Neutralino.window.setDraggableRegion is malfunctioning on windows - neutralinojs

What happens is that I initiate the window drag instruction with Neutralino.window.setDraggableRegion, it works but there is a very big problem in rendering.
I am on a windows system. Here is a video of the problem:
Video of the problem

As you specified, the window is dragging but the mouse doesn't move with the point you click on, instead the mouse is at a different position.
I Looked at how draggable region function works under the hood, and it's handled by the JavaScript Client File, by setting the window position to the amount of mouse has moved on x and y.
since the mouse pointer doesn't move instead the window moves relative to the position from where you started clicking.
I will raise this issue, and soon a fix for this will be out!
Issue has been raised


how to draw a cursor in glfw while getting mouse input?

I have a program using glfw for window management and opengl for rendering. The program works on Windows and linux, and eventually Mac OSX so I want any solution to be portable.
glfw seems to either support a cursor, or getting full mouse input but not both. For example, with the cursor enabled (default) the glfwscroll_callback does nothing. If I disable the cursor, then scrolling the mouse is captured but then the user cannot see where the mouse pointer is. That's ok if I can draw the cursor myself when I want but I cannot find any function to drawcursor at a particular location.
How does the cursor work, ie what is the hardware basis for the cursor? Is there a sprite in hardware still? If it's all in software, I suppose we could draw a cursor at the current mouse location the last thing in render. But that's not convenient. For one thing if the scene hasn't changed, I shut down rendering completely to reduce power.
Is there any way to manually draw a cursor on top of the current screen so that we don't have to manage the buffers manually? Is my only option to change the logic and not render the scene if nothing has changed, but to manually draw a cursor on top of the current scene every frame?

Disable mouse hover event on Windows globally without blocking mousemove

I've made a Node/AutoHotKey script to control two computers with one mouse. I've made the cursor disappear on the first computer when using the second computer (, but the mouseover event is still firing of course.
What I mean is simply if you hover over some icons on the desktop you will see tooltips, and so on.
I'm using a graphics tablet (absolute positioning), the cursor position gets captured and sent to the second computer.
I've found this method:
Found it here: (Also from the documentation:
BlockInput, MouseMove ;to disable mouse interaction
BlockInPut, MouseMoveOff ;to enable mouse interaction
But it blocks mousemove completely, so that the cursor stops moving at all.
Is there any way to programmatically disable/enable mouseover (so that buttons don't change their color and tooltips don't appear, but AutoHotKey could still capture cursor position) event globally on Windows without blocking mousemove?

Section at bottom of screen that doesn't respond to onpress event, what's causing this?

I'm working on an existing React-Native app, and in the iOS version, there's a problem where a portion of the bottom of the screen does not respond. At first it was thought to be on a specific screen, but upon further investigation, it was found to be affecting other screens as well. The control used on the first screen where the problem was noticed is TouchableOpacity, but a rectangular section in the middle at the bottom of the screen does not respond, but in either corner at the bottom of the screen it does respond. Another screen has a ListView, and if you attempt to scroll from that same bottom middle area, it won't, but everywhere else, it will. This is evident in both the simulator and on the physical device. It acts like there's something in the road floating over the top of everything.
I've tried using the Accessibility Inspector to identify the cause, but this hasn't revealed anything.
The highlighted area in the screenshot above is where I'm referring to.
To complicate things further, this problem doesn't exist in the Android version.
Has anyone experienced this before, and if so, what was the cause and how do I fix it?
Edit: I've now determined the cause is an Animated View that's hanging about, it seems not all the child elements within it are having their opacity set to 0. I've attempted to address this using pointerEvents, but this just moves the problem to a different child element.
Anyone have any suggestions?
The issue turned out to be that the parent was having it's height changed during the show and hide events to avoid this same issue in Android, so we need to only change it if the platform is Android.
this.setState({height: (Platform.OS === 'ios') ? 50: 0});

Propagating all events from a X window

I'a currently working on a small utility, it's my first ever X project. The utility is used to draw a small circle around your mouse pointer. I use an app called Pinpoint to do the same on my Mac, it helps me find my mouse as I'm visually impaired.
The utility creates an transparent X window and draw a circle inside, it then moves that window with the mouse pointer so that the circle follows the mouse.
It currently works, except for one detail. Mouse events are not propagated up to the underlying windows. Basically, the utility makes the mouse useless.
As far as I can tell from the Xlib docs, if not otherwise specified, new windows should propagate all events. How can I fix this?
The code can be found on GitHub: it's a bit messy currently, becaue it is just a proof of concept.
I would suggest doing via cursor image as well, there are many ways when you won't be able to receive mouse events and only possible source would be polling with XQueryPointer.
With xfixes extension you can subscribe to all cursor image changed events and get most recent shape of the cursor, and whit XRender you can set your own ( possibly animated cursor )

Three.js First Person Controls moves the camera all the time

The game I'm designing currently requires a first person controller and luckily Three.js offers that class as well.
However I can't stop the camera from flying around. I know that the mouse movement causes the fly because it happens as soon as I move the mouse. But reading the js code,I cant find the attribue which causes this movement. Here is how I initiate the controls:
controls = new THREE.FirstPersonControls(camera);
controls.movementSpeed = 0.1;
controls.lookSpeed = 0.001;
controls.lookVertical = true;
I do not want the view direction to change when I am not moving the mouse.
any idea ?
Keep in mind that the FPS style mouse movement in webGL is usable rather only in a full screen mode. If an application runs in a standard windowed mode, the cursor is visible, and the application can not detect cursor movements that cross the edge of the window. This makes it impossible to look around in the FPS style (look movement stops when the cursors reaches the window edge).
This is probably the main reason why a PointerLockControls demo asks you to switch to the full screen mode.
With FirstPersonControls the look movement continues when the mouse reaches the edge. Such approach works well in the windowed mode.
You might want to use the PointerLockControls instead
See an example here:
