How to improve spark job performance in databricks - apache-spark

I am executing the below query on Databricks cluster. And storing the result into DBFS in parquet format.
Here set1_interim and set2_interim are also parquet files having 450 million records each.
select *
from set1_interim
union all
select *
from set2_interim
""").write.mode("overwrite").option("header", "true").option("delimiter","\t").parquet(s"${Interimpath}/unioned_interim")
But its taking so much of time to complete the job. If you see below picture out of 230 tasks 229 got completed soon. For last task it takes hours to complete.
DAG for this job.
In task page I can see this is running.
In executors all executors are alive. In running application I don't know what is Databricks Shell in Name.
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How can in make this job run faster. My cluster configuration are 1TB, 256 core.


Creating Dynamic Partitions in Hive is taking too much time

I have a parquet hive table which has date and hour as the partitioning columns. My spark job runs at an interval of 3 hours. Everytime it runs, it creates dynamic partitions. The job gets completed fast but the creation of partitions takes a lot of time. Is there any way by which we can fasten this process ?

Spark Sql Job optimization

I have a job which consist around 9 sql statement to pull data from hive and write back to hive db. It is currently running for 3hrs which seems too long considering spark abitlity to process data. The application launchs total 11 stages.
I did some analysis using Spark UI and found below grey areas which can be improved:
Stage 8 in Job 5 has shuffle output of 1.5 TB.
Time gap between job 4 and job 5 is 20 Mins. I read about this time gap and found spark perform IO out of spark job which reflects as gap between two jobs which can be seen in driver logs.
We have a cluster of 800 nodes with restricted resources for each queue and I am using below conf to submit job:
-- num-executor 200
-- executor-core 1
-- executor-memory 6G
-- deployment mode client
Attaching Image of UI as well.
Now my questions are:
Where can I find driver log for this job?
In image, I see a long list of Executor added which I sum is more than 200 but in Executor tab, number is exactly 200. Any explation for this?
Out of all the stages, only one stage has TASK around 35000 but rest of stages has 200 tasks only. Should I increase number of executor or should I go for dynamic allocation facility of spark?
Below are the thought processes that may guide you to some extent:
Is it necessary to have one core per executor? The executor need not be fat always. You can have more cores in one executor. it is a trade-off between creating a slim vs fat executors.
Configure shuffle partition parameter spark.sql.shuffle.partitions
Ensure while reading data from Hive, you are using Sparksession (basically HiveContext). This will pull the data into Spark memory from HDFS and schema information from Metastore of Hive.
Yes, Dynamic allocation of resources is a feature that helps in allocating the right set of resources. It is better than having fixed allocation.

Spark SaveAsTable takes lot of time

I am trying to perform few join on different hive table using Spark and trying to save the final table into hive as well.
The problem is SaveAsTable stage takes almost 12 minutes. Table has 16 million row.
There are two executors and total 64 tasks are created. The problem is all the task processes around 17 MB however the last task processes 250 MB of data.
I tried to do repartition to 264, however it creates the new stage after above stage. which is weird.

Spark concurrency performance issue Vs Presto

We are benchmarking spark with alluxio and presto with alluxio. For evaluating the performance we took 5 different queries (with some joins, group by and sort) and ran this on a dataset 650GB in orc.
Spark execution environment is setup in such a way that we have a ever running spark context and we are submitting queries using REST api (Jetty server). We are not considering first batch execution time for this load test as its taking little more time because of task deserialization and all.
What we observed while evaluating is that when we ran individual queries or even all these 5 queries executed concurrently, spark is performing very well compared to presto and is finishing all the execution in half the time than of presto.
But for actual load test, we executed 10 batches (one batch is this 5 queries submitted at the same time) with a batch interval of 60 sec. At this point presto is performing a lot better than spark. Presto finished all job in ~11 mins and spark is taking ~20 mins to complete all the task.
We tried different configurations to improve spark concurrency like
Using 20 pools with equal resource allocation and submitting jobs in a round robin fashion.
Tried using one FAIR pool and submitted all jobs to this default pool and let spark decide on resource allocations
Tuning some spark properties like spark.locality.wait and some other memory related spark properties.
All tasks are NODE_LOCAL (we replicated data in alluxio to make this happen)
Also tried playing arround with executor memory allocation, like tried with 35 small executors (5 cores, 30G) and also tried with (60core, 200G) executors.
But all are resulting in same execution time.
We used dstat on all the workers to see what was happening when spark was executing task and we could see no or minimal IO or network activity . And CPU was alway at 95%+ (Looks like its bounded on CPU) . (Saw almost similar dstat out with presto)
Can someone suggest me something which we can try to achieve similar or better results than presto?
And any explanation why presto is performing well with concurrency than spark ? We observed that presto's 1st batch is taking more time than the succeeding batches . Is presto cacheing some data in memory which spark is missing ? Or presto's resource management/ execution plan is better than spark ?
Note: Both clusters are running with same hardware configuration

increasing number of partitions in spark

I was using Hive for executing SQL queries on a project. I used ORC with 50k Stride for my data and have created the hive ORC tables using this configuration with a certain date column as partition.
Now I wanted to use Spark SQL to benchmark the same queries operating on the same data.
I executed the following query
val q1 = sqlContext.sql("select col1,col2,col3,sum(col4),sum(col5) from mytable where date_key=somedatkye group by col1,col2,col3")
In hive it takes 90 seconds for this query. But spark takes 21 minutes for the same query and on looking at the job, i found the issue was because Spark creates 2 stages and on the first stage, it has only 7 tasks, one each for each of the 7 blocks of data within that given partition in orc file. The blocks are of different size, one is 5MB while the other is 45MB and because of this stragglers take more time leading to taking too much time for the job.
How do i mitigate this issue in spark. How do i manually increase the number of partitions, resulting in increasing the number of tasks in stage 1, even though there are only 7 physical blocks for the given range of the query.
