Cannot connect to my databse addon on heroku - node.js

I attempted to use the command Heroku pg:psql to connect to my database addon in heroku but got a response below
--> Connecting to postgresql-regular-61345
unrecognized win32 error code: 123could not find a "psql" to execute
unrecognized win32 error code: 123could not find a "psql" to execute
psql: fatal: could not find own program executable
! psql exited with code 1
After using the heroku logs --tail command i got the following errors
sh: 1: nodemon: not found
Process exited with status 127
State changed from starting to crashed
I can also see all processes stopping with SIGTERM and the process exiting with status 143
Resolution steps I have taken
Verified that the environment variables have the path for installed postgress14 on my PC
Added a procfile to the root file in my backend code and spcified "web: node matthewfaceappback/server.js in the file"
Changed my set port to a variable port using process.env.PORT || 3000
Set all environment variable including my database url(set by default) on config variable in heroku
Verified there is a start up script
Updated all my packages using "npm update". after doing this i started expereincing the issue of processes stopping with SIGTERM and the process exiting with status 143
I moved nodemon from devDependencies to dependencies. nodemon version is 2.0.15
In package.json i inputed an engines parameter using the version of node in my case
{"engines": {
"node": "14.17.4"
I restarted heroku using "heroku restart"
Below are links to the screenshots of the error

Put nodemon back in the devDependencies and add it as a second node script in package.json:
"scripts": {
"start": "node matthewfaceappback/server.js",
"dev": "nodemon matthewfaceappback/server.js"

These two errors are completely unrelated.
The database connection error
The first issue, which I believe is the one you actually care about at the moment based on the title of the question, indicates that the Heroku CLI can't find a PostgreSQL client on your local machine.
The documentation makes the following recommendation
Set up Postgres on Windows
Install Postgres on Windows by using the Windows installer.
Remember to update your PATH environment variable to add the bin directory of your Postgres installation. The directory is similar to: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<VERSION>\bin. Commands like heroku pg:psql depend on the PATH and do not work if the PATH is incorrect.
If you haven't already installed Postgres locally, do so. (This is a good idea anyway as you should be developing locally and you'll probably need a database.)
Then make sure to add its bin/ directory to your PATH environment variable.
The Nodemon error
The second issue is because you are trying to use nodemon in production. Heroku strips development dependencies out of Node.js applications after building them, which normally makes sense. Nodemon is a development tool, not something that should be used for production hosting.
Depending on the contents of your package.json, this might be as simple as changing your start script from nodemon some-script.js to node some-script.js. Alternatively, you can add a Procfile with the command you actually want to run on Heroku:
web: node some-script.js
See also Need help deploying a RESTful API created with MongoDB Atlas and Express


Run nextjs application in the background

I have an application built with nextJs and this application should work on a local server (Windows).
my customer told me that he needed this application to work in the background after searching I found that I needed to use a package called pm2 and when I used it gives me an error and I found that I needed to make some configurations for it and I can't found any helping resources, please help 💔
I found that to run nextJs application in the background you will need a custom configuration
you need to download the pm2 globally in your system
create a file with the name ecosystem.config.js in the root folder next to the package.json file
you need to put your config data in this file which would be something like this
module.exports = {
apps: [
name: "inventory_test",
script: "node_modules/next/dist/bin/next",
args: "start -p 3333", //running on port 3000
watch: false,
you should set the name as the name you want to see when you check
the list of pm2
the problem will be solved when you set the script as I did in the code above to be more precise the default run of pm2 is to go to the node js folder in the system and try to make start for the application using npm directly but this is the problem we need to make it use the node runner from the nextjs itself or something like this so we change the script as above
after that, we set the arguments that we should run after the npm and in my example is the arg start and choose the port for our application too
and now we make our config
you should make build before you start the application
to run the project you will open the folder of the project in the terminal || cmd || cmder and run the command pm2 start ecosystem.config.js

'heroku local' cannot find module 'load-foreman-procfile'

I'm trying to run Heroku applications locally via 'heroku local,' but a missing module error is occurring in the Heroku CLI. Is this a Heroku bug that just needs to be reported or is there something wrong with how things have been setup on my machine (mac)? Any suggestions are appreciated.
In order to ensure my application isn't the problem, I've been debugging this issue with the node application Heroku provides in its getting started guides. Meaning, it already has a Procfile that can be run using default settings.
Things I've tried:
Re-install node modules for both application and CLI
Re-install the Heroku CLI
Here's the error:
node-js-getting-started [master] :> heroku local
Error: Cannot find module '../../load-foreman-procfile'
at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/Cellar/heroku/7.26.1/libexec/node_modules/#heroku-cli/plugin-local/lib/commands/local/index.js:5:18)
The file for the route above requires a 'load-foreman-procfile' like so:
const Procfile = require('../../load-foreman-procfile');
That require path doesn't lead to a to file by that name. In fact, this is the only reference to 'load-foreman-procfile' I can find in '/usr/local/Cellar/heroku/7.26.1'.
Rather than the error code above, I would expect heroku local to yield a running local server started via my Procfile.
I got the same error running heroku-cli v7.26.0. I switched to their edge channel (currently v7.26.2) and heroku local worked for me after that.
like #sophon mentioned - updating from v7.26.0 to v7.26.2 solved this for me. heroku update on mac did the trick.

Is it possible to have Heroku Local run like nodemon?

I'm new to Heroku, a little bit less to NodeJS (and Nodemon).
I am now using heroku local to run my app in local (and be as close as possible to my prod environment) but I'd like to have my app rebuilt and restarted everytime I make a change in local (as with Nodemon for example).
Is there nay way to do this with heroku local?
Old question, I know, but came up while I was searching for the same. There is an answer here:
This is what I have in my package.json:
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon --exec 'heroku local' --signal SIGTERM"
For anybody coming across this post in search of a solution. As mentioned by nicolasdaudin in response to tom, you can add nodemon to the heroku Procfile (
web: nodemon index.js
Note that nodemon must be installed globally for this to work:
npm i -g nodemon
Then you should be able to run heroku locally as normal with nodemon watching for changes:
heroku local web

node app on aws elastic beanstalk; Node Command setting results in command not found

I'm trying to start my application with a different file; not app.js or server.js, and I don't want to add a start script to npm as there's several possible configurations for this application. In the elastic beanstalk console, under Configuration -> Software Configuration, there's a Node command setting, and I'm setting the value to the file I want, like:
and also tried node eb_server.js
But in the nodejs logs on the app server (/var/log/nodejs/nodejs.log, I get this output:
sh: eb_server.js: command not found
My question is what's the proper way to set the alternative start script command using the elastic beanstalk console?
Turns out it's not meant for a node command directly, but rather an npm command. You can specify "npm run ", where you can call the custom node start command, pointing to whatever file you want. Naming is hard... ;-)

Can I tell foreman to reload the web app every time a request is made so I can develop decently?

A web app I am writing in JavaScript using node.js. I use Foreman, but I don't want to manually restart the server every time I change my code. Can I tell Foreman to reload the entire web app before handling an HTTP request (i.e. restart the node process)?
Here's an adjusted version of Pendlepants solution. Foreman looks for an .env file to read environment variables. Rather than adding a wrapper, you can just have Foreman switch what command it uses to start things up:
In .env:
WEB=node app.js
In dev.env:
WEB=supervisor app.js
In your Procfile:
web: $WEB
By default, Foreman will read from .env (in Production), but in DEV just run this:
foreman start -e dev.env
You can use rerun for this purpose
You might implement just 2 commands for this:
gem install rerun
rerun foreman start
Then rerun will automatically restart process after any change in your files.
If you use nodemon
, you can do
nodemon --exec "foreman start"
The problem isn't with Foreman so much as it's with how node doesn't reload code on new requests. The solution is to use an npm package like supervisor along with an environment wrapper for Foreman.
First, install supervisor:
npm install -g supervisor
Then, write a wrapper shell script that Foreman can call:
if [ "$NODE_ENV" == "production" ]; then
node /path/to/app.js
supervisor /path/to/app.js
Set the wrapper script's permissions to executable by running chmod a+x /path/to/
Lastly, update foreman to use the wrapper script. So in your Procfile:
web: /path/to/
Now when you run Foreman and your node app isn't running in production, it should reload on every request.
I feel like Peter Ehrlich's comment on the original question deserves to be an answer on its own. I think a different Procfile for local/dev is definitely the best solution:
You don't even need to install anything new if you use node-dev.
Your .env file loaded from Procfile:
Your Procfile:
web: $NODECMD app/server.js
Your foreman command
foreman start -e dev.env -p 9786
And in your production env (heroku) set an environment variable:
