I want to get after decimal value in any number [closed] - decimal

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Closed 11 months ago.
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this is the random value 10.302, I want to get only after decimal value .302 and save in a variable in a flutter. please help me
I searched on youtube and google but nothing was found.

You can do something like this:
double number = 10.302;
double afterDecimal = number%1;
double number = 10.302;
int whole = number.toInt();
double fraction = number-whole;
The problem is instead of 0.302 the above 2 blocks would give you something like 0.3019999999999996.
A simple fix can be converting the number to a string and do something like this:
double number = 10.302;
double afterDecimal = double.parse(number.toString().split('.')[1]);
This would give an output of 302. But if you need an output of 0.302, you can do this:
double number = 10.302;
double afterDecimal = double.parse('0.' + number.toString().split('.')[1]);
This is just working around things to get the desired result. There could be better ways to get the result so, you should keep trying.


Even when I have the return value, it still returns none? Python Code [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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The goal of this code is to alphabetize and uppercase the inputted tuple of values. However, it is returning none when I run it. I find this odd since I have a return and I beilieve everything is in correct order. If you can help find the answer, thanks. Here is the code:
def sorter(*args):
args = " ".join(args)
uppercased = args.upper()
listed = list(uppercased)
sorted1 = listed.sort()
return sorted1
print(sorter('happy', 'apple', 'zain', 'freindly', 'jakob'))
Run your code in the Python Tutor Visualizer and step through it line by line, and you will see that listed.sort() doesn't return anything but instead mutates listed:
Before executing listed.sort():
After executing listed.sort():
The docs for list.sort also tell you that the list is sorted in-place, and the function signature doesn't have a return value.
The solution is therefore to use listed after sorting it, instead of creating a new variable sorted1.
(Note that there are other logical mistakes in your code which will prevent it from delivering the result you probably expected, even after this specific issue is fixed, but that's beyond the scope of this question and answer.)

Removing special characters in field name using groovy [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a field <Age (D.O.B)>.I want the result to be i,e Age in brackets (unable to see my tag here)
I am using groovy.Please help.
I tried escaping the characters but unable to.
def msgBodyModified21 = msgBodyOriginal.replaceAll('<Age'+\\s+'(D.O.B)>', '<Age>')
Your quoting on the regexp is wrong. Use:
"<Age (D.O.B)>".replaceAll(/<Age\s+\(D\.O\.B\)>/, "<Age>")

How to replace occurances of a string with changing values in kotlin? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have the current string "number number number number number" and I would like to replace it with "1 2 3 4 5". How do i replace occurrences of a string with incrementing numbers in Kotlin?
Your idea of a solution in the comment is in the right direction.
The way to do this using a single call to the standard library is this:
var i = 1
val result = text.replace("number".toRegex()) { _ -> "${i++}" }
(runnable sample)
This replace overload accepts a function that is called on each MatchResult (which is ignored in this case)

Can someone help export a variable in node.js [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am doing an exercise in the Eloquent Javascript book and am having trouble getting access to a variable with JSON information in an adjacent .js file.
My file structure looks like this: eloquentJs (folder)> ancestry.js, chapter5json.js
I am including a require statement at the top of my chapter5json.js file:
as well as:
module.exports = ANCESTRY_FILE;
at the bottom of my ancestry.js file.
When I try to run the following code in chapter5json.js:
var ancestry = JSON.parse(ANCESTRY_FILE);
I get an error that the
variable ANCESTRY_FILE is not defined.
Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong here?
You need to store the require statement like this: let ancestor = require("./ancestry.js")
Since the file is simply a json, simply use the ancestor like this:
let ancestry = JSON.parse(ancestor);
Now you can use all the variables using the reference of ancestry

How to check if a given String is an English word in Scala? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for some library which take string as input and result boolean based on, if input string is present in english dictionary
For mac user default english dictionary can be found at location /usr/share/dict/web2
Hence we can,
>> var dict = scala.io.Source.fromFile("/usr/share/dict/web2").getLines.toSet
>> dict.contains("apple")
result : true
>> dict.contains("appl")
result : false
