Determine the rating for text quality in an Image - python-3.x

I want to determine the quality score of the text by giving them some score or rating (something like ' image-text is 90% bad. Texts are not readable ).
What I am doing now is I am using the Blind/referenceless image spatial quality evaluator (BRISQUE) model to assess the quality.
It gives scores from 0 to 100. 0 score for good quality and 100 for bad quality.
The problem I am having with this code is that it is giving bad scores to even good quality "images-texts".
Also, the score exceeds 100 sometimes but according to the reference I am taking, the score should be between 0 to 100 only.
Can someone please suggest to me how can I get promising and reliable results for assessing the quality of the text-based images?
import collections
from itertools import chain
# import urllib.request as request
import pickle
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal
import scipy.special as special
import scipy.optimize as optimize
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import skimage.transform
import cv2
from libsvm import svmutil
from os import listdir
# Calculating Local Mean
def normalize_kernel(kernel):
return kernel / np.sum(kernel)
def gaussian_kernel2d(n, sigma):
Y, X = np.indices((n, n)) - int(n/2)
gaussian_kernel = 1 / (2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) * np.exp(-(X ** 2 + Y ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2))
return normalize_kernel(gaussian_kernel)
def local_mean(image, kernel):
return signal.convolve2d(image, kernel, 'same')
# Calculating the local deviation
def local_deviation(image, local_mean, kernel):
"Vectorized approximation of local deviation"
sigma = image ** 2
sigma = signal.convolve2d(sigma, kernel, 'same')
return np.sqrt(np.abs(local_mean ** 2 - sigma))
# Calculate the MSCN coefficients
def calculate_mscn_coefficients(image, kernel_size=6, sigma=7 / 6):
C = 1 / 255
kernel = gaussian_kernel2d(kernel_size, sigma=sigma)
local_mean = signal.convolve2d(image, kernel, 'same')
local_var = local_deviation(image, local_mean, kernel)
return (image - local_mean) / (local_var + C)
# It is found that the MSCN coefficients are distributed as a Generalized Gaussian Distribution (GGD) for a broader spectrum of distorted image.
# Calculate GGD
def generalized_gaussian_dist(x, alpha, sigma):
beta = sigma * np.sqrt(special.gamma(1 / alpha) / special.gamma(3 / alpha))
coefficient = alpha / (2 * beta() * special.gamma(1 / alpha))
return coefficient * np.exp(-(np.abs(x) / beta) ** alpha)
# Pairwise products of neighboring MSCN coefficients
def calculate_pair_product_coefficients(mscn_coefficients):
return collections.OrderedDict({
'mscn': mscn_coefficients,
'horizontal': mscn_coefficients[:, :-1] * mscn_coefficients[:, 1:],
'vertical': mscn_coefficients[:-1, :] * mscn_coefficients[1:, :],
'main_diagonal': mscn_coefficients[:-1, :-1] * mscn_coefficients[1:, 1:],
'secondary_diagonal': mscn_coefficients[1:, :-1] * mscn_coefficients[:-1, 1:]
# Asymmetric Generalized Gaussian Distribution (AGGD) model
def asymmetric_generalized_gaussian(x, nu, sigma_l, sigma_r):
def beta(sigma):
return sigma * np.sqrt(special.gamma(1 / nu) / special.gamma(3 / nu))
coefficient = nu / ((beta(sigma_l) + beta(sigma_r)) * special.gamma(1 / nu))
f = lambda x, sigma: coefficient * np.exp(-(x / beta(sigma)) ** nu)
return np.where(x < 0, f(-x, sigma_l), f(x, sigma_r))
# Fitting Asymmetric Generalized Gaussian Distribution
def asymmetric_generalized_gaussian_fit(x):
def estimate_phi(alpha):
numerator = special.gamma(2 / alpha) ** 2
denominator = special.gamma(1 / alpha) * special.gamma(3 / alpha)
return numerator / denominator
def estimate_r_hat(x):
size =
return (np.sum(np.abs(x)) / size) ** 2 / (np.sum(x ** 2) / size)
def estimate_R_hat(r_hat, gamma):
numerator = (gamma ** 3 + 1) * (gamma + 1)
denominator = (gamma ** 2 + 1) ** 2
return r_hat * numerator / denominator
def mean_squares_sum(x, filter=lambda z: z == z):
filtered_values = x[filter(x)]
squares_sum = np.sum(filtered_values ** 2)
return squares_sum / ((filtered_values.shape))
def estimate_gamma(x):
left_squares = mean_squares_sum(x, lambda z: z < 0)
right_squares = mean_squares_sum(x, lambda z: z >= 0)
return np.sqrt(left_squares) / np.sqrt(right_squares)
def estimate_alpha(x):
r_hat = estimate_r_hat(x)
gamma = estimate_gamma(x)
R_hat = estimate_R_hat(r_hat, gamma)
solution = optimize.root(lambda z: estimate_phi(z) - R_hat, [0.2]).x
return solution[0]
def estimate_sigma(x, alpha, filter=lambda z: z < 0):
return np.sqrt(mean_squares_sum(x, filter))
def estimate_mean(alpha, sigma_l, sigma_r):
return (sigma_r - sigma_l) * constant * (special.gamma(2 / alpha) / special.gamma(1 / alpha))
alpha = estimate_alpha(x)
sigma_l = estimate_sigma(x, alpha, lambda z: z < 0)
sigma_r = estimate_sigma(x, alpha, lambda z: z >= 0)
constant = np.sqrt(special.gamma(1 / alpha) / special.gamma(3 / alpha))
mean = estimate_mean(alpha, sigma_l, sigma_r)
return alpha, mean, sigma_l, sigma_r
# Calculate BRISQUE features
def calculate_brisque_features(image, kernel_size=7, sigma=7 / 6):
def calculate_features(coefficients_name, coefficients, accum=np.array([])):
alpha, mean, sigma_l, sigma_r = asymmetric_generalized_gaussian_fit(coefficients)
if coefficients_name == 'mscn':
var = (sigma_l ** 2 + sigma_r ** 2) / 2
return [alpha, var]
return [alpha, mean, sigma_l ** 2, sigma_r ** 2]
mscn_coefficients = calculate_mscn_coefficients(image, kernel_size, sigma)
coefficients = calculate_pair_product_coefficients(mscn_coefficients)
features = [calculate_features(name, coeff) for name, coeff in coefficients.items()]
flatten_features = list(chain.from_iterable(features))
return np.array(flatten_features, dtype=object)
# Loading image from local machine
def load_image(file):
return cv2.imread(file)
# return"img.png", plugin='pil')
path = "C:\\Users\\Krishna\\PycharmProjects\\ImageScore\\images2\\"
image_list = listdir(path)
for file in image_list:
image = load_image(path+file)
gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# image = load_image()
# gray_image = skimage.color.rgb2gray(image)
# _ =
# Calculate Coefficients
mscn_coefficients = calculate_mscn_coefficients(gray_image, 7, 7/6)
coefficients = calculate_pair_product_coefficients(mscn_coefficients)
# Fit Coefficients to Generalized Gaussian Distributions
brisque_features = calculate_brisque_features(gray_image, kernel_size=7, sigma=7/6)
# Resize Image and Calculate BRISQUE Features
downscaled_image = cv2.resize(gray_image, None, fx=1/2, fy=1/2, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
downscale_brisque_features = calculate_brisque_features(downscaled_image, kernel_size=7, sigma=7/6)
brisque_features = np.concatenate((brisque_features, downscale_brisque_features))
# a pretrained SVR model to calculate the quality assessment. However, in order to have good results, we need to scale the features to [-1, 1]
def scale_features(features):
with open('normalize.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
scale_params = pickle.load(handle)
min_ = np.array(scale_params['min_'])
max_ = np.array(scale_params['max_'])
return -1 + (2.0 / (max_ - min_) * (features - min_))
def calculate_image_quality_score(brisque_features):
model = svmutil.svm_load_model('brisque_svm.txt')
scaled_brisque_features = scale_features(brisque_features)
x, idx = svmutil.gen_svm_nodearray(
isKernel=(model.param.kernel_type == svmutil.PRECOMPUTED))
nr_classifier = 1
prob_estimates = (svmutil.c_double * nr_classifier)()
return svmutil.libsvm.svm_predict_probability(model, x, prob_estimates)
Here is one output for the quality score I am getting for one of the "text-based image"


How can I input my binary string into the linear complexity test?

I am hoping to gain help to understand how and where I would insert my own binary string that I generated in order to test it for randomness through the linear complexity test. I am very new to coding and would appreciate any help I could get. I uploaded a picture of the code I was using as I was unsuccessful in running the test.
Thanks in advance!
from copy import copy as copy
from numpy import dot as dot
from numpy import histogram as histogram
from numpy import zeros as zeros
from scipy.special import gammainc as gammainc
class ComplexityTest:
def linear_complexity_test(my_binary_string:str, verbose=False, block_size=4):
Note that this description is taken from the NIST documentation [1]
The focus of this test is the length of a linear feedback shift register (LFSR). The purpose of this test is to
determine whether or not the sequence is complex enough to be considered random. Random sequences are
characterized by longer LFSRs. An LFSR that is too short implies non-randomness.
:param my_binary_string: a binary string
:param verbose True to display the debug messgae, False to turn off debug message
:param block_size: Size of the block
:return: (p_value, bool) A tuple which contain the p_value and result of frequency_test(True or False)
my_binary_string = '0010101100010010100010011110110101111010011111110001111001101101'
length_of_my_binary_string = len(my_binary_string)
# The number of degrees of freedom;
# K = 6 has been hard coded into the test.
degree_of_freedom = 6
# π0 = 0.010417, π1 = 0.03125, π2 = 0.125, π3 = 0.5, π4 = 0.25, π5 = 0.0625, π6 = 0.020833
# are the probabilities computed by the equations in Section 3.10
pi = [0.01047, 0.03125, 0.125, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0625, 0.020833]
t2 = (block_size / 3.0 + 2.0 / 9) / 2 ** block_size
mean = 0.5 * block_size + (1.0 / 36) * (9 + (-1) ** (block_size + 1)) - t2
number_of_block = int(length_of_my_binary_string / block_size)
if number_of_block > 1:
block_end = block_size
block_start = 0
blocks = []or i in range(number_of_block):
block_start += block_size
block_end += block_size
complexities = []
for block in blocks:
t = ([-1.0 * (((-1) ** block_size) * (chunk - mean) + 2.0 / 9) for chunk in complexities])
vg = histogram(t, bins=[-9999999999, -2.5, -1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 9999999999])[0][::-1]
im = ([((vg[ii] - number_of_block * pi[ii]) ** 2) / (number_of_block * pi[ii]) for ii in range(7)])
xObs = 0.0
for i in range(len(pi)):
xObs += im[i]
# P-Value = igamc(K/2, xObs/2)
p_value = gammainc(degree_of_freedom / 2.0, xObs / 2.0)
if verbose:
print('Linear Complexity Test DEBUG BEGIN:')
print("\tLength of input:\t", length_of_binary_data)
print('\tLength in bits of a block:\t', )
print("\tDegree of Freedom:\t\t", degree_of_freedom)
print('\tNumber of Blocks:\t', number_of_block)
print('\tValue of Vs:\t\t', vg)
print('\txObs:\t\t\t\t', xObs)
print('\tP-Value:\t\t\t', p_value)
print('DEBUG END.')
return (p_value, (p_value >= 0.01))
return (-1.0, False)

How to handle JAX reshape with JIT

I am trying to implement entmax-alpha as is described in here.
Here is the code.
