string
return ProductDefinition::class;
I'm talking about the 'product_id' and 'bundle_id'. In my case I had the 'product_id' as the last parameter.

Can someone explain the syntax in the geb Page content DSL?

I have problems to understand the syntax with which pages are described (defined) in Geb. The following is an example page class that works fine but I don't understand how it works.
import geb.Page
class GebHomePage extends Page{
static url = ""
static at = { title == "Geb - Very Groovy Browser Automation" }
static content = {
seeGuideButton { $('div', class:'ui huge primary button') }
uiHeader { $('h1', class:'ui header', 0)}
I am interested in the syntax inside the closure referred to by content. Geb describes the syntax for the content DSL as
«name»(«options map») { «definition» }
I don't understand this syntax. The name part looks like a variable, but it is not declared (I miss a def or something similar) and the last part looks like a closure. But where is the connection between the name and the closure. There is no equal sign connecting the two. In a standard groovy class the syntax
«name» { «definition» }
does not compile. What happens in one line of the content DSL? What precisely are uiHeader and seeGuideButton and how are they related to the following closures? How does this syntax work exactly?
Behind the scenes, Geb looks for a method with the signature:
uiHeader(Map, Closure)
In groovy, you can catch when a method is missing (see methodMissing) so internally Geb will catch this and know how to resolve any future requests for that variable
Also in groovy, a Closure as the last parameter can be outside the brackets, which is why you can do
uiHeader(required: false) { $('h1') }

Type hints of flow not stripped by babel

I have a React.JS project which uses a custom 'theme' with UI components.
This theme also provides build scripts (webpack config, babel configs, etc.).
I want to start using Flow in this project.
I installed the needed npm packages and added flow to babel's presets, then I added props = {mytestprop: string} to one of my React` classes.
Webpack compiled my code successfully, but the type hints were not stripped! Of course, the browser was not able to execute this code - when I try to run it, it raisesReferenceError: string is not defined.
The current list of presets from .babelrc is: ["es2015", "react", "stage-2", "flow"]. I'm sure that this is the actual list used by babel because if I delete any of the first 3 presets, compilation fails.
Do you have any ideas on what could lead to this behavior when stripping Flow types?
It's not that type annotations are not being stripped. It's that { mytestprop: string } is not a valid type annotation on the right-hand side of an assignment because it clashes with the syntax for defining an object.
Specifically, when Flow's parser sees the statement { mytestprop: string } it will interpret this as an attempt to create an object with a field named mytestprop with its value set to the value of the variable string, so it will leave the statement alone as it is, and you'll get the error you've seen in the browser.
The correct way to type object declarations is to type the left-hand side of the declaration.
For instance,
let myProps: { myTestProp: string } = { myTestProp: "testProp" };
if you aren't declaring your props separately, you could declare a custom type:
type myPropType = { myTestProp: string }
// ...
const myComponent = (props: myPropType) => //render your component
Since the type statement is exclusive to Flow and not a valid JavaScript statement, it will be stripped correctly.

No routing convention was found to select an action for the OData path with template '~/entityset'

I have two Odata action methods defined. The one with parameter gets invoked while the other without parameter doesnt get invoked and throws error No routing convention was found to select an action for the OData path with template '~/entityset'.
Here is the code of my action methods
public IQueryable<User> GetUser()
return db.Users;
// GET: odata/User(5)
public SingleResult<User> GetUser([FromODataUri] int key)
return SingleResult.Create(db.Users.Where(user => user.Id == key));
The query that I am using are as follows
http://bureauservice/api/odata/UserOdata - Doesnt work
http://bureauservice/api/odata/UserOdata(1) - works
Could someone tell me why the first link doesnt work.
Please change the name of the method which returns entityset to "Get[EntitySetName]" or "Get".
Change from
public IQueryable<User> GetUser()
public IQueryable<User> GetUserOdata()
public IQueryable<User> Get()
Set the name of the first action as GetUsers (plural) because you are getting the whole collection of users while in the second you are asking for a single user.
You may want to add the parenthesis to the first URL:
If you are just starting to proactise odata, then Odata v4 is good start point, as it is an OASIS standard, but v3 is not.
Here is the v4 version Function sample:
