The search option does not show on a mobile device using Housez theme - search

I decided to use the Housez theme as it advertises as super easy and flexible to use. I am not a web designer but have managed to get my site up and running. The problem I have is that there is no search option for the properties on a mobile device? The desktop version works well but how do I get a search box onto the mobile version?
The support from Housez is non existent, I have submitted a request to favetheme but they never reply.
Any help would be aprreciated.


Embedded bookmark in J2ME app

Does anyone know if this is possible in J2ME;
I want to have an app that simply launches a browser when opened and directs the browser to a specific web page.
If so, is it widely supported.
You can use javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet.platformRequest() to launch the browser on almost all phones that support JavaME. This article tells more about invoking platform services such as browser.

Developing Spotify apps on Linux

I just can't figure out where Spotify stores the apps on linux. There is nothing (as far as I can see) in ~/.spotify or ~/spotify.
The docs only seems to care about Macos and windows.
Any ideas?
Spotify stores apps from the App Finder in its own encrypted internal cache.
If you want to develop your own apps, once you're flagged as a developer you should be able to create ~/Spotify and put your own apps in it. They won't appear in the sidebar - you need to manually access them by typing spotify:app:<appname> into the search field.

What does the Automatic (Desktop vs Mobile) setting in the Kindle Fire Browser look for at a website?

The Kindle Fire browser has a Desktop or Mobile view mode setting, and the 3 choices are:
Automatic: Optimize for each website
Desktop: Optimize for desktop view
Mobile: Optimize for mobile view
My question is, when it's set to Automatic, what exactly is it looking for/keying off of on each website, to decide if it's a desktop optimized site or a mobile optimized site. I'm asking because I'd like to force it into one mode if a user has their Kindle set to Automatic.
Don't assume automatic is per-request. As you can imagine, Silk can figure out the most popular sites like every other mobile device manufacturer does. Then in the background Silk does A/B testing in order of the most popular sites to see if there is a difference. If there is, then the Silk team uses some proprietary techniques to decide which one is better for the Fire. For example, if the desktop site is full of Flash, then mobile is the obvious better choice. If the mobile site is less functional than the desktop site and the desktop site looks fine, then (based on judgement) the desktop site is better.
There is nothing you can do as a developer to force one or the other because, as you can imagine, that would allow developers to override what should be a user setting.
So, my best advice is to make your site like normal. If you want Fire users to use the desktop site then provide that behavior by sniffing out user-agent strings.
Does that provide clarity?

How to make Mobile version of website

I am looking for something that will help me learn how to set up my site so that when people go to it there is the regular version and the mobile version. Problem I am having is that most of the sites I see on google are pay sites that help you set that up. Can I just make two versions of my site and load them both on my hosting? Also how does it know when to load the mobile versus the regular? These are the types of things I am looking to learn, any suggestions of places to start?
Please please please make sure you do the following:
Only do a mobile version if it adds value.
If a user requests a deep link from a mobile device, don't redirect to the mobile home page
Allow the user to choose to view the full version
Make sure tablets such as the iPad uses the full version by default
Don't serve WML to the hi-res smartphones such as the iPhone
If your full sized website is unusable on a phone, consider tweaking it to be more suitable (don't print content text too wide).
Modern iPhones and iPads are perfectly capable of handling most full sized websites, there is little need for a mobile version unless it actually improves the user experience. I hate to get redirected to a baby interface that doesn't provide the information I need.
Good examples of mobile versions include:
Google website
Gmail website
Mediocre examples include:
Any blogpress site
Bad examples include
anything that uses WML
Here's Apple's advice on providing mobile versions to the iPad:
Note that the Safari on iPad user
agent string contains the word
"Mobile", but does not contain the
word "iPhone". If you are currently
serving mobile content to any browser
that self-identifies as "Mobile", you
should modify your user agent string
checks to look for iPad and avoid
sending it the wrong version of your
site. The version numbers in this
string are subject to change over time
as new versions of Safari on iPad
become available, so any code that
checks the user agent string should
not rely on version numbers.
Something to look into would be the #mobile css media type, which is used to load a different styles when loading in a mobile device. I am not sure which devices support it, but I imagine it would be most of the popular models. As far as your suggestion, you can certainly host two separate sites, but I would defiantly go through Alex's suggestions before you go through the trouble.
Alex had some good suggestions, but if you really want to serve up a specific version based on mobile or non-mobile you can take a look at the http header. In some cases the User Agent will give it away, but not always. Check out this link for details:

Developing a web site that can be accessed through mobile phone applications

I am developing a site that is tested only in Firefox and IE. Now I need to make the site accessible from mobile also.
So I need to know whether I need to calculate the time needed to shift the site. Is this created as a new application or the same application is modified?
When accessing from my mobile the design is entire changed. How is this done? Is it a separate application?
Whether or not you need to create a new application for mobile depends on the site you have. The website at my workplace could not possibly fit on a mobile phone screen (too many frames), but other sites that have a more adjustment-friendly layout might just need a little tweak.
I would test your site on a mobile browser emulator, there are a bunch of them listed on this site.
Also, you might consider switching your firefox's user agent (here) so you can browse popular site's mobile versions, along with the source they used to lay it out.
Usually different CSS templates chosen using UA string matching. My phone has a fairly fully enabled web browser on it, so I get the whole of stackoverflow the same.
Some phone browser may also "mobile optimise" the layout, or in the case of opera mini, it does it on opera's proxy server and then sends modified data to the phone.
Javascript support is more of a problem, expect it to be minimal in most cases, although it is getting better.