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import custom_jvp
from jax import jit
from jax import lax
from jax import vmap
#jax.partial(jit, static_argnums=(2,))
def p_tau(z, tau, alpha=1.5):
return jnp.clip((alpha - 1) * z - tau, a_min=0) ** (1 / (alpha - 1))
def get_tau(tau, tau_max, tau_min, z_value):
return lax.cond(z_value < 1,
lambda _: (tau, tau_min),
lambda _: (tau_max, tau),
def body(kwargs, x):
tau_min = kwargs['tau_min']
tau_max = kwargs['tau_max']
z = kwargs['z']
alpha = kwargs['alpha']
tau = (tau_min + tau_max) / 2
z_value = p_tau(z, tau, alpha).sum()
taus = get_tau(tau, tau_max, tau_min, z_value)
tau_max, tau_min = taus[0], taus[1]
return {'tau_min': tau_min, 'tau_max': tau_max, 'z': z, 'alpha': alpha}, None
#jax.partial(jit, static_argnums=(1, 2,))
def map_row(z_input, alpha, T):
z = (alpha - 1) * z_input
tau_min, tau_max = jnp.min(z) - 1, jnp.max(z) - z.shape[0] ** (1 - alpha)
result, _ = lax.scan(body, {'tau_min': tau_min, 'tau_max': tau_max, 'z': z, 'alpha': alpha}, xs=None,
tau = (result['tau_max'] + result['tau_min']) / 2
result = p_tau(z, tau, alpha)
return result / result.sum()
#jax.partial(custom_jvp, nondiff_argnums=(1, 2, 3,))
def entmax(input, axis=-1, alpha=1.5, T=10):
reduce_length = input.shape[axis]
input = jnp.swapaxes(input, -1, axis)
input = input.reshape(input.size / reduce_length, reduce_length)
result = vmap(jax.partial(map_row, alpha=alpha, T=T), 0)(input)
return jnp.swapaxes(result, -1, axis)
#jax.partial(jit, static_argnums=(1, 2,))
def _entmax_jvp_impl(axis, alpha, T, primals, tangents):
input = primals[0]
Y = entmax(input, axis, alpha, T)
gppr = Y ** (2 - alpha)
grad_output = tangents[0]
dX = grad_output * gppr
q = dX.sum(axis=axis) / gppr.sum(axis=axis)
q = jnp.expand_dims(q, axis=axis)
dX -= q * gppr
return Y, dX
def entmax_jvp(axis, alpha, T, primals, tangents):
return _entmax_jvp_impl(axis, alpha, T, primals, tangents)
When I call it with the following code:
import numpy as np
from jax import value_and_grad
input = jnp.array(np.random.randn(64, 10))
weight = jnp.array(np.random.randn(64, 10))
def toy(input, weight):
return (weight*entmax(input, axis=-1, alpha=1.5, T=20)).sum()
value_and_grad(toy)(input, weight)
I got the following error.
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-3a62e54c67d2> in <module>()
7 return (weight*entmax(input, axis=-1, alpha=1.5, T=20)).sum()
----> 9 value_and_grad(toy)(input, weight)
35 frames
<ipython-input-1-d85b1daec668> in entmax(input, axis, alpha, T)
49 #jax.partial(custom_jvp, nondiff_argnums=(1, 2, 3,))
50 def entmax(input, axis=-1, alpha=1.5, T=10):
---> 51 reduce_length = input.shape[axis]
52 input = jnp.swapaxes(input, -1, axis)
53 input = input.reshape(input.size / reduce_length, reduce_length)
TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not DynamicJaxprTracer
It seems to be always connected to the reshape operations. I am not sure why this happens, and any help will be really appreciated.
To recreate the problem, here is the colab notebook
Thanks a lot.
The error comes from the fact that you are attempting to index a Python tuple with a traced quantity, axis. You can fix this error by making axis a static argument:
#jax.partial(jit, static_argnums=(0, 1, 2,))
def _entmax_jvp_impl(axis, alpha, T, primals, tangents):
Unfortunately, this uncovers another problem: p_tau declares that the alpha parameter is static, but body() calls this with a traced quantity. This quantity cannot be easily marked static in body because it is passed within a dictionary of parameters that contains the input that is being traced.
To fix this, you'll have to rewrite your function signatures, carefully marking in each one which inputs are static and which are not, and making sure the two do not mix across the layers of function calls.

Why can't I get this Runge-Kutta solver to converge as the time step decreases?

For reasons, I need to implement the Runge-Kutta4 method in PyTorch (so no, I'm not going to use scipy.odeint). I tried and I get weird results on the simplest test case, solving x'=x with x(0)=1 (analytical solution: x=exp(t)). Basically, as I reduce the time step, I cannot get the numerical error to go down. I'm able to do it with a simpler Euler method, but not with the Runge-Kutta 4 method, which makes me suspect some floating point issue here (maybe I'm missing some hidden conversion from double precision to single)?
import torch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def Euler(f, IC, time_grid):
y0 = torch.tensor([IC])
time_grid =[0])
values = y0
for i in range(0, time_grid.shape[0] - 1):
t_i = time_grid[i]
t_next = time_grid[i+1]
y_i = values[i]
dt = t_next - t_i
dy = f(t_i, y_i) * dt
y_next = y_i + dy
y_next = y_next.unsqueeze(0)
values =, y_next), dim=0)
return values
def RungeKutta4(f, IC, time_grid):
y0 = torch.tensor([IC])
time_grid =[0])
values = y0
for i in range(0, time_grid.shape[0] - 1):
t_i = time_grid[i]
t_next = time_grid[i+1]
y_i = values[i]
dt = t_next - t_i
dtd2 = 0.5 * dt
f1 = f(t_i, y_i)
f2 = f(t_i + dtd2, y_i + dtd2 * f1)
f3 = f(t_i + dtd2, y_i + dtd2 * f2)
f4 = f(t_next, y_i + dt * f3)
dy = 1/6 * dt * (f1 + 2 * (f2 + f3) +f4)
y_next = y_i + dy
y_next = y_next.unsqueeze(0)
values =, y_next), dim=0)
return values
# differential equation
def f(T, X):
return X
# initial condition
IC = 1.
# integration interval
def integration_interval(steps, ND=1):
return torch.linspace(0, ND, steps)
# analytical solution
def analytical_solution(t_range):
return np.exp(t_range)
# test a numerical method
def test_method(method, t_range, analytical_solution):
numerical_solution = method(f, IC, t_range)
L_inf_err = torch.dist(numerical_solution, analytical_solution, float('inf'))
return L_inf_err
if __name__ == '__main__':
Euler_error = np.array([0.,0.,0.])
RungeKutta4_error = np.array([0.,0.,0.])
indices = np.arange(1, Euler_error.shape[0]+1)
n_steps = np.power(10, indices)
for i, n in np.ndenumerate(n_steps):
t_range = integration_interval(steps=n)
solution = analytical_solution(t_range)
Euler_error[i] = test_method(Euler, t_range, solution).numpy()
RungeKutta4_error[i] = test_method(RungeKutta4, t_range, solution).numpy()
plots_path = "./plots"
a = plt.figure()
plt.plot(n_steps, Euler_error, label="Euler error", linestyle='-')
plt.plot(n_steps, RungeKutta4_error, label="RungeKutta 4 error", linestyle='-.')
plt.savefig(plots_path + "/errors.png")
The result:
As you can see, the Euler method converges (slowly, as expected of a first order method). However, the Runge-Kutta4 method does not converge as the time step gets smaller and smaller. The error goes down initially, and then up again. What's the issue here?
The reason is indeed a floating point precision issue. torch defaults to single precision, so once the truncation error becomes small enough, the total error is basically determined by the roundoff error, and reducing the truncation error further by increasing the number of steps <=> decreasing the time step doesn't lead to any decrease in the total error.
To fix this, we need to enforce double precision 64bit floats for all floating point torch tensors and numpy arrays. Note that the right way to do this is to use respectively torch.float64 and np.float64 rather than, e.g., torch.double and np.double, because the former are fixed-sized float values, (always 64bit) while the latter depend on the machine and/or compiler. Here's the fixed code:
import torch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def Euler(f, IC, time_grid):
y0 = torch.tensor([IC], dtype=torch.float64)
time_grid =[0])
values = y0
for i in range(0, time_grid.shape[0] - 1):
t_i = time_grid[i]
t_next = time_grid[i+1]
y_i = values[i]
dt = t_next - t_i
dy = f(t_i, y_i) * dt
y_next = y_i + dy
y_next = y_next.unsqueeze(0)
values =, y_next), dim=0)
return values
def RungeKutta4(f, IC, time_grid):
y0 = torch.tensor([IC], dtype=torch.float64)
time_grid =[0])
values = y0
for i in range(0, time_grid.shape[0] - 1):
t_i = time_grid[i]
t_next = time_grid[i+1]
y_i = values[i]
dt = t_next - t_i
dtd2 = 0.5 * dt
f1 = f(t_i, y_i)
f2 = f(t_i + dtd2, y_i + dtd2 * f1)
f3 = f(t_i + dtd2, y_i + dtd2 * f2)
f4 = f(t_next, y_i + dt * f3)
dy = 1/6 * dt * (f1 + 2 * (f2 + f3) +f4)
y_next = y_i + dy
y_next = y_next.unsqueeze(0)
values =, y_next), dim=0)
return values
# differential equation
def f(T, X):
return X
# initial condition
IC = 1.
# integration interval
def integration_interval(steps, ND=1):
return torch.linspace(0, ND, steps, dtype=torch.float64)
# analytical solution
def analytical_solution(t_range):
return np.exp(t_range, dtype=np.float64)
# test a numerical method
def test_method(method, t_range, analytical_solution):
numerical_solution = method(f, IC, t_range)
L_inf_err = torch.dist(numerical_solution, analytical_solution, float('inf'))
return L_inf_err
if __name__ == '__main__':
Euler_error = np.array([0.,0.,0.], dtype=np.float64)
RungeKutta4_error = np.array([0.,0.,0.], dtype=np.float64)
indices = np.arange(1, Euler_error.shape[0]+1)
n_steps = np.power(10, indices)
for i, n in np.ndenumerate(n_steps):
t_range = integration_interval(steps=n)
solution = analytical_solution(t_range)
Euler_error[i] = test_method(Euler, t_range, solution).numpy()
RungeKutta4_error[i] = test_method(RungeKutta4, t_range, solution).numpy()
plots_path = "./plots"
a = plt.figure()
plt.plot(n_steps, Euler_error, label="Euler error", linestyle='-')
plt.plot(n_steps, RungeKutta4_error, label="RungeKutta 4 error", linestyle='-.')
plt.savefig(plots_path + "/errors.png")
Now, as we decrease the time step, the error of the RungeKutta4 approximation decreases with the correct rate.

Solving coordinate state estimation using particle filter in python

I have a pickle file which contains 300 coordinates of my subject's location in time. There are some missing values in the middle of it for which I am using a particle filter to estimate those missing values. At the end, I am getting some predictions (not completely accurate) but in a bit drifted form.
So the position of my subject is, in fact, the position of my subject's nose. I take a total of 300 frames and each frame consists of a coordinate for nose in it. There are some frames which have the value of (0,0) meaning the values are missing. So in order to find them, I am implementing the particle filter. I am a newbie for particle filter so there are possibilities that I may have messed up the code. The results that I get, gives me the prediction for 300 frames with drifted values. You can get a clear idea form the image.
My measurement value is distance from four landmarks and I provide orientation angle to next point and distance to next point as additional measurements.
from filterpy.monte_carlo import systematic_resample
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.linalg import norm
from numpy.random import randn
import scipy.stats
from numpy.random import uniform
import pickle
from math import *
def create_uniform_particles(x_range, y_range, hdg_range, N):
particles = np.empty((N, 3))
particles[:, 0] = uniform(x_range[0], x_range[1], size=N)
particles[:, 1] = uniform(y_range[0], y_range[1], size=N)
particles[:, 2] = uniform(hdg_range[0], hdg_range[1], size=N)
particles[:, 2] %= 2 * np.pi
return particles
def create_gaussian_particles(mean, std, N):
particles = np.empty((N, 3))
particles[:, 0] = mean[0] + (randn(N) * std[0])
particles[:, 1] = mean[1] + (randn(N) * std[1])
particles[:, 2] = mean[2] + (randn(N) * std[2])
particles[:, 2] %= 2 * np.pi
return particles
def predict(particles, u, std):
# move according to control input u (heading change, velocity)
#with noise Q (std heading change, std velocity)`
N = len(particles)
# update heading
#particles[:, 2] += u[0] + (randn(N) * std[0])
#particles[:, 2] %= 2 * np.pi
#u[0] += (randn(N) * std[0])
u[0] %= 2 * np.pi
# move in the (noisy) commanded direction
dist = (u[1]) #+ (randn(N) * std[1])
particles[:, 0] += np.cos(u[0]) * dist
particles[:, 1] += np.sin(u[0]) * dist
def update(particles, weights, z, R, landmarks):
for i, landmark in enumerate(landmarks):
distance = np.linalg.norm(particles[:, 0:2] - landmark, axis=1)
weights *= scipy.stats.norm(distance, R).pdf(z[i])
