I have two GPU.
How can I use them for inference with a huggingface pipeline?
Huggingface documentation seems to say that we can easily use the DataParallel class with a huggingface model, but I've not seen any example.
For example with pytorch, it's very easy to just do the following :
net = torch.nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=[0, 1, 2])
output = net(input_var) # input_var can be on any device, including CPU
Is there an equivalent with huggingface ?
I found it's not possible with the pipelines, so:
two ways :
Do it with the Trainer object in huggingface , which also supports inferences, but it's not optimal.
Use Queues from the multiprocessing standard library, but this creates a lot of boiler plate code
This maybe the most beginner question of all :sweat:.
I just started learning about NLP and hugging face. The first thing I'm trying to do is to apply one the bioBERT models on some clinical note data and see what I do, before moving on to the fine-tuning the model. And it looks like "emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT" to be the closest model for my data.
But as I try to use it for any of the analyses I always get this warning.
Some weights of the model checkpoint at emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT were not used when initializing BertForSequenceClassification: ['cls.predictions.transform.dense.bias', 'cls.seq_relationship.bias', 'cls.predictions.transform.dense.weight', 'cls.seq_relationship.weight', 'cls.predictions.bias', 'cls.predictions.transform.LayerNorm.weight', 'cls.predictions.transform.LayerNorm.bias', 'cls.predictions.decoder.weight']
From the hugging face course chapter 2 I understand this meant.
This is because BERT has not been pretrained on classifying pairs of sentences, so the head of the pretrained model has been discarded and a new head suitable for sequence classification has been added instead. The warnings indicate that some weights were not used (the ones corresponding to the dropped pretraining head) and that some others were randomly initialized (the ones for the new head). It concludes by encouraging you to train the model, which is exactly what we are going to do now.
So I went on to test which NLP task I can use "emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT" for, out of the box.
from transformers import pipeline, AutoModel
checkpoint = "emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT"
nlp_task = ['conversational', 'feature-extraction', 'fill-mask', 'ner',
'question-answering', 'sentiment-analysis', 'text-classification',
'zero-shot-classification' ]
for task in nlp_task:
process = pipeline(task=task, model = checkpoint)
And I got the same warning message for all the NLP tasks, so it appears to me that I shouldn't/advised not to use the model for any of the tasks. This really confuses me. The original bio_clinicalBERT model paper stated that they had good results on a few different tasks. So certainly the model was trained for those tasks. I also have similar issue with other models as well, i.e. the blog or research papers said a model obtained good results with a specific task but when I tried to apply with pipeline it gives the warning message. Is there any reason why the head layers were not included in the model?
I only have a few hundreds clinical notes (also unannotated :frowning_face:), so it doesn't look like it's big enough for training. Is there any way I could use the model on my data without training?
Thank you for your time.
This Bio_ClinicalBERT model is trained for Masked Language Model (MLM) task. This task basically used for learning the semantic relation of the token in the language/domain. For downstream tasks, you can fine-tune the model's header with your small dataset, or you can use a fine-tuned model like Bio_ClinicalBERT-finetuned-medicalcondition which is the fine-tuned version of the same model. You can find all the fine-tuned models in HuggingFace by searching 'bio-clinicalBERT' as in the link.
I'm interested in NLP and I come up with Tensorflow and Bert, both seem to be from Google and both seem to be the best thing for Sentiment Analysis as of today but I don't understand what are they exactly and what is the difference between them... Can someone explain?
Tensorflow is an open-source library for machine learning that will let you build a deep learning model/architecture. But the BERT is one of the architectures itself. You can build many models using TensorFlow including RNN, LSTM, and even the BERT. The transformers like the BERT are a good choice if you just want to deploy a model on your data and you don't care about the deep learning field itself. For this purpose, I recommended the HuggingFace library that provides a straightforward way to employ a transformer model in just a few lines of code. But if you want to take a deeper look at these models, I will suggest you to learns about the well-known deep learning architectures for text data like RNN, LSTM, CNN, etc., and try to implement them using an ML library like Tensorflow or PyTorch.
Bert and Tensorflow is not different thing , There are not only 2, but many implementations of BERT. Most are basically equivalent.
The implementations that you mentioned are:
The original code by Google, in Tensorflow. https://github.com/google-research/bert
Implementation by Huggingface, in Pytorch and Tensorflow, that reproduces the same results as the original implementation and uses the same checkpoints as the original BERT article. https://github.com/huggingface/transformers
These are the differences regarding different aspects:
In terms of results, there is no difference in using one or the other, as they both use the same checkpoints (same weights) and their results have been checked to be equal.
In terms of reusability, HuggingFace library is probably more reusable, as it is designed specifically for that. Also, it gives you the freedom of choosing TensorFlow or Pytorch as deep learning framework.
In terms of performance, they should be the same.
In terms of community support (e.g. asking questions in github or stackoverflow about them), HuggingFace library is better suited, as there are a lot of people using it.
Apart from BERT, the transformers library by HuggingFace has implementations for lots of models: OpenAI GPT-2, RoBERTa, ELECTRA, ...
I am trying to port two pre-trained keras models into the IPU machine. I managed to load and run them using IPUstrategy.scope but I dont know if i am doing it the right way. I have my pre-trained models in .h5 file format.
I load them this way:
def first_model():
model = tf.keras.models.load_model("./model1.h5")
return model
After searching your ipu.keras.models.py file I couldn't find any load methods to load my pre-trained models, and this is why i used tf.keras.models.load_model().
Then i use this code to run:
cfg=ipu.utils.auto_select_ipus(cfg, 1)
strategy = ipu.ipu_strategy.IPUStrategy()
with strategy.scope():
model = first_model()
print('compile attempt\n')
model.compile("sgd", "categorical_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"])
print('compilation completed\n')
print('running attempt\n')
res = model.predict(input_img)[0]
print('run completed\n')
you can see the output here:link
So i have some difficulties to understand how and if the system is working properly.
Basically the model.compile wont compile my model but when i use model.predict then the system first compiles and then is running. Why is that happening? Is there another way to run pre-trained keras models on an IPU chip?
Another question I have is if its possible to load a pre-trained keras model inside an ipu.keras.model and then use model.fit/evaluate to further train and evaluate it and then save it for future use?
One last question I have is about the compilation part of the graph. Is there a way to avoid recompilation of the graph every time i use the model.predict() in a different strategy.scope()?
I use tensorflow2.1.2 wheel
Thank you for your time
To add some context, the Graphcore TensorFlow wheel includes a port of Keras for the IPU, available as tensorflow.python.ipu.keras. You can access the API documentation for IPU Keras at this link. This module contains IPU-specific optimised replacement for TensorFlow Keras classes Model and Sequential, plus more high-performance, multi-IPU classes e.g. PipelineModel and PipelineSequential.
As per your specific issue, you are right when you mention that there are no IPU-specific ways to load pre-trained Keras models at present. I would encourage you, as you appear to have access to IPUs, to reach out to Graphcore Support. When doing so, please attach your pre-trained Keras model model1.h5 and a self-contained reproducer of your code.
Switching topic to the recompilation question: using an executable cache prevents recompilation, you can set that up with environmental variable TF_POPLAR_FLAGS='--executable_cache_path=./cache'. I'd also recommend to take a look into the following resources:
this tutorial gathers several considerations around recompilation and how to avoid it when using TensorFlow2 on the IPU.
Graphcore TensorFlow documentation here explains how to use the pre-compile mode on the IPU.
Newbie in keras:
I am trying to understand the syntax used in keras.
Syntax that I am having difficult in understanding is while building a network. I have seen in number of places as also described in following code.
Statements like: current_layer = SOME_CODE(current_layer)
What is the meaning of such a statement? Does it means first the computation described in SOME_CODE is to be followed to the computation described in the current layer?
What is the use of such a syntax and when should one use it? Any advantages and alternatives?
input_layer = keras.layers.Input(
current_layer = image_mirror_left_right(input_layer)
current_layer = keras.layers.convolutional.Conv2D(
filters=16, "some values " ])
def random_image_mirror_left_right(input_layer):
return keras.layers.core.Lambda(function=lambda batch_imgs: tf.map_fn(
lambda img: tf.image.random_flip_left_right(img), batch_imgs
If you are indeed newbie in Keras, as you say, I would strongly suggest not bothering with such advanced stuff at this stage yet.
The repo you are referring to is a rather advanced and highly non-trivial case of using a specialized library (HyperOpt) for automatic meta-optimizing a Keras model. It involves 'automatic' model building according to some configuration parameters already stored in a Python dictionary...
Additionally, the function you quote goes beyond Keras to involve TensorFlow methods and lambda functions...
The current_layer=SOME_CODE(current_layer) is a typical example of the Keras Functional API; according to my experience, it is less widely used than the more straightforward Sequential API, but it may come handy in some more advanced cases, e.g.:
The Keras functional API is the way to go for defining complex models,
such as multi-output models, directed acyclic graphs, or models with
shared layers. [...] With the functional API, it is easy to re-use
trained models: you can treat any model as if it were a layer, by
calling it on a tensor. Note that by calling a model you aren't just
re-using the architecture of the model, you are also re-using its
I want to extract features using caffe and train those features using SVM. I have gone through this link: http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/gathered/examples/feature_extraction.html. This links provides how we can extract features using caffenet. But I want to use Lenet architecture here. I am unable to change this line of command for Lenet:
./build/tools/extract_features.bin models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel examples/_temp/imagenet_val.prototxt fc7 examples/_temp/features 10 leveldb
And also, after extracting the features, how to train these features using SVM? I want to use python for this. For eg: If I get features from this code:
features = net.blobs['pool2'].data.copy()
Then, how can I train these features using SVM by defining my own classes?
You have two questions here:
Extracting features using LeNet
Training an SVM
Extracting features using LeNet
To extract the features from LeNet using the extract_features.bin script you need to have the model file (.caffemodel) and the model definition for testing (.prototxt).
The signature of extract_features.bin is here:
Usage: extract_features pretrained_net_param feature_extraction_proto_file extract_feature_blob_name1[,name2,...] save_feature_dataset_name1[,name2,...] num_mini_batches db_type [CPU/GPU] [DEVICE_ID=0]
So if you take as an example val prototxt file this one (https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/blob/master/models/bvlc_alexnet/train_val.prototxt), you can change it to the LeNet architecture and point it to your LMDB / LevelDB. That should get you most of the way there. Once you did that and get stuck, you can re-update your question or post a comment here so we can help.
Training SVM on top of features
I highly recommend using Python's scikit-learn for training an SVM from the features. It is super easy to get started, including reading in features saved from Caffe's format.
Very lagged reply, but should help.
Not 100% what you want, but I have used the VGG-16 net to extract face features using caffe and perform a accuracy test on a small subset of the LFW dataset. Exactly what you needed is in the code. The code creates classes for training and testing and pushes them into the SVM for classification.