Microsoft Graph Creates Blank SharePoint List Item - sharepoint

I want to update my SharePoint List with the data below. The code runs and returns a 201 "created" status, but the list item is blank. When I use the same post operation in Microsoft Graph Explorer I can update the list without issue. The difference is in the body it uses:
"fields": {
"field1": "data",
"field2": "data",
"field3": "data"
But when I create an object that json converts to this format it returns "Bad Request". The code here creates a blank list item. I'm so close.
PostRequest saResp = new PostRequest()
Description = "My New Item To Place In Sharepoint List",
StartDate = "03/10/2022",
Title = "My New Item"
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = _base.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization;
.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var responseTask = await client.PostAsJsonAsync<PostSysAidRequest>("sites/,b1b8faec-***,c2235dbe-***/lists/f0a498d4-***/items", saResp);


NODE.js Lambda dynamodb documentClient get - returned data is not in [] JSON format. How to return a full JSON document datatype form GET

I'm new to Node.js/AWS lambda. Ive successfully created several documentClient QUERY functions that return a single or multiple item JSON Document in this format:
"name": "andy",
"color": "purple",
"snack": "oreos"
When I use documentClient GET and get back my single record its in THIS format, which is not playing well with the client code (apple / ios swift)
"name": "andy",
"color": "purple",
"snack": "oreos"
I'm hopign i can change the format returned from documentClient.get() to include the fill JSON document format including leading and trailing brackets .. []
I am a node.js & aws.lambda and documentClient novice, so apologies if this is a very basic question....
provided in above text
If I understood well, you're receiving an object instead of a array.
You can use the scan function to retrieve an array of results:
var params = {
TableName : 'Table',
FilterExpression : 'Year = :this_year',
ExpressionAttributeValues : {':this_year' : 2015}
var documentClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
documentClient.scan(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err);
else console.log(data);
Or you can transform the result to array:
const document = await documentClient.get({
TableName: "table-of-example",
Key: {
id: "id-of-example"
return [data]
Please read the document to understand more how the document dynamodb sdk works:

PnPJS update items - List data validation failed

We loaded a SP list directly from an Access query and now when we try to run a list update with pnpjs I get an "Error code: -2130575163.List data validation failed" .
There are no required fields, no validation on any columns, and no Validation settings on the list. Is this not working because it was uploaded from Access?
Updating it similar to this:
const items = await sp.web.lists.getByTitle("MyList")"Title eq 'A Title'").get();
const updatedItem = await sp.web.lists.getByTitle("MyList").items.getById(items[0].Id).update({
my_id: mynewID,
Adding list items works with no issues. Updating a list item does not work.
Try this.
let list = sp.web.lists.getByTitle("MyList");
const i = await list.items.getById(1).update({
Title: "My New Title",
Description: "Here is a new description"
Is items[0].Id valid ?
Please try to use console.log (items[0].Id) to check in Developer Tool.
I tested the same request in my side, my_id is a number field:
const items = await sp.web.lists.getByTitle("JqueryList")"Title eq 'My New Title'").get();
let list = sp.web.lists.getByTitle("JqueryList");
const i = await list.items.getById(items[0].Id).update({
Title: "My New Title",
my_id: 1
I did resolve it - when you use the StrReverse function in Access and then upload that query to a SP list - the list type is corrupted.
To fix it I simply went in and changed the type from single line text to multiline - then back to single line of text.
I was then able to update the list item.

What is the GUID for load test

I am trying to do a load test on a chat bot that I deployed on Microsoft Azure bot service, and I am following the blog post on here:,
I am able to finish the first step, I am able to get auth token and get Mock channel, but for the last step:
it states:
"type": "message",
"id": <GUID>,
"channelId" : "test",
"conversation": { "id": <CONVERSATION ID> },
"from": { "id": <USER ID> },
"recipient": { "id": <BOT HANDLE> },
"serviceUrl": <SEE BELOW>
I know service URL is the endpoint of the mock channel. but for all other Id, I don't know where can I get it?
Can anyone help me with this? give me some guidance on how to get all those ids?
Thanks a lot.
You can get all these by inspecting an activity from your bot, then plugging in valid values in your mock channel for sending the activity. You can get these values by setting a breakpoint at any other point in your process that sends/receives or handles an activity. Just inspect the values and use them accordingly. Remember to do things like switch the from and recipient where needed.
I know you are asking for JavaScript but this is an example of how I am constructing and activity in my mock channel using c#:
Activity a = new Activity
Type = ActivityTypes.Message,
Id = "9dn3fa6lh4hd9dn3fa6lh4hd",
ChannelId = Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.ChannelIds.Console,
Conversation = new ConversationAccount(id: "9dn3fa6lh4hd"),
From = new ChannelAccount(id: "user", name: "username"),
Recipient = new ChannelAccount(id: "bot", name: "botname"),
Text = "Mock Channel",
ServiceUrl = #"http://localhost:55086/api/values",
MembersAdded = new List<ChannelAccount>(),
MembersRemoved = new List<ChannelAccount>(),
Locale = "en-US",
Attachments = new List<Attachment>(),
ReplyToId = "nii4344blg42",
TextFormat = "plain",
Timestamp = DateTime.Now,
ChannelData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { clientActivityId = "1506483656068.11949484894092266.2" })

How do I prefill fields in an envelope created from a template using Docusign's REST API?

Note: I'm using the 'classic' experience because the new interface doesn't have a way for a template to set up required fields for future signers.
The workflow:
have a template with a bunch of fields
using the api:
create an envelope/document from the template, and assign a new user to sign (this document is going to be an agreement for signing up for a service)
create new role
set roleName to fake signer on template (because I can't configure fields without at least one signer on the template)
add textTabs to try to perfill some of the fields.
retrieve the recipients
create a recipient view so that I get the URL to put in an iframe
This is kind of obnoxious, because I don't care about having a first signer that isn't the user signing up for the service. I would however, like to have the the document be copied to someone after signing, but docusign doesn't appear to support this (that I've found anyway).
Here is the node.js code for the creation of the envelope (where I think my API usage is going wrong):
function createEnvelopeDefinition(templateId, userData) {
var envDef = new docusign.EnvelopeDefinition();
envDef.setEmailSubject('Signup Agreement');
var tRole = new docusign.TemplateRole();
tRole.setTabs(new docusign.Tabs());
const fieldsToPreFill = [
fieldsToPreFill.forEach(fieldName => {
let textTab = new docusign.Text();
let value = userData[fieldName];
if (value === null || value === undefined) { value = 'not null'; }
tRole = removeNulls(tRole);
// send the envelope by setting |status| to 'sent'.
// To save as a draft set to 'created'
// sent is required for getting view URLs
return envDef;
In the template editor on docusign, the Data Field Tag Properties show the label of each of the corresponding fields as field1, field2, etc.
These fields are now filled out with the provided values when I throw the new envelope in an iframe.
just for reference here is the rest of the code that creates the api connection, and gets the view URL
import ENV from 'environment/backend';
const accountId = ENV.docusign.accountId;
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var docusign = require('docusign-esign');
export function newApiClient() {
let apiClient = new docusign.ApiClient();
// create JSON formatted auth header
let creds = JSON.stringify({
Password: ENV.docusign.password,
IntegratorKey: ENV.docusign.integratorKey
apiClient.addDefaultHeader('X-DocuSign-Authentication', creds);
// assign api client to the Configuration object
// this probably doesn't need to be set every time...
return apiClient;
const defaultApiClient = newApiClient();
const envelopesApi = new docusign.EnvelopesApi();
const createEnvelope = Promise.promisify(envelopesApi.createEnvelope, { context: envelopesApi });
const listRecipients = Promise.promisify(envelopesApi.listRecipients, { context: envelopesApi });
const createRecipientView = Promise.promisify(envelopesApi.createRecipientView, { context: envelopesApi });
export default defaultApiClient;
// promise resolves to the view URL, envelopeId for the user.
// returns a recipientView
export function setupDocumentForEmbeddedSigning(templateId, userData) {
let envDefinition = createEnvelopeDefinition(templateId, userData);
return createEnvelope(accountId, envDefinition, null)
.then(envelopeSummary => {
const envelopeId = envelopeSummary.envelopeId;
return createViewFromEnvelope(envelopeId);
export function createViewFromEnvelope(envelopeId) {
return getRecipients(envelopeId).then(recipients => {
// the last signer is the one we added in the
// createEnvelopeDefinition step
let signers = recipients.signers;
let lastSigner = signers[signers.length - 1];
return createView(envelopeId, lastSigner)
.then(recipientView => [recipientView.url, envelopeId]);
function getRecipients(envelopeId) {
return listRecipients(accountId, envelopeId);
function createView(envelopeId, signerData) {
var viewRequest = new docusign.RecipientViewRequest();
// recipient information must match embedded recipient info
// from the createEnvelopeDefinition method
return createRecipientView(accountId, envelopeId, viewRequest);
// bug with the api wrapper
const removeNulls = function(obj) {
var isArray = obj instanceof Array;
for (var k in obj) {
if (obj[k] === null) isArray ? obj.splice(k, 1) : delete obj[k];
else if (typeof obj[k] == 'object') removeNulls(obj[k]);
if (isArray && obj.length == k) removeNulls(obj);
return obj;
So, I may not fully understand where you're stuck, but I'll take a crack at this anyway...
Let's say I create a Template using the DocuSign UI and define two Recipient roles:
Signer1 (which will be the person who is signing up for your service) -- Action = "Sign"
CarbonCopy1 (which will be the person who gets a copy of the completed/signed documents once Signer1 signs) -- Action = "Receive a Copy"
(Note: these roles can be named whatever you want to name them -- I named them "Signer1" and "CarbonCopy1" so it'd be clear who each role represents.)
Assuming the above scenario, your Template's Recipient Roles (in the DocuSign UI) will look like this:
Next, let's assume that you define some fields (tabs) in the Template's document(s) (i.e., using the DocuSign UI) that the Signer1 recipient will need to populate when they sign the document(s). For this example, let's assume that the label (name) of one of those Text tabs is field1. Notice that the field is assigned to the Signer1 recipient:
Now, if I want to create an Envelope via the API that uses this Template, and pre-fill fields for one or more of the recipients, the key to doing that is using the "Composite Templates" structure in the API request. (See the Composite Templates section of this page for details.) In the example described above, your compositeTemplates object in the API request would contain a single serverTemplate object (which specifies the templateId and sequence=1), and a single inlineTemplate object (which specifies sequence=2 and the recipient info, including values for any tabs (fields) that you want to pre-fill).
In the example described above, the JSON API request to create the Envelope would look like this (assuming we're just pre-filling a single field for Signer1 -- obviously you could pre-fill additional fields by simply including them in the tabs object of the request along with field1):
POST https://{{env}}{{accountId}}/envelopes
"emailSubject": "Test Pre-fill Tabs",
"emailBlurb": "This is a test.",
"compositeTemplates": [{
"serverTemplates": [{
"sequence": "1",
"templateId": "CD0E6D53-3447-4A9E-BBAF-0EB2C78E8310"
"sequence": "2",
"recipients": {
"signers": [
"roleName": "Signer1",
"recipientId": "1",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "",
"clientUserId": "1234",
"tabs": {
"textTabs": [
"tabLabel": "field1",
"value": "TEST-123"
"roleName": "CarbonCopy1",
"recipientId": "2",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": ""
"status": "sent"
Once I create the Envelope using the above request, I execute a "POST Recipient View" request to get the signing URL for the first recipient (https://{{env}}{{accountId}}/envelopes/{{envelopeId/views/recipient).
Then, when I subsequently use the URL that's returned in that response to launch the signing session for Signer1 (John Doe), I see that the field1 tab is indeed pre-filled with the value that I specified in the "Create Envelope" API request (TEST-123):
Furthermore, once John Doe (Signer1) finishes signing and submits the completed documents, Jane Doe (CarbonCopy1) will be sent a copy.
I'm not familiar with the DocuSign Node SDK, but imagine you can figure out the syntax to use composite templates as shown in the above example. Hope this helps!