weights += 1.e-300 # avoid round-off to zero
weights /= sum(weights) # normalize
def estimate(particles, weights):
#returns mean and variance of the weighted particles
pos = particles[:, 0:2]
mean = np.average(pos, weights=weights, axis=0)
var = np.average((pos - mean)**2, weights=weights, axis=0)
return mean, var
def simple_resample(particles, weights):
N = len(particles)
cumulative_sum = np.cumsum(weights)
cumulative_sum[-1] = 1. # avoid round-off error
indexes = np.searchsorted(cumulative_sum, random(N))
# resample according to indexes
particles[:] = particles[indexes]
weights.fill(1.0 / N)
def neff(weights):
return 1. / np.sum(np.square(weights))
def resample_from_index(particles, weights, indexes):
particles[:] = particles[indexes]
weights[:] = weights[indexes]
weights.fill(1.0 / len(weights))
def read_pickle(pkl_file, f,j):
with open(pkl_file, 'rb') as res:
dets = pickle.load(res, encoding = 'latin1')
all_keyps = dets['all_keyps']
keyps_t = np.array(all_keyps[1])
keyps = np.zeros((keyps_t.shape[0], 4, 17))
for k in range(keyps.shape[0]):
if keyps_t[k]!=[]:
keyps[k] = keyps_t[k][0]
keyps = keyps[:,:2,:]
for i in range(keyps.shape[0]):
keyps[i][0] = keyps[i][0]/480*256
keyps[i][1] = keyps[i][1]/640*256
cord = np.array([x0,y0])
orientation = atan2((y1 - y0),(x1 - x0))
dist= sqrt((x1-x0) ** 2 + (y1-y0) ** 2)
u = np.array([orientation,dist])
return (cord, u)
def run_pf1(N, iters=298, sensor_std_err=.1,
do_plot=True, plot_particles=False,
xlim=(-256, 256), ylim=(-256, 256),
landmarks = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 256], [256,0], [256,256]])
NL = len(landmarks)
# create particles and weights
if initial_x is not None:
particles = create_gaussian_particles(
mean=initial_x, std=(5, 5, np.pi/4), N=N)
particles = create_uniform_particles((0,20), (0,20), (0, 6.28), N)
weights = np.ones(N) / N
if plot_particles:
alpha = .20
if N > 5000:
alpha *= np.sqrt(5000)/np.sqrt(N)
plt.scatter(particles[:, 0], particles[:, 1],
alpha=alpha, color='g')
xs = []
#robot_pos, u = read_pickle('.pkl',1,0)
for x in range(iters):
robot_pos, uv = read_pickle('.pkl',x,0)
print("orignal: ", robot_pos,)
# distance from robot to each landmark
zs = (norm(landmarks - robot_pos, axis=1) +
(randn(NL) * sensor_std_err))
# move diagonally forward to (x+1, x+1)
predict(particles, u=uv, std=(0, .0))
# incorporate measurements
update(particles, weights, z=zs, R=sensor_std_err,
# resample if too few effective particles
if neff(weights) < N/2:
indexes = systematic_resample(weights)
resample_from_index(particles, weights, indexes)
assert np.allclose(weights, 1/N)
mu, var = estimate(particles, weights)
#mu +=(120,10)
print("expected: ",mu)
if plot_particles:
plt.scatter(particles[:, 0], particles[:, 1],
color='k', marker=',', s=1)
p1 = plt.scatter(robot_pos[0], robot_pos[1], marker='+',
color='k', s=180, lw=3)
p2 = plt.scatter(mu[0], mu[1], marker='s', color='r')
xs = np.array(xs)
#plt.plot(xs[:, 0], xs[:, 1])
plt.legend([p1, p2], ['Actual', 'PF'], loc=4, numpoints=1)
print('final position error, variance:\n\t', mu - np.array([iters, iters]), var)
I expect a set of 300 coordinate values (estimated) as a result of the particle filter so I can replace my missing values in original files with this predicted ones.

In linear regression, i am getting NAN values for cost and weights

import numpy as np
def cost_function(X,Y,B):
J = np.sum(( ** 2) / (2 * len(Y))
return J
def gradient_descent(X,Y,B,alpha,iterations):
cost_history = [0] * iterations
for iteration in range(iterations):
h =
loss = h - Y
gradient = / len(Y)
B = B + (alpha * gradient)
cost = cost_function(X,Y,B)
cost_history[iteration] = cost
return B,cost_history
B--weights (2,1)
alpha--learning rate (0.001)
iterations -- 3000
i am using cost function to calculate the error
