Possible? Rust macro to define a bunch of constants? - rust

Let's assume, we want a bunch of constants, associating each square of a chess board with its coordinates, so we can use those constants in our Rust code.
One such definition could be:
const A1: (usize,usize) = (0, 0);
and there would be 64 of them.
Now, as a emacs user, I could generate the source code easily, for example with:
(dolist (col '(?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?F ?G ?H))
(dolist (row '(?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?8))
(insert "#[allow(dead_code)]")
(insert "const " col row ": (usize,usize) = ("
(format "%d" (- col ?A))
", "
(format "%d" (- row ?1))
With the drawback, that now my file just grew by 128 exceptionally boring lines.
In Common Lisp, I would solve this aspect, by defining myself a macro, for example:
(defmacro defconst-square-names ()
(labels ((square-name (row col)
(format nil "+~C~D+"
(code-char (+ (char-code #\A) col))
(+ row 1))))
(one-square (row col)
`(defconstant ,(square-name row col)
(cons ,row ,col))))
`(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
for col below 8
(loop for row below 8
collecting (one-square row col))))))
(defconst-square-names) ;; nicer packaging of those 64 boring lines...
Now, the question arises, of course,
if Rust macro system is able to accomplish this?
can someone show such a macro?
I read, you need to put such Rust macro into a separate crate or whatnot?!
#aedm pointed me with the comment about seq-macro crate to my first attempt to get it done. But unfortunately, from skimming over various Rust documents about macros, I still don't know how to define and call compile time functions from within such a macro:
fn const_name(index:usize) -> String {
char::from_u32('A' as u32
+ (index as u32 % 8)).unwrap()
, index / 8)
seq!(index in 0..64 {
const $crate::const_name(index) : (usize,usize) = ($(index / 8), $(index %8));
In my Common Lisp solution, I just defined local functions within the macro to get such things done. What is the Rust way?

Here's one way to do it only with macro_rules! ("macros by example") and the paste crate (to construct the identifiers). It's not especially elegant, but it is fairly short and doesn't require you to write a proc-macro crate.
It needs to be invoked with all of the involved symbols since macro_rules! can't do arithmetic. (Maybe seq-macro would help some with that, but I'm not familiar with it.)
use paste::paste;
macro_rules! board {
// For each column, call column!() passing the details of that column
// and all of the rows. (This can't be done in one macro because macro
// repetition works like "zip", not like "cartesian product".)
( ($($cols:ident $colnos:literal),*), $rows:tt ) => {
$( column!($cols, $colnos, $rows); )*
/// Helper for board!
macro_rules! column {
( $col:ident, $colno:literal, ($($rows:literal),*) ) => {
paste! {
// [< >] are special brackets that tell the `paste!` macro to
// paste together all the pieces appearing within them into
// a single identifier.
const [< $col $rows >]: (usize, usize) = ($colno, $rows - 1);
board!((A 0, B 1, C 2, D 3, E 4, F 5, G 6, H 7), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8));
fn main() {
dbg!(A1, A8, H1, H8);


Rust signed modulo unsigned -> unsigned

In (stable) Rust, is there a relatively straightforward method of implementing the following function?
fn mod_euclid(val: i128, modulo: u128) -> u128;
Note the types! That is, 'standard' euclidean modulus (result is always in the range of [0, mod)), avoiding spurious overflow/underflow in the intermediate calculation. Some test cases:
// don't-care, just no panic or UB.
// Mild preference for treating this as though it was mod=1<<128 instead of 0.
assert_dc!(mod_euclid(i128::MAX, 0));
assert_dc!(mod_euclid( 0, 0));
assert_dc!(mod_euclid(i128::MIN, 0));
assert_eq!(mod_euclid( 1, 10), 1);
assert_eq!(mod_euclid( -1, 10), 9);
assert_eq!(mod_euclid( 11, 10), 1);
assert_eq!(mod_euclid( -11, 10), 9);
assert_eq!(mod_euclid(i128::MAX, 1), 0);
assert_eq!(mod_euclid( 0, 1), 0);
assert_eq!(mod_euclid(i128::MIN, 1), 0);
assert_eq!(mod_euclid(i128::MAX, u128::MAX), i128::MAX as u128);
assert_eq!(mod_euclid( 0, u128::MAX), 0);
assert_eq!(mod_euclid(i128::MIN, u128::MAX), i128::MAX as u128);
For signed%signed->signed, or unsigned%unsigned->unsigned, this is relatively straightforward. However, I can't find a good way of calculating signed % unsigned -> unsigned without converting one of the arguments - and as the last example illustrates, this may overflow or underflow no matter which direction you choose.
As far as I can tell, there is no such function in the standard library, but it's not very difficult to write one yourself:
fn mod_euclid(a: i128, b: u128) -> u128 {
if a >= 0 {
(a as u128) % b
} else {
let r = (!a as u128) % b;
b - r - 1
Playground link
How it works:
If a is non-negative then it's straightforward - just use the unsigned remainder operator.
Otherwise, the bitwise complement !a is non-negative (because the sign bit is flipped), and numerically equal to -a - 1. This means r is equivalent to b - a - 1 modulo b, and hence b - r - 1 is equivalent to a modulo b. Conveniently, b - r - 1 is in the expected range 0..b.
Maybe a little bit more straight forward, use rem_euclid where possible and else return the positive value equivalent to a:
pub fn mod_euclid(a: i128, b: u128) -> u128 {
const UPPER: u128 = i128::MAX as u128;
match b {
1..=UPPER => a.rem_euclid(b as i128) as u128,
_ if a >= 0 => a as u128,
// turn a from two's complement negative into it's
// equivalent positive value by adding u128::MAX
// essentialy calculating u128::MAX - |a|
_ => u128::MAX.wrapping_add_signed(a),
//_ => a as u128 - (a < 0) as u128,
(The parser didn't like my casting in the match hence UPPER)
Results in a little fewer instructions & jumps on x86_64 as well.

println! to print a 2 digit integer

I would like println! to turn my integer into a 2 digit number, adding a 0 in the front if needed.
fn main() {
println!("{:}", 7);
println!("{:}", 12);
the expected result should be:
Any format parameters to be used here or should I create a specific Display trait in this case?
You can set the leading zeros like so:
println!("{:02}", 7);
You can also check the different formatting possibilities in the documentation:
assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:+}!", 5), "Hello +5!");
assert_eq!(format!("{:#x}!", 27), "0x1b!");
assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:05}!", 5), "Hello 00005!");
assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:05}!", -5), "Hello -0005!");
assert_eq!(format!("{:#010x}!", 27), "0x0000001b!");

Advent of Code 2015: day 5, part 2 unknown false positives

I'm working through the Advent of Code 2015 problems in order to practise my Rust skills.
Here is the problem description:
Realizing the error of his ways, Santa has switched to a better model of determining whether a string is naughty or nice. None of the old rules apply, as they are all clearly ridiculous.
Now, a nice string is one with all of the following properties:
It contains a pair of any two letters that appears at least twice in the string without overlapping, like xyxy (xy) or aabcdefgaa (aa), but not like aaa (aa, but it overlaps).
It contains at least one letter which repeats with exactly one letter between them, like xyx, abcdefeghi (efe), or even aaa.
For example:
qjhvhtzxzqqjkmpb is nice because is has a pair that appears twice (qj) and a letter that repeats with exactly one letter between them (zxz).
xxyxx is nice because it has a pair that appears twice and a letter that repeats with one between, even though the letters used by each rule overlap.
uurcxstgmygtbstg is naughty because it has a pair (tg) but no repeat with a single letter between them.
ieodomkazucvgmuy is naughty because it has a repeating letter with one between (odo), but no pair that appears twice.
How many strings are nice under these new rules?
This is what I've managed to come up with so far:
pub fn part2(strings: &[String]) -> usize {
strings.iter().filter(|x| is_nice(x)).count()
/* for s in [
0 */
fn is_nice(s: &String) -> bool {
let repeat = has_repeat(s);
let pair = has_pair(s);
/* println!(
"s = {}: repeat = {}, pair = {}, nice = {}",
repeat && pair
); */
repeat && pair
fn has_repeat(s: &String) -> bool {
for (c1, c2) in s.chars().zip(s.chars().skip(2)) {
if c1 == c2 {
return true;
fn has_pair(s: &String) -> bool {
// Generate all possible pairs
let mut pairs = Vec::new();
for (c1, c2) in s.chars().zip(s.chars().skip(1)) {
pairs.push((c1, c2));
// Look for overlap
for (value1, value2) in pairs.iter().zip(pairs.iter().skip(1)) {
if value1 == value2 {
// Overlap has occurred
return false;
// Look for matching pair
for value in pairs.iter() {
if pairs.iter().filter(|x| *x == value).count() >= 2 {
//println!("Repeat pair: {:?}", value);
return true;
// No pair found
However despite getting the expected results for the commented-out test values, my result when running on the actual puzzle input does not compare with community verified regex-based implementations. I can't seem to see where the problem is despite having thoroughly tested each function with known test values.
I would rather not use regex if at all possible.
I think has_pairs has a bug:
In the word aaabbaa, we have overlapping aa (at the beginning aaa), but I think you are not allowed to return false right away, because there is another - non-overlapping - aa at the end of the word.

