Generate a report based on check box choices - excel

I am trying to add check boxes to a simple data entry form (I didn't use VBA) to monitor defect types. The problem that I am facing right now is that if an user select more than one check box (there are 15 different check boxes options), I would like to see the chosen options in different cells. I was trying to use the following formula for the each of 15 options:
=if(a1=TRUE,"Name of the defect","")
and then using this other formula to see the name of the defect:
And this works fine if the person only selected only one defect type, but the problem is that if someone selects more than one type, it will appear: "Defect type1Defect type2". I was thinking to add commas but I would like to see those defect types in other cells instead of having all errors listed inside the same cell. What do you suggest me?


Excel - Data Validation Override

I'm working on a project for our fabrication warehouse. Currently, we have a system where the workers will type in what order they are working on their tablets and then the part numbers, dimensions, etc will all autofill based on a query of all currently open manufacturing orders...
Whenever we have a prototype or expedited part it won't show up in the query. I was wondering if anyone knew some VBA code (or simpler solutions) that would allow us to keep the current data validation but also give operators an option to override.
Example series of events:
1- operator receives and types in order number
2- msgbox pops up saying "this doesn't exist --- is this a prototype or expedited part?" (answer Y/N)
3- Override message pops up "are you sure xxxx is the correct part number" (operator selects yes)
4- data gets inputed as usual but requires manual entries for dimensions, parts used, etc.
psuedo code:
steps 1-3 : a series of if statements and message boxes guiding the decisions is not too difficult
step 4: where im getting tripped up... how would i unlock that row so they could have custom input for that order and then lock it again once they are finished.
Just a suggestion.
What if you add a non-protected column to the file (assuming that each row is a new entry and entry details are stored in columns).
So, one column with data validation and a warning with the text you mentioned.
And another column to enter the order number manually.

Multiple Dependent drop down list in excel/vba

I am trying to do sector classification for GICS sector. GICS structure consists of 11 sectors, 24 industry groups, 69 industries and 158 sub-industries. the below link gives the sector classfication
can i create a drop down list like the attached image using data validation and name range function ?
like this with a vba button to refresh
On the web there are many step-by-step guides to create interdependent validation drop-downs. This is one of them. Working your way through the instructions is serious work. To help you on your way I have created a starting point for you.
The picture shows a table named Industry_Groups. It has one column for each group, and in this column are listed all the industries in that group. Now you can create a drop-down with all the column captions which would enable you to select any of the industry groups. This drop-down would have the list specification
A dependent drop-down would have the list specification given below.
As you see, it takes the referenced table column name from cell A10, which is occupied by the first drop-down. Therefore the list in the second drop-down will change depending upon the selection in the first.
Of course, whatever can be selected in the second drop-down is nothing but the name of another list in another table. Each of them would name a table like the one shown above - literally hundreds of them. They have to be created before you can start on the programming.
Talking of programming, it seems that you tried to create a VBA based system that would generate the lists on the fly. No doubt that is possible but it would require some serious programming for which your attempts do not show an aptitude. The advantage of the system I show you here is that you can create and implement it with your own resources. You know, it's the story of the sparrow in your hand and the pigeon on the roof.

Filter a PowerApps Data source for BrowseGallery based on Sharepoint column

I am designing an asset management PowerApp which is based on a SharePoint Online list. It takes fields such as type of item (eg. laptop, server or printer etc.) and allows the user to currently filter based on a scanned barcode.
However I have now created a menu screen, which the user chooses whether they would like to search for a laptop or a server. This navigates them to a different screen depending on what they choose. I would like to filter the data source based on a value within the AssetType field. This is a multiple choice field that is either Laptops, Servers or Printers
The current formula for the BrowseGallery is SortByColumns(Filter(EquipmentInventory, StartsWith(Barcode, BarcodeScanner1.Value)), "Title", If(SortDescending1, Descending, Ascending))
I have tried SortByColumns(Filter(EquipmentInventory.ItemType == "Laptop", StartsWith(Barcode, BarcodeScanner1.Value)), "Title", If(SortDescending1, Descending, Ascending))
and also
SortByColumns(Search([#AssetType], BrowseScreen_SearchInput.Text in AssetType && AssetType.Value = "Laptops", "AssetType", If(SortDescending1, Descending, Ascending))
to try filter the data source to only show Laptops but I am getting an error of invalid arguments.
Once I can get this working, the expected result would be to have a filter on each screen, displaying Laptops on the laptops screen etc.
I would like each screen to display a BrowseGallery of its assets and then allow the user to still search based on barcode.
Any help greatly appreciated!
For the Filter formula try something like: Filter(EquipmentInventory, ItemType = 'Name of screen 1 item type selector'.Selected.ItemType.Value)
The error you are seeing is because the formula is trying to compare two items with different types. To test this, I usually like to add a label to my screen and test each part of the comparison to make sure the values are what I expect. For example, set the label text to be ItemType and the 'Name of screen 1 item type selector'.Selected.ItemType.Value part and make sure they show the same value.
Once you get the filter working, the SortByColumns part should work too!

Data Validation without Drop Down List

I'm wondering if it is at all possible to use Data Validation in Microsoft Excel (2007) without creating a Drop Down list.
I'm currently creating a seating plan for work. I want the user to have the ability to freely type in the name in a cell (Desk). There are 7 teams of approximately 10-12 people. so finding a name in a long list would take up too much time. however the name typed in the cell has to be be an exact match from a list stored else where in the spreadsheet. The reason for this is i use a formula to show if everyone has been seated or not.
if a name is typed in and its not an exact i would like for an error message to pop up.
Any ideas if this is even possible?
im open to VBA. but a complete noob when it comes to VBA.
Thanks in advance.
To get DV without the drop-down, use the Custom > Formula option. Here is an example:
Only the set defined by the formula will be accepted and no drop-down will appear when the cell is clicked.

Excel: Create a dropdown menu from a dynamic list without duplicates

The question pretty much says it I guess. For detailed information:
I have a range of cells (F3:F2000) in which there can be names filled in. I want to be able to count the amount of times, a name has been mentioned. I am doing this with =COUNTIF(...), which is not the problem and works perfectly fine. But I want to be able to have a cell with a dropdown menu in which you can choose from all names mentioned in F3:F2000. My approach so far is to create a dynamic list, and then use this for the dropdown menu. But obviously it just uses all the entries and therefore I get a bunch of the same names. So how do I remove the duplicates? I assume this has to be done in the dynamic list.
Here is my formula for the dynamic list:
And for those stuck with german excel like me :(, the german version:
Take a look at this posting, I think it answers your question.