YUI-grid: re load data

Hi guys
I am try to research Yahoo lib- grid. I created a button to display grid. But when i click button N times -> it is displayed N grids. I only want display one grid and after click button it will get data from server again. My code like below:
Please help me., Thank you.
YUI({ filter: 'raw' }).use("jsonp", "node",function (Y) {
function handleJSONP(response) {
//"#out").setContent(Y.Lang.sub(template, response.user));
YUI().use("datatable-base", function(Y) {
var cols = [
{ key: "id", label: "Transaction No", abbr: "id"},
{ key: "userName", label: "User Name", abbr: "userName"},
{ key: "storeName", label: "StoreName", abbr: "storeName"}
data = response.Root,
dt = new Y.DataTable.Base({
columnset: cols,
recordset: data,
summary: "Price sheet for inventory parts",
caption: "These columns have labels and abbrs"
}"#demo_btn").on("click", function (e) {
var url = "server.jsp"+ "?callback={callback}";
Y.jsonp(url, handleJSONP);
You should be using the DataSource utility to retrieve the data via JSONP. This will allow you to then reload the data via something like
See the docs for details: DataTable + DataSource.Get + JSON Data
Your handler needs to check if you've already created the table.
var dt;
if (dt === null) {
dt = new Y.DataTable.Base // etc.