How to generate tuples from strings?

I am writing a macro to parse some structured text into tuples, line by line. Most parts work now, but I am stuck at forming a tuple by extracting/converting Strings from a vector.
// Reading Tuple from a line
// Example : read_tuple( "1 ab 3".lines()
// ,(i32, String, i32))
// Expected : (1, "ab", 3)
// Note:: you can note use str
macro_rules! read_tuple {
$lines :ident , ( $( $t :ty ),* )
=> {{
let l = ($lines).next().unwrap();
let ws = l.trim().split(" ").collect::<Vec<_>>();
let s : ( $($t),* ) = (
// for w in ws {
// let p = w.parse().unwrap();
// ( p) ,
// }
// Or any way to automatically generate these statments?
fn main() {
let mut _x = "1 ab 3".lines();
let a = read_tuple!( _x, (i32, String, i32));
How can I iterate through ws and return the tuple within this macro?
You can try here
A tuple is a heterogeneous collection; each element may be of a different type. And in your example, they are of different types, so each parse method is needing to produce a different type. Therefore pure runtime iteration is right out; you do need all the ws[N].parse().unwrap() statements expanded.
Sadly there is not at present any way of writing out the current iteration of a $(…)* (though it could be simulated with a compiler plugin). There is, however, a way that one can get around that: blending run- and compile-time iteration. We use iterators to pull out the strings, and the macro iteration expansion (ensuring that $t is mentioned inside the $(…) so it knows what to repeat over) to produce the right number of the same lines. This also means we can avoid using an intermediate vector as we are using the iterator directly, so we win all round.
macro_rules! read_tuple {
$lines:ident, ($($t:ty),*)
) => {{
let l = $lines.next().unwrap();
let mut ws = l.trim().split(" ");
A minor thing to note is how I changed ),* to ,)*; this means that you will get (), (1,), (1, 2,), (1, 2, 3,), &c. instead of (), (1), (1, 2), (1, 2, 3)—the key difference being that a single-element tuple will work (though you’ll still sadly be writing read_tuple!(lines, (T))).

How incomplete ClojureScript now? (range) (iterate) etc

I'm trying to use ClojureScript instead Clojure lately.
When I compile and run on node.js
(.log js/console (range 10))
I've got
$ node app
{ meta: null,
start: 0,
end: 10,
step: 1,
__hash: null,
'cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$': 0,
'cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$': 32375006 }
I'm a bit surprised to see this simple code does not work.
Is this due to my specific environment? I hope so, and if it's a problem of my side, please advise.
Here is the compiled js:
cljs.nodejs = {};
cljs.nodejs.require = require;
cljs.nodejs.process = process;
cljs.core.string_print = cljs.nodejs.require.call(null, "util").print;
var rxcljs = {core:{}};
console.log(cljs.core.range.call(null, 10));
You can either console.log the string representation of (range 10):
(.log js/console (pr-str (range 10)))
or simply use the println function:
(println (range 10))
In either case, (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) is printed as expected.
Looks like you want to print the vector instead; range returns a lazy seq.
Try this:
(.log js/console (vec (range 10)))
